Illoura Birth in Essendon Fields | Medical and health
Illoura Birth
Locality: Essendon Fields
Phone: +61 413 763 373
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24.01.2022 CUTTING THE CORD Did you do it? Did your partner do it? Do you know or did you know what to expect? Cutting the umbilical cord is a momentous moment that often many partners will do. ... Following the birth of your baby the cord will stop pulsating or be clamped before the cutting will occur. Two clamps as pictured are generally applied and the cutting will occur between the two. Cutting the umbilical cord is not painful to mum or baby. There may be a small amount of blood splattered once cut. Many also describe it as like cutting calamari, it can be hard. You or your partner will be guided by the midwife in doing all of this. The remaining cord (attached to the placenta) will then be delivered with the placenta while the umbilical clamp will be applied closer to where the bellybutton is. #Repost @olivejuicelifestyle --- Cutting of the cord, did you do it? Did you know what to expect? Did you wait for placenta to be delivered or did you feel for pulsing to have stopped. #afterbirth #afterbirthcare #cordcutting #umbilicalcord #birth #thirdstagelabour #birthisbeautiful #birthisnormal #normalisebirth #mum #dad #newborn #baby #helloworld #justborn #newborncare #activebirth #melbourne #birthtips #pregnant #pregnancy
23.01.2022 A nice Sunday reminder... Get up and move. Allow your mind to be still. ... . . . . . . . . . #sundayvibes #sunday #weekendmood #stayactive #bestill #reflect #recharge #rest #mindsetmatters #mindandbody #wellness #mother #breathe #youvegotthis See more
23.01.2022 HAPPY BIRTHDAY to me, well actually my business Celebrating 2 years in business and what a ride it has been. Especially the last 12 months. Moving classes all online, then back face to face and now currently online. Launching my products and newborn classes. The first 12 months was all about navigation, last year was all focused on development and this year is all about growth. Thank you to each and every one of you who have attended one of my classes. I have made so man...y connections over the last 2 years with some amazing people. I love this job so much and I cannot wait to meet more of you. So to celebrate and say thank you I wanted to throw in a few discounts. Enjoy 20% off all pregnancy, birth and postpartum products in the shop use BIRTHDAY at checkout. Enjoy a $15 discount on my newborn class now only $50 for the month of February. This class is being held on the 23rd of Feb at 6pm. When you book into the positive birth program or positive caesarean program you will receive my newborn class for FREE!! Hurry and take advantage of these awesome deals that will be ending Sunday 21st February at 8pm! #happybirthday #birthdaycelebrations #discount #saletime #smallbusiness #birtheducation #newborneducation #supportingparents #supportingmums #newmum #mumtobe #pregnancy #birth #postpartum #pregnancycare #melbourne
20.01.2022 If I could go back I'd tell her it's all going to be okay. The fear, anxiety running through her is normal for all new mum's. Not only has a child been born but you also mama have just been born. Be gentle on yourself, allow yourself to feel what you need. Cry, yell, laugh do what needs to be done so long as you acknowledge all the emotions. ... It's okay to grieve your old self and life. You're going through one of the biggest adjustments in your life and guiding another human on theirs. It's a big deal mama! You will be ok and I promise you it gets better and better. As your baby grows and as you leave this current season you will look back and want to experience it all again. You will miss the newborn smell, the snuggles, the all night feeds and the closeness you have to your baby. It's going to be okay mama, you have got this. No matter what, your little baby will love you, it's okay to make mistakes, to reach your breaking point and yet be so in love it hurts. . . . . . @kellyjordanphotography @illourabirth . #postpartumjourney #postpartum #postpartumanxiety #postpartumlife #newmum #mother #becomingmum #newborn #newbaby #fourthtrimester #motherhood #motherhoodunplugged #melbournemums #mama #youvegotthis
18.01.2022 LIVE!!! This I cannot contain my excitement over. After years in the making, delays from covid, trials, errors, successes, tears and happy dances say HELLO to the new look and new products. Designed specifically to support you in your birth preparation, keep you relaxed during pregnancy. Support you in labour and help aid in the healing process following birth our range includes bath soaks, peri oil, essential oil blends and a room mist.... The smells are devine I promise, the packaging is oh so cute and you will receive much love from me when placing an order. Know a mama due? Treat her with the perfect gift. Pregnant yourself? Time to treat yourself mama! Now live up on the website (link in bio) and to celebrate I’m giving you all a 20% for the next week simply using the code: LIVE20 xx
17.01.2022 Have you booked your childbirth class yet? If not come and join this months group Positive Birth Program. Run over 2 Saturdays with 12 hours of tuition, this program will have you feeling prepared, calm and excited for your birth. ... Learn all about Creating & maintaining a positive mindset How the body works during labour (uterus, cervix, hormones) Gain amazing tools that you and your partner can use during labour Preparation and empowered choices (birth partners role, advocating, potential interventions, your choices in birth) Bringing it altogether (what to expect before, during and after birth) Designed for all expectant mothers and their partner. Classes are run virtually and remain fun and interactive. Remember it is never too late to prepare. This class is perfect for mama's due mid November onwards. If you have any questions DM me, bookings can be made using the link in bio. See you there! #childbirtheducation #birthclass #birtheducation #birthpreparation #naturalbirth #caesareanbirth #mumtobe2020 #duenovember #duedecember #duejanuary2021 #hypnobirthingaustralia #hypnobirthing
15.01.2022 Mama no matter what birth you have, you need to know that it will not define you as a person or as a mother. I keep seeing mama's beating themselves up because they had a caesarean birth, chose an epidural etc. I cringe when I hear people putting women down for taking the 'easy way out'. Let me remind you...birth is hard work and beautiful no matter how you bring your baby into the world.... You should be proud of what your body has done. Supporting each other is paramount. Let's stop birth shaming and start telling mamas just how strong they are Raw & beautiful illustration by @helenetheillustrator --- Any woman who has given birth is a superhero...No matter how you did it. . . . #birth #mums #labour #wonderwoman #motherhood #positivevibes #homebirth #csection #hospitalbirth #birthmother #naturalbirth #vaginalbirth #caesareanbirth #bellybirth #newborn #newbaby #unitedmotherhood #birthisbeautiful #empoweredbirth #beautyinbirth #newmumsupport #mumssupportingmums #mumtribe #firsttimemum #mummyandbaby #newmummy #mumvillage #thisispostpartum #mumsupport
15.01.2022 KISS OF DEATH HSV or Herpes Simplex Virus. We have all heard about it but do you know what can occur if your baby contracts this virus? HSV is a highly contagious virus that causes skin infections in the form of blisters on the lips, eyes and inside the mouth and nose. ... HSV is passed on from a known carrier of the virus from their saliva or active cold-sore. Even if a known HSV carrier does not have an active cold-sore on their lip or in the mouth they can still be shedding the virus in their saliva at any time in their life. Newborns and infants under 3 months are at a particularly high risk if they contract this infection. While HSV infection in newborns is rare it can be severe and cause death due to your baby’s underdeveloped immune system. We don’t call it the ‘kiss o death’ for no reason and as a health care practitioner who has seen this occur and it cause death, you DO NOT want to take the risk with your own baby. Babies can begin to show symptoms 2-12 days following exposure to HSV and they may begin as mild symptoms of low grade fever, poor feeding, irritability and skin blisters. Important to note that any of the above symptoms in your baby warrants a visit to your Doctor straight away without delay. Treatment for HSV consists of giving your baby antivirals and they will most likely require this treatment and close monitoring in hospital for approximately 21 days. To prevent central nervous system complications some will require treatment for 6 months. So how can you prevent your baby from contracting HSV. . . It is simple, do not let anyone kiss your baby! Ensure hand hygiene is being performed before someone holds your baby. If someone has an active cold-sore, kindly ask them not to visit. If you or your partner has an active cold-sore avoid kissing and touching your baby’s face. Mother’s with cold-sores present a low risk to their baby as passive antibody protection should be present. Babies do not need to be kissed by anyone other than mummy and daddy, if anyone tries to take offence to that, well that is their issue not yours Photo images ( #newborncare #newborn #newparents #sickbabies #coldsores #baby
15.01.2022 First group class of 2020 is already completed. I absolutely loved teaching these guys and cannot wait for them to welcome their beautiful babies into the world. Over the last 2 Sunday's we have covered how to create and maintain a positive mindset for birth, learn't a heap of tools to help during labour in keeping calm and relaxed. Discussed potential interventions and how to navigate these, released fears, discovered self-hypnosis and what to expect during the birthing pr...ocess. Wow so much but like I always say knowledge is POWER!! If you would like to join one of my group courses and prepare for a positive birth come join me. Bookings can be made online. #hypnobirthing #hypnobirthingaustralia #positivebirth #birtheducation #birthclass #birthclassesmelbourne #melbournehypnobirthing #pregnant #pregnancy #expecting2020
14.01.2022 A caesarean birth can be an empowering birth. It can be the best thing you have ever done or will do. You do have choices in a caesarean birth. ... How can you have all of the above and feel positive about your caesarean birth? Preparation! Your state of mind, preferences and support are all key factors in making your caesarean birth a positive experience. Make your birth one that you will want to remember for the rest of your life. Want to know more, sign up to the Positive Caesarean Course - link in bio and let's get you feeling calm, empowered and excited for your caesarean birth! #caesarean #caesareanbirth #csection #bellybirth #hospitalbirth #mama #positivecaesarean #positivebirth #empoweredbirth #birtheducation #youhavechoices #melbourne
13.01.2022 DELAYED CORD CLAMPING Occurs after your baby is born where umbilical cord is not clamped or cut until pulsations have ceased or until the placenta is delivered. In many hospitals around Australia this has become a part of normal practice unless there is a medical reason where delayed cord clamping cannot be done. Many parents are also now choosing this wonderful option for their baby due to the number of benefits. ... The World Health Organization recommends delayed cord clamping (not earlier than 1min after birth) for improved maternal and infant health and that late cord clamping (1-3mins after birth) is recommended for all births while initiating essential neonatal care. Research has shown that when delayed cord clamping occurs a baby will receive up to 30% more of the foetal-placental blood volume and up to 60% increase in red blood cells, resulting in higher levels of iron, stem cells and immune cells. Studies into those babies who receive immediate cord clamping have shown lower iron stores for up to 6 months. A Cochrane review of 3911 women and infants over 15 trials found that there were many benefits of delayed cord clamping including Higher birth weights (late cord clamping) Higher early haemoglobin concentration levels Increased iron reserves up to 6 months following birth This review also showed no significant difference in postpartum haemorrhage rates when early and late cord clamping occurred. Delayed cord clamping can occur and is equally important in premature births & caesarean births. I love this image by @birthbyamey #delayedcordclamping #placenta #birth #prematurebirth #caesareanbirth #naturalbirth #birthchoices #neonatalcare #newbaby #neonate #baby #benefitstobaby #healthbenefits
13.01.2022 Join @drsushnextgen and myself next Thursday as we discuss inductions! This is a topic that I get many questions in my inbox about and many clients fear. I have had 2 inductions myself, both positive. So we thought it would be good to cover the topic in a live chat and answer any questions you may have. ... Send us your questions or comment with them below. Looking forward to this one! . . . . . . . #livechats #instalive #obgyn #melbourneobstetrician #francesperryhouse #obstetrician #hypnobirthingaustralia #hypnobirthing #birthtopics #birthtips #inductions #inductionoflabour #syntocinon #balloonbatheter #prostaglandins #stretchandsweep #q&a
12.01.2022 This is why I love teaching hypnobirthing. It prepares you for all birthing circumstances. I love this story! In particular if you require a caesarean birth this below is how you should feel informed and empowered #Repost @amotherandherboy @download.ins ---... B I R T H #day3photochallenge . . As I waddled my way to theatre I laughed with the midwife and called it my last walk. My last walk with you inside of me. The excitement to meet you was out of this world. Even though I was apprehensive about the spinal block and the theatre environment, my knowledge and skills of birth and Hypnobirthing took me into a state of calm and I felt completely at ease. . I cant explain the euphoria I was feeling. Before the block, I set up mums (your Granny T's) handprint and photo to watch over your birth, I put on my play list and took a deep breath in to smell the lavender and clary sage I had rubbed on my wrist. They dimmed the lights and I closed my eyes. Daddy held my hand and @sophiefletcher_author watched with camera in hand.I imagined my mum and waited patiently for you to appear. Within 10 minutes of them starting I heard a gasp. I opened my eyes to see your daddys face light up. . They lowered the screen and I saw your legs. As they gently bought you into the world I had asked specifically that you were put straight onto my chest. No cleaning, no touching. Just handed over and thats exactly what happened. Meconium, blood and all. But I didnt care. . The moment you were on my chest I felt the most peace I've ever felt in my life. I felt complete. I wasn't aware of my surroundings. Just the touch of your hand on my chest and the opening of your eyes in your new world. Placenta delivered and still attached as requested. You, the most precious thing I have ever made and regardless of the fact this was not my planned natural home birth, it was still MY BIRTH. Under MY TERMS with informed choices and Hypnobirthing. . @herbandthetwins . #ittakesaninstavillage #birth #caesareanbirth #positivebirth #hypnobirthing #csection #sunroofbirth #positivebirthstories #oxytocin #mybirthstory #parentingjourney #mumasonlockdown #mamasonlockdown #mamsgridcrew #mummyxlikes See more
12.01.2022 STOP, read this. . . Does your partner feel equiped with tools and techniques to help you during labour? How confident do they feel in advocating for you and your baby during birth? ... Many partner's want to be hands on in the birth environment but don't have all the tricks up their sleeve which can leave them feeling a little lost. In the positive birth program we FOCUS on the birth partners and how they can be a great support. So many of the partners in my classes come up to me at the end and thank me for showing them how to be an awesome birth partner, and how much confidence/excitement they have going into the birth. I encourage you to sit down and ask your partner these questions. - What techniques do they know/have that can help with you pain relief? - Do they know massage techniques to relax and release endophins? - Are they familar with acupressure? - How confident do they feel to step up and advocate for you and baby? - Do they know what questions to ask if interventions are suggested? - Do they understand the birthing process? Have they seen a birth video? - What are they doing to prepare for birth? It is so important you work as a team and go in feeling confident and prepared for any birthing circumstance. If there are blank stares, umming, or responses like 'you will tell me what to do' or 'I'll let the midwives and doctors lead us' then please sign yourself up for a birth course! They really are an investment you will not regret. . . . . . . @blackcherryphotography #birth #birthpartner #childbirth #birthsupport #birthclass #birthclassmelbourne #hypnobirthingmelbourne #birtheducation #hypnobirthingaustralia #hypnobirthing #positivebirth #prepared #confident #yourbirthyourway #birthwithconfidence
10.01.2022 BIRTH STORY OF OSCAR! This one is a goodie guys and features so much including Decreased foetal movements... Private midwife Facing an induction Empowered to make informed decisions Positive induction Water use TENS machine Hypnobirthing tools Upright birthing positions Bleeding post birth Grab yourself a cuppa for this 7 minute read. Up on the blog using the link in the bio. Thank you Jade for sharing this beautiful story and these raw images #birth #BirthisBeautiful #birthisnatural #birthisnormal #activebirth #vaginalbirth #privatemidwife #induction #tensmachine #pregnancy #pregnant #fetalmovements #oxytocin #birthstory #raw #mother #birthwithconfidence #babybump #mama #informationispower #empowered #women #goddess
09.01.2022 BLACK FRIDAY SALE!!! Ends Nov 30
08.01.2022 PETS & BABIES Bringing home a baby is such an exciting time. If you have pets you may be thinking how will my beloved dog or cat respond to the big change. Our pets are often referred to as our first baby and just like our human babies they also go through a big life adjustment when a baby comes into the family circle. ... So how can you prepare your first love for a baby? I Remember our boy Maverick disliked our son for 12 months!! He was not a happy boy, now they love each other...phew! Just like a toddler prepare for some regression and remember to be patient with them instead of getting fustrated. Chat with your pets veterinarian for tips and guidance. If they are attached to you, try and get your partner to take up this role so they still have someone to comfort and fall back on when you're busy with bubs. Condition your dog around children if you haven't yet so they become used to the sounds and interaction. If you want to section off areas in the house to be pet free, do this early in the pregnancy so it not such a shock when baby arrives home for them. While in hospital have a piece of your baby's clothing brought home for your pet to sniff. Pop it in their bed or place on the couch. Your beloved pet will be very excited to see you home again so have someone else hold the baby or place bubs in another room. Allow them to express their excitment before introducing them to the baby. When introducing your baby, let them come to the baby, don't force them. Always keep a nice safe distance and never leave your pet alone with your baby. Remember they once had 100% of your attention, with a new baby this drops significantly and it can take them time to adjust and warm up to the new normal. Ensure you take some time to just have time to yourselves. Show them love and be patient. I hope this helps. P.S how bloody cute is my clients fur babies! @thefeelingsneutral_ #pets #dog #cat #newbaby #babyontheway #pregnant #pregnancy #bringingbabyhome #babyanddog #babyandcat #dogmum #catmum #furbaby #guarddogduties #thirdtrimester #newborn #mother #father #newparents #pregnancyannouncement #whattoexpectwhenyoureexpecting
07.01.2022 VBAC Birth story! I was so excited to receive this amazing story pf @kirstiemacaulay and @petersoulis birth of their second baby.... In mum & dads words. I was having contractions that morning before the scheduled appointment to discuss being induced. They were quite frequent so we spoke to the midwife and she said to go in and get assessed. We went to the hospital at 1.45pm, I was quietly breathing through contractions, they didn't realise how far along I was, but I was 8cm dilated. I was in a kind of sleep state, breathing through the surges when we first got to hospital. Pushing her out was hard but so so incredible when we got there. And I pulled her up to me straight away. When I was pushing, I was standing, leaning on the bed, with Pete as my anchor I squatted down with each surge bearing down to bring her out. The midwife passed her head through to me and I pulled her body out and up to me. I was so happy, just felt pure joy and a real sense of achievement - we did it! Paris was born Sept 23rd at 17:45. Weighing in at 3.95kgs. Dad's words.. I am so proud of Kirstie. Her strength is absolutely amazing. She didn’t scream or complain not once. The nurses were freaking out how quiet Kirstie was. No pain killer either. They were super excited for Kirstie to have Paris naturally as Hunter was born via an emergency c-section. This is what the Positive Birth Program is all about!! Preparing women and their partners to feel empowered no matter how their baby is born. Mindset matters so much in birth, and this is something we really worked on during Kirstie's private classes following her first birth experience. I love supporting VBAC mamas!! #vbac #birthstory #naturalbirth #hypnobirthingaustralia #hypnobirth #vbacbirthstory #vbacbaby #vbacsuccess #helloworld #positivebirth #empoweredbirth #sacredbirth #mindsetmatters #hospitalbirth #midwife #vbacwithoutfear #vbacbaby #mamayouvegotthis
07.01.2022 Happy Friday! If only our children were like our tamagotchi's and made us believe we were acing the parenting gig daily . . .... . . . . #parent #parenthood #mother #mumsofinstagram #motherhood #dad #dadsofinstagram #dadlife #mumlife #mumtribe #ittakesavillage #postpartum #baby #toddlers #kids #parenting See more
06.01.2022 BREASTFEEDING TIPS Perfecting the latch and correct breastfeeding hold can be so tricky! It doesn't matter how many babies you have support and education is so important. Below are some tips on perfecting that latch & hold ... Make sure you're comfortable before you begin a feed & are well supported. Sitting upright, lying down or reclining. Also use the toilet beforehand, you don't want a full bladder! Hold your boob like a hamburger! Yep they don't call it the hamburger hold for giggles, it actually works and can assist your newborn getting a good mouthful of boob as well as supporting the boob. Make sure your baby's head and neck are well supported & their body facing you, nice and close. Align your baby's top lip with the nipple, with their chin touching or tucked into the breast and have their body slightly lower than the breast. Depending on the position have their bottom arm come under and wrap around the breast/your back. Ensure a wide open mouth before you let them latch! As their mouth opens bring them to the breast aiming your nipple to the roof of the mouth with chin coming to the breast. Akways seek assistance and advice from the midwives and lactation consultants while in hospital & during visits to the home. Link yourself up with a lacatation consultant before your baby arrives, that way if you get stuck you have one ready to call and help. Signs of a good latch include a wide mouth with bottom lip curled outwards. Deep jaw movements, slow rhythm after initial burst of sucking. You may hear some gulps at the start. It should not be painful. If it feels like you have a chomper, release the latch and try again. . . . . . @sammy.sales --- #breastfeeding #breastfeedingtips #breastmilk #breastfed #lactation #milkygoodness #normalisebreastfeeding #nourishbaby #breastfeedingsupport #mama #postpartum #PostBabyBelly #motherly #newmum #mumssupportingmums #feedingjourney #breastlatch #firstfeed #firstbreastfeed #pregnant
05.01.2022 NEWBORN MOULDING Newborn Moulding or ‘cone shaped head’ occurs during birth as the baby moves through the birth canal. A baby’s skull bones have not formed like ours for this very reason! As they move through the birth canal the bones will move and adjust to help the baby pass through easier. I know this may sound a little scary and alarming. You may also be asking how is my baby’s brain safe? ... Don’t worry though because this is all perfectly normal and exactly what babies’ heads are designed to do. It is very normal for babies’ heads to come out looking elongated and cone like. My husband always calls them ‘little aliens’ and their heads will remould by around six weeks losing the cone shape some will remould within a few days. Some babies will have profound moulding, this can depend on the birth canal, position of the baby or if instruments were required during the birth. Embrace the cone mamas @elliana_allon #empoweredbirthproject #sacredbirth #birth #childbirth #birthtips #birtheducation #birthmother #naturalbirth #vaginalbirth #midwife #obstetricianmelbourne #hypnobirthingaustralia #birthwithoutfear #newborn #newbaby #birthisbeautiful #normalisebirth #justborn #beautyinbirth #thisisbirth
05.01.2022 Just because someone in your family or a friend in your circle had a negative birth experience doesn't mean you have to. You can absolutely have a beautiful birth. You can prepare yourself to walk away from your birth feeling positive no matter how your baby is born. This doesn't just come from luck, it takes action and work. ... Everyone's birth is different. What happened to others does not mean this will be your experience. Learn from their story and ask yourself. What can I do to avoid that becoming my story? My top tips! 1. Invest in quality childbirth education 2. Create your circle of trust who will support you and your wishes 3. Mindset matters - trust your body & baby 4. Turn that fear into excitment. It is your baby's Birthday & the birth of you becoming a mama. Remember you have got this . . . . . . . . . . . #pregnant #pregnancy #babyontheway #mumtobe #mama #childbirth #birth #birtheducation #hypnobirthingaustralia #melbourne
04.01.2022 Sweet 2020 Baby, I just want to say thank you. Because in many ways, this year has been a mess. ... A bit of a disaster, really. But you. You’ve been the light in the darkness. The calm in the chaos. The joy in the midst of a whole lot of hardship and pain and frustration. So I know people will talk about 2020. They’ll talk about the stress and the fear and the sadness. They’ll recount every bit of the hard stuff that’s brought tears to my eyes more times than I can count. But I’m just so glad that, when I think back on this year, I also get to think about you. Because you’re such a gift. The sweetest blessing. And even though things looked a little (okaya lot) different than I’d planned, and it certainly wasn’t always easy or comfortable, your timing couldn’t have been more perfect. So thank you, little one. Thank you for allowing me to be grateful for 2020. Because it gave me you. Tag a mum or dad who had a baby in 2020 and needs to see this (Unknown author - please tag them if you know so I can credit them ). @kellyjordanphotography #newmum #newmums #newmumsupport #mumssupportingmums #postpartum #newbaby #newbornbaby #mumtribe #socialdistancing #mumselfcarematters #realmumlife #fourthtrimester #firsttimemum #mummyandbaby #newmummy #ittakesavillage #mumvillage #newborn #newborncare #baby #babycare #newparents #newborntips #maternityleave #mama #motherhood #fatherhood #dad #newdad #daddy
02.01.2022 Some Monday morning ovary popping love This is what it is all about. Feeling loved, supported and in control. @julesrobinson82 @cammerchant completed the @hypnobirthingaustralia Positive Birth Program for their birth preparation. The same program I and all other HBA practitioners teach across Australia. ... Want to rock your birth like mama lioness did? You know what you need to do Repost @julesrobinson82 @download.ins --- #loveatfirstsight I would do it a thousand times again for you Oliver Chase Merchant. Our little man has arrived #surprise #itsaboy healthy and beautiful and my heart is full. We are home now and enjoying the love bubble and getting to know our lil man Ollie who has the world ahead of him. #newborn #birth #inlove #libra #olliechase #hypnobirthing #birthpartner #amazinghusband #babycub #fourthtrimester #myson @cammerchant @babycubandladylumps #oxytocin #motherly #love #firstouch #firsthold #birthsupport #hypnobirthingaustralia #birthwithoutfear #hospitalbirth #birthisbeautiful #empoweredbirth #thisisbirth #sacredbirth #empoweredbirthproject #midwife #obstetrician