Indie Creative | Photographer
Indie Creative
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25.01.2022 27/8/20 PHOTO ESSAY I started feeling a bit better last night, and today I was travelling ok until the wind hit us, bringing with it so much pollen. Ive been pondering the duality of women. Conditioned doing vs empowered being.... Their empowerment and discovery that they can be conscious about what they need. They can drop the conditioned mindless acceptance that they need to do everything and repress their emotions because others find them too hard to deal with/understand/accept. As a sensitive person, its not just brushed off either. Its all internalised and we judge ourselves based on it. Its a process for sure. One that requires you to question the very foundation of your beliefs, where theyve come from and who theyre serving. Most likely not you. The process needs you to consciously decide what you want in your life, the values you stand for, how you want to spend your time, who you want to spend your time with, how you want to spend your time, and what you let in to your consciousness. So many of us drift along, unconsciously, yet wondering why theres something missing. Theres a feeling that things just arent quite right, but we dont know why. Until you realise that youre in total control of your own life and make your own plan, youre at the mercy of those that have a plan for you. This is a journey Ive been on for years now. Its not one I can see an end to, the more I evolve, the more I understand that I dont know. But also at the same time Ive also learned that self awareness and acceptance bring limits that enable a certain amount of peace. Where are you on your journey? Do you have the vague feeling that somethings not quite right, but cant find the source? Or have you started down the path to self awareness? #inspiration #kickinggoals #changeyourlife #motivation #photographer #youcandoittoo #indiecreative #indiecreativephotographer #inspirations #fightthefear #stories #victoria #australia #blogger #ginaphoto #becourageous #womeninbusiness #bosslady #aussieblogger #isophotoessay #isolationcreation #monochromephotography #nosmallcreator
25.01.2022 2/9/20 PHOTO ESSAY Ive been pondering the life of a tadpole vs the life of a human in the society I live in. The tadpoles appear to be playing. They may be hiding to save their lives, but the ones I was watching today looked as though they were playing. One would come up to the other, and then one of them would scuttle away.... Eating, staying safe, and playing looks like tadpole life. Where have humans gone so wrong that we must spend 40 hours a week working + cleaning, washing & tidying + shopping + preparing food + meetings + and the list goes on. Where is the play? Where is the joy? Im too tired for joy. So I will numb. I choose my life by not choosing. Ive been there. Im still there ... sometimes. Maybe youre there too, and were there together. 1. Tadpole watching 2. A book Im enjoying very much - Firecrackers Female Photographers Now 3. Reflections 4. Reflections PS. Not a frog (or human) expert. #changeyourlife #photographer #youcandoittoo #indiecreative #indiecreativephotographer #inspirations #fightthefear #stories #victoria #australia #blogger #becourageous #womeninbusiness #bosslady #aussieblogger #isophotoessay #isolationcreation #monochromephotography #nosmallcreator
25.01.2022 Do you keep a gratitude journal? If improving overall health and well-being is on your new year resolution list, you may want to start writing. Theres a growin...g body of evidence that suggests simply taking time to give thanks and counting blessings can help people sleep better, lower stress, reduce risk of heart disease, reduce symptoms of depression and improve interpersonal relationships. Pretty good bang for your buck considering its free. See more
25.01.2022 Raining again #isophotoessay #isolationcreation #ginaphoto #monochromephotography #nosmallcreator
25.01.2022 This popped up in my YouTube feed today, so I took a watch while I was finishing off some stretches. Ive been spending a lot time on social media - too much - and its affecting me. Its worth a watch. Make yourself accountable for the amount of time youre mindlessly scrolling, and replace the time with something worthwhile to you
23.01.2022 Ive always been intimidated by painting and creating things. I was told long ago that I wasnt creative and my work was bad, and like many kids Ive internalised it. Painting is something Ive had in the back of my mind that Id like to do, and with the slowness of pandemic life Im finding time, energy and space to simply play and learn. This morning I woke up with a chore list. But I felt the paint calling me. Selecting some colours, squeezing them on to the tray and the sponges through them felt freeing. I have no opinion of what Im painting. Im just in a being state. Feeling the paint spread across the paper, mixing the colours together with no desired outcome or expectation on myself has made my heart happy this morning. Whatever youre doing, I hope youre in the present, mindfully doing something that frees you from any pain, even for a few moments. #inspiration #kickinggoals #changeyourlife #motivation #youcandoittoo #inspirations #goals #fightthefear #stories #victoria #australia #blogger #becourageous #womeninbusiness #bosslady #lmbdw #aussieblogger #acrylicpainting #beginnerpainter #artherapy
23.01.2022 Making stuff tonight. I like this painting. I can see where I’ve come from, but maybe not where I’m going. It may not be great. And that’s ok. I’m making. And for me, being free enough to make is a huge deal. Being kind enough to not criticise or censor is a big deal. Being open to trying and failing is a big deal. Enjoying the making part without expectation is a big deal.
23.01.2022 Painting and vlogs this Sunday afternoon. I like how this turned out. The first one I painted, not so much. When Im creating I start with no goal, or mental picture of what I'm making. I just want to make something. And if I think too much about what I want to make, I find that I get discouraged because what I make doesn't match up to the image in my head. And then end up not making anything. This week I've cut down social media so that I can read more. I'm still consuming, b...ut I want to consume something I choose, not just what the 'algorithm' thinks I should see. Mindless junk. And I'm trying to create. Creating something great isnt the purpose. Good isn't the purpose. Creating is the purpose. Creating over consuming. Being more intentional. Living creatively. Love to you on this Sunday afternoon xox #creativelife #indiecreative ##inspiration #arttherapy #creativityeveryday #creativitytakescourage
23.01.2022 My first work inspired by the work of @juliettecrane and followed the tutorial in #juliettecranefreeclass. Im very happy with how this has turned out. Usually I just mess around when I paint, and this is the first time Ive followed a class. I loved every second of it and came out of it with 5 more backgrounds ready to for more fun characters
22.01.2022 Acrylic on paper.
21.01.2022 26/8/20 PHOTO ESSAY 1. The black haze Ive been living in for the past weeks 2. Instead of being the one in the photo, Im usually the one behind the camera. Im here but Im not here... 3. Wilting flower 4. Eating tomatoes like apples 5. Coming into spring and were watercolour painting autumn leaves
21.01.2022 Tea before shower while watching a short film called smile #isophotoessay #isolationcreation #ginaphoto #monochromephotography #nosmallcreator
21.01.2022 A healing meditation to stay your day. It's a quick 10 minutes to start your day with calm xo
20.01.2022 You might sit in the night like the owl. Noticing, but not noticed. #inspiration #kickinggoals #changeyourlife #motivation #youcandoittoo #inspirations #goals #fightthefear #stories #victoria #australia #blogger #becourageous #womeninbusiness #bosslady #lmbdw #aussieblogger #ipadpainting #beginnerpainter #artherapy
20.01.2022 Ipad painting. Tell me what you see ...
19.01.2022 2019 is the year of more reading. I've fallen into the comfortable slump of Netflix binging. First book finished this year is bird by bird by Anne lamott. It's a humorous look at writing that she teaches her student with many personal tales woven in to delight the reader. from me. Next up is lifel1k3 by Jay kristoff. What are you reading right now?
19.01.2022 Painting with fluid acrylics. #learninghowtoart
19.01.2022 Tonight’s Sketchbook. All of it. None of it.
17.01.2022 28/8/20 PHOTO ESSAY When I get busy, I get stupid from Steal like an artist by @austinKleon And so do I. Its only a recent discovery with lockdown restrictions that Ive spent my life, so far, doing so much that I dont see whats around me. Not my health, not my people, not the world as it is.... The busy mania keeping me too preoccupied to notice what I really want. What do I really want? To notice. To be. To make. To love. To rejoice. To sing. To dance. To paint. To write. To live my version of large. Our first grounding session after a long, cold winter. Our feet on the ground, feeling flowing through and not stagnating. An empath mama and daughter connecting #inspiration #kickinggoals #changeyourlife #motivation #photographer #youcandoittoo #indiecreative #indiecreativephotographer #inspirations #fightthefear #stories #victoria #australia #blogger #ginaphoto #becourageous #womeninbusiness #bosslady #aussieblogger #isophotoessay #isolationcreation #monochromephotography #nosmallcreator
17.01.2022 Last night sketchbook. Acrylic on paper.
15.01.2022 Starting some creative time reading about creatives. Then getting into some painting. Before I had kids, I dreamed of the day I had a kid so I could finger paint. I realise now I can do anytime I like, just can just because its fun.
13.01.2022 When loneliness creeps in You might have people around But you feel disconnected And lost As though no-one understands... As though no-one cares But remember there are others out there who feel the same And there are people who care
12.01.2022 Ive been thinking about a lot of different things lately that impact my life. The type of work we do, and how we feel stuck and the lack of boundaries and planning that are keeping us in that stuck place. Ive been thinking about the work we need to do, and the systems and processes we need to incorporate to get us unstuck. Running the numbers, we should be able to make a lot more money than we are, doing a lot less work than we are. Because I'm so tired. So we need to work smarter, plan and systemise as much as we can.
11.01.2022 Sketchbook charcoal from this afternoon while the storm was raging and computer was off. I find these dark, but very cathartic and relaxing to make.
09.01.2022 The view from my little nook today. Creating is hard today. I have a tooth ache that is distracting me. In the bottom right corner is a pen sketch from last night. The rain has just started falling again. #isophotoessay #isolationcreation #ginaphoto #monochromephotography #nosmallcreator #isophotoessay #isolationcreation #ginaphoto #monochromephotography #nosmallcreator
09.01.2022 Fast sketches with watercolours, water soluble oil pastels and some gifted oil pastels I given in to the idea of making lots of bad art and this is a part of my mission. As always I enjoyed the process. Hoping you find joy in the small and sometimes mundane things, in the coming year; and much bad art making to you if that’s what you choose
09.01.2022 If you need a boost to get you out your funk, this video is it. Its 25 minutes, put it on while youre cooking tea and just listen. Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.... Dr. Seuss
09.01.2022 Be open to learning new things. Be curious. Follow the tendrils that tickle you and see where they lead you. Be with beginners mind. Be open. Thoughts from my daily inspiration journal. Love to you, where ever you are my friend xo
08.01.2022 If youre looking for something to watch, you love animals and photography, this is a video about national geographic photographers. Beautiful scenery and stories captured by dedicated photographer in, often, gruelling conditions.
07.01.2022 Shadows on my walk today. Aren’t they so interesting?
07.01.2022 Trying the same picture with different more colour. Its funny how this time in iso has me feeling a little space. Enough space to feel like I can create. Ive always wanted to, but never felt like I could. It was like it was all locked up tightly inside. So tightly that I believed that there was no creativity in me at all. That I didnt know enough to be able to make things. Maybe its still the case but now I just have more tools available, like being able to select a colou...r palette and brushes I like in procreate, and knowledge of highlighting and contouring a face from photography retouching. Perhaps the reason doesnt matter. Or perhaps it does. Its something to ponder next time I journal because the more of myself that I unlock, the more I seem able to create. So this piece comes from a place of being with space. #inspiration #kickinggoals #changeyourlife #motivation #youcandoittoo #inspirations #goals #fightthefear #stories #victoria #australia #blogger #becourageous #womeninbusiness #bosslady #lmbdw #aussieblogger #acrylicpainting #beginnerpainter #artherapy
07.01.2022 Is this your story too? Self worth is something I've struggled with my whole life .......... A little boy was told by his father, from a young age, that he wasnt good enough. Not in so many words, but through his actions by criticizing him, yelling at him, hitting him, leaving him.... The boy grew up into a man, knowing that he was unworthy of praise, of success, of love. Keep reading in the link ....
06.01.2022 Its a whole lot easier to give no fucks, at home in iso. Where you can explore being different and explore being comfortable with different. I hope you come out of iso, giving a whole lot less fucks. #inspiration #kickinggoals #changeyourlife #motivation #youcandoittoo #inspirations #goals #fightthefear #stories #victoria #australia #blogger #becourageous #womeninbusiness #bosslady #lmbdw #aussieblogger #ipadpainting #beginnerpainter #artherapy
06.01.2022 25/8/20 PHOTO ESSAY Today was not a good day. Being cooped up, with fear and anxiety biting at my heals constantly, along with a dentist appointment for a filling has left me drained. With treatments with anaesthetic, my body struggles to detox the chemicals out, and leaves me with poor mental health until they leave my body. I couldnt function, I was so tired, and drowning in feelings of worthlessness and uselessness. 1. Waiting in the car for D at an appointment, so tired ...I can barely stay awake 2. The view from the car, of blossoms on trees and palm trees on the hill in the distance #isophotoessay #isolationcreation #ginaphoto #monochromephotography #nosmallcreator
05.01.2022 When you listen to a lot of guided meditations you take note of the ones that truly leave you feeling wonderful. This one is positive and engaging. ...
05.01.2022 This mornings charcoal sketches while pondering the make bad art philosophy. I’ve found it so freeing, not to have the limitation of trying to make something good or worthy. As a reforming perfectionist, having the goal of exploring and learning for its own sake, with no emphasis on the outcome is liberating. I can make for the joy of making. If it’s ugly and awkward, that’s ok. If i like the outcome, it’s a bonus.... #charcoaldrawing #makebadart #showyourwork #nosmallcreator #bekindimstilllearning #emergingartist #expressionist #figurativeart
05.01.2022 Im up in my little spot tonight. These books are part of my nightly routine of self love. The top book is the daily stoic by Ryan holiday, I read a page daily to stay grounded.... The pink book has 3 things Im grateful for, 3 amazing things Ive done or achieved, my goals and affirmations. The red book is a positive thought, quote, lesson or something admirable. Its a little book of positivity. Often written with my daughter in mind. The bottom book is a sketch book where I make marks. Drawing or painting. No pressure, just making things. Do you have a routine that makes you feel good? #creativespace #inspiration
05.01.2022 Sketchbook. Charcoal
04.01.2022 Im watching ted talks tonight while making a late dinner. This is one by Joseph Gordon-Levitt about creativity, attention and flow. Ive been a fan of jos since third rock from the sun which is our family go to for some light comedy. 5 stars, well worth a watch.
02.01.2022 Evolving characters. I painted these guys on canvas-first time using it and I enjoyed the different texture under my brush and how the paint feels different. 1. The latest evolution... 2. First iteration of the character 3. The charcoal sketch I began with See more
02.01.2022 A few years ago I learned the coolest trick. If somebody ever cuts your off in traffic, or inches past you in the grocery check out line-- just tell yourself, t...hat person must be having a bad day. Instead of getting angry, use empathy as a superpower. Its the most amazing way to not let other peoples bad behavior impact you. It works with almost everybody in your life. So the next time your friend doesnt respond to your texts, or your boss is having an outburst, or your partner snaps at you, stop and think about what they might be going through, and assume theyre having a bad day. Ive found that the more of a jerk they are, the more their life sucks. This trick doesnt excuse their bad behavior, it just explains it. And most importantly- it reminds you that it has nothing to do with you so theres no need to take it personally.
02.01.2022 You’re being watched. Some eyes my Miss 7 stuck on the wall outside the loo. I like his tail.
01.01.2022 Humaning is hard. But gets easier (and happier) when you're able to set boundaries and stick to them. Here's some expert advice from Brene Brown
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