Ignite Your Divine Voice | Community
Ignite Your Divine Voice
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23.01.2022 Lelama Sjamar shares about the beautiful gift Light Language is to change the vibration inside your self or in the room or space around you. When you feel uncomfortable, sad, angry, or you walk into a space where others are squabbling, opening your sacred vibrational Light Language from within your heart will change the energy to bring love, understanding, inspiration!!!! So powerfully and so easily. Find out more and have a sweet experience by listening here
22.01.2022 Welcome to your magic, your freedom to explore, to give, transmit divine energy, with a joyful open mind and heart. Love to see you there!
22.01.2022 Our beloved sister and teacher Qala, thank you for beginning the magical journey of bringing out of the Mystery, out of the vast Field of Presence, the names / mantras that connect each student in the School to their Divine Presence, their Infinite Love and Wisdom and the Sacred Mission work of this Presence, the Keepership... We can't wait to discover the beautiful lineages of students that are in this Golden Sun Pod, ready to embark on a year long sacred journey! Thank you,... beautiful, for all that you have brought to the Earth - more Love, Peace, Harmony, Empowerment, Enlightenment to Humanity! We are honoured and humbled to be able to work here with you and an amazing group of students, guides and teachers to bring through the New Lineage of Self Mastery Schools. Truly an amazing and powerful journey to turn our life around and bring the mastery of our being out of us, into the world. If it is your call to raise the vibration in your mind, your body, your heart and soul, to be truly aligned to your sacred purpose for being here now, I invite you to connect with the self mastery school of divine voice. The Real Deal!
21.01.2022 Beloved Ones, We open our heart in invitation for you to join us in this beautiful and powerful pilgrimage in Peru and Bolivia, to open your most deep connection to the Earth Mother and come home to your true essence whilst you are here on the earth. Check the webpage for more information, or message here, and we are happy to answer any questions or support you to register... All our love to you!
20.01.2022 Beloved Ones, AmaYa and Lelama invite you on this very special journey into the Heart of Mother Gaia, to open your Gaia Channel, to receive energy from the Earth, to come home into the Earth, to source sacred sounds, energy and consciousness that you can give and feed into your life and all life around you. A Sacred Journey where you will receive divine dispensations of the Suns and Moons, the Inner Earth Guardians and the Holy Mother, assisting you to come into a new conne...ction with Creation and your Path on Earth. This journey is offered in two parts: Part 1. 9 - 18 September from Cusco to Machu Picchu, the Sacred Valley and back to Cusco. Part 2. 18 - 22 September from Cusco to Lake Titicaca and the Island of the Sun and Moon. You can join us for part 1 or for both parts. IF YOUR HEART CALLS YOU, REGISTER YOUR INTEREST NOW, SO YOU WILL RECEIVE A MORE DETAILED PROGRAM AND REGISTRATION DETAILS. All our love to you, Lelama and AmaYa
20.01.2022 Lelama Sjamar at Yummy Studios for A Sacred Sound Experience tonight Monday 4 Feb at 7 pm.
20.01.2022 Next Saturday we are in Vienna singing up the people, the land, the Heart of the Great Mother and the Universe.... Join Andeo and myself and beautiful brothers and sisters for this special evening! Sing you there!
18.01.2022 LELAMA SJAMAR and YAMALA, MOTHER OF CREATION OFFER YOU A GIFT OF TWO 1 HOUR LIVE WEBINARS 1. OPEN TO THE POWER OF WHAT ONE SOUND CAN DO - LEARN TO CREATE ONE SOUND THAT WILL CHANGE YOUR ENERGY COMPLETELY. Do you feel restless or tired or disconnected? When it is the right sound, coming from the right place, One Sound can bring divine energy through you, so you feel full and supported again. In this moment where the Sun stands still and the Light takes a turn, you may draw on ...the Power of the Earth Spirit to Nourish your Body, Heart and Voice. FRIDAY, 21 DECEMBER 2018 08:00 AM Sydney, Australia - 20 Dec 16:00 PM New York - 20 Dec 22:00 PM Central Europe. To convert the date & time to your own time zone. TO JOIN THE WEBINAR PLEASE REGISTER IN ADVANCE, FOLLOW THIS LINK: https://zoom.us/m/register/b667992fa9ad734a7c24e00bf0acd2b8 Upon registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. Upon completion of the webinar you will receive the recording. 2. OPEN TO THE POWER OF WHAT ONE SOUND CAN DO - LEARN TO CREATE ONE SOUND THAT WILL TAKE YOU INTO STILLNESS AND PEACE Does your mind feel overwhelmed by all the energies happening around you? One Sound can open your mind and consciousness, so you may connect with the Divine Energy of your Divine Presence. You may draw in the Power of the Central Sun, the Flame in the Heart of the Christ Planes, to Still your Mind and open a place of Peace in your Heart. MONDAY 24 DECEMBER 2018 08:00 AM Sydney, Australia - 23 Dec 16:00 PM New York - 23 Dec 22:00 PM Central Europe. To convert the date & time to your own time zone, you may use the Time Zone Converter Tool TO JOIN THE WEBINAR PLEASE REGISTER IN ADVANCE, FOLLOW THIS LINK: https://zoom.us/m/register/7a88f0abc6e0f39434538d7d4481ef37 Upon registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. Upon completion of the webinar you will receive the recording. FEEL FREE TO SHARE THIS WITH YOUR LOVED ONES AND FRIENDS WWW.SELFMASTERYSCHOOLOFDIVINEVOICE.COM
16.01.2022 May the Wesak Blessings of Light and Love pour forth into your life, into your being! For all who are joining the Self Mastery School of Divine Voice, Wesak will also be the marked beginning of our amazing one year journey! Thank you so much for this very clear and inspiring sharing, Mareesha! We all wish to receive the Wesak Blessings now! Whether Live with us in New York, or in the sweet comfort of your own home, receiving the Wesak Ceremony (3 hours on 18 May) or the whol...e 3 Day Wesak Blessings of Love, Grace and Empowerment (17, 18 19 May), this is Truly a powerful Gift for you if you are called to open to the Light within your being and the Light within all Beings. If your heart wishes to make a difference on the Earth here, Wesak is a powerful infusion of Light so you can fulfil all your beautiful intentions and service projects this coming year. We love to share with you all, in Soul Family, this beautiful Spiritual New Year Celebration. See more
16.01.2022 We are getting ready for a powerful journey with Lelama in NEW PALTZ - NEW YORK, USA DIVINE VOICE BLESSING - Evening on 28 APRIL - with Anjahlia and Ama'zjhi Dona Ho!!! IGNITE YOUR DIVINE VOICE WORKSHOP - 2 days on 29 + 30 APRIL This is a Golden Opportunity to connect with the Power of your Sacred Sound and Soul Language to Balance your Feminine and Masculine Energies, so you may freely give and receive Abundantly in full Trust! Come join me if you feel called - your Heart ...Knows! You can post your interest here or contact Kate Anjahlia Loye or Dona Ho Lightsey - Love to sing you and see you there! Blessings, Lelama See more
15.01.2022 Beloved ones, This is a taste of what you may connect with in the SELF MASTERY SCHOOL OF DIVINE VOICE, a one year online training to open your Divine Voice and connect to your Spiritual Power, so you may birth the Sacred Sound and Language of your Higher Self to channel truth and offer Shamanic Healing. From January 2018 till February 2019! If you are interested let me know - website will be launched in June on TheSiriusLibrary.com... But first NEW YORK in two weeks!!! Love you All!
15.01.2022 ‘Your Voice is not your own. It is God’s gift to you, to share your True Self with the World.’
14.01.2022 We welcome you all, beautiful Sydney Soul Family, to join us on Monday for a special Intimate evening that will Blow your Mind!!! Love you!
14.01.2022 Beloved Soul Family in Netherlands!!! The last moment of connecting with the power of Sacred Sound en the Divine Voice in 2016 with me for the Celebration of the Light on Solstice - 21 DECEMBER - A SONIC STREAM IN AMSTERDAM 22 DECEMBER - IGNITE YOUR DIVINE VOICE WORKSHOP IN AMERSFOORT You hear the calling in your heart! Come join us! We love you and wish you many many blessings for the turning of the cycles of light!
12.01.2022 Lelama Sjamar shares How Light Language is such an easy, accessible medium. The transmissions of the Light of your Soul live inside every soul's heart, and have the power to change the vibration of your thoughts, feelings so easily. Opening your heart to the Love and Truth of your Soul so swiftly, and changing the neurons, pathways in your brain, the cells of your body, all this is possible, when we open to the true power of the sacred Light Language and bring it out of us into the field around us, into our relationships with life.
12.01.2022 For all our loving Soul Family around the World... feel free to share!
12.01.2022 Today we talk with Azraella and Lelama Live on Facebook, about the Power of Sacred Sound to create, change and enhance your personal and professional life!! Come join us!
11.01.2022 One Sound is all it takes... to embark on the grand journey of Igniting your Power of Create with your Word, your Energy, your Consciousness... Lelama Sjamar shares...
11.01.2022 Aloha beloveds, just on our way to the Heart Space Manor for our beautiful night of Sacred Sound and Pure Love. Looking forward to be with you all! Joining us?Aloha beloveds, just on our way to the Heart Space Manor for our beautiful night of Sacred Sound and Pure Love. Looking forward to be with you all! Joining us?
10.01.2022 A Unique Experience - The Power of Divine Voice After years of traveling around our beautiful Mother Earth to ignite the Portals and Beings with her Divine Voice and the Sacred Sound Currents of Creation, Lelama is in Byron, offering an evening of RECEIVING AND RELAXING and EXPERIENCING THE POWER OF SOUND THAT LIVES WITHIN YOU!!! Come Join Us!
09.01.2022 Such a precious way to save the day! Open your Sound, your Divine Voice and your energy shifts, your heart opens, your mind calms down, your focus becomes a dance upon the world stage of love and truth. Join us tomorrow Mon 11 Feb in Byron, if you too would like to free your energy! We'd love to see you there!
07.01.2022 Aloha beloved Soul Family World Wide, It has been an amazing 3 months starting 2017 - with a few months of Inner Plane connections in the magical forest of Rosebank, Australia, to begin the creation of a one year training, the Self Mastery School of Divine Voice that will be launched in January 2018, and recently 2 powerful workshops in London and Paris, I am now preparing for a WONDERFUL WORKSHOP IN NEW YORK, on 28-30 APRIL. IGNITE YOUR DIVINE VOICE - BALANCE YOUR MASCULINE AND FEMININE ENERGIES, SO YOU FREELY GIVE AND RECEIVE IN ALL ABUNDANCE AND TRUST! If you like to join me all you beautiful New York/New Paltz family, I'd be happy to journey with you. New Shamanic Journeys and a Divine Voice Blessing evening event are all part of the amazing three days. Hope to see you there! Love you all, Lelama
06.01.2022 Aloha beloved Ones, Here is a lovely read about the Divine Voice...
04.01.2022 A gentle message from Mother Gaia ...
04.01.2022 A little intro to A Sacred Sound Experience with Lelama in Byron Bay at Yummy Studios Come join us if you would like to discover how you can energise your self with your own voice and your Soul’s Divine Language.
03.01.2022 Beloved Ones of the Earthly Planes, This is a beautiful journey and simple practice that assists you to Open to the Power of One Sound, and how creating One So...und, from the right place, with the right intention, can change your Energy completely! If you would like to learn how to Ignite your Divine Voice, and create Connection, Healing, Transformation, Higher Love and Wisdom to flow in your life - please visit our website - www.thesiriuslibrary.com/selfmasteryschoolofdivinevoice. We love you, enjoy this video! We love to hear about your experience in the comments here, Lelama
03.01.2022 Receiving the Wesak Blessings is such a divine gift for your life, and for all loved ones around you. When you open to receive, the frequencies of Light, Love, ...Grace move through you into the Field and bless all beings in your area. If you wish to make a difference, make this world a better place, this is one very powerful way to do it!!! See more
02.01.2022 Each year at the Wesak Full Moon in Scorpio during the Taurus month, the Enlightened Master Buddha offers a vial of Pure Light to every Soul gathered on the Inner Planes in the Wesak Valley. This Light will pour into your every creation and service project for the whole year. It is likened to the Spiritual New Year! The 19th Divine University's WESAK is offered this year - a 3 day LIVE WESAK GATHERING in New York and an ONLINE EVENT. You are so welcome to join us and receive ...this immense light for your initiations and path this year, either in New York in the TaRa Institute or from the comfort of your own home. You also may like to gather a group in your location and receive this Celebration and Spiritual Awakening in group consciousness, which will make all so much more powerful again. We thank you and love, and hope to see you in the Ceremonies in Wesak Valley. click here for more information and registrations!!! https://www.eventbrite.com/o/the-divine-university-wesak-20
01.01.2022 Aloha beautiful ones, Azraella's interview with Lelama gives an insight in how opening to your Light Language and your Divine Voice may benefit you in many of the areas and dimensions of your life - and give you the Love, Wisdom and energy to live your higher purpose in this life, as you discover the Truth of who You Are!!! Lelama also gives an overview of how a one year training with enlightened ones to open your Higher Self Channel to bring through the greatest guidance, truth and healing for your life and those around you, via webinars recordings practices encoded art together with a group of people worldwide, may accelerate your spiritual evolution exponentially - so much more than you could on your own. We hope you enjoy to spend this little time with us!
01.01.2022 One Sound is all it takes... to embark on the grand journey of Igniting your Power of Creation with your Word, your Energy, your Consciousness... Lelama Sjamar shares...
01.01.2022 Beloved Souls, Here is your way in! Into the truth of your Being, your vast multidimensional nature and the Love and Wisdom of your Higher Self! Open to the Sacred Light Language of your Soul and Spirit and begin the journey of creating a new and true reality for yourself!!
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