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25.01.2022 Intuitive eating, what is it you ask. Great question Intuitive Eating is an evidenced-based, mind-body health approach, comprising of 10 Principles and created by two dietitians, Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch in 1995.... The principles work by either cultivating or removing obstacles to body awareness, a process known as interoceptive awareness. Essentially, Intuitive Eating is a personal process of honoring health by listening and responding to the direct messages of the body in order to meet your physical and psychological needs. Intuitive Eating is not a diet or food plan. It’s a journey of self-discovery and connection to the needs of your mind and body. There is nothing to count: this includes no counting of calories, carbs, points, or macros. Ultimately, you are the expert of your body. Only you know what hunger, fullness, and satisfaction feels like. Only you know your thoughts, feelings, and experiences. If you would like to learn more, let me know below as I have a document I have put together for my clients on intuitive eating, that I wanted to share with you.

25.01.2022 Wanted to share this and see if any of you are interesting and meet the requirements. DM me if you want to know more.

23.01.2022 Love love love this new care emoji. Who else thinks is great?!!!!

23.01.2022 Life is all about adjusting, changing and adapting to things that come up in life, relationships and business. This circumstance we are in now is definitely showing us we need to pivot, change the way we think and do life in so many areas.

19.01.2022 Mastering Life with Kate Kendall and Tim Morgan - episode 17 adopting a beginners mindset A new perspective on failure, skill acquisition and trying new things!

17.01.2022 Client Celebrations So proud of all the women I work with and these are just a couple of the physical changes for some of them that have started to happen. Some of the ladies celebrations are more then just the physical aspects also. ... These ladies all: - dropped cm all over the body - down 1-3 dress sizes - scales dropped from 5-10kg plus and their body and mind changes. They have also released the emotional baggage, old beliefs and habits that were getting in their way. Stopped binge eating and the self sabotage and the internal self abuse and internal battles they faced week in week out. They have changes the way they look at food and the choices they make. STOPPED thinking they have to have less and less calories to get results and starve themselves. They have freed themselves of the yo-yo dieting and doubts to believe in themselves that they are good enough and now are feeling healthy, strong and happier from the inside out which has impacted their external environment with partners and family. So amazing to be apart of all their journey’s of self discovery. So Are you stuck in that same rut and been feeling like this for too long now? Do you want to experience the happiness my clients are feeling? You deserve it too Time to free yourself from your past! And create the new future and not let your past dictate or define who you will become. Time to give yourself permission to be happy, healthy and find that confidence? If you are ready, DM me and let’s chat I have 3 space available. So if you what your name ok one take action lets do this.

17.01.2022 Question is: Do we have to eat things we don't like? NO, but YES lol... When we are used to a diet high in processed foods, packets foods and take-outs, our taste buds become so accustomed to the sugars, additives, sweetness, texture and response it gives us. It takes time for you to taste the real flavours or fresh foods/ meats etc. So how do we introduce new food? Using fresh herbs and spices will help you to enjoy your foods as they can help to make them so tasty and so many benefits there also. Start by adding a new fruit or vegetable a week. Salad and vegetables provide us with a considerable amount of vitamins, minerals and goodness to help keep our skin glowing, Gut happy and belly full. Which will help with digestion and bowel movements They are super low in calories and will fill us up, so we don't overeat. Try making half your plate vegetables and salad options this week. Stir-fries are a great way to hide some more vegetables also. Finding new ways to cook and try things also. It can be that as a kid you were prepared or given something that you can't stand now, as it was overcooked and mushy etc. you could be missing out to give another go and find an excellent way to have it. P.s your taste buds will change over time, and your body will Thankyou for it also I promise. If you are ready to start your health journey and transform your life and body, DM me and let's jump on a call and get you on the right track now. YOU WILL NOT REGRET IT.

16.01.2022 When it comes to your health what is your biggest challenge, frustration or roadblock you have been struggling with? And why?When it comes to your health what is your biggest challenge, frustration or roadblock you have been struggling with? And why?

15.01.2022 Everything is temporary Emotions, thoughts, people and scenery. Do not get attached, just flow with it.... When we really think about it, the only thing truly permanent in this life is change. Things already changed in the few moments it took you read this post. We, as humans, are constantly evolving, as is the world around us. Our moods, feelings and emotions. I have really learnt over the years and even more so of late. I have been reminded of so much; how fast time goes by, how things can and does change in an instant as we saw and experiences with covid19 and how temporary each moment is, as we pivot and change again as we come out the other side. When I think of life in terms of it being temporary, it adds a layer of simplicity to things for me. Emotions become easier to accept and it creates space for us to become witness to them and just observe them instead of reacting to or with them. When we realise that each emotion that we experience, is only temporary, we begin to see that they pass by us rather quickly if we let them. The choice is ours and they can and will pass. Instead of getting stuck on how we are feeling moment to moment, we can remind ourselves that this too shall pass. just be and allow without judgement. For negative emotions is a real relief and for positive emotions it helps us to really be in the present moment just a little bit more by hanging on to the happy pieces of emotions we feel. Thoughts run through our minds a hundred miles a minute it feels like that some times. I don’t know about you, but my mind races at lightening speed especially when I feel myself trying to control the present moment or future as well as when I’m living in the past. Don’t hold onto the past, take the time to heal and forgive. Everything is temporary and will pass

15.01.2022 Not knocking the scale, but there’s a lot of other MAJOR advantages to working out. How you monitor progress can be done any of these ten ways and, honestly, they’re all really important. So, don’t get down if the scale isn’t changing. As long as you’re getting stronger, feeling more confident, and daily life activities are getting easier, you’re making amazing progress.... Keep it up! If you just do not know where to start, what to do then take that step and reach out for help.

14.01.2022 Do you have a Fixed or Growth mindset ? What do they both mean? The internal dialogue for both examples are:... Fixed mindset - mistake is failure - I give up when can’t do something - I avoid challenging things - This is hard or too hard, I can’t do this - I am not good at this - This is how I have always been - It is how it is always been this way Growth mindset - mistakes are I learnt and grow - I try different strategies till I succeed - I face all challenges and know that I can do anything I put my mind to - I have to make more effort and keep trying until I get it right or improve - How can I do better what can I improve - I can be good at anything if I keep trying - That is how did in the past and I am going to change as not serving me - I am willing to change my life and not keep doing like have been It is important for changes to occur in your life, that you become a person that starts to think with a growth mindset. Otherwise you will continue to do things exactly as you are and stay where you are, doing things the same. If you are happy where you are that is great, although if you would like things to be even better you must change the way you think and how you’ve done things in the past to create a different future.

14.01.2022 Hey ladies Please feel free to come join the habit hacks group. Click this link ...

11.01.2022 Do you suffer CRAVINGS and just feel it takes over your? It’s no secret that the New Year brings on new inspiration and desire to improve health and fitness, and You probably are aware that less than 10% will still be pursuing their resolution within just a few months....Continue reading

08.01.2022 Celebrate the wins - big or small celebration It is so important to celebrate the small and big things in our life. We focus so much on what we haven’t, should have done, the what if, and live in the past so much. Stop forcusing in the rear vision mirror and look forward at what you can create and change. Allowing yourself to have the chance to say go me look what I did. Then you start to gain trust, confidence, belief and faith in self that you can do it. If you keep reminding yourself of the failures (lessons) that are stopping you from achieving great things in your life, you will never move forward and out of the rut. What you focus on your get more off. Goes both ways people.

05.01.2022 The Four Agreements This is a great book and these principles are amazing. I have been working on these over the last few years and continue daily on them. ...I have this on my wall at home to remind myself. These principles I work with my clients to implement into their lives also as real foundations that change your life. Be impeccable with your word Say only what you mean, with integrity. Work on improving the language you use, how you treat self and others with the power of words. Be aware of who you talk about, what you are always sharing with people over and over, what is the purpose of continuing to talk about things in the past that are not serving you any longer. Just will attract more of the same negativity. Don’t take anything personally People tend to react and do things not because of you. When others say and do is a reflection of their own reality, their own emotions feelings and dreams. When you are immune to the opinions and actions of others, you won’t be the victim of needless suffering. Don’t make assumptions We can tend to just assume things so often and be so wrong. People hear things that are said and depending on how they are feeling themselves can hear, receive the message how we chose to hear it, so often are unsure what is meant by those words or actions and instead of asking with curiosity what did you mean by that can you please explain so I am clear we just then make up what we think they have said and mean. This can end with things being misconstrued and misunderstood which leads to frustration, anger and hurt. We place expectations onto people so often and will generally be let down as when people are not aware or know what you would like, expect from them you will always be let down. It isn’t fair on self and others to do that. So learning to communicate how you feel, what you would like is so important. Always do your best If you always are doing your best and these levels will change at times depending on how you are feeling at any point, although if you are doing your very best at that very time that is what is important. Live life without judgement, self-abuse and regrets. Who loves this? What do you take from this, love to hear your thoughts and if any aha for you? Shoot me a DM if you are ready to make changes and get out of your rut and own way. if not now when? DO IT YOU ARE WORTH IT.

05.01.2022 Commitment + consistency = change/ results You can’t just expect to do something once and see results and change. Can’t just do bicep curls once and have good guns. It take time commitment consistency to see the results.... Don’t over complicate it. Keep simple. I talk about motivation all the time, and it isn’t always there it comes and goes and if you wait till you find motivation sorry it you may not find it. My a choice to change and get the help support you need if you haven’t been able to do it alone. It’s not been weak if you ask for help. It is actually a strength. As you think above the line and find solutions and a away as what been doing ain’t working. Time to change. I have a couple of coaching stops available for another couple of lovely ladies ready for change. DM me of let me know below if you want to chat and see if the right fit.

04.01.2022 Episode 14 Living Above The Line with Kate and Tim Living above the line is the secret in gaining control of your life! We will be looking at in detail victim... vs victor mentality How to identify if you are caught in "victim thinking" Steps you can take tonight on how to take back the control in your life! See more

03.01.2022 The more you get stuck living in the past, continuing to talk about what has been. Not allowing yourself to be living in the present moment, you are missing out on the great things you can be experiencing now and your creating your future. Time for the new story. Those ones are getting old.

03.01.2022 Let’s Stop Diet Hopping Warning! Is Your Diet Sabotaging Your Goals? Flashy diets, extreme fitness and weight loss shows, and the next best health contraption flashes across our TV screens almost daily.... Here is the problem with diets and the latest fads to hit the media (such as intermittent fasting): Most diets and meal plans are not meant to be long term. And, unfortunately, when we try to follow a super-specific program or rigid prescription, many things can - and do - go wrong. You don't stick to it like you are supposed to (because we are human and we have lives!) You follow it perfectly (but it becomes too strict for too long) You follow the plan for a while but don't really enjoy it so it is not sustainable long term We tend to want to believe we can sign up for a program or go on a diet and still eat whatever we want, even though we know that hasn’t worked in the past. And then when it doesn’t work, we like to vilify the diet or program because we don’t want to ask ourselves the hard questions as to why we are not seeing the results that we want. So we blame the diet when we don’t lose weight. And then hop to the next diet. If you are relying on a diet to provide you with the exact nutrition plan for your complex body and emotions and you don’t have any input into that decision-making, then you are relying on something external. That external reliance can actually disconnect you from the wisdom of your own mind and body. So, let’s stop jumping from diet to diet. Let’s find what works for your unique body and is sustainable. Ask yourself... Could I eat this way next month? Next year? It has to be sustainable, otherwise, it won't last. But most diets and meal plans are typically not sustainable long term. And let’s be real for a second... Changing how we eat is hard. But if we want to make a lasting change, we need to stop blindly following the latest diets and start understanding our own unique bodies, how we feel about food, and which foods are actually beneficial to us. I am opening up for enrolments to my Transformational Mind Body and Life-changing program this week where we deep dive into the human brain, body and nutrition 101. If you are interested in learning more, leave a yes in the comments and I will send you more details - also happy to hop on a 15-min call to answer any questions!

02.01.2022 Taking 5 mins to stop and breath

02.01.2022 I’m starting a BRAND NEW Case Study group for April and I’m looking for a few specific people to work closely with that want to gain their confidence, work to have a healthy, fit, strong mind and body and find their happiness. So are you someone who has been.... - Struggling with social distancing from the fridge and pantry?... - Sick of the self-sabotage? - The roller coaster rides with your emotional eating? - Yo-yo dieting And you are ready to. Come out of this challenging time feeling more confident, healthy, happier and stronger than when it started? It’s your time to.. - Get out of your own way by learning how to live a healthy life without restrictions and dieting To stop feeling stuck in the rut by gaining the trust and belief in yourself with methods that are simple and easy to implement - Gain confidence in yourself by implementing proven strategies that are sustainable to build into YOUR own life Take your power back by understanding your relationship with your emotions around food Are you ready for change and to do things differently? If this resonates with you then I want to work with you. comment "ME Please" below or DM me to find out what this is all about

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