Inner Concepts Counselling & Supervision in North Albury | Community group
Inner Concepts Counselling & Supervision
Locality: North Albury
Phone: +61 438 021 157
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25.01.2022 There is a lot of talk at the moment about human rights which is great We often only speak about our rights if we are being affected by not having them or feeling they are being breeched. I have an analogy I often give thought to on this topic that I would like to share. When I used to bushwalk through Tasmania sometimes you would come across beautiful lush forests for a good 300 meters in, sometimes further. Then once you got through that 300 meters there was mass logging... of ancient forests taking place. Myself and friends would stand speechless looking around at the devastation. We had no idea what was taking place in the bigger picture. I have carried that image with me and transfer it often to how I view violation of human rights. We can look at what makes us feel comfortable in life and remain within the first 300 meters of lush green nourished spaces and ignore what is taking place beyond whats being presented publicly. We can acknowledge that its great there are people who are thriving in the world who can make choices without abusive or life threatening consequences. We often focus on the lush green first 300 meters and thats what allows the people beyond that lush green view to continue being mistreated and their human rights violated. Often when you voice what you are seeing/feeling there is an immediate attempt to shut down your views and/or silencing so you dont have a space to speak your views. I choose to speak openly and hold a space for difficult conversations in hope of change both personally and professionally. I choose not to stengthen the narratives of privlidge as much as I am aware because I too am privlidged. I try to use my privlidge to bring change for others by the career I have chosen and my life choices. I think about how I would feel if my human rights were being violated and how a lot of my hope of change would be held in the hands of how I am represented by those with more privlidge and power. We are often entrenched in systems and intergenerational views that support violation without realising it, myself included. I gain hope in exploring how I personally support systems and what I can do within my circle of control to make a difference. What I am saying is it is my belief we need to give voice to all sides not just the green lush sunny side where we all feel most comfortable. I also totally understand and respect that people have enough of their own struggles day to day and their own personal healing journey to even fathom the bigger picture See more
25.01.2022 This is a very interesting talk on the 9 traits of Border Line Personality Disorder and what the differences are between BPD and Bi Polar Disorder. In posting this I do need to say I do not use a persons diagnoses in my practice unless they identify with the diagnosis personally.
25.01.2022 Steven Oliver one of my favourite comedians love his messages and what he stands for in life
24.01.2022 Paving new reaction pathways is such a lovely sign in healing. Self resourcing in a way that creates an internal anchor point for you until the emotional storm passes is one of the greatest gifts you can give to yourself. Creating an internal parental/protective figure real or imagined. This can assist greatly in times of emotional stress. This may be a person you admire in the world, a bear, a tiger, an angle like archangel Michael or mother earth. Think outside the squar...e around ways to feel supported from an internal space as well as external. All of my feelings are welcome. Take care out there #mentalhealth #counseling #therapy #selfhelp #mensmentalhealth #mensmentalhealthawareness #therapy #somatics See more
24.01.2022 You may be feeling even more isolated if living in an emotionally, psychological and/or physically abusive relationship. Being in the presence of a person perpetrating harm against you in a restricted environment may increase your safety risks considerably. Please think about a safety plan at this time. This may include: A trusted friend check in on you by phone. This could be as simple as a daily text at a certain time. ... Having the local police station phone number in your phone. Getting an Apprehend Violence Order taken out that allows your partner to reside with you but does not allow violence. Tell a trusted neighbour a sign you will leave in a front or side window if you are in trouble and advise them to phone the police if they see this. You may have a secret, hidden and charged seperate mobile phone that your partner does not know about. You might develop code word with friends/family that you can tell them by phone or text to request police assistance. Pack a bag with basic essentials like a change of clothes, bank card if accessible and leave this hidden somewhere/ in the boot of a car if safe. Get copies of birth certificates/ passports. Please do not think or feel that you must remain where you are if you or your children are at risk of harm. No matter what the lock down restrictions become I encourage you to contact police if needed. I know people living with violence and abuse have developed their own safety and survival skills just be aware the confinement may change the dynamic in ways you had not thought. Phone 1800RESPECT domestic violence line on: 1800737732 Mensline phone: 1300789978 Phone Lifeline on: 131114 if you feel you need extra support. Phone Parentline on: 1300301300 for difficulties managing childrens behaviours. Phone Heapspace on : 03 9027 0100 for young people having difficulties at this time aged 12-25 years of age Phone Kidshelpline on :1800551800 for younger children struggling. Take care out there See more
24.01.2022 One of the reasons people stay in unhealthy relationship dynamics is the length of time they have spent together. Often 5,10,20 or 30 years of their life has passed with this person. The relationship may have had glimers of hope that change would come but overall this hanging onto the hope of false potential can be what keeps you there way past the "its time to move on date". Time is not a reason to stay in an unhealthy/abusive relationship whether that is a partner, friend...ship or family. Life is short, learn what nourishes you, be around the people who are genuinely interested in you as a person, find your tribe, create your own sanctuary around you in your external environment as in where you live and also who you associate with and within your internal environment by finding a therapist you connect with and start your work on your own self worth. You deserve happiness, you deserve safety in all your connections in life. Dont just settle for whats happening if its not healthy no matter what age or life stage you are at. Youve got to nourish to flourish. #mentalhealthawareness #wagga #waggawagga #visitwagga #mentalhealth #counseling #therapy See more
23.01.2022 Timing can be just as important as the question.
23.01.2022 When doing couples work I talk about the relationship people are in with each other as its own entity. So there are two people then there is the relationship. I often draw the relationship up as a big empty square on the white board and invite each person to provide insight into what they put into the relationship square to keep the relationship alive, healthy and strong. Its interesting to see who is invested, who is putting in more effort, what each persons focus is in the ...relationship, what each person values and prioritises in the relationship. Relationships are interesting entities thats for sure. #couplestherapy #marriagecounseling #couplescounseling #relationshiphelp #marriagehelp #marriagetips #relationshiptips #gottmaninstitute #trauma #selfloveadvocate #counseling #counselingpsychology #anxietyrelief #traumainformedpractice See more
23.01.2022 Great reminder. How do you feel after you consume food, water, television shows, conversations, facebook feeds, instagram, exercise, shopping, sleeping. Do you need more or less of any of these? Juicing vegetables FB #mentalhealth #counseling #therapy #selfhelp
22.01.2022 Trauma work really is a specialised area of therapy. Safety and stabilisation is such an important foundation to starting the work and so crucial to be consistently revisited. Understanding the bodies expressions of override and overwhelm in a hyper or hypo response even if the participant does not provides much insight and understanding of self. This assists others to reconnect to feel again in a slow, gentle titrated way to the expressions they have skillfully pro...tected themselves from for sometimes a lifetime. This provides the opportunity for people to develop greater self trust and hear/feel/sense and know their intuition. Grounded, safe and choice filled trauma work brings reconnection to abandoned parts of self. Such powerful and freeing work and yes it does take courage #mentalhealthawareness #wagga #waggawagga #visitwagga #mentalhealth #counseling #therapy See more
21.01.2022 I get so much incredible insight into peoples families of origin in my work, today I am sharing a snippet of myn. Today is mothers day and this is my nan Dorothy, she has also been my mum. These photos encapsulate the way nan lived her life. Happy, independant, productive and so light hearted. Today I want to give thanks to nan for all the years of warm hugs, home cooked delicious meals, smells of cakes baking in a warm house on a cold winters day, watching her bake, wa...iting to lick the bowl and beaters, gardening together, her patience, her spectacular garden, her teachings on how to live with some self sufficiency, collecting eggs as a child, feeding the baby lambs, picking fresh raspberries..... my favourite. For all the times she said" Im so proud of you, I really am" and "I love you my darling" at the end of every phone call and every visit. Todays post is also a tribute to my beautiful nan as she passed yesterday morning at the age of 90. She was still independant and living her best life. Nan lives in Tasmania so I am unable to attend her farewell due to COVID. I understand for so many people the devastation COVID is having on their lives. We need to stay strong we will get through this we are living this as a collective. Mothers are our foundation in life and Im incredibly grateful for myn. May she rest in peace See more
21.01.2022 Great postures for beginners
19.01.2022 Soooo nice to relax over a yoga block. Releases tension from my lower back. I may not be teaching yoga at present but I still practice #mentalhealthawareness #visitalburywodonga #wagga #nevictoria ... #northeastvictoria See more
19.01.2022 Tips for when you are at your desk: Are you sitting comfortably Do you need to have a foot stool close Do you have things on your desk that entice you to take a break like: A nice smelling hand cream... A rock you like to hold Flowers you like to smell You can look up chair stretches if you don't have a lot of time to leave your desk. I encourage you to take screen breaks from your computer. There are computer apps you can down load to your computer to pop up as reminders. start work half an hour early so you can go on a decent walk in your lunch break and still have time to eat lunch. Get blue lenses glasses and adjust the blue light filter on your computer. Look up square breathing technique and try this now and then. @toniatalkstherapy #visitalburywodonga #wagga #waggawagga #visitwagga #alburywodongasurround #embodied
17.01.2022 Remember what you have been taught to believe is based on other peoples perceptions and experiences in their own life journey and also their ancestors. People pass down information over centuries. In some belief "systems" things need to be followed very strictly you dont have the choice to explore other ways of being. This increases the likely hood that information will remain untainted and increases control over others through compliance. Shame usually plays a big role in t...hese systems so does abandonment. So you can be shamed in your family/belief " system" if you live your life differently. You can also risk being disowned by your family system for making different or individual choices. It can feel incredibly unsafe, unknown and isolating to do things differently in life but shedding other peoples belief systems can be exceptionally freeing in the long term. You dont have to live your life for other people you deserve freedom of thought, movement and speech See more
16.01.2022 If life is feeling overwhelming for you right now tune into how you feel when you watch the television. Tune into how you feel when you go on Facebook. If you can feel into the subtle changes in your mood and bodies responses when you are doing various things throughout your day you can differentiate between whats helping or hindering you right now. You may need to withdraw your external focus a little more and focus on what you can do right now for you. Focus on what is in y...our circle of control. If you need updates about whats happening in the world regarding the virus I suggest you focus on trusted sources of information only. Take care out there See more
15.01.2022 Some suggestions for today: Send some nice texts to friends/family Phone people you enjoy connecting in with. Make yourself something you enjoy to eat. Grab a weighted blanket and get comfortable and watch a movie.... Go for a walk and feel the pressure down through the different parts of your feet. Have a bath and listen to something you enjoy. Dance like no one is watching. Listen to a pod cast. Watch a comedy. Do some journaling about how you are feeling. Start planning your next 12 months. Reach out to someone you trust and talk to about how you are feeling. Phone Lifeline 131114. Take care out there #mentalhealthawareness #wagga #waggawagga #visitwagga #mentalhealth #counseling See more
15.01.2022 At present we are all sitting in holding patterns. A space of ambivalence. Not knowing whats coming next can bring up fear based feelings like anxiety, agitation, and overwhelm. If your mind is racing see if you can gain some perspective. Sit down and ask yourself some questions answer them as honestly as you can. Is what you are thinking likely to happen? What other options do you have? What impact will this have for you in 5 years time?... Have you ever been in a similar position before? What worked then? Developing a plan even for the next 4 hours or a day can help if you are a person who needs to feel more in control of your environment. Think about what you need right now to feel emotionally safe. What can you change in your home environment and/or what can you plan today to help you feel a little more in control, safer and less anxious. Take care out there See more
14.01.2022 I thought I would add some tips around what I do in times of stress that work well for me. 1. Listen to bookmarked Guided Relaxations on insight timer (free phone app) like yoga nidra for relaxation. Focus on allowing thoughts to pass through my mind without attaching emotion to them whilst i do the relaxation. 2. When I wake up I get dressed straight into exercise pants and comfortable top. I then look up a YOUTUBE exercise clip and play it on the TV via chrome cast. I dont... have to do the exercise clip but it motivates me to see it playing and 9 times out of 10 I get up and join in. 3. I watch something on Netflix that I find uplifting/funny that has no sadness or emotional turmoil in it. 4. I play with my dog Archie. 5. If I feel I dont have much to give others but need to express how im feeling and get some feedback, I boundary my contact. I still talk about the way I feel via text to people close to me and they can share how they feel but the emotional input is more boundaried as we dont have the free flow of varied directions of phone conversation. 6. I think about how I will feel about the issue bothering me in 12 months time. Will it be a big deal then? 7. I limit my conversations with people who need power in interactions. This may be certain family members/co workers etc. I am careful about not opening up topics that may leave me feeling I am in a more vulnerable situation. 8. Do stretches, stetching my back out by placing my arms out straight onto the back of a chair and walking my legs back until they are under my hips works for me. I push my butt back towards the wall and just enjoy the feeling of lengthening my body. Even bending down to touch my toes moves stuck emotions in my body. 9. I dont sit for too long in strong emotion. Many people say just sit and feel all of your feelings. I sit and feel my feelings for as long as it feels ok for me without forcing or pushing myself. Then I go and do something else for a while. 10. I clean my space I find having a clean house makes me feel clearer inside and my space feels better to be in. I will leave it there for now I hope this helps someone See more
14.01.2022 I have been exploring some personal resources of late and wanted to share this in case it may help others right now. I stumbled across metta prayer and from several that I read I then made up one that suits me for now. These are statements that currently help me regulate my nervous system responses: May I be at ease in my body feeling the ground beneath my feet. May I be attentive and gentle towards my own experiences. May I be attentive towards and grateful for my ow...n wellbeing. May I move towards others freely and with openess. May I recieve others with empathy and acceptance. May I know and embrace my own sovereignty. #mentalhealth #counseling #therapy #selfhelp #blackdoginstitue #trauma #embodied #therapy #somatics #somatictherapy #mindbodyconnection #selfloveadvocate #bodymind #counseling #counselingpsychology #anxietyrelief #traumainformedpractice See more
13.01.2022 What takes up space in your mind? Much of what we think goes unnoticed. Often times we have old scripts playing in the background and they can be negative and take up a lot of space. Working on parts of self is a very effective way to bring different inner perspectives from you into awareness. People often live in secrecy of some of the background narratives in their minds as they come through in a different voice to their own. This is a very normal presentation in people w...ho have experienced trauma. Often times one of the perpetrators of harm used their tone of voice and the words they spoke to abuse. This can remain in your mind and present as a critical part of self that may say quiet destructive things. People often try and override this critical part of self to protect themselves. Some parts of us dont know the trauma is over now and they are actually safe. These parts of self are stuck on as part of a warning system to prevent further harm even though they can come across as quiet destructive. I work alongside people to explore that part of self and invite it in, to have a voice and to self soothe that part of selfs fears. Im not talking about split personalities or any other diagnosis. Im talking about a normal reaction to circumstances. Once you get to know your parts of self, validate and heal then things change within you at a much deeper level. #mentalhealthawareness #wagga #waggawagga #visitwagga See more
13.01.2022 So true. How do you feel when you are annoyed, agitated and/or angry and someone says "just chill" " calm down" etc. Do you feel calm? Does it validate how you are feeling right now? Does it help you to regulate your emotions? or ... Does it bring up a feeling of powerlessness? Shame in having emotions? Shame in sharing your emotions? Lessen your vulnerability and build a wall between you and the other person? Do you say it back to other people because its been said to you? How do you feel when you tell another person to calm down when you can see they are distressed in some way? It can be a way of trying to make yourself appear more in control and the other person over reactive. Its a great way to block a person from true expression. To increase distance between you and the other person. I personally and professionally do not find saying calm down calms anyone when they are heightened. See more
13.01.2022 This is a great question to ask yourself. We have all heard the saying " the present moment is all there is" Whilst this is true you still need to find ways to be present. Particularly if you have high levels of anxiety/depression/CPTSD and repressed emotions. If this is the situation you are in I suggest starting this process with a counsellor so you can develop some solid resources. Its not easy if your mind cant stay in the now and it focuses on future worry. I provide... people with options to become more present that are not just mind based. A very simple way to become present is to tune into the pressure you feel in your feet as you walk. What do your feet feel like in your sock/shoes? Can you feel where your feet meet the ground? Carrying a grounding object that fits in your pocket. Touching the object and attaching taking a breath to the object can be another useful instant grounding technique. There are many many more. Its important to remember you dont need to be present 100% of the time. Dont give up even if you can only do it for 5 seconds. Keep practicing. Eckhart Tolle author of The Power of Now and a New Earth has some fantastic explanations around bringing yourself into the present moment. #mentalhealth See more
13.01.2022 Some of the work I love is around re-parenting the nervous system into inner spaces of safety/ re negotiating the trauma experiences of the different parts of selves. The parts that are fearful, that don't realise you are an adult, that re connect you to intuition and inner trust, that re connect you to healthy attachments, self compassion and your inner wisdom. When you re parent yourself you re pattern yourself I have had the honour of walking alongside many people renego...tiating their trauma histories and have joyfully witnessed so many deep changes from this work. #journeytowellness #mentalhealthawareness #visitalburywodonga #nevictoria #northeastvictoria #waggawagga #visitwagga #alburywodongasurrounds
13.01.2022 Sleep in and rest, give yourself PERMISSION to say no if you need too. Placing extra pressure on yourself to be a certain way at this time of year can increase internalised negative self talk/feelings. Do what you need to do at this time to nourish you. You may need to be extra kind to yourself right now, make time for you and invite some nourishment in. Slow your days down especially the way you start your day. Ground yourself with your breath..... Tune into your senses of smell, taste, touch, hearing and what you see around you. Stay present for conversations with people you may not have connected with for some time. Keep up the veggies and fruit. Drink plenty of water when drinking alcohol. DELEGATE tasks Make the time if you are on holidays to do what nourishes you. Only you are in control of that. #visitalburywodonga #wagga #nevictoria #northeastvictoria #waggawagga #visitwagga #alburywodongasurrounds #mentalhealth #counseling #therapy #selfhelp #mensmentalhealth #mensmentalhealthawareness #blackdoginstitue
12.01.2022 Some great tips
12.01.2022 Sometimes we just need a reminder
11.01.2022 Our carers do what they can with the emotional intelligence , levels of tolerance, compassion and empathy they have at the time of our birth and our lifes journey. You don't have to continue carrying the unhealthy and often toxic messages you were conditioned into believing as a child/young person. You also don't have to relive the pain by re-telling the stories. We can work with what is presenting in the body now due to your history of mistreatment. This can be presenting the form of panic attacks, thought stacking, paranoia, social anxiety, lack of connections to self and others, disassociation, emotional outbursts, negative internal dialogue, hearing aggressive voices, flash backs, depression, anger, violence, lying to self and others, minimising, blaming. These are just some of the many ways our body and emotions speaks to us. Contact Ella on 0438031157 or email: [email protected] to start your journey today. #mentalhealthawareness #visitalburywodonga #wagga #nevictoria #northeastvictoria #waggawagga #visitwagga #alburywodongasurrounds #mentalhealt #counseling #therapy #selfhelp #mensmentalhealth #mensmentalhealthawareness #blackdoginstitue #marriagecounseling #relationshiphelp #loveislove #marriagehelp #relationshiptips #trauma #somatics #bodymind #counselingpsychology
09.01.2022 For many people they dont reach out to others. Reaching out has at times caused more harm than healing. Creating connections with other human beings through healthy relationship interactions helps people to build trust in reaching out before they are at a stage of not coping. If you know someone who does not ask for help and have some kindness to share I encourage you to do it. It does not have to be in a big way even a text can reassure and increase connection. Take care o...ut there peaceful planet. #mentalhealth #counseling #therapy #selfhelp #mensmentalhealth #mensmentalhealthawareness #blackdoginstitue #relationshiptips #gottmaninstitute #trauma See more
08.01.2022 Appointments are still going ahead as normal but remember you do have the option to link in with me for Counselling and Supervision sessions via an online system called Zoom. I can send you all of the details you need to download this onto your computer. I will then email you a link and then you click on the link I send you via email and we will connect. Very simple process even for those who are challenged by technology. Take care
08.01.2022 Still providing sessions on a day and time that suits your needs.Time to stay at home and stay safe. Take care out there
07.01.2022 My patient work buddy awaiting the magic word. W.A.L.K
07.01.2022 I am a lover of bright colours and bringing some colour into the counselling space. Today my hot pink dress almost matches my pink nails. Off to some Sunday sessions I go, happy days everyone
06.01.2022 To all of the unrecognised, unknown and isolated women in this world I think of you today. I will never know of your journey as so many of us who live with privlidge wont. I hope in some way shape or form the women stepping up and speaking out and the men taking responsibility touches your life and your childrens lives in a positive way. I hope all women have better opportunities are validated in their experiences and feel loved and supported. I hope you have the opportunity to live your dreams in this life time. Much collective love today and all days
06.01.2022 If you are looking for some free yoga classes over the holidays look up yoga with Adriene on YouTube. She has great classes for many levels. A great resource and a great time to start some practice #yogawithadriene #embodied #therapy... #somatics #somatictherapy #mindbodyconnection #selfloveadvocate #bodymind #counseling #counselingpsychology #anxietyrelief #traumainformedpractice #visitalburywodonga #wagga #nevictoria #northeastvictoria #waggawagga #visitwagga #alburywodongasurrounds #mentalhealth #counseling See more
06.01.2022 Self care is not just a Friday night thought its something to be integrated into daily living. Doing things like paying bills on time, not spending money you need on online shopping, turning to people for advice who have their life together and care about you, ... moving on from a job thats not good for your health, moving on from toxic relationships, eating food that is healthy, pursuing activities that nourish you like yoga, swimming, trivia, dancing, pottery, crafts, art, cooking good food, finding your tribe, living in an area of the world that meets your environmental needs, like being near the river or the ocean, living in a city, living in the country, living near bush land. If you can structure your self care into other parts of your life your self care needs are going to change from a bottle of wine everynight or a tub of chocolate icecream to daily nourishment. Make your self care more than just a moment See more
05.01.2022 Something else I would like to add: I invite you to minimise putting pressure on yourself to do anything you are not motivated towards right now. Give yourself permission say the words " Sarah I give you permission to choose what you need the most right now" Notice what happens for you. Picture from @thegoodlife #mentalhealth #counseling #selfhelp #mensmentalhealth... #mensmentalhealthawareness #trauma #embodied #therapy #somatics #somatictherapy #mindbodyconnection See more
05.01.2022 What are you choosing to focus on today. The seeds you plant in your mind will sprout and grow and take up space. Make sure what you plant is what you want more of in your life
05.01.2022 Providing counselling to people living in violent relationships is difficult especially now. For many its no longer possible to have sessions. They are now at home with their partners 24/7. Lets not carry on the secrecy and silence of violence if you hear yelling/screaming that sounds aggressive and/or abusive see abusive behaviours once off or is occurring frequently and you have concerns did you know you can call the police and ask to speak to a Domestic Violence Liaison O...fficer anonymously (you dont have to give your name) and ask the police to do a welfare check on the family. You may be a neighbour or family member who has concerns. Remember violence is not just about being physically hit its also about psychological/emotional/sexual/spiritual/ and financial abuse. Please speak out for others who need support. We all need to look out for each other in these times of isolation. Please dont turn a blind eye particularly if there are children in the home experiencing or witnessing this. Take care out there #mentalhealthawareness #wagga #waggawagga #visitwagga #mentalhealth See more
03.01.2022 For some people this is a time of year that means having higher demands placed on them. It means not having the support of school or Family Day Care. May have no other supports around them so the workload is carried by them alone. Take some time each day for you reach out to online/phone supports like parentline/lifeline/beyondblue/1800RESPECT/headspace for teenagers. These services have highly trained professionals working for them. Even just getting it off your chest may b...ring about some clarity for you #mentalhealthawareness #visitalburywodonga #nevictoria #lifeline #beyondblue #waggawagga #visitwagga #alburywodongasurrounds #mentalhealth #counseling #mensmentalhealth #mensmentalhealthawareness #blackdoginstitue
02.01.2022 All signs of anxiety all signs of the body speaking to you. Advising you something needs to be addressed within you. Writing things out on paper can honestly create more clarity. Simple I know but its another perspective rather than thoughrs just cycling through the mind. Speaking what you have written out loud also assists with processing in a different way hearing your voice speaking the words can defuse the urgency attached to the thoughts.Speak the thoughts with a worried... tone of voice, with a strong tone, with an emotional tone notice what feelings and/or alternate feelings arise. Map the thought out: what led to this thought? Whats the ongoing implications of the situation? Who is involved? Who do you need to be involved? If you were going to take a first step what would that step need to be? If you were an observer in this situation what would you advise the person to do next? What are the possibilities? what is the ongoing impact of this likely to be? Taking action can be grounding in the immediate moments. Speaking to someone you trust and recieving feedback can also provide additional insights. Create a circuit breaker for your mind that provides you whatever you need like stability, solutions, options, grounding, future hope. Remember its your interpretation of the situation that adds the emotions to the thoughts you are experiencing. #mentalhealthawareness #wagga #waggawagga See more
01.01.2022 The light shining so brightly ahead on my path today was very symbolic for me right now. Ive been utilising this time of isolation to lay in bed as long as I feel I need, with no pressure around time or creating a routine. To do exercise when I feel I want to. To explore parts of myself that are being heard in the stillness and space I am creating. I am limiting social media, I closed my Facebook page, I watch the news every couple of days, I know what I focus on grows ... I also know the more I do for my own self care the better. In turn the more easily I can access all parts of self whist working along side others in session with presence. I hope there is a light on your path today. Please listen to and honour what you need. Ask yourself the question what do I need right now in this moment? Wait for the answer it may come as a thought and/or felt sense #mentalhealthawareness #wagga #waggawagga #visitwagga #mentalhealth #counseling #selfhelp #mensmentalhealth #mensmentalhealthawareness #blackdoginstitue #therapy #somatics See more
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