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22.01.2022 IExceed has a new office!! Yay. So excited to be located in Lambton now with coffee shops down the road. Trying my hardest to create a lovely space for people to visit. I am not a designer but using what I have. Ha ha. The last 12 months has involved a lot of travel, working with groups, talking and presenting (I think I have grown to love my voice a little too much) and running workshops. Now I can work one on one again ( well as groups)..... in this beautiful space....... to help people understand their brain and teach them how they can play a role in creating positive brain pathways. Find iExceed on INSTAGRAM @iexceedrc #iexceed #privatepractice #resilience #buildaresilientbrain #grow #learn #act #implement #selfawareness #selfcare #help #psychology #psychologist #comeandvisit

19.01.2022 I just ate a banana!! That banana will now go on to be processed in my unconscious systems and provide vital communication to my brain and my body. My stomach will mash it up, my intestines will suck every last bit of nutritional value from its final stages of digestion, I will receive welcomed energy and a variety of messages that I will be unable to identify as "banana talk" but essentially this banana has spoken to me and I am left to ponder.......'Did I like what the ban...ana said?', 'Did it aggravate me', 'Did it hurt me?', 'Do I feel grateful for its feedback?'. You may be thinking....."Davinia has actually gone bananas" at this point......but the reality is that food is constantly communicating with us yet we most often ignore it, take it for granted, demonize it or even fear it. My relationship with food started when I was seven. I very clearly remember the day that I decided "I hate the way I look" and my consciousness targeted food as my method of control. Over the next 15 years I would go on to develop a series of eating disorders and food became the thing I hated, obsessed over, controlled, feared, lost control of and regretted. Food controlled my every move and my every thought. Food can start to control you.....I get it. Food can become scary when we are surrounded by mixed messages, new diet regimes, the new "magic seed". Should you be paleo, gluten-free, vegan, non dairy, low carb........???? Food can become the focus and often what is feared when food is only trying to be your friend. However, you keep rejecting it, ignoring it or taking it for granted. YET you continue to EXPECT that it will provide you with all of your nutrients, energy, clarity, and concentration...... WITHOUT your love, attention and care. My role as a Psychologist who is passionate about helping people to improve their health is NOT to say "start a new diet", "stop eating a particular food", BUT instead "start to listen". Start to pay attention to what the food is telling you. How did it make you feel? Where you bloated, in pain, tired? Or were you energised, content and focused? Of course food is not the only thing that contributes to the way we feel. BUT it is often the thing people take for granted. We expect to feel "crappy" after a bad day at work, yet we do not think that the plate of fried chips we just consumed at lunch time with the huge glass of coke MAY have contributed to that? All I am saying is start to listen to food, start to pay attention to its effects, tweak it, experiment with what your body and brain like best. Becomes friends. Like any good friend, you need to listen, pay attention, ask good questions, give back and recognise that there may come a time when you may need to part ways. The answers are literally within you. Instagram @iexceedrc #iexceed #resilience #foodobsessed #foodisnottheenemy #communicate #lovefood #foodanxiety #eatingdisorder #foodisyourfriend

16.01.2022 The last two months could be explained as two of the busiest, craziest, stretchiest (yes that is a new word!) and scariest months of my life. Yet at the same time I felt calm, excited and fulfilled. The last two months have seen me present and run workshops, co-present at workshops, present at an International conference, guest present on a podcast (coming soon) start new contracts with companies to help more people to build resilient brains, start a free workshop for Mums (...Continue reading

15.01.2022 FREE WORKSHOP for Mums: A mothers day gift for all the mothers out there that feel a little lost in their motherhood journey. Whether you are a new Mum or an expert in this Motherhood 'thing' this could be for you. This workshop is for mothers that feel lost, sad, confused, unhappy or just exhausted with their everyday 'busyness' and are unsure why or how to regain happiness and excitement in their day to day life. This workshop will help educate you, reconnect you and help y...ou understand how you can readjust and adapt to move forward in a positive direction. This is FREE but I would like to keep the numbers to a maximum of 20 so please make sure you register your place by clicking on the link below. See you there amazing Mums!!!! xoxo

15.01.2022 My birthday is coming up and in my usual fashion I have nothing planned, actually yes I do.....I am working! Ha ha. For some reason I have never really celebrated my birthdays. In fact, I had no 18th, no 21st, and no 30th. BUT I decided this year that when I turn 40 in 2019 I am going to do something big!! Now I just need to define 'big' and execute.....maybe I need an event planner! (note to self). The issue is, however, that I have had so many opportunities to engage in pl...ay and yet I decided not to do it. I decided it was too hard, too expensive, I was too busy and besides "others are busy too". As an introvert, I often prefer to play it safe, I prefer to be in bed by 9:30pm, I would rather a great book than a great bar, I LOVE my work and will schedule it above most other things (too many things maybe), I love talking with people and I love socialising but I also LOVE time alone. BUT lately, I have been questioning why I choose to leave out so much fun and play in my life? Why do I take life so seriously? Why don't I play more with the little things and celebrate the tiny wins? Why am I in such a hurry to figure things out? What if the most amazing and exciting moments are constantly passing me by because I choose to stay in my routine? I have no real philosophical ending to this post, other than, I am declaring more play and fun and less rigidity and criticism in my every day...... I might even go to bed at 10:30!!! As I write this I realise how my 'unplayfulness' becomes part of my children's life. They see 'rules' as black and white, they see options as good and bad, they see trying as failure and success, they see play as holidays and parties. I want my children to wake with delight in their eyes and curiosity in their brain and question how they will bring happiness and creativity to their day, moment by moment. I want them to question "is this the best way", "can I make this more enjoyable", "how can we play with this?". Less rules and rigidity starts with me, their Mum, and more fun, play and creativity starts with the everyday. So tonight when we brush our teeth, we may break into song and dance, we may act out our bedtime stories instead of just sitting quietly and reading, we may eat dinner with our hands and we may sleep in different rooms. This introvert, routine Mum is going to get loose!! Watch out. Find iExceed on Instagram @iexceedrc #iexceed #resilience #fun #play #routine #breakfree #laugh #joy #dontbesoserious #lifeisanadventure #createplay #breakroutine #explore #create #becurious #expand #openyoureyes

15.01.2022 The other day I was rushing to get my daughter to school on time.....yep just another regular day!! We waited patiently for the "lollipop man" to let us cross the road and I dropped Miss 6 to her classroom. It was a smooth transition...."Have a great day Mum, love you" I turned to leave the school my usual kick of adrenaline commenced......"Right are running late ....again!" As I proceeded to speed walk out of the school gates I realised that the...Continue reading

14.01.2022 Today is a new week, a new day, a new hour, a new minute, a new moment. Don't wait for tonight or tomorrow to stop, reconnect and rethink your plan of action. What will be the next thing that you do that allows you to take one tiny step forward? It may be walking up the stairs instead of taking the lift, it may be smiling and saying "Hi" to a colleague you usually avoid, it may be leaving a parting message of love with someone important to you or it may be choosing to say "no..." or it could be saying "yes"!! The important thing is that you are responding not reacting. Happy Monday everyone. Find iExceed on Instagram @iexceedrc #iexceed #resilience #resilienceiskey #stopthinkact #whatnext #why #respond #explore #grow #expand #adapt #takeonesmallstep #becurious

14.01.2022 Happy Easter!! I hope your day is filled with chocolate overload, friends, family, and laughter. xoxo Find iExceed on Instagram @iExceedrc... #iexceed #resilience #chocolate #chocolateoverload #nomoreeggsforme #Iamhappytonothaveeasterforanotheryear

14.01.2022 Happiness is....... Date nights with my family during the middle of the week. Buying the kids an ice cream and watching their faces from the moment of choosing the "perfect" flavour to licking the final drip that landed on their shirt and had patiently waited for its turn to be devoured.... Waking before the sunrise and sharing a coffee with my husband Time out with my husband dreaming about life and the plans we have as a family and as individuals Running near the ocean and spotting a dolphins tail as it flaps on the water as if to say "Good morning Davinia" Spending time with gorgeous friends that make me laugh for no apparent reason Watching and listening to my five-year-old as she HAS to tell me some very important news right when I have tucked her into bed for the night Going for late night walks with my 12 year old and watching him light up like a Christmas tree because "night time is his jam" Witnessing my 9 year old walk in the door after concurring a new fear, wide-eyed and with a huge smile she says "I want to do it again" Tasting my homemade coffee that I know how to prepare just right, to the perfect temperature in my own perfect space Happiness is.......everywhere and so often taken for granted (yep me too!). It helps to stop and reflect on the things that really do light you up. The things that make you smile from the inside out. The things that make you feel like you can concur the world. As I walked along the foreshore last night, with the beautiful night lights sparkling, my children giggling, my husband laughing and smiling back at me, I recogised that this was one of those magical moments that I would store in the memory box. BUT as I wake this morning and relive this memory, it was not solidified in my brain because it became a memory because I noticed it, I witnessed it, I felt it, I lived it. So often these moments pass us fact every day we experience magical moments yet we fail to catch them. Grab them, stretch them, step into them, experience them. Give your brain the opportunity to remember the positive. Help it to balance the experience of life. Now......go grab your magical moments.....write about them .....share them them. Have an amazing day!!!! Find iExceed on Instagram @iexceedrc #iexceed #resilience #happiness #findhappiness #howcanIfindhappiness #noticeyourlife #lifeishappening #stopandlookaround #reflect #happinessis

11.01.2022 As my daughter lay paralysed in her bed sobbing with despair, fear and confusion about her "news day" that was approaching, I asked her "What do you think will happen if you tell your news in front of the class?". At this point I failed to realise that trying to "talk" through her fears was pointless. Her brain was in full fledged protective mode. Her "thinking brain" had been turned down and her stress brain had been turned up. She did not care about the why, what, when or h...Continue reading

11.01.2022 Check out our 'Early Bird' sales until 4th May 2018. Amazing prices for those of you that are ready to say Yes!!

10.01.2022 One of the things I love most about what I do is the fact that I can grow and learn alongside my clients. As I ask my clients questions, explore their dialogue, educate them in the world of neuroscience, help them to slide their perspective and build and implement new coping strategies.......I am right there beside them listening to my own questions and asking myself, What do I need to do to improve, change, grow and adapt? Each day and every therapy session I hear questions ...come out of my mouth that I need to pay attention too. I feel so incredibly fortunate that I chose a profession that filters into every area of my life. ........ my friends and family however, may not feel quite so passionate about this!!! A gorgeous friend of mine was over for dinner the other night when I heard myself say "I can hear that love is in your intention, Do you think love is in your action?". I know, I know, my poor friends!!! BUT as I said, when this came out I realised that the message required MY attention and action. How did I want to show my family that I loved them? What were the actions that would deliver this message? How do I act with love? I realised that although I LOVE my family and friends, I expected that the love in my intentions would automatically be displayed in my actions. However, when I stopped and unpacked it, I realised that there were many times that they did not match. I realised that there are times when my husband arrives home from work and I am distracted with dinner and fail to stop and acknowledge him. I assume that he knows that I love him but my actions could say otherwise. I realise that there are times when my children try to talk to me and I am "busy" doing work. I assume they know that I love them but my actions could say otherwise. I realise that there are times when I "hurry" my kids out the door to school so they arrive on time. I assume they know that I love them but my actions could say otherwise. I realise there are times when I fail to catch up with friends because my schedule is crazy. I assume they know that I love them but my actions could say otherwise. I realise that I am human and I cannot always get it right, nor do I believe that every action has to display love. It is purely about checking in with my intentions and my actions and recognising when I am off course... then adjusting my sails and reconnecting with the moment. Today I am spreading some love!! Happy Wednesday!! Find iExceed on Instagram @iexceedrc #iexceed #resilience #love #intention #action #dotheymatch #whatwillyoudonext #whatwouldlovedo #howwouldyoushowlove #dotheyknowwhatyouknow #whatisyourmessage #loveyou #selflove #motherhood #parenting #growth #expand #adapt #learn

10.01.2022 When I hear "Davinia would you like to try......" I don't even need to hear the end of the sentence because I have already said "yes yes yes!!!" in my mind. My nature is to be open to trying new things and saying yes to opportunity, but as 2018 ticks over I realise that my constant "yes" is feeling more like an obligation than an option. I absolutely LOVE stretching myself and growing and learning in the process, but there has to be a boundary. A boundary that defines who I a...m, what I love, what I want to achieve, how I want to help, where I want to that I know what is a "yes" and what is a "no thank you". In the past few months I have had to learn to say "no thank you" and "hmmm that's not for me" or even "I do not think we are a good fit". Man, this was hard!. Now I realise that "trying new things" is not something that I need to limit or stop but instead redirect. Learning to walk away from something or someone because it does not serve me, help me, feel right, light me up or allow me to trying something new. This is my NEW NEW!!!! This is my new opportunity to create a new space for me and my family. This is a new opportunity to soak up the skills and lessons that are wanting to expand and burst out of me. This is a new opportunity to go deep with my knowledge and practice. So today as I hear myself say "no thank you", I will walk away with a smile and contentment that I am growing, learning and expanding. Find iExceed on Instagram @iexceedrc #iexceed #resilience #expand #sayno #sayyes #whatdoyouwant #whatdoyouneed #whatdoyoulove #walkaway #believe #tryingnewthings #trynewthings #love #expanding #godeep

09.01.2022 I constantly hear myself say I wish I could slow down time. I walked into the waiting room to greet a client the other day and I was sincerely shocked that my client was back again, Did I really see you a week ago? I askedyep it sure was she responded. I do not think I have felt quite that shocked about the reality of a week passing, and I mean REALLY shocked!! I sat there staring at her for what felt like minutes (let's hope for her sake it truly was not!!) ...think...Continue reading

08.01.2022 The weirdest thing happens when Easter Eggs enter my house. I become obsessed!! There is seriously something amazing about biting into a hollow egg of chocolate. I eat chocolate all the time, but nothing ever comes close to a Chocolate Easter Egg. You would think I would have learnt my lesson by now......nope, this year I did it again! I promised myself that I would only have one because after all, the eggs would not divide evenly amongst the kids, so I better fix that up! O...f course one led to many. Stupidly, I replaced them, and then started the whole process again. Now I need to replace them again!! My issue now is, do I do it again in case the eggs sell out before Easter? or do I leave it to the last minute and hope for the best? Man, what a dilemma!! Surely I am not the only one that does this....... Find iExceed on Instagram @iexceedrc #iexceed #resilience #ilovechocolate #chocolateeastereggs #eastereggsarethebest #iamaddictedtochocolateeggs #stopme #guilty #chocaholic #bad #cannotstop

08.01.2022 On Sunday I turn into a Ninja. I wait for my family to become distracted and I sneak out of the house to do grocery shopping alone. Ohhh the bliss! Enjoy this beautiful sunny winters day. Find iExceed on Instagram @iexceedrc... #iexceed #resilience #shoppingbliss #nochildrennoworries #shoppingdreams #delightful #Iamgoingonholiday #holidayfeels #bliss #thejoysofparenting #ninjawarrior #ninja

07.01.2022 I felt so incredibly privileged to be invited as a guest on "Up For A Chat" Podcast with Cyndi O'Meara, Carren Smith and Kim Morrison, discussing the brain and sleep. These ladies have developed an amazing wellness podcast that covers every topic under the wellness spectrum. Check it out. Thankyou for having me lLadies !!!!!

05.01.2022 Why are we so quick to complain, yet slow to encourage or compliment? Think about it.......most of your day things are working, in fact many amazing moments are happening around you each and every the car that is perfectly manufactured and happened to start instantly AGAIN this morning, the coffee that the barista made was perfectly heated and tasted great, the shelves were fully loaded and a vast array of food was available for purchase when you went to...Continue reading

04.01.2022 Then one day she realised That adventure was all around That life was what she made each day The moments she could stop and hear the sound... #iexceed #dreamsbeyondthesea #resilience #trainyourbrain #psychology #psychologist #selfhelpbook #mindfulness #pictureandworkbook #stopandlookaround #mums #dads #parents

02.01.2022 It's sounds easy but creating awareness around your thoughts and filtering through the unhelpful dialogue can be a tough gig. If this seems overwhelming at times. Try to talk through what is on your mind with someone you trust or a professional. Talking through your issues can help engage the "smart" brain, assisting you to look at the issue with a different perspective, new options and new hope. Find iExceed on Instagram at iexceedrc #iexceed #resilience #stress #chooseonethoughtoveranother #curiosity #investigate #move #getoutside #sunshine #mum #parenting #schoolholidaystress #selfhelp #anxiety #newcastlensw #psychologist #talk #trust #hope

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