Inglewood Little Athletics Centre | Businesses
Inglewood Little Athletics Centre
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25.01.2022 WOOHOO We have a date! Pre-season commences 28th September gang. Me: Also me: ...
25.01.2022 Coles Little Athlete of the Month is back! There is just one week left to nominate a Little Athlete for the December Little Athlete of the Month. Post a photo o...f your nominee on Facebook using the hashtag #COLESLAOTM and tagging Athletics West and tell us in 50 words or less how the nominee has demonstrated sportsmanship, leadership or commitment and health. Monthly winners will receive a $25 Coles gift card and certificate and will go into the running for the title of Coles Little Athlete of the Year in their respective state. The Coles Little Athletes of the Year will receive a Coles Gift Hamper (valued at $200) plus a $200 Coles gift card and take part in a virtual cooking demonstration with Brandon Starc and Coles Celebrity Chef. Little Aths Australia
25.01.2022 Wow, guys. We knew we had a good weekend at Relays, but how good is this? Boys Track Relay Champions Girls Track Relay 4th place... Not sure on overall or fields but it's gotta be said, we've come a long way.
24.01.2022 Any senior athletes registered with our Inglewood Senior's Club - don't forget the first regular Strive event is this Friday night. Registrations close at midnight Wednesday 7th.
23.01.2022 Congrats to these athletes who were selected for the WA All Schools team (also Team Burgundy, represent).
23.01.2022 Apologies to anyone who didn't receive emails x2 and TeamApp notifications x2 about the cancellation of tonight's training and came to find soccer goals in place. As mentioned on those platforms, a soccer Final was scheduled without our knowledge on the reserve at a time that clashed with our training. Never fear! We're back to normal on Thursday and again Monday, Tuesday and Thursday next week. Then suddenly, we'll have comp number 1!... that guy slept in and missed it. See more
22.01.2022 Ready to get active and have some fun this summer? Little Athletics is a program for children aged 5-16 years of all abilities, helping them build the foundatio...n skills of running, jumping and throwing. Registrations for many Centres open tomorrow (5 September)! Find your local Centre at See more
22.01.2022 If you arrive to find the carpark already full tomorrow morning, please avoid parking on the Morley Dr median strip. The parking inspectors don't like it. There is overflow parking off Light St. See you all tomorrow gang.
22.01.2022 For those families who are participating in Combined Events at the WA Athletics Stadium this weekend, please check your email for more information. If you haven't nominated a volunteer slot, you will be issued with one shortly. Everyone else, have fun at the Saturday Twilight at our Home geound! Run, jump and throw your best little Burgundy legends.
20.01.2022 Has your U12-17 been taking advantage of the extra fitness sessions delivered at our track by dad Coach Dave? The remaining sessions are: Tomorrow from 5.30pm Dec 28th Morning 9-10am Dec 30th Morning 9-10am
20.01.2022 Don't forget to register your interest in the Introduction Jav/ Triple Jump/ High Jump clinics on Sunday. There are still places available, so get in quick. Go to TeamApp > Events > Scroll to the 18th and select the clinic/s your child is interested in attending. The clinics are open to everyone U11- U17.
17.01.2022 COME AND TRY ATHLETES Welcome newbies! Tomorrow's training session marks the first of six possible days during the free 2 week trial period available to Come and Try athletes. You MUST be registered as a Come and Try athlete in Results HQ (see instructions below) to attend! Come and Try children may choose any one of either Mon, Tue or Thur each week to train during the trial period.... You may wear anything that allows free movement (think 'active wear') plus sneakers. No sandals! A drink bottle and hat, labelled, is also advisable. When you arrive, a coach will instruct you which group to join and from there you will be guided by one or two coaches throughout the session. Please note that any child in the U6 - 9 age groups i.e born 2012, 2013, 2014 or 2015 must have a parent or guardian remain at the reserve during training for safety purposes. Make friends, learn new skills and have fun.
16.01.2022 What perfect conditions for a first competition day! There were lots of smiles, lots of happy spectators and, so amazing, everyone got a PB! Extra special mention to two athletes who wasted no time in breaking records.... Congratulations! U15G Ilyssa F setting a new triple jump mark of 10.81m (previously 10.78m in 1993); and U16B Robert M-S pushing the shot to a mammoth 18.24m smashing the previous record by 5m and setting a personal PB too.
14.01.2022 Two days before our Come and Try registrations open! If there are any friends of Burgundy families who might be interested in giving athletics a try, head to the link below on October 4th for instructions how to register.
13.01.2022 So we survived the organised chaos that is Come and Try fortnight, welcomed lots of new members and welcomed back lots of old. And now we turn to first comp tomorrow. Here are a few tips to help it go smoothly. 1. Do arrive by 7:45 and head to site to sign in. If you're unsure where to go, please ask someone in burgundy committee shirt, or the Meeting Managers in fluoro pink vests. ... It will be busy! Lots of people want to volunteer early in the season so if you arrive at site by 8am, don't be surprised if you miss a spot this week. 2. Don't panic if you don't get a spot. There may be a spot on another site ( wait for the Announcers to call for assistance at site, before going there). Or enjoy the comp from your camp chair and try again next week. 3. Athletes, do arrive in time for warm up at 7:45. 4. If you don't have your uniform or bib, do arrive by 7:30 because there will be a queue at the Help Desk. 5. Do expect a slow start as everyone finds their feet. 6. Do grab a coffee from the coffee van, or a bacon and egg burger from the canteen if your intestinal fortitude is in need of a boost. 7. Don't forget your uniform, bib, age tag, drink bottle, sunscreen and hat. 8. Do bring your best smile and cheer loudly. High fives are a must (unless you're not family, in which case, air High 5! Drat you, Covid). 9. Do make new friends and have fun. See more
11.01.2022 Happy New Year to our members. For those of you not enjoying a break away from Perth and eagerly awaiting the recommencement of athletics, training begins this Monday. DUE TO A SHORTAGE OF SENIOR COACHES ON TUESDAY, PLEASE OBSERVE THE FOLLOWING RESTRICTIONS:... U11-17 may attend Monday and Thursday ONLY; U6-10s may attend any one of either Monday, Tuesday or Thursday (Tuesday will only be offered to our U6-10s ). If you have any questions, feel free to add your comments below. Welcome back, gang! (party time is over princess, put your sparkly heels away and dust off your spikes girl).
11.01.2022 What a weekend! As if a twilight wasn't enough, 11 of our athletes competed in either pentathlon or heptathlon over two days at the State Combined Events Championship. A massive congrats to: U11G Mia B 6th (PBs Mia? Yes! Lots it seems!)... U12B Miel F 5th (smoked the 100) U12B Axel W SILVER (strong 800, surprised himself in hurdles I think) U12G Brooke W 19th (great run in the 800) U12G Tayla H 11th (nice PBs in the 800 and long jump) U13B Luke B BRONZE (800 was amazing) U15B Kade H BRONZE (resounding shot put win) U15G Rhiannan E 5th (back in HJ form) U15G Luka T SILVER (smashing 800 and bravely trying HJ) U16G Hannah D 4th (pb in hurdles) U16B Jack W backing up from a record-breaking points win last year to win GOLD See more
11.01.2022 It can't be understated, your Burgundy crew brought their game faces to the State Relay Championships yesterday. REPRESENT What a day! Medals, massive PBs, and huge smiles abounded. Congratulations to everyone who participated. Here's a wrap up (to the best of my knowledge, please comment if there's an error): FIELD RELAY TEAMS:...Continue reading
09.01.2022 Due to the current heatwave, Thursday training is cancelled. Anyone wanting to bring water play/ pistols/ balloons etc to run around independently at the track is welcome, but there will be no coach there. Stay hydrated so you're ready for Twilight competition on Saturday evening.
08.01.2022 We will have a REGISTRATION PACK pick up and UNIFORM/ MERCHANDISE purchasing day on Sunday 11th from 10am until 12pm at the Inglewood clubrooms. Please note, all returning members will receive a new bib this year, which will be, with the Yearbook, in your pack.
07.01.2022 Oh yeah, first Novelty Event of the season saw the return of the Banana Relay. The seniors took it very seriously and there were a few dropped bananas, but unlike last year, although bruised they were intact for the race. Seniors again continued their record-breaking ways this week with two jav records broken. Congratulations to: ... U16G Hannah D who broke the previous Javelin record (2015) by over 6m, throwing a PB 32.26m; and U16B Jack W who smashed yet another Javelin record (2010) by nearly 10m, throwing a massive 51.64m.
04.01.2022 How lucky are we to be part of this community? A fat thank you to Coles for your ongoing support of Little Athletics and especially Coles Inglewood for your generosity today, granting Inglewood Little Athletics $5000. Congratulations Inglewood Coles for the grand reopening of your refurbished store.... Athletics West Coles Little Athletics Australia
02.01.2022 Apart from losing a high jump group from the programme, the weather didn't dampen the Burgundy fire today. Luckily the sun shone often enough to keep things ticking over. A massive thank you to our amazing site volunteers on a day it would have been nice to watch from the warmth of the clubhouse. Without you, the kids may not have gone home until after lunch! This week's Novelty Event was Whiffle Leaderball. Serious fun, Seniors.... And finally, one of our Seniors has once again broken a record! Congratluations to U17G Macy M who continues to show how much she owns the 400m, breaking the old mark with a fine run of 1:02.90. You're a star Macy!
02.01.2022 Welcome back Burgundy folk! We hope you all had a wonderful break and enjoyed the return to the track in what turned out to be a beautiful evening of competition. It wasn't without its challenges! The ambient heat in the clubrooms, the nation-wide outage of the tap-and-go payment facility, the aircon failure in the canteen, the lengthy canteen queue due to the former points... Thanks for everyone's patience and a MASSIVE thanks to the hard-working volunteers, committee and ...committee partners who chucked in to help in the canteen to make sure everyone got a delicious dinner and then stayed long after the athletes had left to clean up... But what doesn't kill us makes us stronger, right? 244 little athletes came to compete, which is pretty solid given many of the Burgundy fam are still away on holiday! The break did our athletes good with plenty of PBs earned. Special mention to U11G Jasmine S who broke the discus record set in 2019 with a throw of 22.69 m, and to U16B Jack W who broke the 300mH record set in 2020 with a run of 41.60s. Well done Jack and Jasmine!
02.01.2022 We realise everyone is thinking about the start of the Little Athletics season, but did you know, with Little Athletics and WA Athletics merging into Athletics West, events like Go for 2 & 5 meets are also available to athletes aged 11 and up? Next Saturday 3rd October, Athletics West are hosting a Warm Up Meet at the WA Athletics Stadium. You don't need to be registered with either LAs or a senior club to participate as it is like a Come and Try for senior athletics. For more information and/or to register, go to the link below. Nothing like a little pre-season comp to remind you why you love it!
02.01.2022 We are hosting introductory clinics for transition athletes who have not previously done javelin, Fosbury high jump and triple jump this Sunday 18th Oct between 3 and 5pm. This is open to U11s or U12-17 who have never done these events before. To register your attendance, please go into the TeamApp Events section, select the session you wish your child to attend by clicking RSVP and then add your child's name in the Comments. Please note, due to time restrictions, you will be able to register for 2 out of the three events. Places are limited!
01.01.2022 There's only 1 week to go until our first training day! Reminder Burgundy folk, you must be registered to attend training. (No training for Come and Try athletes until after the Oct 4th Come and Try registration date)
01.01.2022 Limited places, little ones!
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