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Ilias the GREEK in Billinudgel, New South Wales | Caterer

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Ilias the GREEK

Locality: Billinudgel, New South Wales

Phone: +61 412 383 444

Address: Mogo place 2483 Billinudgel, NSW, Australia


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22.01.2022 YIASOU Melbourne! we’re smashing out our infamous Feta balls laced with mad tzatziki and served up with best hugs ever! Come try some NOW, OPA! #greekstyle

21.01.2022 EHL , , ! #oldschool #is #cool #again

21.01.2022 HAPPY-JOYOUS-AWESOME-EPIC (please add more adjectives of choice here... ) 2020 Having seen only 2x koalas in the wild previously to the last 3 days in my life and then 3x koalas in as many days, my gut says something’s up So I feel to share my dialogue with the pictured ‘Blinky Bill’ (koala ) as an intro to 2020... After asking blinky ‘Whatcha think?’ I was startled at the response... In a benevolent manner he replied; ‘I appreciate your care and consideration for desiring to supple my thirst, I see you’ve presented a plastic vessel to contain this precious commodity called water and I ask kindly in future to maybe consider another sustainable resource to do the job’ I was shocked It’s 2am in the morning, completely sober and getting lectured by a super cute, chillaxed, stress free mammal but at the same time totally fascinated & intrigued ‘You see’ said the koala ‘It is a common trait as I’ve witnessed humans over time to consistently band aid the symptoms at hand. The potential cause for where we are collectively stems in the unconscious/unbalanced actions of humans’ ‘The fact you’ve bumped into me is synchronistic as I only speak to those who are ready. It appears as though there’s a desire for you to want to be part of the solution!’ ‘Yes, Yes!’ I responded excitedly ‘Where may I begin?’ ‘Firstly’ said the koala ‘Believe nothing I have to say, mainly because you may end up in a mental institution if you tell anyone’ I started laughing profusely, not only a wise koala but a humorous one at that! The koala went on to say ‘It begins by going within and bringing harmony to the male/female energy principle and ending the war of the sexes, with this awareness in place it may unlock the key to living as a balanced human at this time’ ‘Wow!’ I said ‘Please continue’ ‘I give you permission to share this on social media, as this thread has a limited typing capacity, you can simply connect with source at anytime to continue as the time has finally come where we are faced with a choice; to learn or not’ I thanked Bill, picked up the plastic container and promised to make a difference in the world tbc

20.01.2022 Holy S#+! I think I just made the best baklava ever in this lifetime! I knew this solstice/eclipse energy would be great for something! (super light crispy crunchy buttery fillo pastry layers of nutty goodness with a delicate balance of juicy yet not too sweet fragrantly spiced syrup... argggh (noise made when frothing at the mouth ) I finished one piece... then looked at the whole tray and thought... it’s all Mine...!!! then remembered most of my family is shootin’ up insulin... and so it’s likely to be onward gifted now!) who’s in? #iliasthegreek #is #back #baby

18.01.2022 Chillin’ with da matriarchs of the family so good to hang out with granny who’s still as sharp as a tack sharing cracker one liners putting us all in stitches nice to hear mums lovin the stress free lifestyle of country living and freestyle dancing with my sista which makes for super fun times happy joyous Christmas vibes for everyone love, hugs and super sexy halva

18.01.2022 Cherishing the precious moments we have with our elders is something I feel deeply called to action in this lifetime. My 'Papou' has been an inspirational figure for me, a warrior with a huge heart, humorous & able to bring light to any scenario, a healer, an alchemical magician with the plant world & all round top bloke respected by many in the community! After receiving a phone call that he's in palliative care, I grabbed my 'lira' & jumped on a plane to hang out with him. ...We shared stories from the 'opal fever' days where I lived underground searching for the elusive gemstone & my grandfather revived me one day after a mining accident, we played some 'pontiaka' music & I could feel him liven up with joy to share some of his signature one liners! Feel totally blessed to share some of his light with you as tears form writing this. For me I've learned how much our elders are mistreated & disrespected in our modern times, after listening to my grandfathers wishes to end the suffering caused by our western medical society's take on death, I feel like he's taken the courageous steps to prepare himself & face his imminent mortality with beauty. ', ' #iliasthegreek #papou #ilias #passing #with #beauty #greek #style See more

16.01.2022 Yiasou & Wooo! so awesome to be cared for by these wonderful women nurses who helped me to fulfil a graceful recovery from my recent surgery (ie. extracting 4x impacted wisdom teeth ) A wild ride that taught me lots about the teacher of pain I have gained more respect for life and my stuck emotions cracked open to enable another wave of inner heart healing true to my word I returned today to share the baklava love with all of them pictured here (can u tell we’re... all just a wee bit excited ... even mother Mary’s got her eyes on the prize! ie. delicious flaky pastry, nutty scented sweet layers of Greek style heavenly goodness, Kali orexi! ) lots of gratitude shared with all the peeps who were checking in over the last two weeks especially Gemma for escorting (& videoing me ) whilst on a post op high! which still has me in stitches not long to go & restrictions will be lifted so a big phat iliastheGREEK style cook up and hugfest is imminent, OPA!!! in the meantime sending huge metaphysical hugs & super excited to be alive at this time on this planet during this wave of chaos that precedes us! My intent is to embrace it fully and enjoy the ride, Yeeehaaaa! #vegetariancuddleparty See more

13.01.2022 Feelin’ honoured & blessed to have met culinary legend Janni Kyritsis earlier today a wonderful, generous, light soul who’s nature oozes generosity His delightful presence struck me as he spoke of how he conducted himself in a calm/natural manner in the kitchen during the heydays of his career (Rare trait in my opinion) I learnt much during our conversation and here’s a few points that stood out He shared how he focused on ‘cooking’ and left business for business pe...ople... brilliant I thought! he went on to mention that he stopped cooking professionally at the height of his career because he felt to! He then returned to his grassroots cooking Greek food because of the memories he grew up with in what sounded to me like a beautiful upbringing & lastly (maybe this ones engrained in the Greek culture! ) the importance of socializing & human contact which has been directly challenged at this time in humanity! As he spoke of his experience images of all the people/chefs/food lovers I’ve connected with previously flashed in my mind who had shared how greatly they were impacted by Janni on their culinary journeys... (Question popped for me... what is my legacy gonna be....?!) I shared some baklava with him & upon leaving he gifted me this wonderful cookbook ‘Anatolia’ I felt inspired after chatting with him to pursue my journey soon into Asia Minor/Pontos & do the pilgrimage to my Great Grandparents’ homeland

12.01.2022 Happy Valentine’s Day Lovelies Feelin’ so blessed to share life with this goddess Everyone deserves LOVE! #

12.01.2022 A big warm welcome & Yiasou to Mindy Woods & co on opening their beautiful cafe Karkalla Byron Bay the food is yummy with indigenous flavours exceptional old skool & cool service with a smile all in a dainty hip corner of Byron Yay! Upon reflecting I first met Mindy post her ‘masterchef’ tv run during a cooking demo at a festival in toowoomba Now I either (a.) crashed her show or (b.) she invited me to crash her show & so dressed in my Greek regalia I rem...ember we had an entertaining alchemy cooking on stage, having a blast together & ending up smashing plates with the crowd too, OPA!!! So after all these years it’s awesome to have epic people like Mindy move to the area bringing her gifts of warm hospitality delicious food & beautiful smiles love ya heaps sista & mad dinner parties soon!!! Woop woop! #indiginousgreekhippievibes

07.01.2022 Yiasou @eatthestreetlismore festival for giving the people the opportunity to share the love today! We’re super excited and giving away free hugs all day (while stocks last ) teamed with our sexy salt & feta balls & tasty tzatziki swing by for an OPA too! #love #is #contagious

06.01.2022 RIP Yiayaka Literally on the other side of a wave of grief that’s moved through since yiayias passing I feel to share some of her legacy here which reminds me of her true warrior spirit a real trailblazer of her time having endured two major wars raised 5 children, uprooted from her homeland of Greece transited in a boat for 40 days to begin life in a new land with nothing other than her family & some belongings They shared a home with 4 other ...Continue reading

05.01.2022 Did someone say ‘chai & cake(s)’ plural, in the same sentence! hehe, we’re all on a post shamanic drum group high & what a way to finish by sharing fab company, tasty chai & sexy cakes (swopping any of these adjectives with the nouns works well here) Appreciate the random invitation to do this at someone else’s place (thanks Jasmine) & yes let’s do it more often (& grey cows rule ), YAY! #rainbow #dharma #warriors #eat #cake Love, hugs & blessings for all, wooo...!

02.01.2022 OPA! For those feelin’ the effects of social isolation and not deterred by nudity , I discovered this chap between ballina/wardell on the M1 willfully giving epic warm unconditional free hugs to all those willing to ask , total legend especially at this crucial time for humanity... gps positioning will only be sent out to those determined souls willing to stand up for what they truly desire (& there’s as close to zero possibility for covid-19 transmission as he/she is constantly sun baking! Also to note lets avoid congestion at the hugging site to work within NSW guidelines & therefore be impeccable/responsible image makers of beauty ) #freehugs #help #me #thrive

01.01.2022 Yiasou Michael Passaris! ‘Love You Long Time’ bro A true gentleman & legend in the Brisbane hospitality scene pictured with him here at his latest venture @pingpong delicious thai food sexy setting & best of all old skool & supa cool service with a smile big congrats to the whole family, you all deserve the success First met Michael at our festival stall ‘ilias the GREEK’ many years back where he stood out from the pack with his huge open heart Greek sty...le hospitality & hipster attitude we danced zeimbekika, smashed plates & then honed our infamous Halva cakes! we then found out he owned the restaurant right behind our stall (Dell’Ugo) so we then headed there for our staff celebration dinner & the mad party continued again with tasty food, epic service & so much fun, laughter & mayhem shared (real highlight reel moments ) So grateful for all the connections of beauty in my life brings a big phat smile to my face remembering all the wonderful souls that have participated in this dance around the sun let’s do more of this ie. Celebrate life for no f$&@n reason at all! Who’s in...?! I got tea & baklava... just bring your own plates to smash OPA!!! #greekstylepartying

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