Inhale Healthy Essentials in Corlette | Spa
Inhale Healthy Essentials
Locality: Corlette
Phone: +61 414 186 562
Address: Spinnaker Way 2315 Corlette, NSW, Australia
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24.01.2022 Which carrier oil should I use? Essential oils are commonly combined with a carrier oil, which not only dilutes the essential oil but it also prevents easy evaporation. Because using a carrier oil dilutes the potentcy of the essential oil being used, the chances of experiencing an irritation or skin reaction are reduced. Some of the best carrier oils are coconut oil, jojoba oil, grapeseed oil, olive oil, almond oil, pomegranite seed oil and also avocado oil. Fractionated coco...nut oil best for homemade body care products like body lotions, deodorants and toothpastes. Almond Oil is a great allrounder, but best avoided for those with nut allergies..can be used in lotions, body rubs, and as a carrier to just dilute an essential oil Jojoba Oil is ideal for both very dry and oily skin as it brings balance back to the skin..Also ver good for soothing irritations. Magnesium oil is known as the ultimate relaxer, so best for muscle relaxants and sleepy time blends Arnica Oil is best for treating bruises, pain associated rubs and skin inflammations. Shea butter is the best carrier oil for moisturising very dry and aged skin, also fantatic fo making homemade body butters. Argan Oil is known to firm and tighten skin which is great for anti-aging blends and also helps improve skin tone. Evening Primrose oil is great for hormone balancing as it contains high levels of GLA (Gamma linoleic acid) which produces hormone regulating prostaglandin. Pomegranite Seed oil is quite expensive, but is fantastic for skin care as it nourishes and prevents aging of the skin.
23.01.2022 What effect does a Monoterpene have? Monoterpenes are light molecules that evaporate quickly and are called 'topnotes' by the perfume industry. Citrus oils with the exception of Bergamot, contain a high proportion of Monoterpenes. They are clear in colour, free flowing (not viscous), have high volatility and have a strong aroma. Their beneficial properties are that they are cleansing, antioxidant, protective to cells and promote normal cell growth, repel insects, and are stimulating and have enhancing effects on mood and cognitive health. Some of the more common constituents of Monoterpenes found in essential oils are limonene, pinene, terpinene and cymene, with limonene being very effective for relief of heartburn and gastro-esophageal reflux.
23.01.2022 ****Xiang Mao**** Also known as Red Lemongrass, is native to Taiwan. It was traditionally used to freshen air in the home and enlighten the mind. Xiang Mao is a grass that grows to 6 feet tall and is grown on the mountain slopes of Taiwan. The Paiwan tribe that lives there known as 'Big Bird' allows the harvest of this grass in cooperation with the Young Living farm in Taiwan. Xiang Mao has a pleasant lemony aroma and is uplifting yet relaxing, making it perfect for yoga or meditation. It is also a fantastic oil for focus and clarity of thought and vision. I like to add this oil to my body moisturiser which also adds a lovely fresh fragrance to your skin. This oil is very soothing and comforting for horses -use this by putting 1-2 drops in your palms then patting the horse from head to tail.
20.01.2022 ****Blue Cypress**** This amazingly versatile oil is sometimes referred to as 'Blue Gold' and comes from the leaves and wood of the rare Northern Cypress Pine native to Australias Northern Territory. It has a lovely azure blue colour and is the only tree that naturally produces this beautiful blue essential oil that comes from the components Guaiol and Guaiazylene, which are known to reduce the body's response to irritation and injury in the body. Blue Cypress has been used f...or thousands of years by Australian Aboriginal Tiwi people for abdominal cramps, reducing swelling, aches and pains, brain function, cold sores and also to drive away mosquitos and midges. It has a lovely smooth sweet, smoky, yet woody aroma, making it the perfect addition to and mens products. It can also be used in a diffuser when meditating, relaxing or doing yoga for its calming and grounding properties. Fun Fact :-Blue Cypress was chosen as the 'Essence of the Sydney 2000 Olympic games'. I use this oil in my husbands body wash and shave cream. See more
19.01.2022 What do Phenols in essential oils do?? Phenols have excellent therapeutic properties because they are stimulating to the nervous and immune systems. They are an excellent choice for combating an agressive infection. Some oils that contain high amounts of Phenols are Wintergreen, Oregano, Clove and Tea Tree. These are some of the therapeutic qualities of Phenols Anti bacterial, antiseptic, disinfectant and stimulant.
16.01.2022 ****Palo Santo Oil**** The Palo Santo tree is steam distilled to obtain the resin and oil that many countries including Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Mexico and Costa Rica use in their cultures for religious ceremonies and traditions. Using only the red wood from this tree, which must have been dead for at least 2 years, is then made into sawdust before the oil can be extracted. It takes 9kg of sawdust to make just one 500ml botle of this oil. During my studies I found that one of... the many ways to get its benefits, is by inhaling this oil from a diffuser which can increase the levels of antioxidants in your body, which not ony can lower risks of heart disease and alzheimers but it can also calm spasms and other nervous sytem disorders and chronic pain. This is one of my favourite essential oils that I use to treat any muscle aches and pains and inflammation. I also use it in my diffuser at night as it calms down my brain and allows me to shut off therefore improving my sleep. I add a couple of drops to my face and body moisturiser as it has an elastane enzyme which assists in tightening the skin and regenerates new cell growth. Regular inhalation of this oil limits seasonal allergic reactions aswell. Palo Santo is one of my favourite oils to diffuse in my day care room as it eliminates any bacteria and viruses and also freshens the room. I never use this oil undiluted, and suggest that pregnant or nursing mothers avoid aswell. See more
14.01.2022 ****Laurus Nobilis**** More commonly known as the 'Bay Tree'. This tree dates back many years, where the Ancient Romans and Greeks used leaves of the tree to crown their victors and scholars. In the middle ages the Bay leaf tree was often planted in front of homes to promote success and also for protection. The oil is extracted from the fresh leaves of the Bay tree by steam distillation. Laurus Nobilis is a wonderful antiseptic, preventing infections and it inhibits bacteria...l growth aswell. It is also a completely safe antibiotic with no adverse side effects - unlike antibiotics available at a chemist which can heavily impact the liver, heart and other internal organs. This oil is also an anti-neuraligic which can relieve pain from the entire oral zone including throat, ears, tonsils, base of nose, larynx, pharynx and surrounding areas. As it contains analgesic and astringent properties it relieves the pain and contracts blood vessels - thus relieving pressure on the cranial nerve, cramps coughs, aches, nervous afflictions are some other ailments that are soothed by Laurus Nobillis as it is also an anti-spasmodic. I used this oil topically just recently to help heal and repair my perforated ear drum and ear infection, with wonderful results. There are so many health benefits of this oil, it is a must in every home. See more
12.01.2022 What do Esters in essential oils do? Esters are the most relaxing, calming and balancing of all the essential oil constituents. They regulate the nervous system and are anti-spasmodic. Some of the essential oils with the highest percentages of esters are Roman Chamomile, Jasmine absolute and Helichrysum. Here are some of the other therapeutic qualities of esters. Analgesic, /Anit-inflammatory, Sedative, Soothing and stress reducing.
11.01.2022 What is the 'Blood-brain barrier' ? It was thought for years that the interstitual tissues of the brain served as a barrier to keep damaging substances from reaching the neurons of the brain and the cerebrospinal fluid. Instead of a barrier, it would be more accurate to consider it as a sieve or filter through which only molecules of a certain size or smaller can pass. Lipid solubitlity seems to be another factor which facilitates passing through the blood-brain barrier. Wate...r soluble molecules don't usually penetrate into the brain tissue even when very small. The molcules of essential oils are all not only small, but lipid soluble as well. The only way for something to be aromatic is for the molecules to be so small that they readily leap into the air so they can enter our noses and be detected as odor and smell. That is why oils for cooking or massage, such as corn, peanut, sesame seed, saflower, walnut, almond, canola, olive and other oils pressed from seeds are not aromatic. Sure, they have a smell, but you can't smell them across the room in minutes, as you can when you open a bottle of say peppermint, lavender, hyssop or cinnamon. Essential oils of every species cross the blood-brain barier. This makes them uniquely able to address disease, not only from a physical level, but from that of the emotions, which are often the root cause of physical illness. See more
11.01.2022 What are Alcohols in essential oils? Alcohols are divided into monoterpenes and sesquiterpene alcohols. Sequiterpene alcohols are not commonly found in large quantities in essential oils, but when found (like bisabolol in German Chamomile) they have great properties which include glandular stimulant , anti-allergen and anti inflammatory. Other oils that contain sesquiterpene alcohols are Sandalwood, Ginger, Patchouli. Vetiver. Carrot seed and Valerian. Monoterpene alcohols have very few known side effects and have an uplifting, energising effect. High levels of monoterpenes alcohols are found in Lavender, Rose, Geranium, Juniper and Tea Tree oil. They also have the following properties:- anti-fungal, anti-viral, anti-septic, bacterial and germicidal.
11.01.2022 ****Myrtle Oil**** Myrtle oil is obtained by steam distillation of the Myrtle plants flowers, leaves and stems. The Ancient Greeks used this oil and was associated with Aphrodite - The Goddess of Love and Beauty - aptly named as it works to alleviate impotency, frigidity and loss of libido. The bravest soldiers, athletes and nobles were honoured with Myrtle leaves, but it was also prized for its medicinal properties. So what did the Ancient Greeks use this oil for?? They used... it as a mouth wash, as it makes gums contract to strengthen the hold on their teeth, it contracts and tightens the skin and diminishes wrinkles. They also used it to stop hemorrhaging -by inducing blood vessels to contract. I use Myrtle in my diffuser in my Day Care room as it eliminates foul odors (and has no nasties in it, unlike conventional air fresheners) but also as it helps clear congestion of nasal tracts, bronchi and lungs. I learned through my studies that people use this oil to use on wounds where an iron object has caused the injury, as it protects against sepsis and tetanus . Myrtle is also a fantastic oil for those suffering from nervous or neurotic disorders or chronic stress. See more
07.01.2022 ****Nutmeg Oil**** The Nutmeg tree grows very tall and can reach up to 70 feet in height. Nutmeg oil is obtained from the seed of the tree. The fruit, when dried produces Nutmeg (the seed) and Mace (the covering of the seed) and the oil has a woody, pleasant aroma. Nutmeg was used in the Elizabethan era to treat the plague. It has many other uses and was used in Ancient Greek and Roman civilizations for not only a brain tonic, but also for the removal of bad breath, relief of... toothaches, congestion of colds and respiratory tracts, and improving the function of the liver and kidneys. Roman priests used to burn it as incense. Nutmeg oil is used widely in chinese Medicine by massaging on the affected area, for treatment of Arthritis, Rheumatism and Lumbago. I use it in a combination of Nutmeg and Clary Sage with Fractionated Coconut Oil for Menstrual cramps, mood swings and hormone imbalances for my girls. I use it for myself by adding 1 drop to my daily Ningxia for my heart and cardiovascular health. Nutmeg blends well with Lavender, Rosemary, Orange, Black Pepper, Clary Sage, Eucalyptus, Ginger and Ylang Ylang. Fun Fact : Nutmeg oil is used in the tobacco industry to change the flavour of the blend slightly. See more
07.01.2022 ****Hinoki Oil**** Hinoki is also known as Japanese cypress and is an evergreen native. It has a very woodsy aroma with hints of citrus and spice. Hinoki has many beneficial uses some of which are :- Add 2-3 drops to a bath to relieve tense and sore muscles (adding a tablespoon of epsom salts first, prevents the oil from floating on the surface). Rub 2 drops into the palms of your hands then cup your hands and inhale deeply to energize and uplift your mood.... Add 4- drops of Hinoki oil to 50mls demieralised water to condition wooden surfaces to preserve them and prevent termites. Bug or pest problem in your garden?? Add 15 drops of Hinoki to 125ml of water and spray your vegetables. Add 4-5 drops of Hinoki and fill a roller ball bottle with fractionated coconut oil and rub onto chest, feet & back to address any respiratory problems. This oil is also wonderful for destressing. This oil is so versatile and also makes a wonderful addition to mens cologne aswell. See more
07.01.2022 ****Melissa Oil**** Melissa oil is extracted by steam distillation of fresh buds, leaves and twigs. It is native to the Mediterranean region and has been used for centuries to soothe inflammation, relieve spasms, boost digestive processes, relieve bloating, lower blood pressure, prevent bacterial infections and prevent nervous disorders. I use Melissa as it makes sure all systems function properly and acts as a tonic to keep everything in order while boosting my immunity. St...udies have shown that it is very likely one of the most effective natural treatments for Alzheimer sufferers, by reducing their agitation without chemical drugs. It is also considered a nervine substance which means that it serves as a tonic for the nervous system, keeping it healthy, functioning properly and prevent nervous disorders. Melissa was called the 'Elixir of life' way back in the 15th Century and was used by the Carmelite Monks who used it to drive away sadness and inspire joy and hope. Melissa is my go to oil when I feel a migraine coming on. It has a lovely lemony aroma and is well worth the investment for its many amazing benefits See more
06.01.2022 ****Melaleuca Alternifolia**** Melaleuca is well known for its powerful antiseptic properties and its ability to treat wounds. It has been used for 1000's of years by some indigenous people, and for over seven decades it has been documented in numerous medical studies that it kill many strains of bacteria, viruses and fungi. Melaleuca has many uses, but I use Melaleuca in my girls shampoo to help prevent and soothe dry flaking skin and any dandruff that may be present, but to support their healthy hair and scalp. One of my daughters suffers from eczema, so I make a lotion for her consisting of 1 teaspoon coconut oil, 5 drops of Melaleuca and 5 drops of Lavender and have her apply it to the affected area - with wonderful results. Because of Melaeucas ability to kill off bad bacteria and soothe inflamed skin, it is perfect for adding to toothpaste and mouthwash to reduce tooth decay and heal bleeding gums. To make a home made toothpaste:- combine 1 tablespoon each of coconut oil and carb soda 2-3 drops of Melaleuca This oil is a must for your first aid kit See more
04.01.2022 ****Ledum Oil**** Ledum essential oil is derived from the flowering tops of the plant, which is more commonly known as Greenland moss or Labrador Tea and is part of the Rhododenron family. There are so many benefits of this oil, which has been used for hundreds of years by the Native Americans for care of their skin, relieving stress and anxiety, eliminating headaches, respiratory health and soothing the nervous system. Ledum is also commonly recommended for those who dont to take medication everyday for hyperactivity disorders, including those most commonly found in children. By diffusing this oil into their home or into diffuser necklaces (available at to establish basic levels of calmness in their minds. A great tool for school children having difficulty concentrating. Ledum is often used by aromatherapists and massage therapists due to its ability to promote relaxation and calmness and clearing the mind, along with its anti-inflammatory and muscle soothing properties. This is a wonderful oil to have in your collection, however it should not be consumed internally, or used in pregnancy. See more
03.01.2022 What can Phenylpropanoids do? Pheylpropanoids can create conditions where unfriendly viruses and bacteria cannot live. The most important function performed by phenylpropanoids is that they clean the receptor sites on the cells. Without clean receptor sites, cells cannot communicate, and the body malfunctions, resulting in sickness. Some Essential oils containing phenylpropanoids are Clove, Basil, Cinnamon, Oregano and Peppermint.
02.01.2022 ****Idaho Balsam Fir**** The leaves (needles) and branches from the Balsam Fir trees which are grown in Young Livings Highland Flats farm in Naples, Idaho are steam distilled to produce the fresh, earthy, woodsy aroma. It is grounding, balancing and stimulating to the mind, yet relaxing to the body. This oil has been used throughout the ages and is even mentioned in the bible. Idaho Balsam Fir has so, so many uses, but is particularly good for relieving respiratory conditions... such as cold and flu symptoms, asthma and sinusitis. It is also wonderful for soothing muscles and joint aches like arthritis, sciatica, rheumatism and lumbago (lower back pain). Aswell as the above mentioned ailments, it is also great for boosting metabolism and detoxifying the body and preventing infections in wounds due to its antibacterial properties. Some studies in France have shown that it has many anti-tumor characteristics making it a promising cancer treatment. This oil also makes a wonderful addition to the man in your lifes body wash or after shave. I use it mixed with a little coconut oil and rubbed into the bottom of my feet to boost my metabolism. See more
02.01.2022 ****Juniper Oil**** Juniper oil comes from the fresh or dried berries and needles of the Juniper shrub, which are steam distilled. It is used in many industries and is also used to flavour alcoholic beverages like Gin. I love this oil as it is so very versatile, and during my studies I learned that it was used hundreds of years ago to prevent sepsis and was also used by soldiers and mothers in labour to protect their wounds. I have also learned that it relieves nearly all of cramps whether it be muscular, intestinal or respiratory. My favourite way to use Juniper is to add to my mouth wash as it helps stop a toothache, but also stengthens the grip of gums on your teeth, and protects them from falling out. I also add a couple of drops to my shampoo and conditioner as it has the same effect on the scalp and hair - preventing hair loss. Juniper is a wonderful full body tonic but should be avoided in pregnancy. This oil blends beautifully with Bergamot, Cedarwood, Cypress, Grapefruit, Lime, Lemon, Vetiver and Lavender See more
01.01.2022 ****Dorado Azul**** Dorado Azul (or Bush Mint) is part of the mint family and is grown at Young Livings Farm in Ecuador, and it has a fresh, leafy aroma. Many indigenous cultures from India, Ecuador, Nigeria and elsewhere, have used it for hundreds of years to correct emotional balance and also as a natural mosquito repellant. Dorado Azul has soothing, warming and purifying properties, whilst being uplifting and clearing on the mind. Patients at a clinic have reported the eff...ectiveness as 'almost magical' after being treated for respiratory tract support - especially asthma and emphysema. As Dorado Azul contains a lot of hormone balancing compounds, one being Alpha-Fenchol, women are finding that it gives them great support in normal hormone function, especially when combined with Sclar Essence. I diffuse Dorado Azul in my diffuser for when my asthma is especially bad, and find its gives me instant relief. I also put 8-10 drops in a 100ml bottle filled with demineralised water and take it with me when we have any outdoor evening functions, as it is amazing fighting the onslaught of mosquitos, whilst smelling lovely and fresh, unlike the toxic chemical smell of other insect repellants. See more
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