Indonesian Consulate General Perth | Businesses
Indonesian Consulate General Perth
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25.01.2022 " " #IniDIplomasi #IndonesianWay #IndonesiaMaju #Indonesiauntukdunia #harisantri2020
25.01.2022 Konjen RI Perth pada hari ini telah menerima kunjungan Ms Jennifer Mathews, Komisioner Australia Barat untuk Indonesia dalam rangka membahas kerja sama ekonomi Indonesia dan Australia Barat, serta program-program bersama yang akan dilaksanakan menjelang akhir tahun 2020. Kedua belah pihak sepakat untuk secara rutin mengkoordinasikan program kerja sama yang telah terjalin, terutama dalam mendukung implementasi IA-CEPA. #inidiplomasi #IndonesianWay #kerjasama #ekonomi --------...----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Today, Consul General of Indonesia in Perth received a visit from Ms Jennifer Mathews, WA Commissioner for Indonesia to discuss Indonesia and Western Australia bilateral economic relations, as well as joint programs to be implemented towards the end of 2020. The two parties agreed to regularly coordinate existing collaborative programs, especially in supporting the implementation of IA-CEPA. #inidiplomasi #IndonesianWay #cooperation #economicrelation
24.01.2022 Dalam rangka menyambut peringatan Sumpah Pemuda 28 Oktober 2020, KJRI melaksanakan kegiatan Sarasehan Generasi Muda Indonesia di Australia Barat dengan tema "Merajut Spirit Kebangsaan di Rantau pada Era Pandemi". Kegiatan ini dihadiri oleh pelajar/mahasiwa Indonesia yang sedang menempuh pendidikan di Australia Barat. Dalam sambutannya, Konjen RI Perth menyampaikan bahwa semangat yang telah diperjuangkan oleh para pendahulu harus tetap dijaga melalui semangat gotong royong, ...saling membantu dan memberikan kontribusi nyata bagi kemajuan bangsa. Konjen juga mengupdate perkembangan terkini mengenai hubungan bilateral Indonesia-Australia pada berbagai bidang yang perlu dimanfaatkan secara maksimal oleh para generasi muda Indonesia untuk meningkatkan kapasitasnya, agar siap untuk menjawab panggilan zaman, mengerahkan segala daya upaya dalam mengokohkan posisi Indonesia di tengah percaturan global. #IniDiplomasi #IndonesianWay #SumpahPemuda #SarasehanGenerasiMuda #indonesiamaju
24.01.2022 26 January 2021... #IniDiplomasi #IndonesianWay #AustraliaDay2021 See more
23.01.2022 #Repost @indtravel @download.ins --- Serenity awaits you in Kenawa Island, a small, secluded, magical island situated between Lombok and Sumbawa Island. This island literally only consists of a savannah, a dock, and a huge hill. To reach this place you must transit at the Port of Poto Tano in Sumbawa Island if you’re coming from the Pringgabaya Port in Lombok. And once you arrive, you won't wanna leave. It's the perfect place for you to kickstart your future travel journey. S...o plan ahead and keep your dreams alive! : @fabiankiby #FromIndonesiawithLove #WonderfulIndonesia
22.01.2022 Dalam kunjungannya ke Albany, Konjen RI Perth beserta tim berkesempatan bertemu dan berbincang-bincang dengan komunitas Indonesia yang berdomisili di area Southern. Kunjungan tersebut juga sekaligus dimanfaatkan untuk memberikan layanan kekonsuleran pembuatan paspor dan sosialisasi lapor diri online bagi masyarakat Indonesia. Kunjungan langsung ke kantong-kantong masyarakat merupakan upaya KJRI dalam menjangkau dan mendekatkan pelayanan kepada warga Indonesia, khususnya yang berdomisili di luar kota Perth dan sekitarnya. #IniDiplomasi #IndonesianWay #LaporDiri #LayananKonsuler #NegaraMelindungi #ayolapordiri
22.01.2022 28-30 Oktober 2020 Libur dan Cuti Bersama Peringatan Maulid Nabi Muhammad SAW 2020 ... 28-30 October 2020 Maulid Nabi Muhammad SAW day #Inidiplomasi #Indonesianway #indonesiamaju #indonesiauntukdunia See more
21.01.2022 The national toy industry has shown global competitiveness. This also proves that Indonesia is one of the main producing countries for top toy products. The government has protected through the Indonesian National Standard (SNI) to ensure product safety and quality. #IniDiplomasi #IndonesianWay #IndonesiaMaju #IndonesianUntukDunia #toyindustry
21.01.2022 Ciletuh National Geopark sits on 126,000 hectares of natural splendor. Accredited as a UNESCO Geopark, it showcases a rejuvenating waterfall cascading down majestic boulders. Located in Sukabumi Regency, West Java, this natural wonder is home to scenic landscapes. It’s a bucket list-worthy destination for your post-pandemic trip. In Frame: @hens4m, @katnisfatimah : @aldiyahyaa, @mukhf Posted @withregram @indtravel ... #FromIndonesiawithLove #WonderfulIndonesia
21.01.2022 Konjen RI Perth menghadiri dua perayaan Natal yang diselenggarakan oleh komunitas Indonesia yang berdomisili di wilayah Busselton dan Bunbury (28/11). Dalam kesempatana tersebut, Konjen menyampaikan apresiasi kepada komunitas Indonesia yang telah berinisiatif menyelenggarakan kegiatan Natal yang merupakan wadah berkumpul masyarakat Indonesia maupun komunitas Australia dalam berbagi sukacita natal. Konjen mengajak komunitas Indonesia untuk senantiasa menjaga tali silaturahmi ...dan memupuk rasa kebersamaan sebagai anak bangsa di tanah rantau. Memaksimalkan momentum tersebut, KJRI juga memberikan pelayanan konsuler berupa pembuatan paspor dan lapor diri bagi masyarakat Indonesia. #IniDiplomasi #IndonesianWay #Christmas #Busselton #Bunbury
20.01.2022 Free dive into the majestic waters of Amed Beach, Bali, and explore the underwater world. Plunge into the serenity of the blue water captured in this photo by @freediversam. How about you? What’s your favorite moment in Bali that you would like to share? Posted @withregram @indtravel ... #FromIndonesiawithLove #WonderfulIndonesia
20.01.2022 Pada tanggal 25 Januari 2020 KJRI Perth kambali mengadakan temu-masyarakat untuk menyambut Home Staff KJRI Perth yang baru tiba dan akan memulai tugasnya di KJRI Perth, yakni: Ibu Shanti Utami, Konsul/Koordinator Fungsi Protokol dan Konsuler KJRI Perth; Ibu Galih Putri Hayuningtyas, Bendaharawan/Penatalaksana Kekanseleraian KJRI Perth. ...Continue reading
20.01.2022 Kepada Seluruh WNI yang ada di wilayah Western Australia! AYO LAPOR DIRI! Sekarang lapor diri sudah mudah lho, kalian tinggal masuk saja ke website Untuk lebih lengkapnya kalian bisa lihat di infografis diatas ya dan jangan lupa untuk siapkan dokumen-dokumen yang dibutuhkan untuk lapor diri online. Lapor diri akan sangat memudahkan pendataan WNI yang ada di Luar Negeri dan juga memudahkan komunikasi antara perwakilan Indonesia yang ada di Luar Negeri dengan para WNInya. Kami tunggu Lapor Diri kalian, Jangan lupa ya! Terima Kasih. #inidiplomasi #indonesianway #negaramelindungi #lapordirionline #peduliwni
20.01.2022 Today, the Indonesian Consulate General welcomed the visit from the Gooseberry Primary School. The meeting discussed highlights of the bilateral relations between Indonesia and Australia, especially in the field of Indonesian language and cultures as part of school curriculum in WA. In his brief presentation, Consul Nanda Avalist, Head of the Consulate General's Socio-Cultural Department, featured snapshots of Indonesia as a country with rich and diverse cultural heritage. Th...e discussion was held in a warm and cordial atmosphere. The Gooseberry Primary School team enthusiastically followed the cultural presentation, and also enjoyed the traditional dance performance presented by the consulate staff. Both sides reaffirmed their mutual interests to continue the cultural collaboration between the two friendly and neighbouring nations. #IniDiplomasi #IndonesianWay #BahasaIndonesia #BudayaIndonesia
19.01.2022 Tempeh became very popular in vegan diets for its rich Phyto-protein, among other nutrients. The fermentation process that happens during the creation of tempeh produces enzymes that make it easier for the body to process protein, fat and carbohydrates. Therefore, this food is ideal for children and elders; the meal is also a good protein alternative for those seeking to lose weight. Tempeh’s nutrients also help prevent degenerative illnesses, lower cholesterol, hypertension ...and even slow the aging process. The simplest way Indonesians eat tempeh is by deep-frying the thin slices of tempeh with a little salt and eating it with rice. Some choose to grill or steam the slices of tempeh to avoid cholesterol from deep-frying the food. Fried, grilled, steamed or raw, tempeh can also be used as a salad ingredient to replace chicken or eggs as a protein source. Tempeh can be an add-on in your sandwich or burger as well. #IndonesianWay #IndonesianTempeh #superfoods
19.01.2022 Seluruh Kepala Perwakilan RI se-Australia pada hari ini telah menghadiri Rapat Koordinasi yang dipimpin oleh Duta Besar RI Canberra dalam rangka persiapan penyelenggaraan Trade Expo Indonesia-Virtual Exhibition (TEI-VE) pada 10-16 November 2020 nanti. Konjen RI Perth apresiasi penyelenggaraan Rakor ini dan berkomitmen untuk mendukung suksesnya penyelenggaraan TEI-VE, demi meningkatnya nilai ekspor Indonesia ke Australia di bawah implementasi IA-CEPA. #inidiplomasi #Indonesian...Way #pamerandagang #ekspor ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Today, all Indonesian Heads of Mission in Australia attended a coordination meeting chaired by the Indonesian Ambassador in Canberra in preparation for the Trade Expo Indonesia-Virtual Exhibition (TEI-VE) on 10-16 November 2020. Indonesian Consul General in Perth appreciates this coordination meeting and is committed to support the successful implementation of TEI-VE, in order to increase Indonesian export value to Australia under the implementation of IA-CEPA. #inidiplomasi #IndonesianWay #tradeexpo #export
18.01.2022 Konsul Jenderal RI di Perth Dewi Tobing, selaku Dean Consular Corps of Western Australia (CCWA) menyambut Premier Australia Barat Honorable Mark McGowan MLA sebagai tamu kehormatan pada acara Premier’s Reception di Westin Hotel, Perth malam ini. Acara yang diselenggarakan CCWA ini merupakan agenda tahunan CCWA untuk bertatap muka dengan Premier Australia Barat dengan dihadiri oleh anggota CCWA yang terdiri dari berbagai Konsul Jenderal, Konsul, dan Konsul Kehormatan yang mewa...kili negara asing di Perth. Dalam sambutannya, Konjen RI Perth menyampaikan apresiasi atas kehadiran Premier McGowan dan berharap kesempatan ini dapat menjadi momentum untuk lebih meningkatkan kerja sama antara Pemerintah Australia Barat dan negara-negara yang tergabung dalam CCWA, termasuk Indonesia. Premier McGowan dalam sambutannya menyampaikan ucapan terima kasih kepada CCWA atas penyelenggaraan Resepsi ini dan pada kesempatan tersebut beliau mengupdate anggota CCWA mengenai perkembangan di Australia Barat. #iniDiplomasi #IndonesianWay #ConsularCorps #PremierReception -------------------------------------------------------- Consul General of Indonesia in Perth Dewi Tobing, as the Dean of Consular Corps of Western Australia (CCWA) welcomed the Honorable Mark McGowan MLA as the special guest at the Premier's Reception at the Westin Hotel, Perth tonight. Premier's Reception is the CCWA’s annual agenda that presents the Premier of Western Australia as the honorable guest to meet face to face with the CCWA members consisting of various Consuls General, Consuls, and Honorary Consuls representing foreign countries in Perth. In her remarks, Consul General of Indonesia expressed her appreciation for the presence of Premier McGowan and wished this opportunity could become the momentum to forge and enhance the cooperation between the Government of Western Australia and countries represented by the CCWA, including Indonesia. Premier McGowan in his speech expressed his gratitude to the CCWA for organizing this Reception, and in this occasion he also shared the CCWA members some developments in Western Australia. #iniDiplomasi #IndonesianWay #ConsularCorps #PremierReception
17.01.2022 The Indonesian Consul General in Perth attended Bali Memorial Service organized by Bali Peace Park Association to honor and remembrance the victims in the tragedy. Every 12 October, grieving families and friends who loss their loved ones gathered and laid flowers around memorial garden at Kings Park. #IniDiplomasi #IndonesianWay
16.01.2022 What a spectacular view of the Samosir Island! A towering waterfall flowing down the green slopes. This spectacle of beauty is a part of the breathtaking scenery of Hasinggaan Village. Don’t miss this unforgettable experience in Samosir Island on your next adventure trip to Indonesia. : @sprdsn Posted @withregram @indtravel... #FromIndonesiawithLove #WonderfulIndonesia
16.01.2022 #IniDiplomasi #Indonesianway #Indonesiamaju #indonesiantourism
15.01.2022 Today, Indonesian Consul General in Perth had a fruitful meeting with Mrs Fiona White-Hartig and Mrs Katherine from Global Roaming Pilbara Foundation (grpf). Two parties discussed plans for cooperation and collaboration in cultural promotion activities and several other activities that will be carried out in 2021. #IniDiplomasi #IndonesianWay #collaboration
15.01.2022 Konsulat Jenderal Republik Indonesia Perth mengucapkan selamat kepada Menteri Luar Negeri Republik Indonesia Ibu Retno LP Marsudi atas pada tanggal 11 November 2020 #IniDiplomasi #IndonesianWay #IndonesiaMaju #IndonesiaUntukDunia
14.01.2022 Untung udah ada layanan e-Visa dari Ditjen Imigrasi. Sekarang proses pengajuan visa secara online bisa dilakukan melalui website ya, sahabat Mido. Posted @withregram @ditjen_imigrasi ... #visaonline #evisa #visaIndonesia
14.01.2022 *10 Island Hopping Adventures for Your Extra Vitamin Sea in Komodo National Park* The Komodo National Park in the East Nusa Tenggara Province is one of UNESCO’s World Heritage Sites. The natural and chilled-out vibe of the islands together including the breathtaking view of turquoise waters, white sandy beaches, and lush trees are definitely a great choice for your next holiday. Which islands should you visit during your trip? Here are 10 of them! 1. Bidadari 2. Sebayur... 3. Kanawa 4. Padar 5. Komodo 6. Seraya 7. Rinca 8. Kelor 9. Menjerite 10. Kalong The Komodo National Park is known for its beautiful landscape, crystal clear waters, and amazing aquatic life. Not to mention the sunsets, the lush green trees and also the beaches. Doesn’t island-hopping sound perfect for your next holiday trip? Well, the Komodo National Park awaits! Source : #IniDiplomasi #IndonesianWay #WoderfulIndonesia #KomodoNationalPark #rintiskemajuan
14.01.2022 Dalam kunjungan ke St Bernadette’s Catholic Primary School (CPS) di Rockingham hari ini, Konsul Jenderal RI Perth disambut dengan dengan keceriaan para siswa kelas 6 dan pre-primary yang sempat unjuk kemampuan presentasi dan menyanyikan lagu dalam Bahasa Indonesia. Menurut Ms Kristy Watson (pengajar Bahasa Indonesia), Bahasa Indonesia merupakan satu-satunya bahasa asing wajib yang dipelajari di St Bernadette’s CPS. Konjen RI Perth menyampaikan terima kasih atas dukungan St Bernadette’s dalam mendukung penguatan Bahasa dan Budaya Indonesia di Australia Barat, dan beliau tidak sabar kembali berjumpa dengan siswa-siswi St Bernadette di kesempatan selanjutnya! #inidiplomasi #IndonesianWay #BahasaIndonesia #kunjungansekolah
13.01.2022 #Repost @indtravel @download.ins --- Situated in the huge crater lake of Toba, North Sumatra, the island of Samosir greets the visitors with cool air and panoramic views in a gorgeous highland setting. Discover the culture of the Batak tribe as you explore the unspoilt countryside and the steep slopes covered with luscious greenery. : @roymblack ... #FromIndonesiawithLove #WonderfulIndonesia
13.01.2022 Cocoa butter is the favorite among Indonesian processed cocoa products. The abundance of domestic cocoa beans is very beneficial for cocoa butter industry to meet both domestic and foreign demands. Initially, Indonesia exported more cocoa beans but the export of cocoa butter has been higher than other products since 2014. This shows that Indonesian cocoa processing industry is getting stronger and sufficient to supply the international market #IniDiplomasi #IndonesianWay #IndonesianCocoaButter #RintisKemajuan #indonesiamaju
13.01.2022 Konsul Jenderal RI Perth selaku Dean Consular Corps Western Australia (CCWA) pada hari ini menjamu pertemuan pertama Subcommittee perayaan International Women's Day 2021 di aula KJRI Perth. Pertemuan dihadiri perwakilan negara Afrika Selatan, Estonia, Yunani, Filipina, Jepang, dan Britania Raya. Seluruh pihak antusias dengan inisiatif perayaan ini, setelah sebelumnya di bulan Maret tahun ini, Konjen Dewi Tobing bersama subcommittee CCWA dengan dukungan seluruh anggota CCWA un...tuk pertama kalinya berhasil mengusung penyelenggaraan diskusi mengenai Women in Diplomacy dalam rangka perayaan International Women’s Day 2020. #inidiplomasi #IndonesianWay #Consularcorps ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Consul General of Indonesia in Perth as the Dean of Consular Corps of Western Australia (CCWA) today hosted the first Subcommittee meeting for the celebration of International Women's Day 2021 at the Indonesian Consulate's Hall. The meeting was attended by representatives from South Africa, Estonia, Greece, the Philippines, Japan and the United Kingdom. All parties are enthusiastic for this initiative, after previously in March this year, Consul General Dewi Tobing and the CCWA subcommittee with the support of all members successfully held a discussion on Women in Diplomacy in celebration for the International Women's Day 2020. #inidiplomasi #IndonesianWay #Consularcorps
12.01.2022 Indonesian Consul General attended and laying a wreath on the Memorial Service HMAS Armidle that organized by Angus Callander the President of Remembering HMAS Association Inc. This event was hold to commemorate all who served on HMAS Armidale [1] that was attacked and sunk off Betano Bay on 1 December 1942.
11.01.2022 PENGUMUMAN KETENTUAN PEMERINTAH NEGARA BAGIAN AUSTRALIA BARAT TERKAIT MANDATORY CONTACT REGISTER BAGI LOKASI BISNIS DAN FASILITAS UMUM GUNA KEPERLUAN COVID-19 CONTACT TRACING, TMT 5 DESEMBER 2020 1. Terhitung mulai Sabtu, 5 Desember 2020, Pemerintah Negara Bagian Australia Barat mewajibkan lokasi bisnis dan fasilitas umum untuk memiliki Contact Register (Daftar Kontak) guna mencatat staf dan pelanggan yang berkunjung ke lokasi-lokasi tersebut. 2. Diberlakukannya ketentuan ini... dimaksudkan untuk membantu Pemerintah Negara Bagian c.q. Departemen Kesehatan WA dalam melaksanakan pelacakan kontak (Contact Tracing), apabila hal tersebut diperlukan, guna mitigasi penularan pandemi Covid-19. 3. Bisnis atau fasilitas publik yang diperlukan untuk menyimpan daftar kontak dimaksud, termasuk: a. Bisnis makanan dan tempat berlisensi (restoran, kafe, bar, pub, kedai minum, klub malam) b. Gym, pusat olahraga dalam ruangan, dan kolam renang c. Tempat ibadah dan rumah duka d. Layanan kecantikan dan perawatan pribadi termasuk penata rambut dan penata/pangkas rambut e. Galeri dan museum f. Bioskop, teater, dan tempat hiburan lainnya g. Rumah lelang dan inspeksi real estat h. Fasilitas komunitas, perpustakaan dan aula i. Kebun binatang dan taman hiburan j. Aula serbaguna/function halls k. Fasilitas akomodasi dengan pengaturan check-in (mis. hostel, hotel, tempat perkemahan besar) 4. Bisnis dan fasilitas umum dimaksud diminta untuk menyiapkan Daftar Kontak yang mencatat tanggal, nama, nomor telepon, dan waktu kedatangan semua pelanggan, staf, pengunjung, dan kontraktor yang menghadiri tempat tersebut. Catatan: Dikecualikan dari ketentuan ini, anak-anak di bawah usia 16 (enam belas) tahun dan pengunjung yang mengambil makanan untuk dibawa pulang. 5. Daftar Kontak dimaksud harus disimpan selama 28 hari, dan disimpan secara aman dan rapi untuk sewaktu-waktu dapat diberikan atas permintaan otoritas setempat. Daftar Kontak ini dilarang untuk digunakan dengan tujuan selain untuk keperluan contact tracing Covid-19. 6. Daftar Kontak ini dapat menggunakan 2 (dua) opsi: Pertama. Opsi on-line melalui aplikasi SafeWA yang dapat diunduh dari Apple App Store atau Google Play. Kedua. Opsi manual paper based dengan mencatat tanggal, nama individu, nomor telepon, lokasi, dan waktu/jam ketibaan dan kepergian (suggested template terlampir). 7. Pelanggaran atas kewajiban mengadakan Daftar Kontak ini dapat mengakibatkan hukuman dan denda hingga AUD 50.000 untuk individu dan AUD 250.000 untuk badan hukum, atau pidana penjara setinggi-tingginya 12 (dua belas) bulan. 8. Keterangan lebih lanjut mengenai Daftar Kontak ini dapat diperoleh melalui tautan
11.01.2022 #Repost @indtravel @download.ins --- Escape from reality and relax at the White Sand Island, Bintan, offering a heavenly getaway for leisure-seekers. It's just a ferry ride away from Singapore or Johor Bahru in Malaysia and you can have fun under the sun here with exciting activities with your family, such as beach soccer, volleyball, kite flying, and frisbee. So don’t forget to put it on your post-pandemic bucket list. See you soon! : @msholihinn ... #FromIndonesiawithLove #WonderfulIndonesia
10.01.2022 #Repost @ditjen_imigrasi @download.ins --- Berikut ini aturan keimigrasian terbaru bagi orang asing yang akan masuk dan tinggal di Indonesia. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut silakan unduh di Here are new provisions for foreigners during your stay in Indonesia. Please be advised to notice some points! For any details, please download the information sheet at #Imigrasi #regulation #visa #visaservice #offshorevisa #onshorevisa #staypermit #izintinggal #orangasing #Kemenkumham
09.01.2022 Hari ini, Konsul Jenderal RI Perth mengadakan kunjungan ke dua sekolah di wilayah Denmark yang menerapkan kurikulum bahasa Indonesia yakni Spirit of Play Community School dan Denmark Primary School. Kunjungan tersebut mendapat sambutan hangat dari kepala sekolah beserta jajaran. Para murid nampak antsusias menyapa dan menjawab pertanyaan dalam bahasa Indonesia pada sesi interkasi dengan Konjen. Konjen mengapresiasi pihak sekolah yang menjadikan bahasa Indonesia sebagai bahas...a kedua di sekolahnya serta memberikan dorongan kepada para murid untuk lebih giat belajar bahasa Indonesia sebagai modal dalam membangun people to people links di kalangan generasi muda Indonesia dan Australia. ----------------------------------------------- Today, the Indonesian Consul General in Perth visited two schools in the Denmark region that apply the Indonesian language curriculum, namely the Spirit of Play Community School and the Denmark Primary School. This visit was warmly welcomed by the principal and staff. The students seemed enthusiastic in greeting and answering questions using Indonesian language during the interaction session with the Consul General. The Consul General appreciated the school for making Indonesian language as a second language in their schools and encouraging students to be more active in learning Indonesian as an asset in building people to people links among the young generations of Indonesia and Australia. #IniDiplomasi #IndonesianWay #SchoolVisit #BahasaIndonesia
09.01.2022 Konsul Jenderal RI Perth Ibu Dewi Tobing berkesempatan menghadiri acara multikultural Celebrate Australia Day, yang diselenggarakan oleh kolaborasi komunitas ekspatriat di Australia Barat, bertempat di Mills Park, Beckenham, Western Australia. Konjen RI hadir bersama dignitaries Pemerintah WA, diwakili Minister Bill Johnston, MLA, dan Mayor of Beckenham, Nicholas Bennett, dan Perwakilan Western Australia Police. Dalam remarksnya, Konjen RI Perth menyampaikan kegembiraan atas ...partisipasi dan kolaborasi masyarakat Indonesia di acara multi kultural ini, sebagai bentuk kontribusi masyarakat Indonesia pada keragaman yang harmonis dalam masyarakat multi kultural Australia Barat. Acara ini menghadirkan ragam seni budaya, baik seni pementasan, maupun seni kuliner dalam beragam stand yang mewakili berbagai organisasi komunitas expat WA. Indonesia diwakili oleh kolaborasi yang dikoordinir antar beberapa komunitas Indonesia di Australia Barat. Selamat Hari Australia 2021. Maju terus persahabatan Indonesia-Australia -------------------------------- The Indonesian Consul General in Perth, Mrs. Dewi Tobing, had the opportunity to attend the multicultural Celebrate Australia Day, organized by the collaboration of the expatriate community in Western Australia, at Mills Park, Beckenham, Western Australia. The Indonesian Consul General present with WA Government dignitaries, represented by Minister Bill Johnston, MLA, and Mayor of Beckenham, Nicholas Bennett, and Representatives of the Western Australia Police. In her remarks, the Indonesian Consul General in Perth expressed his joy for the participation and collaboration of the Indonesian people in this multi-cultural event, as a form of contribution of the Indonesian people to the harmonious diversity of the multicultural society of Western Australia. This event presents a variety of cultural arts, both performing arts and culinary arts in various stands representing various expat WA community organizations. Indonesia is represented by a collaboration coordinated by various Indonesian Community organizations in WA. Happy Australia Day 2021. Long live Indonesia-Australia friendship and camaraderie! #IndonesianWay #inidiplomasi
08.01.2022 Located on the seaside, Ratenggaro Village is one of the many traditional villages in Sumba which preserves the traditional Sumba houses with tall grass-thatched roofs (uma mbatangu). There are approximately 304 megalithic tombs in this extraordinary village, where the royalty and the warriors of ancient Sumba are buried. Make your first trip worthwhile once travel resumes! : @samkolder Posted @withregram @indtravel ... #FromIndonesiawithLove #WonderfulIndonesia
08.01.2022 #Repost @indtravel @download.ins --- Handara Gate, the entrance to a golf resort, has gained popularity due to its photogenic charm. Also known as the path to serenity, it’s located in Pancasari Village near Bedugul highlands and Ulun Danu Beratan Temple. The iconic, exotic, traditional Balinese gate surrounded by breathtaking green scenery provides the perfect backdrop for a memorable photo. Don't forget to visit this place when it’s safe to travel to Bali again! : @ahme...t.erdem #FromIndonesiawithLove #WonderfulIndonesia
07.01.2022 The natural wonders of Raja Ampat are certainly a sight to behold! Admire its picture perfect islets amidst the stunning blue sea. The splendid view of Raja Ampat is your place to enjoy the holiday of a lifetime. :@world_walkerz Posted @withregram @indtravel ... #FromIndonesiawithLove #WonderfulIndonesia
07.01.2022 @ditjen_imigrasi by @easy_repost_app ---------------------------------------- Ini adalah informasi penting bagi pemegang Itas/Itap yang habis masa berlaku di luar negeri selama masa pandemi Covid-19. Baca dan pahami aturan berikut ini An important notice to Foreign Nationals holding expired ITAS/ITAP who still stay outside Indonesia. Please read this following infographic.... #imigrasi #staypermit
07.01.2022 Pada tanggal 25 Januari 2021, lembaga not-for-profit Kreasi Indonesia Inc. sebagai entitas sosial-kemasyarakatan yang mewadahi kepanitiaan Festival Indonesia kembali mengadakan Annual Gathering Meeting (AGM) bertempat di Konsulat Jenderal Republik Indonesia (KJRI) Perth, 134 Adelaide Terrace, East Perth, WA 6004. AGM diawali dengan laporan kegiatan Festival Indonesia Virtual 2020 yang disampaikan oleh Ketua Panitia FI Virtual 2020, Ibu Fina Thorpe-Willet, berikut financial re...Continue reading
07.01.2022 Posted @withregram @ditjen_imigrasi Ga lama lagi visa elektronik akan diterapkan di Indonesia. Apa aja sih keuntungan yang dapat kamu peroleh ketika diterapkan visa elektronik? Silakan baca pelan-pelan dan jika ada yang belum paham silakan kunjungi eVisa Indonesia is about to launch soon. What are the advantages of eVisa Indonesia? ... Please see the updates and visit #evisa #visaelektronik #visaservice #visaonline #visaimigrasi #visaindonesia #vitas #onlinevisa #kemenkumham
06.01.2022 #Repost @indtravel @download.ins --- Hidden in East Lombok, lies a small paradise called Sembalun where the clouds part to reveal the breathtaking scenery of the majestic Mount Rinjani. Whether you trek up the mythical hills or opt for a glamping adventure, Sembalun is ideal for anyone seeking serenity in nature. Explore Sembalun and its never-ending array of natural wonders. : @sugianto.shu ... #FromIndonesiawithLove #WonderfulIndonesia
06.01.2022 The COVID-19 pandemic has created a fuss in Indonesia’s economy. Government is currently working hard to prevent recession. However, there is a prospect that the economic will revive soon as the Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) has released an Indonesia investment report. The data from BKPM reported that the investment in the manufacturing sector soars from IDR104.6 trillion in the first quarter of 2019 to IDR129.6 trillion during the first quarter of 2020, reac...hing a 23.9% growth rate. This has come to a surprise since the growth is during the corresponding quarter of the COVID-19 pandemic. The investment in the manufacturing sector soars 23.9% has become another achievement by the government and BKPM. The high rise of investment in the manufacturing industry directly affects the nation’s economic state, specifically the employment rate. #IniDiplomasi #IndonesianWay #TheIncrease ofInvestment #IndonesiaMaju
06.01.2022 Behold, what you’re seeing with your eyes is a majestic waterfall in Mursala Island, Sibolga. Captured exceptionally well by @giovanni_tendean, this postcard-perfect spot boasts nature and magnificent scenery. If chasing waterfalls is your thing, then add this adventurous place to your travel bucket list! Posted @withregram @indtravel #FromIndonesiawithLove #WonderfulIndonesia
05.01.2022 Appreciation Night to honor the Gala Dinner Committee in celebration of the 74th Anniversary of National Independence of the Republic of Indonesia in 2019, and the 70th Anniversary of Indonesia-Australia bilateral relations, convened in Perth, on 24 October 2019. In her remarks, the Indonesian Consul General in Perth expressed her appreciation and gratitude to the committee for their excellent work, and also for the successful event they had helped to convene. Bravo! For a fu...ll coverage of the vibrant excitement during the 2019 Gala Dinner event, check this out! #IniDiplomasi #IndonesianWay #appreciationnight #bilateralrelations
05.01.2022 Indonesia is an emerging global powerhouse in Asia, underlying Indonesia’s vibrant economy is political stability, following Indonesia's economic resilience during and after the global financial crisis, the government are going to continue reforming investment climate to make a safe and attractive investment destination. Indonesia abounds with natural resources extractions from being a major producer of liquefied natural gas and expansion of mining industry. Indonesia is undergoing a major structural shift namely demographic bonus. As the 4th biggest population in the world, more than 53% of the people live in urban areas with a modern lifestyle and increasing purchasing power. Indonesia is playing a more dominant role in global affairs. #IniDiplomasi #IndonesianWay #AttractiveInvestmentDestination #RintisKemajuan #indonesiamaju
05.01.2022 Segenap Keluarga Besar KJRI Perth mengucapkan : Selamat Ulang Tahun kepada Ibu Menlu RI, Retno Marsudi Teriring doa agar Ibu selalu sehat dan berada dalam perlindungan Tuhan YME.
04.01.2022 During a visit to St Bernadette's Catholic Primary School (CPS) in Rockingham today, Consul General of the Republic of Indonesia in Perth was greeted with joy by the 6th graders and pre-primary students who had demonstrated their presentation skills and sang a song in Indonesian. According to Ms Kristy Watson (Indonesian language teacher), Indonesian is the only cumpolsary foreign language that is studied at St Bernadette's CPS. Indonesian Consul General in Perth expressed her appreciation to St Bernadette's in supporting the effort to strengthen Indonesian Language and Culture introduction in Western Australia, and she can't wait to meet St Bernadette’s students again in the future! #inidiplomasi #IndonesianWay #IndonesianLanguage #Schoolvisit
04.01.2022 Relay Undangan: Bersama ini di-relay undangan sebagai berikut: "Komite ICCWA mengundang para pelaku bisnis di Australia Barat, untuk berpartisipasi dalam pembentukan Kamar Dagang Indonesia di Australia Barat.... Gagasan ini dicetuskan oleh beberapa tokoh komunitas pelaku usaha dari masyarakat Indonesia di Australia Barat, dan ditujukan untuk mendorong kolaborasi dan kesempatan networking di antara para pelaku bisnis lokal, termasuk di dalamnya pemberian bantuan dalam perencanaan, pilihan investasi, dan bimbingan bisnis. Susunan Acara: - Sambutan oleh Ibu Dewi Gustina Tobing - Diskusi seputar Chamber of Commerce - Pembentukan Executive Committee of ICCWA - Makan Malam dan Ramah Tamah Nominasikan diri anda atau rekan untuk menjadi anggota Executive Committee melalui link berikut: Untuk keperluan konsumsi, RSVP dapat dilakukan melalui: Kedatangan bapak ibu sekalian sungguh diharapkan untuk suksesnya acara dan pembentukan insiatif ini."
02.01.2022 And also if you want to watch our last Gala Dinner in 2019, in short video, play the video below here
02.01.2022 mengucapkan selamat kepada atas penghargaan... #IniDiplomasi #IndonesianWay #IndonesiaMaju #IndonesiaUntukDunia See more
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