Indooroopilly Activity Hub in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia | Community organisation
Indooroopilly Activity Hub
Locality: Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Address: 60 Stamford Road, Indooroopilly 4068 Brisbane, QLD, Australia
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24.01.2022 The Mahjong group, showing how its done when you care about your fellow Hub members, well done guys, thank you for wearing your masks and keeping your distance !
24.01.2022 Hi all, Calling anyone interested in learning to draw - we have 3 places left in the beginners class starting on Tuesday the 14th of July. Bill is an excellent teacher and he helped several of our members discover the joy of drawing using the humble pencil in last years beginners class, so why not give it a go!... Attached are a couple of examples of two members progression during the course. For more information please contact Bill directly: [email protected]
24.01.2022 Hi Everyone, A rainy day yesterday so "Music in the Park" was cancelled, but the weather has been very nice and a number of members are starting to head off on holiday. Its great that we feel able to do that in Queensland! Heres hoping it continues! WHATS On THIS WEEK:... MONDAY 9.30 - Indoor Bowls - contact Joe 0439 384 562 10 am - Coffee Chat via Zoom - contact Russell [email protected] 12.15 pm Keep Moving exercise - bring your own Theraband - contact Joe 0439 384 562 2 pm Garageband - IN RECESS for the next few weeks, please keep an eye on emails for restart date TUESDAY 8am - Shopping Centre Walk - contact Frank - [email protected] 10am - Games Morning (need a mask) - contact Anne [email protected] 2.30 pm - Basic Drawing for those enrolled - contact Bill [email protected] WEDNESDAY 12.15 pm - ZUMBA RESUMES - contact Donna [email protected] or Marietta [email protected] 1.30 pm - Asian Dance is IN RECESS THURSDAY 8am - Shopping Centre Walk - contact Frank - [email protected] 10 am - Mahjong (need a mask) - contact Bev [email protected] 1pm - BCCGOLD Chair Pilates for those enrolled - own noodle and Theraband- contact Yumi [email protected] 2 pm - Drawing for continuing students via Zoom. 6pm - Opera at the Hub - Amadeus a 1984 American period biographical drama film about Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, directed by Milo Forman and adapted by Peter Shaffer from his 1979 stage play Amadeus. Amadeus was nominated for 53 awards and received 40, including the Academy Award for Best Picture. FRIDAY 9 am - TaiChi RESUMES 10am - Tech Talk - via ZOOM ONLY- contact Tony [email protected] or Frank [email protected] 4 pm - Open Mic via ZOOM ONLY- contact Ross [email protected] SATURDAY 12 noon - Music in the Park - IN RECESS for 2 weeks - Resumes Sept 5 - contact Ross [email protected] coordinator for Sept 5. Have a great week!
23.01.2022 Hi folks, Dont forget Movie Night at the Hub tonight. The movies tonight is called "School of Life", it is a French film with English subtitles and a very good movie.... The screening starts at 6:00pm, bring your own drinks and nibbles
23.01.2022 And giving a whole new meaning to the Masked Singers, the Hubs Open Mic swung back into action last night! It was great to see everyone again, albeit with the challenges of wearing masks and keeping your distance. Thank you to everyone who attended including a few people people still on Zoom, so good that you could join us, and a special thank you to the Open Mic Coordinator and Chief Roadie Ross, our Editor-in-Chief Ray (we are looking forward to watching the video from las...t night), and to our Sound-Mixing Master Tony. We missed not being able to share food but we still had an enjoyable break between sets and we were able to catch up on what everyone has been doing, other than trying to come to grips with playing music on Zoom.... Onward and upward!!
23.01.2022 IMPORTANT We have been monitoring the COVID Situation very closely and we had 3 triggers that would lead to our closing the Hub for a period of time. Two of these triggers have now happened. All activities that can continue on Zoom will do so, and those that cannot will go into recess for the time being.... Please keep an eye out for IAH emails for more information, the weekly Whats On email will give you more details. Please pass on this information to other members who you think may not see this , or who are not on email. We will get through this :-)
22.01.2022 Hi Everyone, Welcome to our second week of Hub activities, some activities start up for the first time this week and I have a couple of date claimers for you. IMPORTANT CHANGES TO NOTE: For those who are coming for the first time this week here is whats different:... * You need exact change ($2) to avoid money handling * Bring your own water bottle or mug. * Coffee/Tea still available but biscuits in separate packs - NO food sharing. * Masks are recommended at all times and required for Games and Open Mic. Here is a link on how to wear a mask and a simple pattern to make your own washable, re-usable mask: * Youll need to fill out a COVID Contact form and agree to our COVID Safe rules. DATE CLAIMERS: July 28 10 am - 1 pm - Ethnic Council of Qld My Health for Life final talk and evaluation. Those interested contact Aya or Hiromi at: [email protected] August 25, 10 am Wahaha Hobby group Cut flower arrangement, monthly 4th Tuesday. To enrol contact Aya or Hiromi at: [email protected] with full name and agree to pay $15 (to cover the costs of 2 sessions) or $30 (for 4 sessions) on the first day to the teacher, in addition to $2 IAH hall usage fee per session. Must enrol by Thursday 20th August 2020. WHATS ON THIS WEEK MONDAY 9.30 - Indoor Bowls - contact Joe 0439 384 562 10 am - Coffee Chat via Zoom - contact Russell [email protected] 12.15 pm Keep Moving exercise - bring your own Theraband - contact Joe 0439 384 562 2 pm Garageband - contact Ross [email protected] TUESADY 8am - Shopping Centre Walk - contact Frank - [email protected] 10 am - Games Morning - need a mask - contact Annette [email protected] or [email protected] 2.30 pm - Drawing Beginners group for those enrolled - contact Bill [email protected] WEDNESDAY 10 am Book Chat - in the Hub Hall + Zoom if we can work the tech. Contact Frank [email protected] 12.15 pm - Zumba - contact Donna at [email protected] or Marietta [email protected] 1 pm - IAH Committee Meeting via Zoom 1.30 pm - Asian Dance - contact Debbie [email protected] THURSDAY 8am - Shopping Centre Walk - contact Frank - [email protected] 10 am - Mahjong (need a mask) - contact Bev [email protected] 1pm - BCCGOLD Chair Pilates for those enrolled - own noodle and Theraband- contact Yumi [email protected] 6 pm - Movie - School of Life - 2017 French Comedy Drama Contact Frank [email protected] FRIDAY 9 am - TaiChi - contact Annie [email protected] 10 am - Discussion - in the Hub Hall + Zoom if we can work the tech. Contact Frank [email protected] 4 pm - Open Mic (max numbers 24, need a mask) - contact Ross [email protected] SATURDAY 12 noon - Music in the Park - 4 performers play in Keating Park - contact Cliff [email protected] PLEASE remeber to check your emails for more details on all our activities. Have a great week!
22.01.2022 Hi Fellow IAH Members, We will be having a working bee 8-10 am this Sunday July 5. The main focus is cleaning and getting ready to open up the Hub on July 13. So come along if you have time, and well get back in the swing of things.... We will end with a Coffee/Tea and Biscuits (in separate sealed packs) but not the usual morning tea since were following COVID Safe Rules and not sharing food at the Hub at this time. Also, dont forget to bring your own named water bottle and mug along.
21.01.2022 Hi all, As promised, here is a link to the highlights from the Open Mics 5th anniversary celebrations last Friday, virtual of course. It was an excellent way to usher us into the next stage, which is back at the Hub on Friday 17 July BUT with a set of strict COVID safe rules, please see the next post for details or make sure you read your email from Donna. ... A big thank you to our editor-in-chief Ray Lockett for his work on putting these highlights together.
21.01.2022 Hi all, Here is a link to a YouTube clip from our first night back at the Hub, great to see Linda, Tony and David back playing well together after virtually (pun intended) no practice for 5 months. More to come shortly ...
19.01.2022 Hi all, Last night was the 5th anniversary of the Hubs Open Mic, what a milestone! Sharing music has made such a difference to so many of us because it is not just about music, it is also about the friends we have made and the wonderful feeling of belonging to a group of people who all accept, encourage and value each other.... Of course we are virtual at the moment but soon to be back at the Hub, with the first real Open Mic on Friday the 17th of July, and hopefully it will still include our Canadian friend and performer via zoom. And of course lets not forget the various music activities that have stemmed from the Open Mic such as the Garage Band, Music tech and Muckabout in the Park. Muckabout in the Park will be happening today in Keating Park (next to the Hub) from 12-4pm with 4 performers, so grab a coffee and come along to enjoy some quality music in the sun. We had 20 people at the Virtual Open Mic last night, including 16 performers, and that is a record. Here is a screenshot, and watch this space for an up-and-coming video of performances highlights.
18.01.2022 Hi Everyone, IMPORTANT: we are monitoring the COVID Situation very closely, we are aware that our age group is at risk so we will err on the side of caution, please keep an eye on IAH emails for updates. PLEASE NOTE: for those who are coming for the first time this week, here is whats required to be COVID Safe:... - You need an exact change ($2) to avoid money handling - Bring your own water bottle or mug, coffee/tea still available but biscuits in separate packs - no food sharing. - Masks are highly recommended and required for Mahjong, Games Morning and OpenMic - Youll need to fill out a COVID Contact form and agree to our COVID Safe rules (you only need to do this once) CHANGES: All chat groups (Coffee Chat, Book Chat, Discussion, Tech Talk - are back to Zoom.) Book Chat is on again Wednesday 10 am via Zoom - Zumba Wednesday 12.15 is in recess - plans to return 19/8/20 COVID willing. - Asian Dance Wednesday 1.30 am is in recess - plans to return 26/8/20 - TaiChi Friday 9 am is in recess - plans to return 21/8/20 COVID willing. Discussion Group is on again Friday 10 am via Zoom DATE CLAIMER: - August 25, 10 am the first Wahaha Hobby group Cup flower arrangement class, held monthly 4th Tuesday. To enrol contact Aya or Hiromi at: [email protected] with full name and agree to pay $15 (to cover the costs of 2 sessions) or $30 (for 4 sessions) on the first day to the teacher, in addition to $2 IAH hall usage fee per session. Must enrol before Thursday 20th August 2020. - September 15, 10 am - IAH General Meeting via Zoom to look at and vote on an updated Constitution using the model rules and our Objectives, Vision and Mission from our 2019 Strategic Plan. (Draft Document attached) WHATS ON THIS WEEK: Monday: 9.30 - Indoor Bowls - contact Joe 0439 384 562 10 am - Coffee Chat via Zoom - contact Russell [email protected] 12.15 pm Keep Moving exercise - bring your own Theraband - contact Joe 0439 384 562 2 pm Garageband - contact Ross [email protected] Tuesday: 8am - Shopping Centre Walk - contact Frank - [email protected] 2.30 pm - Basic Drawing for those enrolled - contact Bill [email protected] Wednesday: Book Chat - 10 am via zoom 12.15 pm - Zumba in recess 1.30 pm - Asian Dance is in recess Thursday: 8am - Shopping Centre Walk - contact Frank - [email protected] 10 am - Mahjong (need a mask) - contact Bev [email protected] 1pm - BCCGOLD Chair Pilates for those enrolled - own noodle and Theraband- contact Yumi [email protected] Friday 9 am - TaiChi in recess 10am - Discussion - via Zoom - contact Frank [email protected] 4 pm - OpenMic (max numbers 24, need a mask) - contact Ross [email protected] Saturday 12 noon - Music in the Park - 4 performers play in Keating Park if weather permits- contact Cliff [email protected] Have a great week!
17.01.2022 Hi all, Here are some highlights of Fridays Open Mic, just click on the link and enjoy the music! A special thank you to Ray, our Editor-in-Chief
17.01.2022 PLEASE NOTE: face to face activities at the Hub have been cancelled for the coming week beginning Monday August 24 Hi Everyone, As advised earlier, your committee has decided to close face to face activities due the current situation in Greater Brisbane. The QLD Government has restricted private indoor or outdoor gatherings to 10 people.... We will monitor this situation. If the number of cases continue to grow rapidly or if the source of cases remains unknown we will remain closed, but at this stage the planned closure of activities is for one week to be reviewed by the IAH Committee on Wednesday. Whats On this week: Our Zoom and Non Hub Based Activities will continue as follows: MONDAY 10 am - Coffee Chat via Zoom- all welcome - contact Russell [email protected] TUESDAY 8am - Shopping Centre Walk - contact Frank - [email protected] WEDNESDAY Book Chat via zoom is cancelled for this week since Frank is attending Ron Oudolfs funeral on Wednesday at 11 am. IAH Committee meeting - 1 pm via Zoom THURSDAY 8am - Shopping Centre Walk - contact Frank - [email protected] 1pm - BCCGOLD Chair Pilates - will continue since it is a BCC activity but numbers are restricted to 9 of the people enrolled. Yumi will be in touch with those enrolled. FRIDAY 10am - Discussion - via Zoom - contact Frank [email protected] 4 pm - Open Mic via zoom contact Ross [email protected] SATURDAY 12 noon - Music in the Park - in recess until September 5. contact Ross [email protected] coordinator for Sept 5.
17.01.2022 Rob, David and Tony
17.01.2022 Hi folks, Please see some updated information on our Garage Band " Current Members, with various capability levels are interested in producing good quality music and improving their skills. They work together to develop songs to performance standard in a range of genres currently including folk, jazz, blues, rock, pop and country. ... Members bring their own instruments and use the Hub’s sound system. The instruments currently being played include drums, bass guitar, rhythm guitar, lead guitar, keyboard, banjo, mandolin and tin whistle. Members also bring along their own compositions for input and development. If you are interested, contact Ross Knox, Walter Robb, or Paul Baillie, Garage Band activity co-coordinators . "
11.01.2022 Hi Everyone, Just letting you know that Zumba (Wednesday 12.15 pm) and TaiChi (Friday 9 am) have been cancelled by their coordinators due to COVID Concerns. If the COVID number remains low it is anticipated that Zumba will resume on August 19 and TaiChi on August 21. Other activities will proceed as normal. we will notify you if there are any further changes.... Please keep an eye out on for IAH emails for further updates
10.01.2022 Hi Everyone, We are posting this information on behalf of Ross Knox, coordinator of the OpenMic. Please contact Ross if you have any queries: [email protected] "You will have received the message that the Indooroopilly Activity Hub is reopening commencing Monday July 13....Continue reading
10.01.2022 Yesterdays Open Mic was back on Zoom and whilst we had a small number of participants, it was lovely to be there and hear some great music! Here are a few photos.
08.01.2022 Hi Everyone, Four things to remember: *** Zumba resumes tomorrow Wednesday 12.15pm ... *** Opera/Musical at the Hub is on again at 6 pm this Thursday. This time its Amadeus a 1984 American period biographical drama film directed by Milo Forman and adapted by Peter Shaffer from his 1979 stage play Amadeus. The story is set in Vienna, Austria during the latter half of the 18th century, and is a fictionalized biography of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Mozarts music is heard extensively in the soundtrack of the film. The film follows a fictional rivalry between Mozart and Italian composer Antonio Salieri at the court of Emperor Joseph II. The film stars F. Murray Abraham as Salieri (who received the Academy Award for Best Actor for his performance) and Tom Hulce as Mozart (who was also nominated Best Actor). Considered one of the best films of all time, Amadeus was nominated for 53 awards and received 40, including eight Academy Awards (as well as the Academy Award for Best Picture) Contact Frank Denham [email protected] or just come along on the night. *** The Wahaha no Kai Hobby Group Cup Flower Arrangement class will recommence 10 am on Tuesday August 25, and will then be held monthly on the 4th Tuesday of the month. Enrollment is required - Deadline for enrollment is this Thursday August 20.To enrol contact Aya or Hiromi at: [email protected] with your full name and agree to pay $15 (to cover the costs of 2 sessions) or $30 (for 4 sessions) on the first day to the teacher, in addition to $2 IAH hall usage fee per session. *** TaiChi resumes Friday 9 am
08.01.2022 Music in the Park Keating Park, Stamford Rd, Indooroopilly A group of friends who are members of the Indooroopilly Activity Hub are offering the local community free music for everyone to sit back and enjoy every Saturday from 12noon to 4pm. Playing and singing a wide range of popular music from the 50s to the present day, the musicians are using their own musical instruments and sound equipment, and adhering to all social distancing rules.... Everyone is welcome to come along and listen, bring the family and sit on the grass or bring your own chair, bring a snack and a water bottle, or nip over to the Shopping Centre for refreshments. Please note that that if rain is forecast we automatically cancel. The Indooroopilly Activity Hub is a voluntary not for profit community organisation whose aim is to provide activities and events of interest to our members and thereby create a supportive social network that nourishes us in mind body and spirit. For more information visit our website at , find us on Facebook, email us [email protected] or have a look at the notice board on our building at 60 Stamford Rd, Indooroopilly (next to the Shopping Centre) We look forward to seeing you there!
08.01.2022 Hi all, In case you hadnt received this information - From the Indooroopilly Shopping Centre website: *** Important update regarding COVID-19 ***... Update 23rd August 2020 6:20pm. QLD Health have now included Indooroopilly Shopping Centre on the contact tracing list. We encourage everyone to follow the advice of QLD Health and get tested if you are feeling unwell. Find more information at Indooroopilly Shopping Centre has this afternoon received confirmation from Metro North Public Health that two customers, who have tested positive to Coronavirus, visited the centre on Monday 17 August between 11am-1pm and Wednesday 19 August between 1pm-4pm. Stores the customers visited include Origin Kebab and Bupa Health on 17 August, and David Jones, Myer, Sweets from Heaven and Touch of India on 19 August. Whilst awaiting confirmation from Metro North Public Health overnight, (Saturday 22 August) Indooroopilly Shopping Centre, through our service providers, conducted a deep clean and disinfected the Centre with the focus on key areas such as hard surfaces, food courts and bathrooms. The affected stores have also conducted a deep clean. Upon confirmation by Metro North Public Health this afternoon, a memo was circulated to all of our retail partners. Metro North Public Health have advised people if you become or have already become unwell with any symptoms of COVID-19, please isolate yourself and get tested. Kind Regards
08.01.2022 The Hub's Open Mic Friday 20 November
08.01.2022 Hi all, Here are a few photos of our regular Friday night Open Mic, we are now combining performers and audience at the Hub, complete with masks and social distancing, with audience on Zoom, and having performers on Zoom is still being worked on. Everyone is welcome to join us from 4pm on Friday nights, either at the Hub or on Zoom, please contact us for more details: Ross [email protected]... Thank you to our facilitators, especially Ross, Ray and Tony And if you cant make it to the Open Mic, dont forget Music in the Park on Saturday from 12noon to 4pm, weather permitting, for more details contact Cliff [email protected]
08.01.2022 Hi Everyone, We will remain closed for Hub Face to Face activities for one additional week, and if COVID numbers remain low we will reopen on Monday September 7 under our COVID Safe plan, please keep an eye on emails for updates. Date Claimers and RSVPs:... September 9, Mark Chee will present a talk on The Battle of the Atlantic 1943. This will be a face to face meeting at the Hub so numbers are limited to allow social distancing. If you wish to attend please see your emails and reply by September 7. September 15, General Meeting Via Zoom to update our constitution . We were advised by our auditor to update our constitution which dates back to 1984. A general meeting is required to do this. We will l update to the current model rules - which allows only some sections to be added by the organization - see email for further details. *** PLEASE let Donna know if you are able to attend *** WHATS ON Our Zoom and Non Hub Based Activities will continue as follows: MONDAY 10 am - Coffee Chat via Zoom- all welcome - contact Russell [email protected] TUESDAY 8am - Shopping Centre Walk - contact Frank - [email protected] 2.30 pm - Basic Drawing Module B begins via zoom for those enrolled THURSDAY 8am - Shopping Centre Walk - contact Frank - [email protected] 1pm - BCCGOLD Chair Pilates - will continue under its BCC COVID Safe plan since it is a BCC activity FRIDAY 10am - Tech Talk - via Zoom - contact Tony [email protected] 4 pm - Open Mic via zoom contact Ross [email protected] SATURDAY 12 noon - Music in the Park - contact Ross [email protected] coordinator for Sept 5. Have a great week!
07.01.2022 Hi Everyone, Hub Update: Well be having our first Working Bee since March this Sunday at 8 - 10 am, to get ready to open up again on July 13.... Remember well be adhering to IAH COVID Safe rules and everyone will fill out and sign a COVID Contact Details Undertakings Form when we reopen to enable contact tracing. ZOOM SESSIONS ON THIS WEEK: MONDAY Coffee Chat - 10 am via Zoom - contact Russell Porter [email protected] Garage Band - 2.30 pm weekly via Zoom - contact David Carroll [email protected] or Ross Knox [email protected] TUESDAY Shopping Centre Walk at Indro, 8 - 10 am, meet at top of escalators near the fruit shop - contact Frank [email protected] Basic Drawing 2 pm for those enrolled - (using a different room number) contact Bill Duffield [email protected] THURSDAY Shopping Centre Walk at Indro, 8 - 10 am, meet at top of escalators near the fruit shop - contact Frank [email protected] WEDNESDAY Book Chat 10 am via Zoom contact Frank [email protected] FRIDAY Discussion Group 10 am via Zoom - contact Frank [email protected] Music Tech 3.30 pm - musicians can start early to discuss sound levels etc. Open Mic 4 pm via Zoom - contact Ross Knox [email protected] or Tony Roe [email protected] SATURDAY Muckabout in the Park 12 - 4pm - 4 Hub musicians playing in Keating Park, call by when you like to listen. If youd like to perform, contact Cliff Callinan, [email protected].
06.01.2022 Hi folks, This is pretty exciting, we are now actively working towards the re-opening of the Hub, following the new COVID safe rules of course, please make sure you familiarise yourself with these rules (sent out with the weekly Whats On email). Everything has been checked, cleaned and sorted as well as possible, and made ready for the first activities to start on Monday 13 July.... See you soon!
06.01.2022 Hi Everyone, We certainly live in interesting times! Your committee met at the Working Bee today to consider the current COVID situation. Here are the take home messages from our meeting:...Continue reading
04.01.2022 Hi Everyone, Welcome to our third week of Hub face to face activities. Look first of all at the changes for this week: CHANGES... For those who are coming for the first time this week, here is whats different: You need exact change ($2) to avoid money handling Bring your own water bottle or mug, coffee/Tea still available but biscuits in separate packs - no food sharing. Masks are highly recommended and required for Mahjong and OpenMic Youll need to fill out a COVID Contact form and agree to our COVID Safe rules. NOT SO REGULAR ACTIVITIES ECCQ My Health for Life final talk and evaluation. - Tuesday 10am - 1 pm. If interested contact Aya or Hiromi at: [email protected] DRAWING: Continuing students join drawing via Zoom - 2 pm Thursday DATE CLAIMERS August 25, 10 am the first Wahaha Hobby group Cup flower arrangement class, held monthly 4th Tuesday. To enrol contact Aya or Hiromi at: [email protected] with full name and agree to pay $15 (to cover the costs of 2 sessions) or $30 (for 4 sessions) on the first day to the teacher, in addition to $2 IAH hall usage fee per session. Must enrol by Thursday 20th August 2020. WHATS ON THIS WEEK MONDAY: 9.30 - Indoor Bowls - contact Joe 0439 384 562 10 am - Coffee Chat via Zoom - contact Russell [email protected] 12.15 pm Keep Moving exercise - bring your own Theraband - contact Joe 0439 384 562 2 pm Garageband - contact Ross [email protected] TUESDAY 8am - Shopping Centre Walk - contact Frank - [email protected] 2.30 pm - Drawing Session 3 Beginners group for those enrolled and continuing students via Zoom- contact Bill [email protected] WEDNESDAY 12.15 pm - Zumba - contact Donna at [email protected] or Marietta [email protected] 1.30 pm - Asian Dance - contact Debbie [email protected] THURSDAY 8am - Shopping Centre Walk - contact Frank - [email protected] 10 am - Mahjong (need a mask) - contact Bev [email protected] 1pm - BCCGOLD Chair Pilates for those enrolled - own noodle and Theraband- contact Yumi [email protected] 2 pm - Drawing for continuing students via Zoom- contact Bill [email protected] FRIDAY 9 am - TaiChi - contact Annie [email protected] 4 pm - OpenMic (max numbers 24, need a mask AND must keep at least 1.5m between people even when wearing a mask) - contact Ross [email protected] SATURDAY 12 noon - Music in the Park - 4 performers play in Keating Park if weather permits- contact Cliff [email protected] . SUNDAY 8- 10 am - Hub Working Bee - cleaning and some repairs. Have a great week
03.01.2022 The Hubs Garage Band in action, great to see many of our activities resuming and everyone following the new rules!
02.01.2022 Hi Everyone, The Indooroopilly Activity Hub resumes face to face activities this Monday July 13 with some COVID related changes: CHANGES TO NOTE:... Youll need to bring your own water bottle and or mug. We will still have coffee/tea but we wont be sharing food - Hub biscuits still will be there but in cute little individual packets! Bring $2 coins for each activity- no change will be given. Masks are recommended if you have one and are able - disposable masks can be purchased for $1. . We will stay 1.5m apart and we wont come to the Hub at all if were sick. First session well get you to fill out a COVID CONTACT DETAILS AND PERSONAL UNDERTAKINGS FORM for contact tracing (copies in the sign on box - fill out and return to coordinator) and talk about being COVID Safe at the Hub with some particular rules for your activity. Some activities will remain on Zoom and some will combine face to face and zoom, please check your emails for more details. You now need to be enrolled for BCC GOLD Chair Pilates and theres a maximum of 24 for OpenMic. If community transmission starts up in Brisbane as it has in Victoria well shut down again since we are the "at risk" age group. So fingers crossedwell be OK but this may be a dress rehearsal for a number of openings and closing over the next 12-18 months. HERE IS WHAT"S ON THIS WEEK: MONDAY 9.30 - Indoor Bowls - contact Joe 0439 384 562 10 am - Coffee Chat via Zoom - contact Russell [email protected] 12.15 pm Keep Moving exercise - bring your own Theraband - contact Joe 0439 384 562 2 pm Garageband - contact Ross [email protected] TUESDAY 8am - Shopping Centre Walk - contact Frank - [email protected] 1pm - Drawing Advanced Students for those enrolled - contact Bill - [email protected] 2.30 pm - Drawing Beginners group for those enrolled - contact Bill [email protected] WEDNESDAY 12.15 pm - Zumba - contact Marietta [email protected] THURSDAY 8am - Shopping Centre Walk - contact Frank - [email protected] 10 am - Mahjong (need a mask) - contact Bev [email protected] 1pm - BCCGOLD Chair Pilates for those enrolled - own noodle and Theraband- contact Yumi [email protected] FRIDAY 9 am - TaiChi - contact Annie [email protected] 10 am - Tech Talk VIA ZOOM only - contact Tony [email protected] 4 pm - Open Mic (max numbers 24, need a mask) - contact Ross [email protected] SATURDAY 12 noon - Muckabout in the Park - 4 performers play in Keating Park - contact Cliff [email protected] . See you then!!!
02.01.2022 As promised, here are a few highlights from our first Open Mic back at the Hub, we are still working on combining having live performers and performers on Zoom so watch this space, we will let you all know when that becomes possible. At the moment you are welcome to dial in to the usual Zoom session to join us as audience
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