Ignition Youth: All Saints Network in Launceston, Tasmania | Community organisation
Ignition Youth: All Saints Network
Locality: Launceston, Tasmania
Phone: +61 447 733 562
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25.01.2022 Hey Legends, I hope and pray that you are all staying safe and staying healthy! Over the past week I have been working on a 6-part Devotional called Jesus Above Everything! This Devotional will include a bible passage or two for you to look up and read and will also include a paragraph of thoughts and ideas for you to consider and pray about. Please take the time to interact and learn from this, lets use this time as a time of growth, not a time of fear! We will be posti...ng twice a week, Mondays and Wednesdays. God bless, Lachie
24.01.2022 Ignition Youth Update Watch me talking to my phone, its quite strange PS: Add the Ignition Youth Instagram page!... Ignitiony See more
23.01.2022 IGNITION YOUTH CHANGES Unfortunately, we have been asked to stop Friday night youth group until further notice due to the COVID-19 Crisis. Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.... 1 Peter 5:7 NIV God is still with us, AND HE CARES FOR EACH OF YOU! Keep your eyes on this account! We will be sharing more on here! Just because we cant meet in person, doesnt mean we have to stop learning about our Awesome God!
23.01.2022 Jesus Above Everything Devotional #3 Run to You 1 Corinthians 9:24-27... Lets be real. Not everything in life is perfect. And not everything in the Christian life is perfect either. It is the hard truth. However, because we have accepted Jesus as our Lord and Savior, you and I stand perfect before God, but the reality of life is that our thoughts, habits, actions and reactions are still being perfected and the other people in your life are still not exactly perfect either. Basically, what Im saying is - even when were living for Jesus, stuff happens. Am I right?! Sometimes other people cause the stuff, but often we are part of causing it as well because we all mess up. One of THE GREATEST little things we can learn in living a life of worship, is that when the stuff happens - run TO God, not FROM God. Our worship is not just a response when good things happen or when we feel like we are doing good. Its the response we need to learn when were right in the middle of a mess as well. We need to learn to run to Him in worship because He is our Refuge and Help (Ps 46:1, Prov 18:1) and has exactly what we need for whatever were facing. And this idea of running to God, is such an important one in the time we are in now, with COVID-19 changing the world around us so drastically. When all the scary rules and changes are coming into Australia, it is so important for us to RUN TO GOD. When we mess up, so many of us feel shame and allow that to hold us back from God. The further we run, the further we feel from Him and often from others too because we feel like no one else would understand what were going through. But it doesnt have to be that way! We can run to Jesus because He understands exactly where were at and has grace to empower us to change AND we can be honest with others because we all face temptations and trials (1 Cor 10:13) Can I encourage you? Living as a worshiper is not about having a perfect life. You and I dont grow in God because we always get things right, you must learn from your mistakes! We must let Him into every part of our lives - even the mess! REAL worship from your heart is about running to Him and choosing to worship no matter what is happening. When I feel distant, when I feel disappointed, when Ive messed up and when I dont understand whats going on. He is my refuge. When I have learned to run to Him in those moments, I have grown closer to Jesus than ever before! Further Readings: Philippians 3:13 Psalm 46:1 Proverbs: 18:1 See more
21.01.2022 UPDATE I won't be delivering the packs because of the rain. Will deliver ASAP!UPDATE I won't be delivering the packs because of the rain. Will deliver ASAP!
17.01.2022 REMINDER Thursday we are meeting on zoom to play a bit of Kahoot! Just a social catch up before The Friday night youth zoom starts! Please remember to get your parents to email me the correct email address to send the zoom link to! So far I only have 2 people
15.01.2022 I mentioned this verse in my last post, and it couldnt be more relevant! God is still in control! This week I encourage you to read through this whole chapter with me, and try to do these couple things: Pick a verse that stands out to you Why does the verse stand out? What is it saying?... How can you apply what youve learnt to your life today to better live like Jesus? Pray to God to help you apply this into your life. Stay Safe! -Lachie See more
13.01.2022 Bek and I spent the afternoon packing these! I will be delivering these tomorrow! Can you see your name? PS. All packs were packed with clean, corona-free hands.
13.01.2022 JESUS ABOVE EVERYTHING DEVOTION #5 Jesus Over Everything Daniel 3... The enemy wants to steal the worship of this generation. He is jealous of God but he also understands the potential that we carry as the people of God and is afraid of the God-given destiny thats inside of us. He doesnt show up like some monster from another galaxy to scare us and demand our worship. He tries to trick us by setting up fake gods that demand our attention. Putting Jesus over everything in our lives is all about refusing to bow to the gods and idols of our generation! So how can we tell when something has become a god or an idol in our life? Simple. An idol is something that goes from being important to being MOST important in our life. It becomes our priority and takes up our time, effort, thoughts and attention. Everything else starts to bend around this thing in our life and it sneaks its way into being number one, stealing the place and the worship that was meant for God. But behind every idol is a lie. They can never actually provide what they promise to in our lives - theyre fakes - pretending to be like who God already is! A few examples of idols in our generation might be: Money, possessions, success, popularity, pride, vanity, and the search for identity. Some of these things are not wrong in themselves, but they become sin when they start taking Gods place in our hearts and get all of our attention and focus. Living a life of worship is about not bowing to the pursuits of what the rest of the world is living for and seeking after. Our lives and everything we want in life is all about Jesus now. Living to worship Jesus is the most fulfilling, exciting journey because its the life that we were made for.
10.01.2022 UPDATE I wont be delivering the packs because of the rain. Will deliver ASAP!UPDATE I wont be delivering the packs because of the rain. Will deliver ASAP!
08.01.2022 Jesus Above Everything DEVOTION #4 Praise over Problem Psalm 103 1-5... A lot of the time, when we talk about Praise, our minds thing of singing songs during a church service. Praising is so much more! The Bible uses heaps of different words in reference to praise, like: Glorify (Psalm 147:12), Sing (Psalm 30:12), Speak (Psalm 34:1), Shout (Psalm 47:1), Clap your hands (Psalm 47:1), Dance (Psalm 150:4), Play music (Psalm 150), Boast about (Psalm 34:2), Give thanks (Psalm 107:1), Declare (Philippians 2:11), Have joy (Psalm 98:4), and many more. As you can see from these words, praise isnt just something we think about - its something we need to put into action and do! Praise is all about focusing on Him and celebrating who He is. Its what we were made for and what we will spend eternity doing! Humans have always been pretty good at praising God when things are going well, then complaining when things go bad. But praise is not a response to what is happening in my life - its the response to who God is in my life. Because God is good and He doesnt change, then neither should my praise. Its the right response in my life no matter what Im going through. So many of us are telling God about our problems and that is a good thing to do - its part of prayer. But we also need to learn to praise and tell our problems about God! We need to shift our focus onto who He is by bragging about Him and praising Him. When I am going through stuff, I may not feel like praising and rejoicing, and this is so relatable in the times that we are in now. However, it is during times like these that we need to speak to ourselves and say, Come on, we WILL praise God. We dont praise because of how we feel, we praise because of Who we believe, but when we praise over my problems like this, it almost always changes the way that I feel, and it also has the power to change my circumstances as well! Praise is a major key in the journey of putting Jesus over everything! See more
07.01.2022 This Easter is a strange one. We couldnt go to church, or go camping, or see our extended family. But, one thing that didnt change, and will never change is our amazing God, and the Good News that Jesus rose from the grave! God Bless you all. May he keep you and your families safe! Stay happy, Stay healthy, and always Trust in God! ... God bless. -Lachie
05.01.2022 Jesus Above Everything Devotional #2 I Belong... Putting Jesus over everything is all about living your life to know God and worship Him. Now that weve started that journey on Monday with part one Knowing God, I want to show you how that starts changing how you see everything else. When you find out who He is - you find out who you are and who you are, is His! Heres what the Bible wants to shows us: we belong to God. When Jesus died for you on that cross - it wasnt just a demonstration of His love, it was a powerful transaction that took place. He was paying for you with His blood, buying back your freedom from sin, so that you might belong to God. Like what 1 Cor 6:19-20 says, You do not belong to yourself, for God bought you with a high price God made us and Jesus paid for us, but you and I still need to make the personal decision to give ourselves to Him. Thats a big part of what a daily life of worship looks like - giving yourself to God. Most people around us in our world are all about their rights, their identity, their future and everything that matters to them. But the Bible shows us that those who belong to Jesus actually make the decision to give up living for those things so that we can make our life all about Him. In other words, we dont just invite Jesus to be our Saviour, but to be the Lord of our lives too. He has control. I belong to Him! My past, my present, my future, my body and all of my decisions belong to Him. And because I belong to Him, I get my identity, value and purpose from my relationship with Him. As we look at these verses today - ask yourself this question: How would I live today if I was living it as a gift of worship to God? How would I respond and what decisions would I make if it was all for Him? Lets give ourselves over to Him. Readings: 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 Psalm 100:3 1 John 5:1-
04.01.2022 Hey Guys! I'm sorry that didn't quite go to plan, but it was great to see you all! I hope my very quick, rushed talk made sense! Please feel free to ask questions in the comments! ... And because my prayer got cut off... Amen!
04.01.2022 Ignition Youth Logo 2.0
03.01.2022 Jesus Above Everything. Devotional #1 Knowing God:...Continue reading
01.01.2022 He is risen! Happy Easter Monday everyone Hope everybody got some goodies and you are all doing well amid this strange and ever-changing time. The pictures are a guide on how to make a paper cross. All you need is a strip of paper. Make sure you show your results in the comments below! - Dani
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