Imperial Brazilian Jiu Jitsu in Perth, Western Australia | Sport & recreation
Imperial Brazilian Jiu Jitsu
Locality: Perth, Western Australia
Phone: +61 431 704 439
Address: Unit 3 / 21 Caloundra Rd 6030 Perth, WA, Australia
Likes: 967
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25.01.2022 BRACKETS ARE UP! Remember that we run our events EARLY! We should be finished by 5:00 p.m. Keep your eyes on the smoothcomp account and be at the event 2-3 hours ahead of your scheduled time. 8:45 am kick off Doors open from 8:00 a.m.
25.01.2022 Keen to give Jiu Jitsu a try now that we can venture outside? We have created a new beginners class for those who have been stuck inside for 10 weeks, while keeping some distancing for our members. Our regular Fundametals is back on Thursdays at 6.30pm. DM for more info... #imperialbjj #imperialbrazilianjiujitsu #allornothing #bjj #jiujitsu #brazilianjiujitsu #bjjwhitebelt #bjjbeginner #wannatry #wannaroll #perthbjj #perthfitness #perthisok #willmachado #bjjfundamentals #letsroll #nomorelockdown #lifeaftercovid19 @ Imperial Brazilian Jiu Jitsu
25.01.2022 I hate to admit, but it feels pretty lonely in here. I came to clean my already extremely clean gym & get some fresh air through.Just like every gym owner, I've had a week full of worry & uncertainty, and feeling out of place. Im going to have many more. Ive gone through so many worst case scenarios, what if's & maybes. In the end, my Italian bred stubbornness got me this far so for now we'll just rely on that. And the love of my #imperialbjjcrew. Hope everyone is ok. #imperialbjj #imperialbrazilianjiujitsu #imperialbjjcrew #imperialbjjfamily #bjjfamily #brazilianjiujitsu #bjj #feelingoptimistic #fuckcoronavirus #bjjfamily #allornothing #perthbjj #aussiebjj #perthfitness #whereisthelove #norolls #cantwaittillthisisover #bjjclub
24.01.2022 Our first dent in the new wall since the December renos. Tough enough for white belts lol. #imperialbrazilianjiujitsu #imperialbjj #allornothing #bjjwhitebelt #brazilianjiujitsu #jiujitsu #holywall #perthbjj #perthfitness #dentinthewall #whowasit #notgonnafixit #wannaroll #submissionwrestling #submissiongrappling
24.01.2022 Public holiday open mat 12pm-2pm today. No regular classes tonight. Gi optional all welcome.
23.01.2022 We officially return to our slightly improved schedule on Wednesday 6th January. We have some slight changes but nothing major. Our kids class timings remain the same. Open mat tonight with JT! Let's hope there's better luck this year!... #imperialbjjfamily #imperialbrazilianjiujitsu #imperialbjj #bjj #brazilianjiujitsu #jiujitsu #jiujitsulifestyle #perthbjj #submissiongrappling #wannaroll #letsroll #2020wasshit
22.01.2022 I remember always choosing the triangle window on Playschool. Now I realise why. Tonight's No Gi is Triangle chokes with resident triangler Stretch @ajhughes81. #imperialbjj #imperialbjjfamily #imperialbrazilianjiujitsu #allornothing #bjj #brazilianjiujitsu #perthbjj #bjjtrianglesubmission #trianglechoke #whatisatrianglechoke #taporsnap #jiujitsu #jiujitsulifestyle
22.01.2022 Yes we are. Remainder of Term 1 for kids has been cancelled. 2020 has been cancelled. We are closed until Monday 6th April at this stage. We are living in some tough times. Look out for each other. #imperialbjj #imperialbrazilianjiujitsu #allornothing #perthbjj #aussiebjj #weareclosed #fuckcoronavirus #lookoutforeachother #takecare #holyshit #brazilianjiujitsu
22.01.2022 And what a huge day at @sgtperth submission only comp today. And it didnt disappoint with disqualifications & unsolicited calls for me to get a haircut. Some had mixed results, some drew champions with lots of experience but all fought their little hearts out. Its a very busy day for me so apologies if I missed your match or had to cut short a chat to run to a mat. So a huuuuge congrats to Kristian, Cross, Harry, Mike Mason, Dishy Dean, Danny, Pistol Pete & Bailey for up regardless of your results. Even bigger thanks to @jitzcoffeecarsbikesdogs for coaching AND all parents, partners & team mates for their support. Also Cross beat my submission record of 17 seconds with a submission in 13 seconds which means one of the coaches has to wear the pink belt. I think its Clarkey hahahaha #imperialbjj #imperialbjjfamily #imperialbrazilianjiujitsu #bjjcomp #submissiongrappling #submissiononly #perthbjj #jiujitsu #jiujitsulifestyle #youdidit #welldone #brazilianjiujitsu #bjjmedals #taporsnap #wannaroll #letsroll
22.01.2022 We white belts
21.01.2022 Deadline has been extended
21.01.2022 Got a hot headed teenager?? Send them our way (ok it was a very hot day this particular day). Apparently this works on fighting cats to. Juniors, Kids & Teens classes Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays starting at 4.30pm. #imperialbjj #imperialbrazilianjiujitsu #imperialbjjteens #imperialkids #imperialbjjcrew #allornothing #bjj #bjjkidsclasses #brazilianjiujitsu #jiujitsu #jiujitsulifestyle #wannaroll #gotrain #perthfitness #chokes #armbars #taporsnap #kidsrock #bjjblackbelts #submissiongrappling #submissionwrestling
20.01.2022 We proudly suppprt Soldiers & Sirens, and so should you. A local support service located in Osbourne Park for all ex & current serving military & first repsonders. Something I hold very close to my heart, as this club is proudly full of them. The tin appreciates all your donations. #soldiersandsirens #soldiersandsirenswa #veteransupportservice #supportyourlocalsupportservice #areuok #imperialbjj #imperialbrazilianjiujitsu #imperialbjjfamily #bjjfamily #loosechange #aussieveterans #wapol #ambos #firies #helpamate
20.01.2022 More hilarious stories of the small BJJ scene in WA from the 1990's. Alcohol probably included. Episode 3 starts 6pm tonight.
20.01.2022 The line for icey poles is long. Morale magically goes up if you utter the word ICEY POLES #imperialbjjkids #imperialbrazilianjiujitsu #imperialbjj #imperialbjjjuniorjits #kidsjiujitsu #kidsclasses #iceypoles #lineup #aussiesummer #trainhard #jiujitsu #willworkforfood #itshot #kidsbjjclass #kidsrock #perthbjj #noiwontcutmyhair #iceypoles #brazilianjiujitsu
19.01.2022 Almost forgot! Big thanks to Rex @rex9461 at #perthsafetyproducts for our roadside sign! Another great example of the #perthbjj community looking after one another. Now, if you're a slightly crusty, abit (alot) broken black belt like myself, maybe dont dig the sign in & then jump into a beatdown. You will strain your back lol. #perthsafetyproducts #itsasign #bjjcommunity #bjjfamily #perthbjj #imperialbjj #imperialbrazilianjiujitsu #brazilianjiujitsu #itsmysign #donttagmysign #supportlocalbusiness #supportwasmallbusiness #supportsmallbusiness #perthisok
18.01.2022 WHITE BELT Submission Only Tournament Sunday April 5th 3:00 pm onwards Round Robin... Gi & No-Gi Registrations Open Now
18.01.2022 Open mat from 5pm today with Broccy.
17.01.2022 In times of isolation like these I sometimes turn to #thebible while listening to @nervosathrash Red = push ups, black = V ups. Jokers are in. Cause I really dont need my arms for normal stuff later on like eating or fighting off bears #imperialbjj #allornothing #imperialbrazilianjiujitsu #fuckcoronavirus #homeexercises #homeworkouts #notthatbible #thebiblecards #pushups #situps #fuckimdead #brazilianjiujitsu #perthbjj #bjj #bjjdad #bjjworkouts #imgoingnuts #isolation #nojiujitsu #youcouldie #thrashmetal #brazilianthrashmetal #nervosa #sony #playingcards #aceofspades #useeverycard #strongholdgym #whatbears
17.01.2022 Just a reminder of what we do, can be hazardous. Alex managed to break his hand by getting it caught in Pete's gi. Upon some medical discussion (does it hurt?) & me poking the swollen bit (and Alex saying ouch alot), he had to call it a night still detemined to come back Thursday. Cool xray though. #imperialbjj #imperialbrazilianjiujitsu #allornothing #brazilianjiujitsu #xray #bjjinjury #brokenhand #doesithurt #perthbjj #bjjwhitebelts #bjjfundamentals #jiujitsu #jiujitsulifestyle #ouch #alexbrokehishand #hesfine
17.01.2022 As most of you are aware of the current situation with the virus, we will be POSTPONING our future events till such a time that we are able to run the tournamen...ts again. Our WHITE & BROWN Belt tournaments have been rescheduled to July however this is only a ‘estimated date’ and nothing has been confirmed. The June 14th tournament is still in place, once again pending how the situation is closer to that time. We appreciate all your support and we wish you all the best with your families during these strange times. P.S. -> you can cancel your entry to our events via your smoothcomp account or PM myself directly.
15.01.2022 And its a huuuge congrats to @chiefmaco surviving his beatdown (his face says it all!) & being promoted to blue belt. Awesome work Jake!! #imperialbjj #imperialbjjfamily #imperialbrazilianjiujitsu #allornothing #bjjbluebelt #youdidit #welldone #bjjgrading #bjjbeatdown #youdidntdie #bjj #brazilianjiujitsu #jiujitsu #perthbjj #willmachadobjj #bjjblackbelts
15.01.2022 A little bit of play on a busy work trip to #albanywesternaustralia with my bro Mazza @mitsu.domoe. I only got to visit for barely an hour but its enough to get some gold. #imperialbjjfamily #imperialbjj #imperialbrazilianjiujitsu #mitsudomoemartialarts #bjj #worktrip #brazilianjiujitsu #bjjfamily #willmachadobjj #letsroll #jiujitsu #jiujitsulifestyle #submissiongrappling
14.01.2022 Friday arvo of kids before the long weekend! **No kids classes Monday!! Juniors 4.30pm Kids 5pm Teens 5.45pm PLUS Open mat comp prep tonight from 6.30pm - all welcome Teens included (evem if you're not competing).... Saturday: No gi 9.30am Open mat 11am Monday: Open mat 10am-12pm. #imperiabjjlfightteam #imperialbjj #imperialbrazilianjiujitsu #bjj #allornothing #brazilianjiujitsu #perthbjj #bjjteens #kidsjiujitsu #kidsbjj #bjjopenmat #longweekend #aussiebjj #perthfitness #jiujitsulifestyle #bjjblackbelts #kidsrock #wannaroll #letsroll #gotrain
14.01.2022 Term 3 for all our Juniors, Kids & Teens start back from this Monday 20th July. Juniors 4.30pm; Kids 5pm; Teens 5.45pm Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. DM for more info.... #imperialbjj #imperialbrazilianjiujitsu #allornothing #bjj #jiujitsu #kidsjiujitsu #kidsclasses #perthbjj #kidsjiujitsu #kidsrock #brazilianjiujitsu #letsroll #thatsmygirl
14.01.2022 You can yell from the sidelines or you can sign up!
13.01.2022 And finally, crappy 2020 is done! Congrats to our newest blue belts @jamesdickinz @dannyfernandez1987 & Jacques, and to all who striped up. Even better we had an awesome spread from @teds_drymeatrubs for our post grading spread! A huge thanks to my instructors & helpers (black shirts), a shout out to our members & parents during shut down & special mention to @strongholdfunctionaltraining for keeping me going during the year; mentally & physically. Happy eating & happy holidays! #imperialbjjcrew #imperialbjj #imperialbrazilianjiujitsu #bjjgradings #bjjbeatdown #bjj #brazilianjiujitsu #jiujitsu #jiujitsulifestyle #bjjbluebelts #bjjpurplebelts #bjjbrownbelts #bjjblackbelts #bjjwhitebelt #perthbjj #slowcookedmeat #meat #bestfeedever #aussietucker #tedsdrymeatrubs #wannaroll #levelup #aussiebjj
13.01.2022 CAPPED at 120! Registrations for our In-House White Belt Submission Only Tournament is capped at 120 competitors Only. Registrations will close Wednesday Decem...ber 3rd at 11:59 pm if we don’t reach full capacity. Registrations are open
13.01.2022 Sunday July 19th White Belt & Juvenile Submission Only Tournament. Submission Only... Round Robin Gi & No-Gi Entries close Wednesday July 15th at 11:59 pm Register Now ->
12.01.2022 Last rolls for the year! Open mat at 2pm.
12.01.2022 We're still business as usual. All kids classes are running this afternoon. **Please note Saturday morning No Gi new starting time of 10am. Open mat 11am-1pm. Club has been meticulously cleaned (read meticulously!!). So please no naked flames indoors. ... #imperiabjjlfightteam #imperialbjj #imperialbrazilianjiujitsu #allornothing #bjjkids #tugofwar #bjjnogi #bjjopenmat #fuckcoronavirus #cleanmats #brazilianjiujitsu #jiujitsu #perthbjj #wannaroll #letsroll #armbars #chokes
12.01.2022 Less then a week to go! Don't leave it to the LAST minute to register. Entries close TUESDAY August 11th at 11:59 p.m. THERE WILL BE NO LATE ENTRIES.
11.01.2022 Had some rad birthday rolls with this rad motley crew. The best crew. Thanks for the taps & high fives. And @lozzeebiebs for the cake. #imperialbjj #imperialbjjfamily #perthbjj #itsmybirthday #birthdayrolls #bjj #jiujitsu #jiujitsulifestyle #birthdaycake #bjjblackbelts #letsroll #thisismycrew #mycrewisbetterthanyours
11.01.2022 We had a few kids level up yesterday & little Drew was one of them. Now 5 year olds dont like to sit still & listen for very long but Drewster is the opposite! He listens, he practices & he rolls like a champ. Even better when I called him out he clapped along with everyone else!! Huge congrats to all the kids that graded up, but there's a few to go before the end of term. #imperialbjj #imperialbrazilianjiujitsu #imperialbjjfamily #imperialbjjcrew #imperialbjjjuniorjits #bjj #kidsclasses #bjjgreybelt #kidsjiujitsu #kidsrock #jiujitsu #perthbjj #brazilianjiujitsu #kidsbjjclass #youdidit #welldone
11.01.2022 Wanna try Jiu Jitsu or wanna come check us out? Ask us about our beginners trial pack. Even better we also have 5 & 10 class passes. No need to sit at home anymore. DM for more info ... #imperialbjj #imperialbrazilianjiujitsu #allnothing #bjj #brazilianjiujitsu #jiujitsu #jiujitsulifestyle #bjjwhitebelts #perthbjj #perthfitness #haveago #alwayswantedtotry #seemslikefun #nomorecovid19 #nomorelockdown #aussiebjj #bjjaustralia
10.01.2022 A personal Master Ken video to my head honcho John Will. Turn it up for a laugh and check out what we might be doing for Fundmentals tonight.
10.01.2022 What you were meant to see, so I say again; We are back rolling for 2021 with Coach Deano @jitzcoffeecarsbikesdogs with advanced gi at 6.30pm. And that is a GIF fail.... #giffail #imperialbjjfamily #imperialbrazilianjiujitsu #imperialbjj #ihatepostingnow #bjj #brazilianjiujitsu #jiujitsu #jiujitsulifestyle #bully #bullterrier #roxythematbully #mybullyrolls #englishbullterrier
09.01.2022 Every Saturday morning, the Crossfitter kids next door at @crossfitfirestarter wait for me to open the door so they can see their mate Roxy. She loves them and their biscuits lol. #imperialbjj #imperialbrazilianjiujitsu #allornothing #crossfitfirestarter #bjj #perthbjj #brazilianjiujitsu #jiujitsu #cleanthegym #perthfitness #matbully #englishbullterrier #bullterrirer #bully #mydogisthebest #roxythematbully #willdoanythingforfood #kidsareawesome #kidsrock
08.01.2022 Big day yesterday at the @sgtperth submission only comp. Its a day full of highs & lows for many, along with first comp nerves! Win or lose I'm not bothered. Its the respect & being humble that counts the most. This coach also enjoyed not having to comp prep or weight cut Haha. #imperialbjj #imperialbrazilianjiujitsu #imperialbjjcrew #imperialbjjfightteam #allornothing #bjjcomp #submissiononly #submissionwrestling #snaportap #brazilianjiujitsu #jiujitsu #whatvirus #getonthemats #jiujitsulife #wannaroll #bjjmedals #perthfitness #aussiebjj #perthbjj
08.01.2022 1st white belt comp for the year.
07.01.2022 Sorry Victoria, sorry NSW, sorry USA but Western Australia is almost at Phase 4!! #fuckcovid19 #phase4 #letsroll #bjj #perthisok #brazilianjiujitsu #aussiebjj #jiujitsu #perthbjj #jiujitsulifestyle #submissionwrestling #howdowesneakjessfraserovertheborder
07.01.2022 BJJ parents!! The unsung heroes of all our kid students. Cause getting the kids to class on time can be a battle in itself. #imperialbjj #imperialbrazilianjiujitsu #imperialbjjcrew #allornothing #bjjkids #bjjparents #bjjdads #bjjmums #wannaroll #gotrain #brazilianjiujitsu #ilovemykids #gottain #getonthemats #chokes #armbars
06.01.2022 I definately saw some big smiles on Monday, and relieved parents!! Our Juniors, Kids & Teens classes will run the remainder of Term 2, or Friday 3rd July. Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays 4.30pm. #imperialbjj #imperialbrazilianjiujitsu #allornothing #bjj #jiujitsu #jiujitsulifestyle #brazilianjiujitsu #bjjlifestyle #kidsbjj #kidsjiujitsu #kidsclasses #bjjfamily #perthbjj #perthfitness #perthisok #getoutside #wannaroll #thekidsarealright
06.01.2022 Our second #girlsonly open mat on Saturday was again a big success! We had females from as far as Albany on the mats. And no group photo at #imperialbjj is complete without a pitch invader photo bomb from our resident #matbully Roxy. Yes I may have lifted her over the wall & yes she does need to cut down on the cheeseburger breakfasts. #imperialbjj #imperialbrazilianjiujitsu #imperialbjjfamily #allornothing #perthbjj #perthfitness #ladiesonly #ladiesonlybjj #girlsrock #girlsonly ##girlsingi #aussiegirlsingi #australiangirls #noboysallowed #matbully #englishbullterrier #roxythematbully #bully #mydogisabully #photobomb
06.01.2022 This is apparently my happy face in my happy place. Quiet members open mat. I feel relieved, achey, happy & sore all in one. Hooray for phase 3!! Back to washing uniforms boooooo. Monday we start again, starting with the Juniors. #imperialbrazilianjiujitsu #imperialbjj #allornothing brazilianjiujitsu #perthbjj #perthfitness #perthisok #fuckcovid19 #phase3 #aussiebjj #westernaustralia #bjjopenmat #hooksbrand #wannaroll #weareback #fuckimsore #whereismycardio #jiujitsu
05.01.2022 Who’s gonna be the NUMBER IN WA? Registration opens today stay tuned . #afbjjwa #afbjjofficial #ibjjf #jiujitsu #gi #ibjjfrules
05.01.2022 Very happy to see this! Huge congrats to Woody, Greg & Azza on their black belt promotions. Just quietly it was a 60 minute beatdown....
05.01.2022 What does the T.R.F mean on our logo? Troy Rex Flugge. 3rd of September is a date very close to my heart. Its now been 9 years since the passing of Troy, who was my brother in law & best friend. Id be lying if I said I dont think about this day. Just not so often now. Jiu Jitsu brought us all together (@subfactoryjiujitsu @grapplingtechnics @theether @kaizenlabjiujitsu to name a few).I cherish the old hard training days, alot of us are still mates with clubs of our own. Now ...I watch my students make friendships on the mats through jiu jitsu, just like I did (and still do). 4 years to the day, Imperial BJJ was officially born. Yes today is our 5th birthday. Crappy coincidence. #imperialbjj #imperialbrazilianjiujitsu #imperialbjjcrew #imperialbjjfamily #allornothing #perthbjj #mybjjjourney #bjjblackbelts #rememberthefallen #ripbrother #brazilianjiujitsu #letsroll #spareathought #willmachadobjj #aussiebjj #brothersinarms
05.01.2022 @carlosmachadojiujitsu promoted to the RED WHITE coral.
05.01.2022 Yes it does get cold inside the gym, but this is how we warm up the four legged thermometer Roxy. No I didn't tease her. Ok maybe a little bit but the vacuum is her mortal enemy. Might try this warm up for no gi tonight. #imperialbjj #imperialbrazilianjiujitsu #allornothing #matbully #roxythematbully #englishbullterrier #bullterrirer #dontteasethedog #perthbjj #jiujitsulifestyle #jiujitsu #perthfitness #brazilianjiujitsu #bringyourdogtowork #romannosebullterrier #workoffthosecheeseburgers
05.01.2022 Hey girls, always wanted to try jiu jitsu without the stinky boys smothering you or getting pesky chest hair in your mouth?? Ewwwwweeeee. Proud to announce our first ever girls only open mat this Saturday 9am-10am. Even better, its free! All BJJ girls from all clubs welcome! Our usual open mat will follow at 10am.... Sorry no boys allowed,... until 10am lol. #imperialbjj #imperialbrazilianjiujitsu #allornothing #girlsbjj #girlsingi @australiangirlsingi #girlsrock #girlsonly #noboysallowed #jiujitsu #brazilianjiujitsu #perthbjj #perthfitness #chokes #wannaroll #letroll #fightlikeagirl
04.01.2022 Term 4 for all our Juniors, Kids & Teens start back TODAY until Wednesday 16th December. Juniors start at 4.30pm. DM us for more info. Better hurry, spots are filling up fast!! #imperialbjj #imperialbrazilianjiujitsu #allornothing #kidsbjj #kidsjiujitsu #jiujitsu #jiujitsulifestyle #perthbjj #wannaroll #kidsrock #bjj #brazilianjiujitsu
04.01.2022 The countdown is on! Registrations to our FIRST SGT event of 2020 close on Tuesday March 10th at 11:59 pm. This is one of the BEST value tournaments around both Gi and No-Gi running on the same day. Submission Only, No Points and Round Robin. No membership or association fee ... Do Not Miss Out.
04.01.2022 LAST ROLLS tonight from 6.30pm! From Thursday, we will be closed until Tuesday 5th January 2021. There'll probably be some open mats chucked in somewhere. For our members keep an eye out for a schedule change. 2020 was a real bitch so from all of us, merry xmas, happy holidays & happy new year. #imperialbjj #imperialbrazilianjiujitsu #imperialbjjfamily #perthbjj #lastrolls #bjj #brazilianjiujitsu #jiujitsu #bjjfamily #merrychristmas #happyholidays #wannaroll #submissiongrappling
03.01.2022 And its a huuuge congrats to our own @terinahewitt for jumping into her 1st comp with only a few weeks prep & fought two great fights with great opponents. Unfortunate not to get a win but got a wealth of experience in 10 minutes. The #whitebelt only #submissiononly is a great format from @sgtperth for first timers to try out. Now with fighting season over its time to bring on xmas eating seaon lol #imperialbrazilianjiujitsu #imperialbjjcrew #imperialbjj #girlsingi #aussiegirlsingi #bjjcomp #bjjwhitebelt #submissiononly #perthbjj #perthisok #brazilianjiujitsu #submissiongrappling #hooksbrand
03.01.2022 Awesome to have @coffee_and.chokes down to film some our tomfoolery, have some rolls & have a chat. Finally, someone my size!!! #imperialbjj #imperialbrazilianjiujitsu #perthbjj #bjjopenmat #aussiebjj #bjjpurplebelts #bjjbrownbelts #bjjblackbelts #jiujitsu #jiujitsulifestyle #doesmyhairlookok
03.01.2022 Entries close midnight tonight!
03.01.2022 Due to the amount of messages about missing registration / payment - LAST REGISTRATIONS will be open till 12:00 pm today. Last chance ....
02.01.2022 Back when it was all high fives, back slaps & submission taps. And I had short hair lol.
02.01.2022 And we are back rolling tonight with Coach Deano @jitzcoffeecarsbikesdogs Advanced Gi class. Please note the slight schedule change for Tuesdays & Thursdays. Tomorrow night its No Gi open mat 6pm-7pm then Fundamentals at 7pm. Also, our scales may be out of order, I didn't agree with the display. Must be the batteries. #imperialbjjfamily #imperialbjj #imperialbrazilianjiujitsu #perthbjj #weareback #jiujitsu #jiujitsulifestyle #wannaroll #gotrain #submissiongrappling #bullterrier #roxythematbully #bully #mybullyrolls
02.01.2022 What a weekend!! We had beatdowns, we had gradings, we had comp rolls, we had submissions galore, we had disqualifications, we had hard earnt medals, we had tears & tantrums....ok that last bit might have been me. Coaching is hard work but so very rewarding, but only if you're doing what I yell at you. Otherwise do the opposite to what the other coach is saying lol. #imperialbjj #imperialbjjfamily #imperialbrazilianjiujitsu #allornothing #bjj #perthbjj #brazilianjiujitsu #jiujitsu #jiujitsulifestyle @sgtperth #submissiongrappling #submissiononly #wedontdopoints #bjjblackbelts #bjjbluebelts #bjjpurplebelts #bjjmedals #bjjcomp #proudcoach #iamimperial #sorrymyclubisthebest #perthfitness @ Imperial Brazilian Jiu Jitsu
02.01.2022 If you think they look pretty beat up then you're right. These guys more than earnt their new belts today. Huge congrats to @jaytee12 & @kpenfold3 for earning the rank of blue & a huge huge congrats to Big Al for achieving the rank of purple yay! And special mention to @lozzeebiebs for assisting in round counting & time keeping. We could have been there all day lol. #imperialbjj #imperialbrazilianjiujitsu #imperialbjjfamily #perthbjj #bjjbluebelts #bjjpurplebelt #bjjbeatdown #bjjgrading #youdidntdie #bjjblackbelts #brazilianjiujitsu #jiujitsu #jiujitsulifestyle #willmachadobjj #bjjopenmat #youdidit #proudcoach @ Imperial Brazilian Jiu Jitsu
02.01.2022 HEADS UP I’m having heaps of people asking if our tournament is running on Sunday. - YES WE ARE -... However, if you are feeling unwell and cold / flu - we will cancel & refund your entry - BEFORE Saturday - The brackets will be released later today, it’s a HUGE tournament with over 450 competitors. We are looking forward to seeing you all on SUNDAY Doors open 8:00 am Tournament starts 9:00 am
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