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24.01.2022 Heading into Friday right with a quick bike ride. Today I’m using green mandarin and lime oil to help support the cardiovascular system. Perfect also for when I prepare for distant healings. #reiki #distanthealing #essentialoils #greenmandarin #limeoil #doterra

24.01.2022 Sunday September 20 2020 A heads up! Lost in Translation This is going to a high stakes week. Mercury entering his retrograde shadow is clashing repeatedly with... big hitters Pluto, Saturn and Mars as the Messenger crosses the Via Combusta aka the Way of Fire into Pluto’s own sign of Scorpio. With fiery Mars retrograde in Aries, communications could quickly descend into verbal warfare as extreme opinions polarise debate. The demands for truth and full disclosure will build and build at the collective level. On September 22nd the Equinox activates the World Axis as the Sun enters Libra on the Super Galactic Centre. This definitely not a Libra Equinox-lite so don’t expect balance, equality, equilibrium and harmony. No one will be holding hands and singing the Coca cola song! This September 2020 Equinox is going to push every one of your buttons so you become more embodied, more aware of your own personal evolution and ready to do what is yours to do right here and right now-not in some mythic, mystic future. The Super Galactic Centre is a mysterious superstructure of the Universe- not a fixed star, but an incredible whirlpool of cosmic materials. At the very centre of the known and observable Universe as seen from the Earth, this powerful black hole devours everything in sight and has the mass of 30 trillion Suns, an impossibly large concentration of matter, energy, light, power and healing energy direct from Source and is the greatest channel for soul retrieval of any point in the Universe. This is where you come face to face with yourself. From Friday 25th onwards, as Saturn Lord of Time and Karma slows to a near standstill ready to turn forward on the 29th, the stationary storm will kick up dust. These are pivotal days to look back over all the learnings from February onwards and to recognise that the unprecedented harsh restrictions of 2020 have all been for your own growth. As you faced the Dweller on the Threshold’s karmic lessons with grace, you’ve been strengthening your resilience and building unshakeable inner resources. And if you had a meltdown or three, that’s okay too. Saturn stationing Direct is time to check the progress of your process. This Equinox art seems fitting to mark the death of pioneer truth teller Ruth Bader Ginsburg-let’s hope that Justice won’t be blindfolded. Get your free September 20-27 Week Ahead + Sign Forecasts at : New! October is going to be a huge month-a crunch point and game changer. Hint: 2 Full Moons + a Super New Moon + Pluto Direct+ Mercury Retrograde !! Be prepared-sign up to my October 5D Report: Disclosure, Dismantling and Disentangling at: Lorna, your work is simply amazing. I don’t know of anyone who’s speaking to this moment more fiercely, both for me personally and for the collective. I’m so grateful to have been introduced to your 5D Reports.Julianna B, Santa Monica, California

21.01.2022 With every new day, there’s always a chance to start over. #fresh #5am #sunlight #sunrise #light #rays #trees

19.01.2022 Sunday random reading. Choose 1 random card that sticks out to you. I’ll be back to reveal the answer soon. #tarot #random #intuitiveguidance #intuitive #answers #guidance

18.01.2022 Good old Lions gate has definitely stirred up some emotions I never knew were possible. Reflecting on a week that has been testing, draining and exhausting I feel like I need to get voices out of my head. I’ve never been one to journal. Never interested me but my guides keep hinting about pen and paper. So I went and brought me a fancy book and a fancy pen to empty my brain and start fresh. #journal #writing #pen #book #paper #reiki #guides #spiritguides #write #happiness #grounding

18.01.2022 Throat chakra playing up this morning. There was also a lot of smoke around yesterday and my lungs and throat are feeling it big time. Difficulty tuning into the true self, the urge to hide opinions and desires from yourself and others, gossiping, dominating conversations, difficulty listening to others, neck pain, hormone fluctuation (relating to the thyroid).... Smashing it with my best mates #oregano and #easyair. Also a quick #reiki and #crystal healing session before work. Sodalite crystal brings order and calmness to the mind. It encourages rational thought, objectivity, truth and intuition, along with verbalisation of feelings. Sodalite brings emotional balance and calms panic attacks. It enhances self-esteem, self-acceptance and self-trust. Sodalite balances the metabolism, boosts the immune system and overcomes calcium deficiencies. It combats radiation damage by soaking up electromagnetic smog. Sodalite treats the throat, vocal cords, larynx and helps with hoarseness and digestive disorders. It cools fevers, lowers blood pressure and stimulates the absorption of body fluids. Sodalite can also help to prevent insomnia. I’ve been known to have 1 or 10 crystals in bra at one time. For all your crystal needs please hit up @shantiandsage and for more info on how essential oils can be your new norm I’m happy to help. #oil #essentialoils #oregano #easyair #doterra #throatchakra #chakra #healing #reiki #reikipractitioner

18.01.2022 Here you go. Hopefully your card brings you the answer to your question. Card 1 ~ A time for healing Balsamic moon... A balsamic moon brings healing, soothing and surrender. This card suggests that you let the past be the past for there is a bright future waiting for you. But in order to move forward you must heal from the current situation. Stop pretending everything is ok. Patience is required and self care is super important so go easy on yourself. Card 2 ~ It’s time for you to take action. New moon in Aries. Aries is a fire element so it suggests intense heat lies ahead. Start setting intentions as a flame has been lit. This card is a positive sign from universe that something you want to happen in your life will happen. But, you must create a 12 month plan. Do not rush and remember your manners as it will create a much better karma for you. Self assertion, determination and bravery are called for. Card 3 ~ Your dreams need a practical plan. Full moon in Taurus. Taurus is an earth element which calls for grounding and stability. And the full moon means results, forgiveness and gratitude. Money issues may come to a head so pay attention to cash flow. And remember chasing money doesn’t work you need to chase your dreams. Laziness could explain your current situation, so you need to exercise more to become energised. It’s also a good time to work through negative feelings and find balance. Stop attracting negativity by being so intense. #tarot #intuitiveguidance #moonologyoraclecards #moonology

18.01.2022 The moon currently is at 84% full. And is at waxing gibbous stage. Currently you are being asked to reflect on expansion and growth. Where in your life have you felt cooped up or stuck lately? The gibbous moon is a perfect time to focus your efforts toward breaking free of these binds. The Waxing Gibbous is a time where we can finally expect to see a positive outcome to our recent efforts. If you feel like you have been underestimated in work, it’s now the time people wi...ll start to notice you. It’s important that you keep everything up to a high standard. Be patient and your rewards will come soon. The ideal crystal to use during the Waxing Gibbous is a Tiger’s Eye. This well-known crystal brings good luck and prosperity. It will stop any bad luck coming your way so that you can speed ahead towards success. #waxinggibbous #moon #moonphase #crystals #tigerseye #reiki #healing See more

17.01.2022 Just do it #take #the #risk #onechance

16.01.2022 The beautiful healing energy that is Reiki Do you or someone you know need a little extra guidance? Why not consider getting them a voucher for Christmas.... Contact me if you'd like to know more.

16.01.2022 Day 2 of juice fast. I struggled yesterday big time obviously it’s the right time to do this cleanse. Massive headache, body is lethargic and I was aching all over. Detoxing huge amounts of toxins. This fast is so much different to my first one. I so wanted to reach for a slice of bread but I didn’t. ... I can see what weakness’s I need to work on so today it’s the heart chakra. I have a lot of forgiving to work on and the pressure I have been placing on myself. There is a heavy ness hovering over my heart and a sense of pain attached. I’ve chosen to fast today on a green juice to help me activate these emotions and release them into the universe as they no longer serve me or my body. Kale, cucumber, celery, green apple, mint, ginger and lime. So yum! I’ve also been listening to a lot of binaural music to raise the frequencies in the body to help heal. The added bonus of being a colon therapist is that I know the quickest way to reach my goal is to cleanse the colon. And doing that last night I managed to get the ball rolling on old waste that is sitting in the colon leaking toxins out into my blood stream. I feel better today mentally, which is weird because I remember my second day being my worst. Looking forward to a little self healing reiki session today. Will be interesting to see what messages come forward. Might even pull a tarot card to see what guidance I need. #reiki #healing #fasting #juicefasting #coloncleanse #colonics #enemas #toxins #detox #angels #cleanse #love #light #therealdeal #mentalhealth #connection #health

15.01.2022 99% of my reiki sessions are always accompanied by a spirit animal of some kind. And I feel very honoured when they appear. But when they appear in my dreams to save me is something else. What a beautiful thing it is to know I’m protected even when I sleep. #reiki #dreams #wolves #wolf #spiritanimal #animals #protection #truth

14.01.2022 I am #grateful for the people who have entered my life for a reason. #grateful #learn #listen #educate #modalities #healing

13.01.2022 Feeling a bit creative today. Working on some creations to use during my reiki sessions next week. Serenity, passion and peppermint are a match made in heaven. #doterra #oils #essentialoils #wellnessadvocate #serenity #passion #peppermint #nerd #reiki #healing

12.01.2022 Trying to catch the last of the suns rays. #myboy #will #drawing #sunshine #sun #rays #connecting #nature #grounding

12.01.2022 Happy Tuesday!! Don’t forget to fill your day with energy, love and light. Always #love #energy #light #reiki #healing #energyhealing #chakras #cleanse #balance

10.01.2022 Seriously crushing on this right now. Douglas fir

08.01.2022 Nailed it!! Peanut And Jelly chocolate cups. So good. No refined sugar, gluten free, dairy free and delish. #homemade #yum #love

07.01.2022 Almost everyday either me or the boys place a crystal and say a little blessing or give thanks. But this morning I ran out of time and I’ve only just noticed one of the boys has decided that today we give thanks to minecraft. Mind you, neither of my kids have iPads, iPhones, PlayStation or an Xbox but they love minecraft LEGO. Maybe they are hinting at a Xmas present this year. Did make me giggle. #givethanks #giggle #blessings #minecraft #lego

06.01.2022 Full moon is apparently 11 days and 20 hours away. A beautiful human once told me to look to the sky’s when you’re feeling a bit off or acting a little crazy and you will discover why. The answers are hovering above you. #moon #crazyness #discover #full #fullmooncoming #11days #digdeep

06.01.2022 Energy is contagious. This is a beautiful reminder to always be aware of your surroundings. It’s ok to drop a few people off at the nearest bus stop along the way. #mindful #happiness #innercircle #bloodsuckers #leeches #youtime #yourimportant

04.01.2022 Tuned in to a little self healing reiki session and next minute this one comes charging down the backyard and lays right next to me. He gets it!! #cats #britishshorthair #britishblue #5 #myboy #reiki #healing #sun #vitamind

03.01.2022 How do you create balance? By making time for you. No one else. Your body, mind and soul deserves it. #soul #mind #body #balance #metime #meditate #reiki

02.01.2022 Sometimes you just have to turn to the sky to figure out why your emotions are the way they are right now. And for me this time of the moon is currently 71% full in a waning gibbous moon. What did that mean? Well, Scientifically after a full moon, the moon starts becoming less illuminated again, waning toward the last quarter moon, then finally, another new moon.... But Spiritually it brings themes surrounding this moon of gratitude, sharing, and enthusiasm. You should be feeling the benefits of your hard work for the last two weeks. Your metaphorical crops are in abundance and you should be seeing some (albeit small) outcome from your previously set goals and intentions. Now's the time you'll be feeling full of love. You'll want to give back to those around you maybe you treat your spouse to dinner or buy your best friend a gift because you saw something and thought of them. For me personally I am extremely grateful to a stranger whom I’ve never met. Hopefully with all the work I’ve done in the last week will pay off. #waningmoon #moon #gibbous #reiki #spirit #soul #happiness #witch #stars #seek

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