InMind Psychology Services & Perinatal Mental Health Centre in Spring Hill, Queensland, Australia | Doctor
InMind Psychology Services & Perinatal Mental Health Centre
Locality: Spring Hill, Queensland, Australia
Phone: +61 481 116 224
Address: 121 Wickham Terrace 4000 Spring Hill, QLD, Australia
Likes: 244
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25.01.2022 "Sometimes motherhood makes me feel like a fraud. Arent mothers meant to be patient and calm? Shouldnt it have made me wiser and stronger and braver?"
25.01.2022 Its not a childs job to heal their wounded mother "Picture this, a young child finds their mother curled up in her bed, sobbing uncontrollably. The concerned child approaches their mother to console her, slightly frightened by the display. The child says, Dont cry Mommy, I love you so much! If you stop crying Ill give you all my toys!, and gives their mother a huge hug. The mother looks up and with a smile on her face says, Thank you sweetie, you always make Mommy feel... better. See, she says as she wipes her eyes, Mommys not sad anymore. She just needed one of your hugs. The child proudly marches off to the next room to watch cartoons, having just saved the day and fixed mommy once again, and all is right with the world. Or so we think. The problem with emotional incest is that its not as vulgar or offensive to our sensibilities as incest of the sexual kind. Most of us wouldnt think twice about a child consoling their parent through a tough time, but when it becomes the norm for consolation to flow from child to parent, it communicates that maintaining mommys or daddys wellbeing is a responsibility that falls on the child. Lets be clear, our emotions are not other peoples responsibility, and we learn that by watching our parents model healthy emotional expression and maturity. But when our parents miss the mark, we struggle with emotional intelligence and accountability..."
25.01.2022 Great new podcast exploring the wonderful and challenging world of motherhood. Secrets of the Motherworld -- Episode 1 Motherhood Doesn't Come Naturally... I don't feel like pregnancy, motherhood and its sacrifices come naturally to me. I wish women were able to lay an egg and then the father sits on it for 9 months. I do my job and love my kids but I suffer a bit from lack of time and freedom since I am a creative person, have a job and am a dream guide. People often criticize my lack of knowledge in motherly things like cooking and interest in their school activities. It just isn't my forte and I battle with "I am a bad mom" syndrome because of the comparison game. I am not into speaking with other mothers about kids topics, I can never relate. I am always the awkward mom in a playground setting. My husband is a better parent in that regard. He is a natural at parenting. When I was pregnant everybody kept telling me how it was an instinct that would kick in. nope! Yes, I have the protective mother wolf instinct. And I love being out with my kids or hanging out with the family... but I don't enjoy kids activities. I feel my soul gets sucked away with kids day to day demands and kids activities etc. Like a sensory overload.
24.01.2022 As the coronavirus continues to spread, pregnant and breastfeeding women are being advised by experts to take precautions. If youre feeling anxious and worried... about your own health and that of your family, youre not alone. Its understandable to be concerned in such uncertain times. Here are our tips for managing anxiety around COVID-19. Were right here with you and well continue to bring you updates as they arise.
23.01.2022 Poetry by @bravenewmama
23.01.2022 More evidence of the importance of looking after mum's emotional well-being. "Researchers discovered that mothers and babies brains act together in a mega-network where brainwaves fall in line, allowing for a greater connection and empathy. But that level of connectivity varies according to the mothers emotional state.... When mothers express more positive emotions their brain becomes much more strongly connected with their babys brain..."
22.01.2022 Today was hard. I lost my temper more than once. I yelled. ... I got frustrated. I sat on the kitchen floor and cried while my toddler threw yet another temper tantrum next to me. No matter how hard I tried to keep it together, I just couldnt. My toddler was pushing every button and refusing to listen. She wouldnt leave me alone for two seconds and I just. needed. a. break. As I sat nursing her for her nap, I sobbed and apologized to her for being such a bad mommy. I sat feeling sorry for myself and wishing life would just give me a break. Then, I realized something. Being a toddler is hard, too. Its hard when you have a million new things happening in your brain and you cant control it. Its hard when the army stole your daddy away yet again. Its hard when all you want is a hug, but your mom is busy. Its hard. We always hear that we as mamas need to give ourselves grace. But what about our kids? Its so easy to put the blame on them, but they have bad days too. I stopped feeling sorry just for myself and started feeling sorry for my daughter, too. Were going through a lot. But were going through the same thing. If its hard on me, imagine how hard it is on that little mind of hers. So, I ordered takeout from her favorite restaurant. We ate dinner on the living room floor and shared dessert. We took a warm bath, me with a glass of wine and her with a glass of apple juice. We put on our matching jammies and snuggled in for a movie in bed. I stroked her hair and told her that I loved her. I promised that I will do better, and that well get through this season. That we both have big feelings, but that doesnt make us love one another any less. Yes, being a parent is hard. Being a human is hard. But we need to give both ourselves and our kids that grace we all deserve and do better. Even the littlest humans need self-care. For our best videos, subscribe to our YouTube channel: #LoveWhatMatters Credit: Hayley Pierce
22.01.2022 The Motherhood Sessions Podcast Gives A Voice To New Moms LISTEN HERE Dr. Alexandra Sacks, a renowned reproductive psychiatrist, sits down with mothers and lets us listen in on conversations that are hard to have outside of a therapists office....
20.01.2022 With Infant Mental Health Week approaching, AAIMHIs position paper, Responding to babys cues, reminds us that babies are born to connect and highlights the importance of sensitive and responsive parenting.
20.01.2022 Introducing the newest member of our team, psychologist, Emma Bidstrup. Emma offers brief and long-term psychotherapy for people presenting with a range of concerns, from depression and anxiety, to developmental trauma and relationship difficulties. Her therapeutic style is warm, empathic, respectful and grounding. She uses an integrative psychodynamic approach that is client-directed and oriented towards making meaningful, lasting changes and promoting deeper healing. Emma i...s taking new referrals now. You can book online here: You can also call or email for more information: 0481 116 224 [email protected] See more
19.01.2022 Introducing a wonderful family project, By Kids For Kids A message from mum Claire, "We have recently started a little family project- our two young sons (one with ASD) have started printing kids t-shirts with their own artwork along with positive words. The aim is to reduce anxiety and increase confidence for those wearing the shirts. we are hoping to spread happiness - one shirt at a time " Follow By Kids For Kids on Facebook to find out more and to purchase a shirt... [email protected] By Kids For Kids
19.01.2022 Sleeping through the night, self soothing and 'good' babies: why we need to stop setting mothers up to fail.
18.01.2022 What your child needs to hear... "I am here"
16.01.2022 Integrating Psychology and Psychodynamic Therapy Competencies in Supervision Board-approved Supervisor Master Class Facilitators: Dr Rebecca Bargenquast & Dr Mirela Wagner... What we will cover: -Overview of psychodynamic therapy competencies -Supervision case vignettes applying the model to real supervision cases -Using reflective practice to identify own areas of strength and weakness as supervisor -Facilitating supervisee use of countertransference -Use of process notes -Supervision of supervision role-plays This AHPRA-approved supervisor master class covers principles and methods of supervision for psychologists practicing psychodynamic therapy, with a focus on competency-based supervision and deliberate practice. The course is designed to familiarise participants with competencies for psychology practice and psychodynamic therapy. The unit is also designed to assist participants in developing knowledge and skills for successfully integrating these competencies in the supervision of early career psychologists. The workshop experience will provide participants with first-hand experience of deliberate practice exercises and reflective practice techniques, in particular the facilitation of a reflective learning environment. Monday 11 November 2019 (9am-4pm) - Brisbane Wednesdays 13 & 27 November 2019 (1-4pm) - 2-Part Online Workshop Friday 15 November 2019 (9am-4pm) - Sydney Book now at
16.01.2022 It's not a child's job to heal their wounded mother "Picture this, a young child finds their mother curled up in her bed, sobbing uncontrollably. The concerned child approaches their mother to console her, slightly frightened by the display. The child says, Dont cry Mommy, I love you so much! If you stop crying Ill give you all my toys!, and gives their mother a huge hug. The mother looks up and with a smile on her face says, Thank you sweetie, you always make Mommy feel... better. See, she says as she wipes her eyes, Mommys not sad anymore. She just needed one of your hugs. The child proudly marches off to the next room to watch cartoons, having just saved the day and fixed mommy once again, and all is right with the world. Or so we think. The problem with emotional incest is that its not as vulgar or offensive to our sensibilities as incest of the sexual kind. Most of us wouldnt think twice about a child consoling their parent through a tough time, but when it becomes the norm for consolation to flow from child to parent, it communicates that maintaining mommys or daddys wellbeing is a responsibility that falls on the child. Lets be clear, our emotions are not other peoples responsibility, and we learn that by watching our parents model healthy emotional expression and maturity. But when our parents miss the mark, we struggle with emotional intelligence and accountability..."
15.01.2022 Why Play Matters Everyone can enjoy play: babies, growing children, and adults. Having fun together is important. But play isnt just about fun. When a baby watches an adults face or listens to their voice, he or she is starting to learn. 7 Tips for Watch Me Play:... 1. Watch your child play - youll get new ideas from him or her 2. Have a regular special play time with your child let the child take the lead, and wait to be invited to join in 3. Try simple toys that let your child use their imagination 4. Provide a quiet space for play without TV or computers 5. Help your child move to a new activity by singing a song together 6. Keep your childs drawings and paintings in a special place or a folder 7. If playing together feels hard to do, talk to another adult in the family, or to a health professional you trust
15.01.2022 You are the world.
14.01.2022 10 things to do with your children: 1. Spend quality time together 2. Talk about feelings 3. Practice coping skills 4. Engage in mental strength exercises... 5. Establish goals 6. Take care of themselves 7. Process tough events 8. Review rules 9. Problem solve 10. Play and have fun
14.01.2022 The 'Motherhood Sessions' Podcast Gives A Voice To New Moms LISTEN HERE Dr. Alexandra Sacks, a renowned reproductive psychiatrist, sits down with mothers and lets us listen in on conversations that are hard to have outside of a therapists office....
13.01.2022 AHPRA-Approved Supervisor Master Classes Available Online Integrating Psychology & Psychodynamic Therapy Competencies in Supervision Spots available in May and June workshops
13.01.2022 "Something I found hard becoming a mom was realizing how wrong my parents were in how they had raised me and how hard it is to break those cycles..."
10.01.2022 More evidence of the importance of looking after mums emotional well-being. "Researchers discovered that mothers and babies brains act together in a mega-network where brainwaves fall in line, allowing for a greater connection and empathy. But that level of connectivity varies according to the mothers emotional state.... When mothers express more positive emotions their brain becomes much more strongly connected with their babys brain..."
09.01.2022 Bulk-billed Telehealth Psychology Sessions Now Available During this time of great uncertainty and anxiety, we at inMind are offering bulk-billed telehealth psychology sessions for pregnant women and parents of young children 12 months old and younger. Please contact us via phone or email to discuss your, and your family's, needs. 0481 116 224 (to speak with Director, Dr Rebecca Bargenquast)... [email protected] See more
09.01.2022 When it comes to parenting, good enough is better than perfect. Striving to be a "good enough" parent, rather than a perfect parent is advice experts often give to new mums and dads. And, according to new research, being good enough is, in fact, good enough.
08.01.2022 Mum rage is a real thing... "Im not actually an angry personfriends have even referred to me as Zen. And yet, since becoming a mother, particularly once my second child hit his toddler years, Ive experienced more moments of outright rage than I care to admit. Ive had to flee to my bedroom, shut the door and scream or cry or both. Sometimes, I feel generally pissed off at everyone and everything, and even the smallest infraction will incite rage".
08.01.2022 With Infant Mental Health Week approaching, AAIMHI's position paper, 'Responding to baby's cues', reminds us that babies are born to connect and highlights the importance of sensitive and responsive parenting.
07.01.2022 Sleeping through the night, self soothing and good babies: why we need to stop setting mothers up to fail.
05.01.2022 Happy Mothers Day to all the wonderful mothers out there! Happy Mothers Day to all the wonderful mothers out there!
05.01.2022 Helping Young Kids Through the Coronavirus Crisis: An Infographic resource/handout & website: Professor Kate Rosenblum (PhD) Michigan, states: How do young children make sense of current realities in the tough times? The Zero to Thrive team at the University of Michigan has developed an infographic resource/handout and website update regarding helping very young children and families to understand and cope in response to COVID-19.
05.01.2022 Happy Mother's Day to all the wonderful mothers out there! Happy Mother's Day to all the wonderful mothers out there!
05.01.2022 Peach Tree is responding to the COVID-19 crisis by providing free online, trauma-informed, peer support groups. Our groups are delivered using an evidence-bas...ed Peer-led approach, are non-judgemental, friendly, and inclusive for all expecting parents and parents of young children aged 0 - 5 years. In these unprecedented times of COVID-19, when the world seems scary and out of control, it is more difficult to keep feelings of anxiety, fear, hopelessness, and sadness from becoming all-consuming and overwhelming. In addition to such feelings, we are being told to physically isolate and distance ourselves from others! In addition to our usual virtual timetable, Peach Tree will be hosting FREE the following individual sessions next week: COVID-19: Pregnancy, anxiety, stress and sadness: Tuesday, 9:30 11.00am COVID-19: Postnatal depression & anxiety Thursday, 9:30 11.00am Please see our Note for full information. Limited places available, so please register by emailing us: [email protected].
05.01.2022 Our need for co-regulation never goes away The Beyond Sleep Training Project
04.01.2022 She let go. Without a thought or a word, she let go. She let go of the fear. She let go of the judgments. She let go of the confluence of opinions swarming around her head. She let go of the committee of indecision within her. She let go of all the right reasons. Wholly and completely, without hesitation or worry, she just let go. She didnt ask anyone for advice. She didnt read a book on how to let go. She didnt search the scriptures. She just let go. She let go of... all of the memories that held her back. She let go of all of the anxiety that kept her from moving forward. She let go of the planning and all of the calculations about how to do it just right. She didnt promise to let go. She didnt journal about it. She didnt write the projected date in her Day-Timer. She made no public announcement and put no ad in the paper. She didnt check the weather report or read her daily horoscope. She just let go. She didnt analyse whether she should let go. She didnt call her friends to discuss the matter. She didnt do a five-step Spiritual Mind Treatment. She didnt call the prayer line. She didnt utter one word. She just let go. No one was around when it happened. There was no applause or congratulations. No one thanked her or praised her. No one noticed a thing. Like a leaf falling from a tree, she just let go. There was no effort. There was no struggle. It wasnt good and it wasnt bad. It was what it was, and it is just that. In the space of letting go, she let it all be. A small smile came over her face. A light breeze blew through her. And the sun and the moon shone forevermore. A Poem by Rev. Safire Rose
04.01.2022 After the successful delivery of our online Supervisor Master Class in May we are again offering our workshop Integrating Psychology & Psychodynamic Therapy Competencies in Supervision online in October. This AHPRA-approved supervisor master class covers principles and methods of supervision for psychologists practicing psychodynamic therapy, with a focus on competency-based supervision, a relational model of supervision, and deliberate practice. The course is designed to fam...iliarise participants with competencies for psychology practice and psychodynamic therapy. The unit is also designed to assist participants in developing knowledge and skills for successfully integrating these competencies in the supervision of early career psychologists. The workshop experience will provide participants with first-hand experience of deliberate practice exercises and reflective practice techniques, in particular the facilitation of a reflective learning environment and supervisee use of countertransference. What we will cover: Psychodynamic therapy competencies Supervision case vignettes Using reflective practice to identify strengths & weaknesses as supervisor Facilitating supervisee use of countertransference Relational model of supervision Use of process notes Supervision of supervision - bring along a challenging supervision case for discussion Find out more at
04.01.2022 Reaching out for help is often the hardest step.
04.01.2022 Perinatal Depression: Recognising the Warning Signs "Warning signs can include feelings of anxiety and often insomnia - particularly when the baby is sleeping," said CEO of Gidget Foundation Australia Arabella Gibson. "Finding it difficult to bond with your baby, worrying excessively and not finding joy in things that you found happy and joyful should also be considered..."... If you or a loved one need support, please contact us at inMind for a confidential chat about your needs.
03.01.2022 Introducing the Child360 App The app that every parent needs. In an Australian first, Emerging Minds have just launched a free app called Child360. It provides practical tools and a clear pathway for parents to help identify and manage the mental health needs of their children.... Child360 allows parents to develop a confidential profile of their child and answer questions about areas such as: parent-child relationships emotions and behaviour routines communication support networks After answering the questions, parents select an area to work on and then choose from three levels of action, including: Accessing information through articles, videos and podcasts. Speaking to someone via an online or phone service. Making an appointment to see a GP or child and maternal health nurse. Child360 was developed in partnership with parents, health professionals, researchers and parenting experts, and draws on evidence-based practices to guide parents towards credible, quality information that best suits their situation and their childrens needs. Parents can even download a letter from the app to take to their GP, with prompts to help with discussing areas of concern. Download it via the App Store or Google Play Store now.
02.01.2022 Beneath every behaviour there is a feeling. Spilt Milk Psychology
02.01.2022 Supervisor Master Class 2020 Integrating Psychology & Psychodynamic Therapy Competencies in Supervision Wednesday 13 May, 9-4pm Brisbane... Wednesday 10 & 24 June, 1-4pm* Online Workshop *Attendance at both days required Facilitators: Dr Rebecca Bargenquast & Dr Mirela Wagner Cost: $415 (catering included), 10% discount for group booking of 3 or more This supervisor master class covers principles and methods of supervision for psychologists practicing psychodynamic therapy, with a focus on competency-based supervision, a relational model of supervision, and deliberate practice. The course is designed to familiarise participants with competencies for psychology practice and psychodynamic therapy. The unit is also designed to assist participants in developing knowledge and skills for successfully integrating these competencies in the supervision of early career psychologists. The workshop experience will provide participants with first-hand experience of deliberate practice exercises and reflective practice techniques, in particular the facilitation of a reflective learning environment and supervisee use of countertransference. What we will cover: Psychodynamic therapy competencies Supervision case vignettes Using reflective practice to identify strengths & weaknesses as supervisor Facilitating supervisee use of countertransference Relational model of supervision Use of process notes Supervision of supervision - bring along a challenging supervision case for discussion Find out more at
01.01.2022 "Our obsession with academic rigor in the early grades has gone too far. Kindergarten should be a time of wonder and exploration. A time for making friends and learning to work together. A time for learning to love letters, numbers, words, scientific discovery, and learning itself" Thanks for sharing Antenatal & Postnatal Psychology Network
01.01.2022 Integrating Psychology & Psychodynamic Therapy Competencies What the master class covers: -Supervision case vignettes... -Psychodynamic therapy competencies -Using reflective practice to identify strengths & weaknesses as supervisor -Facilitating supervisee use of countertransference -Use of process notes -Supervision of supervision role-plays Book now at
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