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25.01.2022 An increase in professionalism in young sports is one reason given for the rise in the number of children between 5yr and 14yrs for having knee surgery.
23.01.2022 Mens Health When you hear the words "You need to strengthen your pelvic floor" do you normally associate that with woman only? "Lift your nuts" is the catch cry for men's health and helping them to strengthen their pelvic floor, which is just as important for them as it is for woman.
23.01.2022 Reversing Type 2 Diabetes: Following on from last weeks amazing video where Dr. Sarah Hallberg talked about what changes an individual needs to make so thy can assist in reversing their diabetes. Today Dr. Sarah Hallberg is talking with BJSM editor in Chef Karim Khan about why we get fat and the role of insulin as a fat-storing hormone. Below is a link to their podcast. Please read through the foot notes which outlines the role Dr. Hallberg plays with over weight individuals and the differences between American and English terminologies. Enjoy...
20.01.2022 Type 2 Diabetes: A follow up article related to our previous discussions on carbohydrates and how it relates to Type 2 diabetes. It shows how when you process your carbohydrates it will be converted and leave you tired, hungry and with a high blood sugar level. Read on to discover how a low carb diet can help you decrease your insulin needs
19.01.2022 Eccentric Achilles Exercise for Tendinopathy # Exercise 1 - heel drop with straight leg: a simple eccentric exercise for a common aliment found in the achilles. It may take 12wks initially but its a program that can be very effective in reducing and eradicating your achilles tendinopathy pain. Alfredson's heel-drop protocal consists of 3x15 reps, twice daily, 7days per wk for 12wks. Alfredson H, Pietilä T, Jonsson P, Lorentzon R. Heavy-load eccentric calf muscle training for the treatment of chronic Achilles tendinosis. Am J Sports Med. 1998 May-Jun;26(3):360-6. http://journals.sagepub.com//abs/10./03635465980260030301
19.01.2022 Hey its friday again so to put a smile on your face heres a classic Abbott & Costello...who's on first.
18.01.2022 Woman's Health You might possibly think it odd or strange that a physiotherapist might talk about painful sex since it's probably something you'd discuss with a G.P. or Gynecologist. This is a real condition that can be treated by a physiotherapist, and is common but just not talked about much. It's known as "Vaginismus", and it's the result of tightening of the vaginal muscles such as the pelvis floor, and can make certain activities very painful and traumatic, leaving a psychological scar. Read more in the article about people's personal experiences with this treatable condition and see your G.P. to discuss further action you might take. There are dedicated physio clinics that help both men and woman overcome this barrier so they can have a more meaning relationship with their partner.
18.01.2022 Mens Health Need to complete
17.01.2022 Mens Health: - Kegel Exercises Continuing in our series on Mens Health focusing on strengthening the pelvic floor is the kegal exercise. Where the word kegal originates from is unknown to me or google, but its used to describe pelvic floor exercises and are strongly suggested to be performed prior to, and following surgical removal of the prostate (radical prostatectomy) and conditions, such as diabetes and overactive bladder - all that can lead to weakened pelvic floor muscl...es. Some signs that may indicate you need to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles are: - post urination dribble - incontinence - sexual dysfunction The great factor with a kegal exercise is that it can be performed any where and anytime. Make it a part of your daily activities. See more
16.01.2022 Eccentric Achilles Exercise for Tendinopathy # Exercise 2 - heel drop with knee bent: Continuing off from last week with the straight leg heel drop, today we are looking at a progression exercise for achilles tendinopathy.
15.01.2022 Men's Health; Exercising your pelvic floor shouldn't be considered only in the realms of women's health but its vital for men, especially if they are looking to have, or already have had prostate surgery. Like with any surgery it can be helpful to have strong muscles to allow for a better and possibly quicker recovery time. Pelvic floor muscles assist with bladder controlled, and weak muscles can result in embarrassing moments at inconvenient times. What can you do to streng...then your pelvic floor muscles? - Be able to identify the right muscles - perfect the technique over time - increase your holding time Read more about what exercises you can do to help strengthen your pelvic floor
14.01.2022 The brain benefits from movement and exercise, including after a concussion, says AMSSM member Dr. John Leddy. Some handy advise following a concussion. #concussion #concussionsymptoms #postconcussionrecovery
12.01.2022 Dr. Andrew Albano at the recent American Medical Society for Sports Medicine discussed his research into when it was safe for concussed athletes to return to driving. #concussion #returntodrivingafterconcussion
12.01.2022 Some days can feel like this...
12.01.2022 Retiring rugby league player Peter Wallace has played the last 2 seasons without an ACL in his knee. What a crazy and amazing feat to have achieved. Having no ACL can bring a lot of instability to the knee, and unfortunately unlike some other sports, such as NFL, players are not allowed to wear hard supportive braces during a game. The amount of strength training, committment, determination and self drive must have been enormous from Peter Wallace. I take my hat off to you sir. I just hope now you can have a proper rehab during your well earned retirement.
11.01.2022 A physio's tough love
10.01.2022 Acupuncture can hurt...
10.01.2022 Womens Health Having a baby join the family is exciting, and much of the focus and attention will be on the new bub. Not all the time, but associated problems can occur to the woman following child birth such as rectus diastasis (abdominal seperation of the muscles), incontinence or even prolapse, all of which are serious issues and need attention. It is important, even more so I believe in todays society, that you get the right information suited to your needs. Too often we consult with Dr. Google to fix our problem, or take someones opinion as fact and think its suitable for oneself. In the following article read more about the impact having a baby can have on a womans body, and the importance of exercising correctly.
10.01.2022 Men's Health Last week we discussed kegal exercises to assist with strengthening mens pelvic floor. Here is a short video that demonstrates several techniques that can be very useful.
08.01.2022 Eccentric Exercise: - The decline squat for patellar-tendinopathy A 2005 article by Young et. al. entitled "Eccentric decline squat protocol offers superior results at 12 months compared with traditional eccentric protocol for patellar tendinopathy in volleyball players" demonstrated that a 12 week program of single leg eccentric squats on a 25deg decline board when compared to the traditional single leg squat can show improvements in patellar tendinopathy pain. Measures wer...e taken in two areas - knee function by using the Victorian Institute of Sport Assessment (VISA) score; and tendon pain with activity using the 100 mm visual analogue scale (VAS). Both groups showed improvement after 12 weeks but follow up results after 12 months showed a better clinical outcome for the decline squat. This simple exercise can be applied to not only volley ball players but anyone suffering from knee pain in the patella tendon (located just below the knee cap). http://bjsm.bmj.com/content/39/2/102 #eccentricexercise #eccentricdeclinesquats #patellartendinopathy
08.01.2022 Isotonic vs Isometric vs Isokinetic? You may not have heard these exact words use in your daily vocabulary but you sure have used them in a work out or just in your day to day activities. Here is a short video that, though may put you to sleep, explains the difference between these types of muscle contractions. How this can benefit you is how then you utilise this knowledge and understanding in your workouts or rehabilitation programs. Isometric is always good for initial ac...tivation of the muscles in the early stages of rehab. Isokinetic is great as the progression but can be virtually non existing in a rehab clinic due to purchase costs of the machine. For this reason most physio's will then prescribe Istonic exercises in the middle and final stage of rehab, especially eccentric loading as it works the muscles twice as hard. Isotonic: Can be both Concentric and Eccentric. Concentric is when the muscle strength over-comes the weight resistance. Eccentric is when the muscle still contracts but the weight is greater then the muscle strength, and so the muscle lengthens. Isometric: Is when the muscle contracts but there is neither shortening or lengthening of the muscle. Isokinetic: Is when the energy required to contract the muscle stays the same throughout the whole movement of shortening and lengthening. #musclecontractions See more
07.01.2022 Well the proof is out that exercise can help with preventing depression. But what type of exercise is it that you have to do? Read on to find out!
07.01.2022 Concussion: There has been a lot in the news and articles in science journals about concussion, there's even a movie with Will Smith that focuses on the cover-up by the NFL governing body on the seriousness of concussion on their players, but you may not know what steps you need to take in order to have a safe return to sport following a concussion. Here is a 6 minute video that outlines some good steps that you might find handy for when you or someone you know whats to retur...n to playing their sport. Though each sport is different, these simple tips can be applied across all, and only sports specific activities will need to be adjusted. Another suggesting is conducting a Concussion Assessment prior to the commencement of the season which can then be referred to when a player is ready to return to activity, and a comparison of their preseason baseline results can be made. This can offer another reassurance to both player and coach that they are ready to play. Return to Sports Protocol- 1. No symptoms at rest 2. Perform some activity 3. Light practice 4. "Yellow shirt" 5. Full contact practice 6. Full contact play The timeline that these 6 step may take is undetermined and progression to the next can only happen when there are no symptoms. It may take several weeks to months before a player is ready to return to full contact. Whats important is that the player should feel there is no need to rush, that their health and well being is the focus and not the teams progress or ranking. See more
05.01.2022 Concussion: Scientist have developed a mouth-guard that can help prevent career ending concussion.
05.01.2022 Men's Health Did you think exercising and strengthening your pelvic floor muscles was solely for woman only in preparation for child birth and improving other functions? This is a misconception that many men have. In fact, for men, strengthening your pelvic floor can be very useful in preventing incontinence and erectile dysfunction that become more prominent as we age. One of the hardest things when it comes to working and strengthening the pelvic floor is knowing whether o...r not your actually contracting the muscle, and are you doing it right. Using real time ultrasound, the same used in injury and pre-term baby scans, an individual can see how efficient and effectively they can contract the pelvic floor muscles. Another way you can try to exercise these same muscles in a functional manner is contracting them while urinating to stop the flow. This should only be used to experiment the effective use of these muscles and not something I would encourage you to do all the time, but periodically. See more
04.01.2022 An app a day can keep the doctor at bay? Recent research done at Bond University has shown that out of the 250000 fitness apps on the market only 23 have shown some effectiveness. But even these few app have shown poor evidence of effectiveness in their research findings. So what's the cure? Simply make sure that you eat less calories than you burn each day.... and, yes, there is an app that can help you do that!
03.01.2022 TEDxPurdueU Presents: Reversing Type 2 diabetes starts with ignoring the guidelines by Sarah Hallberg This is an amazing presentation by Dr. Sarah Hallberg, who assists obese people with diabetes. Though it may be a little long, the time is certainly worth it if you or someone you know suffers from Type 2 diabetes. Dr. Hallberg gives a very good definition of what type 2 diabetes is, what does it mean to be insulin resistant, whats the relationship between insulin and diabetes, how eating carbs is contributing to type 2 diabetes, how we should change our view of diabetes, and how it can be reversed by looking at the food we eat. https://www.facebook.com/Dr.SarahHallberg/
02.01.2022 Came across this little video that discusses how much exercise we need to perform daily. They focus on the 7minute program that was released by The American College of Sports Medicine several years ago to determine if its as effective as 30mins or 1 hour thats currently recommended.
02.01.2022 Type 2 Diabetes: Changing the paradigm from management of type 2 diabetes to reversal is a paper by Dr. Sarah Hallberg looking at results from the first 70 days of the Virta Clinic trial that suggests the historic dietary approach to management of type 2 diabetes has been all wrong. Not only can a diabetics situation be changed but can be revered while reducing the need for medication and without risk, cost, or side effects of bariatric surgery, and it can happen in a large p...ercentage of patients, not only in outliers. This was shown to be achievable through adjusting dietary carbohydrate to each patients level of insulin resistance, and providing individualised support and medical management. Dr Hallberg is calling on the medical profession to change the way they look, manage and educate patients about diabetes to let them know it can be reversed. If this doesn't change then she predicts it will continue to rise. See more
01.01.2022 Don't mess with a physio...
01.01.2022 Injury Management - Ice or Heat? I have been asked countless times over the years what to use, ice or heat when treating an injury? From the begining I would alway instruct, ice is for inflammation and heat is for muscles soreness. This was basically from my firts aid training, and what I thought was practical information. In the last couple of years this thought process has shifted, and thats come down to simply listening to my clients, hearing what works for them, and gett...ing some feedback. What it really comes down to is what works for you. If you have inflammation in the shoulder due to bursitis and you find heat helps soothe the pain and allow more movement, then use heat; or if numbing the same shoulder helps to dull the pain and allow you to sleep at night, then go for it. Interestingly enough I came across this video which also supports this line of thought. But it's just not this, there have been several studies into the use of ice in recent years which have no conclusive evidence to show that it helps to reduce inflammation. I have listed several links to these papers below: - The use of ice in the treatment of acute soft-tissue injury: a systematic review of randomized controlled trials (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK70552/) - Is ice right? Does cryotherapy improve outcome for acute soft tissue injury? (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18212134) Video from FXNL media youtube page.
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