Islamic Medical Association of Queensland | Non-profit organisation
Islamic Medical Association of Queensland
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24.01.2022 The 2017 Scientific conference of the Islamic Medical association of Queensland is an annual meeting place for members to share ideas and learn about the latest developments in the field of medicine. It is also a platform for members to network and broaden their professional circles. The event will aim to invite both scientific and faith based speakers on topics which have been highlighted by our members as areas of interest. The conference will be at the Hilton Hotel Brisb...ane on 29 October 2017. Halal meals and snacks will be provided for all attendees and Salah facilities will be available on site. We look forward to meeting you at the conference and hope it will be both a medically stimulating and a spiritually uplifting experience. The conference is open to ALL Medical, Dental and Allied healthcare professionals and students in these disciplines, including non IMAQ members. With the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Myanmar, IMAQ will be donating your entire registration fee to the Myanmar Appeal. Click on the book now button to register.
24.01.2022 The moon has been sighted in Brisbane. Eid will be tomorrow 5th June 2019. Eid mubarak to you and your families.
24.01.2022 Help stop COVID-19 on your doorstep. Please note: total numbers in Australia revised up to 26 with 6 cases in total in QLD
22.01.2022 The flu vaccine is more important this year than ever before. It won’t protect you from COVID-19 but will decrease influenza which is a serious disease and has similar symptoms.
22.01.2022 GP POSITION AVAILABLE VR General Practitioner required, registered with AHPRA with either the RACGP or ACRRM Fellowship. Semi-rural practice in the Lockyer Val...ley, 1 hour from Brisbane & 30 minutes from Toowoomba. This is not a DWS (District of workforce shortage) area. GP with minimum 4 years general practice experience preferred and one who will share the vision of becoming a part of a great team. Will suit General Practitioners with special interests in (but not limited to) Travel Medicine, Skin and Aesthetics, Mental Health and Chronic Disease Management. Male or female. Part time or Full time with immediate start. Privately owned rapidly growing Clinic. Newly renovated with large patient base. Numerous visiting Allied Health and Specialists supporting patient care. Full time nursing support also provided to GP’s with a multi bed treatment room. Administrative support is provided by a dedicated team of Medical Receptionists, led by an experienced Practice Manager, allowing our General Practitioners a very pleasant working environment. Practice is open Monday to Friday from 8.00am to 6:00 pm and Saturday 8:00am - 1:00pm and closed Public Holidays. Kindly submit your CV to [email protected]
22.01.2022 Public Health Alert Queensland Health has expanded its list of venues where cases of the Brisbane Youth Detention Centre cluster visited. Anyone who has b...een to these locations at the times specified should monitor their health and if they develop any COVID-19 symptoms, even mild, get tested. The updated list is available at: To find your nearest fever clinic, visit:
21.01.2022 Alhamdulilah, new cases in Australia continue to decline despite tens of thousands of tests being performed. You have contributed to this by abiding by regulations! I also commend Imams and other leaders in our community for strong, United, yet painful decisions to closing Masajid. There is a long, difficult road ahead, but with Allah’s infinite mercy and collective effort and dua, we will beat this insha Allah. Please continue to do the right thing. (Source
21.01.2022 We would like to invite you to attend the 2018 CME Evening jointly hosted by the Islamic Medical Association of Queensland and Society of Bangladeshi Doctors Queensland will be held on the 30th August 2018 at THE GLEN HOTEL in Eight Mile Plains, QLD at 18:30. The event will aim to invite both scientific and faith based speakers on the topic of Diabetes and Diet. The conference is open to ALL Medical, Dental and Allied healthcare professionals and students in these discipline...s, including non IMAQ or SBDQ members. Registration for the event is free. Click on this link below to register
21.01.2022 ICQ wishes to clarify that the meeting tonight is not a public meeting. Here's why: Currently, there isn't a clear plan in the Muslim community for how to handl...e the corona virus situation. Isolated discussions have been held by medical professionals and Imams, but there is little coordination. So this meeting is for leaders, Imams and health professionals only, to come together and devise a plan for how the Muslim community can manage the situation. This type of meeting of minds can't be done effectively online, so a physical meeting is required. Once the meeting is done and outcomes are clear, we will post the outcomes online for the whole community to see and act accordingly. We hope this clarifies who needs to attend the meeting. It's not for everyone to attend, and we know you will continue to trust that your leadership is treating this situation as a priority. See more
20.01.2022 The Islamic Medical Association of Queensland Inc. (IMAQ) was formed in Brisbane in 2010 to establish a network of Muslim Healthcare Professionals. IMAQ's primary objective is to establish a network of like minded healthcare professionals, with many ancillary objects. Our members include Medical, Dental and Allied Healthcare Professionals, as well as students in these various disciplines. Members are primarily based in Queensland but we do have members from other states across Australia.
20.01.2022 ICQ COVID-19 BULLETIN 11 28 JULY 2020 Eid al Adha, Gatherings and Hygiene... Please see our latest COVID-19 bulletin with some simple requests: Avoid all gatherings (including Jumu’ah and Eid) if: You are sick You are waiting for COVID-19 test results You are subject to quarantine restrictions If possible, families should host small Eid salah gatherings at home like they did for Eid al Fitr. Avoid physical contact no hugging or shaking hands. Jointly issued by ICQ, Council of Imams Queensland and Islamic Medical Association of Queensland - IMAQ
20.01.2022 Herd immunity, vaccines, all in the news. Make an informed decision
20.01.2022 Ten tips for GPs when it comes to ENT: 1. Kids are not supposed to snore and it should never be advised that they will just outgrow it 2. Ciprofloxacin drops ar...e the best first line treatment option for a discharging grommet (and in Australia can be accessed under an Authority script) 3. Plain film X-rays of the sinuses are a waste of time 4. Ask about teeth grinding, sleep walking, sleep talking, and night terrors in children that snore or mouth breathe 5. Tongue ties have nothing to do with sticking the tongue out the mouth as much as they do with elevation of the tongue- get the child to open their mouth and lift it to the roof of their mouth- does it reach? 6. A proper audiogram will have air and bone conduction studies to differentiate between conductive and sensorineural loss 7. Sudden deafness in one ear that is sensorineural in nature is an emergency that needs oral steroids and potentially a grommet and topical steroids 8. Unilateral anything in ENT is a red flag: blood nose, blocked nose, middle ear fluid, otalgia, throat pain, tonsil enlargement, etc 9. Rhinitis is not the same as sinusitis but patients often call the former by the latter 10. Adult sleep apnoea is a disease of the upper airway and someone needs to look inside to see where the pathology is Was this helpful? Would you like more of these? Please share this post and if I see that it has enough shares then I’ll think up some more :) PS If you don’t know how to share a post, it’s really easy and there are plenty of simple YouTube videos that will show you the steps.
18.01.2022 It’s on today. The IMAQ scientific conference at the Hilton Hotel Brisbane. See you there. Thank you to all our sponsors.
18.01.2022 Dental surgery in medical centre to lease
18.01.2022 Statement on Covid19 in Queensland
17.01.2022 IMAQ 2017 Conference program
17.01.2022 VR GP Positions
16.01.2022 Official figures from the Premier of Qld. Active cases continue to drop Alhamdulilah. We have to guard against complacency though. Please follow guidelines and continue to thank the Almighty for His mercy upon us.
16.01.2022 We get this question a lot, especially following the requirement for people to wear face masks in other parts of the country. Face masks can be a useful measur...e to help control sustained community transmission. Sustained community transmission is when we have multiple cases of locally acquired COVID-19 where contact tracing and testing is unable to identify how the person was infected. At the moment, there is no evidence to suggest that Queensland has any sustained community transmission. If you live in the greater region of Brisbane, a face mask might be suitable if: You are in a situation where social distancing cannot be maintained, i.e. public transport or a busy shopping centre If your GP has told you to wear one If you are caring for someone who has COVID-19 If you are attending a GP clinic, hospital or ED If you are sick and getting a COVID-19 test Face masks alone will not protect you from COVID-19. It is also vital that other COVID safe practices are followed, including: Washing hands often and thoroughly Maintaining a social distancing Covering coughs or sneezes Staying at home if unwell Getting tested if you're showing any signs of COVID-19.
16.01.2022 Regarding Careless Forwards Of Anti-Vaccine Messages The Prophet said, "Whoever practices medicine without having studied it shall be responsible [for any har...m he causes]" (Reported by Abu Dawud and al-Nas'). This hadith lays out a very important principle: if a person gets involved in a field that he is not qualified for, and ends up causing harm to others, he shall be responsible, in the eyes of Allah, and possibly in the courts of men as well. Therefore, if someone has no knowledge of medicine, having never studied it or practiced it, but still takes on the role and responsibility of a doctor, prescribing medications and performing surgeries, that person shall be responsible, both legally and morally, for any and all damages his practice incurred. (On the flip side, we can also derive from this hadith that if a qualified doctor makes a sincere judgment call which turns out to be a mistake, generally speaking he shall not be liable). We currently have a global pandemic raging, devastating lives and disrupting every aspect of society. Now that there is the potential for a vaccine, let the specialists speak about its pros and cons, and don't jump on any populist bandwagon. Realize that if you forward nonsensical videos or relay incorrect information that potentially causes someone else to do something that is harmful (for example, to not take a vaccine that is effective), you might be liable for any harm caused. Also note that not everyone who can quote a verse or two is a scholar of Islam, and not everyone who wears a white jacket and stethoscope is a doctor. Do your research, and look at the credentials and specialization and reputation of the one you take any knowledge from, ESPECIALLY knowledge of your faith, and knowledge about protecting your life. Every field has its specialists, and we as Muslims give the rights due to the people who deserve those rights. In this field, let us follow actual medical experts, and not random Whatsapp messages or global conspiracy theorists. The Prophet said, "It is enough for a person to be a liar that he narrates everything he hears" (Reported in Ahmad). We can add for our times: ...and that he forwards every message he receives! Be careful, dear brothers and sisters, and don't act irresponsibly in a field that is not your area of expertise. Note: this is NOT a blanket endorsement of the vaccine. Rather, it is a call to act responsibly, and to let qualified, trained, recognized specialists lead the way to endores or criticize aspects of the vaccine.
16.01.2022 Today is 'International Nurses Day' a day that is observed around the world to celebrate the contributions that nurses make to society, so we decided to visit s...ome special nurses in the UAE and give them a little surprise. Thank you so much to all the incredible healthcare workers who dedicate their lives to taking care of us, you are the heart of our community, we love you always. Instagram: @khalidalameri Group: Khalid's World Group Music: Time by Vlad Gluschenko
15.01.2022 The fiqh of Ghusl, Janazah Salah and burial in relation to Covid-19. Excellent current update by Sh Yasir Qadhi.
15.01.2022 Source: Royal Australasian college of general practitioners
14.01.2022 The latest FIMA (Federation of Islamic Medical Associations) newsletter April 2018.
14.01.2022 FIMA Newsletter June-July 2019.
13.01.2022 Updated Queensland COVID numbers. May Allah have mercy on us all both here in Queensland, other states and abroad.
13.01.2022 Less than two weeks to go for the IMAQ scientific conference, for Medical, Dental, Allied health professionals and students in all of these disciplines. Register at asap for catering purposes. The full conference registration fee is being donated to the Myanmar Appeal. In addition to the wide range of medical updates, get a first hand update of the overseas medical relief camps and on the principles of Islamic Inheritance. ... See you there Insha-Allah. See more
13.01.2022 Alhamdulillah we are now are now heading into the last 10 days of a very different Ramadan experience with Covid19. During theses times of adversity we have se...en the best of ideas of sharing knowledge and information online evolve. This sees the launch of a new My Islam website to share information of your faith to family and friends at Please share and visit often as the information provided will evolve Insha-Allah, into a great resource for anyone wanting to get an overview of Islam. See more
13.01.2022 CME Evening jointly hosted by the Islamic Medical Association of Queensland (IMAQ) and Society of Bangladeshi Doctors Queensland (SBDQ) held on the 30th August 2018 at The Glen Hotel in Eight Mile Plains on recent updates in Diabetes. Thank you to our sponsors Astra Zeneca and our speakers Dr Sultan Linjawi and Sr Amina Khan.
13.01.2022 From our brothers and sisters in the UK. As you know, the situation there and in so many other places is dire. Please remember all medical staff and communities with difficulty in your Duas. It is only because of Allah’s Mercy that we find ourselves in a favourable position in Australia at the moment . May Allah have mercy on us all.
12.01.2022 'My patients help me learn': The Pakistani-Australian GP who learned another language for her clients
12.01.2022 Brilliant, this is a must watch for a Muslim’s perspective on the current pandemic
12.01.2022 COVID-19 BULLETIN 1 - 16 MARCH 2020 ICQ requests all Qld Muslim organisations to see the attached guidelines regarding the Coronavirus (COVID-19). This is the f...irst update we're publishing and it is dated 16 March 2020. Please await further updates in the near future as new information comes to light, See more
12.01.2022 Thank you AAMI, if you are a nurse, doctor or first responder, you can register for free roadside assistance by following the link.
12.01.2022 Hejaz Financial Services is one of the gold sponsors of our upcoming Islamic Medical Association of Qld Conference.
10.01.2022 # | | Peace everyone,... We are pleased to present this by Queensland Health in partnership with the Queensland Mental Health Commission, Brisbane South Primary Health Network supported by The Islamic Council of Queensland and Council of Imams Queensland - Managing Stress and Uncertainty during Ramadan - Things to consider and remember during Ramadan - Accessing Services during Ramadan !!!
09.01.2022 Some measured relaxation to restrictions coming through on 2 May 2020 in QLD. This is because of the low rates of new infections in our state, Alhamdulilah. As we’ve seen elsewhere, we cannot be complacent, and the gradual reintroduction of liberties with close monitoring is absolutely the right thing to do. Have a blessed and safe Ramadaan
08.01.2022 Congratulations to Prof Orhan and 7 specialists from Istanbul Medeniyet University for organising a general surgery and cardiology camp on 21st of December 2019... in Somaliland. The program was initiated in 2017 after Somaliland Islamic Medical Association first joined FIMA Scientific Congress and Health. During the event, they were committed and work excessively hard in the operation theatre performing 10 complicated surgical cases. On the other hand, they also provided Emergency and Trauma training to 60 hospitals medical practitioners. Alhamdulillah, His Excellency Muse Bihi Abdi, the President of Somaliland showed his gratitude by visiting them in the hospital. He was beyond honoured and proud for the successful event.
06.01.2022 Some sensible answers to commonly asked questions on Covid 19 from an infectious disease specialist.
06.01.2022 The Islamic Council of Victoria (ICV), in partnership with The Royal Children’s Hospital (RCH) Foundation and AFIC, launched an ambitious mission last night to ...sponsor all the beds on the RCH Wallaby Ward by June 2020. Wallaby Ward is an innovative new initiative that provides patients with at home care as part of the Hospital-in-theHome Program. This patient-centred model of care enables medically stable children access to acute levels of treatment and support from RCH nurses and allied health professionals via the Wallaby Ward, a proven care pathway that helps improve patient comfort and recovery. ICV President Mohamed Mohideen praised the pioneering initiative saying that, "The RCH is such an important pillar of our community and we are excited to grow the continuing relationship with the Muslim community by supporting this great cause. The night also featured RCH chairman Rob Knowles and leading researchers in the field in Penelope Bryant and Dr. Laila Ibrahim. Watch this space to learn more about this exciting initiative and how to support it.
06.01.2022 On March 15, two men ran into Christchurch Hospital claiming they’d witnessed a shooting and to expect patients. It was the first and only warning the hospital... would receive. What unfolded over the next few hours would stretch staff to their limits, and beyond. This is their story, as told to Frank Film.
06.01.2022 Excellent discourse from Muslim council of Britain
06.01.2022 FIMA (Federation of Islamic Medical Associations) is a registered body of 30 IMAs and 20 associate members and affiliates worldwide, including Islamic Medical Association of Qld. Federation of Islamic Medical Associations aims to foster the unity and welfare of Muslim medical and health care professionals, to promote Islamic medical activities including health services, education and research through co-operation and co-ordination among member organizations, to promote the u...nderstanding and the application of Islamic principles in the field of medicine, to mobilize professional and economic resources in order to provide medical care and relief to affected areas and communities, and to promote the exchange of medical information and technical expertise among member organizations. It is a not for profit, nonpolitical and non-Governmental organization. The main FIMA projects includes but not limited to) CIMCO (consortium of Islamic Medical Colleges), IHC (Islamic Hospital Consortium), FIMA Relief, FIMA Save-Vision, FIMA Save-Smile, FIMA Students wing, Year Books, HIV AIDS resource center and many others. Please forward this mail to the doctors, allied health personnel or medical students known to you. Updates You may visit the FIMA website at and for the previous issues of FIMA e-newsletter please follow the link provided below.
05.01.2022 "Our goal is to make sure everybody in the world has access to a window into the human body that can save a life when someone you love needs saving." Butterfly founder Jonathan Rothberg joined Julia Chatterly on CNN International's First Move August 21st.
04.01.2022 An excellent video clip on Covid-19 and the response in China to reduce the spread.
04.01.2022 ICQ COVID-19 BULLETIN 12 29 July 2020 Eid al Adha Public prayer cancellations Please see our latest statement in light of the new COVID-19 cases in South East Q...ueensland. Please remain vigilant and continue to comply with social distancing rules. Jointly issued by the Islamic Council of Queensland, the Council of Imams Queensland, and the Islamic Medical Association of Queensland - IMAQ
04.01.2022 A far north Queensland man who was last month flown to Brisbane suffering from diphtheria has died. The man in his 20s, who wasn't vaccinated against the di...sease, was taken to Brisbane's Prince Charles Hospital in a critical condition on January 24th and has since died. Diptheria is a bacterial disease that causes serious inflammation of the windpipe, nose and throat. The Australian Medical Association of Queensland's Dr Richard Kidd says vaccinations have all but wiped the disease out in Australia. He says the AMAQ is concerned about recent increases in the number of people who aren't vaccinating against rare diseases.
03.01.2022 PIMA / FIMA Convention 2020 (Program)
01.01.2022 IMAQ supporting a medical camp at a Rohingya Refugee Camp in Bangladesh.
01.01.2022 The IMAQ 2017 Scientific Conference, held on 29 October at the Hilton Hotel in Brisbane, was well attended and the delegates left the Conference being both medically and spiritually uplifted. Thank you to all our Sponsors for the day: Dial a Home Doctor, Hejaz Financial Services, Sullivan Nicolaides Pathology, Novartis, Novo Nordisk, GSK, BOQ, Bayer & the City Fertility Group. Thank you to Drs Muhammad Akbar and Ihsaan Peer the coordinators for the day, Dr Mohammed Iqbal Sul...tan for the welcome, to all our excellent presenters on the day - Dr Naadir Gutta, Dr Rozeena Musa, Dr Afzal Khaloon, Zohair Rahman, Dr Homa Foratan, Dr Nadeem Shareef, Dr Jilani Latona, Iqbal Lambat, Imam Ahmed Ghazzelah, Dr Sultan Linjani, Mohammed Kola and Amina Khan. Thank you to each of our attendees for your ongoing support and for making the Conference a success. To our Conference sub-committee Drs. Naadir Gutta, Muhammad Akbar, Ihsaan Peer & Humza Carim, thank you. See photos See more
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