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IgniteLife Church Gold Coast in Gold Coast, Queensland | Religious organisation

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IgniteLife Church Gold Coast

Locality: Gold Coast, Queensland

Phone: +61 414 761 437

Address: Unit 1b, 53-57 Link Drive 4207 Gold Coast, QLD, Australia


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25.01.2022 Well... we prayed!

25.01.2022 It was great fun!

24.01.2022 We were among the many who prayed, God answered!

24.01.2022 At Sunday Connect yesterday, Christie led us in communion with a reminder that communion has past, present and future significance. In One-Minute Pastor we recalled the exhortation of the writer of Hebrews that we should not cease meeting together because of some kind of discouragement. Indeed, we are encouraged to meet more often as the return of Jesus gets closer and closer. Dougall and Angus provided delicious croissants for our community time. Thank you! Our discussion took up the subject of marriage, a two-part series. We learnt that the longest marriage in modern times was nearly 91 years and that long marriages recognised by the Guinness Book of Records exceed 80 years. We reviewed data on marriage in Australia, discussed Old Testament law concerning divorce and considered the high view of marriage held by Jesus. He recalled that God only permitted divorce under the law when a wife 'displeased' her husband (which implies some kind of behaviour similar to, but not as serious as adultery), that the husband had to give the wife a certificate of divorce (which enabled her to remarry - a protection for women in the culture of the time). He explained that divorce was God's response to the 'hardness of your hearts', in other words, the weakness of human character. We also dispelled three myths: the divorce rate is not 50%, it's more like 30%; marriage is not an outdated institution, most Australians think it is important; the rate of divorce among seriously committed Christians is not the same as it is among the general population, it's much lower. You can listen to the discussion point here. See more

23.01.2022 The second part of the marriage series is now available. This part focuses on the purpose of marriage from a biblical perspective. Ps Rod also presented some real world data to back up the biblical perspective.

22.01.2022 IgnitEd for this week is available now!

22.01.2022 If you missed Sunday Connect, you can listen to the Discussion Point on Soundcloud (click below) or iTunes. Ps Rod shared about a word from God that he has been thinking about for over decade.

22.01.2022 Tomorrow our discussion point will continue on marriage. I can guarantee that you'll be shocked by some of the data I have to share with you and I guarantee that you'll learn something about the biblical basis for marriage that you did not know. I think this series is one of the most important I have ever spoken on and I really do hope you can make it to church. Bring a friend too.

22.01.2022 Last week's discussion point is now available. Ps Rod addressed the very difficult issue of suicide.

22.01.2022 You'll love this camp. Ask Ps Rod for details or register below.

21.01.2022 Today Jeanette and I took some time out to study the Bible and pray. We had the company of a magpie family and a bush turkey. There were some beautiful flowers to enjoy too. @ Tamborine Mountain Botanic Gardens

21.01.2022 IgnitEd, our weekly newsletter, is now available after a short break over the Christmas-New year period. Read about arrangements for this Sunday, 10 January, our recent Alex Family Camp, and our revamped website.

21.01.2022 It is worth taking few minutes to read this article and test your thinking against a biblical worldview.

20.01.2022 We have not uploaded a Discussion Point from Sunday Connect for a while now as we have felt led by the Holy Spirit to focus on messages specifically for the people in attendance. We are back to delivering messages that have broader application than just those attending on a Sunday. This Discussion Point explains the 'Three Greats' that guide the corporate life of IgniteLife Church Gold Coast.

20.01.2022 Join us next Wednesday for our monthly prayer meeting for October. Our special focus for the evening will be the upcoming QLD State Election. Join us 7:30-8:15pm in person at the IgniteLife Community Hub or online via Zoom (Message us for the link).

20.01.2022 Join thousands of Christians from around the Asia-Pacific on Wednesday 30 September at 6 PM for the Concert of Prayer. Revival is coming!

20.01.2022 We would love you to join us this Sunday 1st November for Mission Sunday. This special service will also include an offering to help IgniteLife Mission's response to the Covid-19 pandemic in Uganda. If you are unable to make it to the service but would still like to give please contact us for bank details.

19.01.2022 Join us this Tuesday 7:30-8:30pm for our monthly church prayer meeting. You can join us in person at our Link Drive building or via Zoom using this link

18.01.2022 If you are waiting for an answer from God, this Life Blog, by Tamara Dix, will encourage you.

18.01.2022 The Skit Guys are still entertaining families daily. I love what these guys do.

18.01.2022 IgnitEd, our weekly newsletter, is now available.

18.01.2022 Ps Jeanette shared in One-Minute Pastor at Sunday Connect yesterday. You can speak to your mountain! Read what she said in one minute here.

18.01.2022 Please note: There is no Sunday Connect this Sunday, 10 January, owing to the Greater Brisbane COVID-19 lockdown. For details please refer to the Queensland Government media release.

18.01.2022 Napoleon and Epi Siolo are opening EPIC Pacific Polynesian Cuisine at Shop 4/21, Coomera Grand Drive, Upper Coomera this weekend. You might see us there!

18.01.2022 861 bottles worth 10 cents each. $86.10 towards Juliette’s salary at Ignite Life School in Gweri, Uganda. Thanks for drinking eligible beverages! When I told the guy sorting why we collect bottles, he said, ‘F..., that’s good.’

17.01.2022 Weekly news from IgniteLife Church Gold Coast -

17.01.2022 'People with a victim mindset view an obstacle as an unfair challenge, while the latter view obstacles as an opportunity to overcome.' You'll be challenged and encouraged by this article.

17.01.2022 Watch this and be inspired to emulate this wonderful man's wisdom.

16.01.2022 Sometimes we have to stand our ground. Here is an article that will help us to stand.

16.01.2022 A message for our time.

16.01.2022 Check out the latest news from IgniteLife Church Gold Coast -

16.01.2022 If you are wondering about the concerns held by some people regarding statistical anomalies in the recent United States election, you might find John Anderson's latest interview informative. It runs for over an hour, so you'll need a cup of coffee.

16.01.2022 We are featuring a One-Minute Pastor spot in Sunday Connect. You can read this in one minute!

16.01.2022 The content of this article is disturbing, but it is important to those of us who oppose abortion 'on demand'.

16.01.2022 Our women had coffee and dessert last night and heard an amazing testimony of God’s redemptive power from Helen. Thanks to local business Oven Fresh Bakery Ormeau for the scrumptious treats!

15.01.2022 This is truly inspired advice on what Christians should do after an election. It’s well worth reading.

15.01.2022 Here is our latest One-Minute Pastor blog. Really, it won't take more than a minute to read!

14.01.2022 Here is the last of the discussion point series on the rapture. Take heed of the warnings at the end about allowing our focus on end times to take our focus off the need for action in the here and now.

14.01.2022 Last Sunday we were blessed to have Craig O'Sullivan speak at Sunday Connect. His topic was forgiveness. His message was timely. It was both challenging and encouraging. Forgiveness is one of the most powerful 'weapons' the Christian has. Unforgivenss is a death sentence. As Craig reminded us, 'Unforgiveness is like taking poison and hoping the other person will die'. You can listen to Craig's discussion point here or on iTunes.

14.01.2022 This interview is worth reading. There is a beautiful story of love here.

13.01.2022 I'm sure many of us heard prophecies about the outcome of the recent United States elections. I have been watching things closely and it is still possible, but improbable, that the incumbent president will be declared officially as the winner. However, at this time, many are questioning the accuracy of the prophets, especially those who declared that President Trump would win in a landslide. Many of those prophets also prophesied about COVID-19 ending after passover and have ...been proven wrong. The voting system in the United States is much more complex than it is in Australia where we have a robust system managed by the Australian Electoral Commission. In the United States systems differ by state and both governors and the judiciary sometimes make decisions 'on the run' in the lead up to or during an election. Voting is also voluntary. In the United States voter suppression occurs in every election. (Voter suppression occurs when the conditions for voting are made so onerous that voters don't bother voting - e.g. having polling stations located inconveniently, or (in the past) imposing a literacy test). At most elections there are also allegations of errors or outright fraud. There are, indeed, some statistical anomalies in the recent election, especially in the 'swing' states. One such example is large blocks of ballot papers where voters only indicated their preference for President and had not voted for the House or Senate or Governor. This is unusual because most voters usually vote 'down the line' - they vote for their preferred party in all elections on the ballot paper. These anomalies ought to be investigated, but they might have good explanations since the elections were held in an unusual year of pandemic and civil unrest. In other words, there were a lot of anomalies in 2020. I have not read or seen anything much from prophets who are apologising for mistakes. They might have, but just not received coverage by Christian media. Of course, any prophet can make a mistake (1 Corinthians 13:9) and there is no shame in that.(Although I didn't share this with anyone, I felt that God had shown me that the LNP would win the recent Queensland state election by 13 seats. I was just plain wrong!) I would be saddened if people felt discouraged or let down by the prophets. And I would be saddened if any of them became so discouraged that they abandoned their faith. I don't think God intends that we allow or mistakes or what is happening in the world to discourage or depress us. Years ago, a good friend of mine, Justin Lippiatt, made a simple but wise statement: Praise your way to victory. I've never forgotten that advice. Let's focus on God, let's praise Him, knowing that the ultimate victory is His (and ours, through Jesus Christ our Saviour and Lord). The article below addresses the issue of error by prophets and I recommend it to you. Ps Rod

13.01.2022 Hi everyone. I connected with my good friend in the business world, Wes Leake, from Business Blessings, to talk about the Federal Budget. You can access our conversation here.

13.01.2022 '... (It) is permitted to leave an electric appliance running during the Sabbath and to use a timer to automatically turn an appliance on or off, as long as the timer is set before the Sabbath.' (From the JPS Guide to Jewish Traditions, published on Is the Sabbath a command to which we are bound or a promise to which we are invited? Join us for Sunday Connect tomorrow at 9:30 when our discussion point will focus on the Sabbath.

13.01.2022 At Sunday Connect yesterday, Dougall led our discussion point. His take-home message was that love motivates us as Christians. He illustrated some of the ways in which Christian love can impact the world around us. You can listen here or find the podcast on iTunes.

12.01.2022 Last Sunday's discussion point focused on the power of our words. When Jesus declared that nobody would ever eat the fruit of the fig tree again, its roots immediately withered and it died. When the disciples asked Him about the incident, Jesus assured them that words backed by faith could even move mountains. You can listen to the discussion point here or look for it on iTunes.

11.01.2022 Look at the birds. They don’t plant or harvest or store food in barns, for your heavenly Father feeds them. (Matthew 6:26a) In this case my parents are God’s agents, providing a wheat meal biscuit morning and evening.

11.01.2022 Here’s an idea for a family outing.

10.01.2022 Hi everyone, just letting you know that the audio of today's discussion point is now available by clicking below or searching iTunes. Thank you to all those who were able to join us today. If you missed Sunday Connect, have listen to this. If you did join us, listen again!

10.01.2022 This is worth reading if you are interested in politics and the church in the United States.

10.01.2022 Read the latest IgniteLife news here -

09.01.2022 Men's Connect Group is on tonight! Deadline for RSVP is midday today. Phone Ps Rod on 0414761437.

09.01.2022 Don’t forget ‘Bedtime Bible Stories’. They’re free from the Skit Guys and will make you smile during the COVID-19 pandemic. A good family resource.

09.01.2022 Do be sure to come along to Connect this Sunday. We have a very special guest, one who has travelled to many parts of the world and entertained thousands, who has written and produced variety shows, who performed in Jesus Christ Superstar and The Rocky Horror Show, and who has worked in the West End (London). A star was born when he was contracted to Young Talent Time nearly 50 years ago and a star was born again when he accepted Jesus as his Lord and Saviour. Bring a friend and be inspired by a story of show biz success, marred by mental illness, and a life in the process of restoration by a loving, forgiving God. Our guest just might sing for us too!

08.01.2022 Worth reading. You'll be encouraged. Thanks, Barbara, for alerting us to it.

08.01.2022 I think Bishop Mattera has a point here. His characterisation of entertainers could easily apply to politicians.

08.01.2022 Do you take prescribed medication? Find out in one minute why that's OK.

08.01.2022 We have collected 5955 cans so far this year. Each can contributes towards paying Juliet's wage. Juliet is teaching at one of IgniteLife's schools in Kampala, Uganda. We love that the simple and easy act of collecting cans makes a big difference in lives of others!

08.01.2022 Yesterday at Sunday Connect Ps Rod spoke about the recent ACC Queensland and Northern Territory State Conference and summarised the addresses by State President, Ps John Hunt and National President, Ps Wayne Alcorn. He also addressed issues concerning how to vote as a Christian in the Queensland State Election.

07.01.2022 Jesus is our peace.

06.01.2022 Another trip to the recyclers. We pay the salary of a teacher at the Ignite Life School in Gweri, Uganda using this money.

06.01.2022 Join us tonight in person or online via Zoom as we pray for tomorrow's state election. Zoom link in comments.

05.01.2022 It’s Mission Sunday tomorrow! We’ll have an update on Uganda and the effects of COVID-19 on the Ignite Life churches and ministries there. We’ll take up a special offering for Ignite Life Missions. In our community time, we’ll enjoy some specially prepared African food. Ps Rod will teach on the biblical basis for mission. And, yes, it goes all the way back to Genesis. Don’t miss it!

05.01.2022 We were moved by Michael McCullough's testimony at Sunday Connect last week.His story is quite remarkable. You can listen again here.

04.01.2022 Tomorrrow at IgniteLife Church Gold Coast, Unit 1b, 53-57 Link Drive, Yatala. For more information, contact Ps Rod on 0414761437.

04.01.2022 Thank you, COVID-19.

04.01.2022 'Your people are pillars.' That was part of a prophecy spoken over IgniteLife Church last year. Listen here (or on iTunes) for what Ps Rod said about it at Sunday Connect.

03.01.2022 Deadline for RSVP is tomorrow, 28 September.

03.01.2022 What does it mean for a Christian to 'redeem the time'? You can find out in one minute.

03.01.2022 IgnitEd is now available for this week. If you are not on our email list, just as Ps Rod and he will ensure that you are added.

02.01.2022 One small nut caused a helicopter crash. One small thought can cause us to crash too.

02.01.2022 Here is our latest newsletter.

01.01.2022 I mentioned the idea of dominion at Sunday Connect. This article is worth reading.

01.01.2022 Here is the discussion point from last week's Sunday Connect. In this discussion point, Ps Rod focuses on the abomination of desolation.

01.01.2022 What does the story of Joseph in Genesis have to say about responses to the COVID pandemic? Read Ps Rod's latest blog to find out.

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