Inner Circle Academy in Caboolture, Queensland | Sport & recreation
Inner Circle Academy
Locality: Caboolture, Queensland
Phone: +61 1300 857 422
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25.01.2022 Yang Traditional Short Form (Yang 13) Inner Circle Academy also teaches Yang Traditional Long Form (108), Beijing 24, Double Dragon and PandaChi (for 5& under). Inner Circle Academy teaches separate JuJitsu, Self Defence, Iaido and Kali curriculums. (But not in the park, youll need to go to one of our Dojos for that). ... Taichi is free on Saturday mornings at Centenary Lakes Caboolture. Call or PM for details.
25.01.2022 Important info about Inner Circle Academys Coronavirus response. We will let members know if classes are changing or cancelled via the private members page. For Now, classes are on and they are safe. We will revise our advice every day and we may also change the structure of the class to make less contact depending on feedback from parents and students. We will however strictly follow government advice. Please watch. Members, please make sure you have your contact detail...s up to date and are signed up to the private members page. If you are not, send me a message and I will send you a link. The best and official advice we have at the moment is "Business as usual". We have of course added some hygiene precautions. We still need to be mindful though that we should do all we can to protect the vulnerable in our community. Together we can beat this. We need to up our game a couple of levels, but we can definitly beat this! *Instructors from other clubs, if you want a copy of our policy, Im happy to share, just send a PM. Change the details to suit your club.
25.01.2022 Last night the Pandas (3s-6s) did a martial obstacle course and learned how to punch correctly, the Dragon Cubs focussed on ground work and how to release and stand. We revisited the Bo Kata. We took a deep dive into the causes and solutions of bullying, why some people just don't get bullied, how our own government is making it much worse, the rights and obligations for acting in self defence and the difference between bullying and assault. Then we learned the top 10 stree...t attacks and how to easily defend against them. Just a normal lesson really. If you missed out you can catch up at another dojo. Members can get more details on the private page. Members - you have homework :) Everyone else, if you'd like to find out more about how to end bullying, how to navigate the laws on self defence and how & why the school system is making bullying worse, I'll happily explain it to you all in detail.... erm... when you join the inner circle that is.... It's the reason my students come to class, the reason most classes are full and the reason my students don't get bullied. But seriously, if you have a problem and don't know who to talk to or what to do, send me a PM and I'll help. My students are definitely not the type to just standby and watch. They have skills to make a difference, the knowledge to act effectively and the confidence to stand up to wrong. How about you?
25.01.2022 As martial artists we put so much emphasis on our hand to hand and close quarter combat skills. This is because of the context of our modern society. Its the bit we use most or are most likely to call upon. For Ju-jitsu, this is undoubtedly descended from the skill sets and expertise of the Japanese Samurai. For Iaido and other weapons systems, this is moreso. We tend to forget though that the Samurai were predominantly archers and masters of the long spear and these pla...yed a much greater role in battle than the katana or jujitsu. have a look at this analysis of Sengoku period battle death figures: Battle death percentages ran as such: Bow and arrow - 41% Matchlock gun -19% Spear - 18% Rocks - 10% sword - 4% Yep, the Samurai used guns too. What we should be focussing on is not the individual weapons used, or romantic stories of the sword conquering all. The samurai were know as masters in combat. They quickly became the expert in any weaponry and applied theory and advanced tactics to make best use of them. they were perfectionists and honed their skills to the finest degree. This is what sets them apart from other warrior classes and casts, not a martial art "style", not any particular "weapon", but the attitude. The devotion to kaizen and pursuit of perfection. Apply "that" to the modern context and you can achieve anything, in any field, under any circumstances.
25.01.2022 Anyone interested in Tai Chi or Qi Gong in Caboolture or surrounds, hop over to this group: Caboolture and Surrounds Tai Chi and Qi Gong (group) and request membership. We'll keep you up to date with local classes and events. If you are looking for videos of particular forms try this page Caboolture and Surrounds Tai Chi & Qi Gong (page). Please like and share. Tell your friends who might be interested in Tai Chi or Qi Gong. See you in the park
23.01.2022 Inner Circle Academy dojos are open for business. Participants and authorised spectators are required to adhere strictly the the rules as posted at the entry. If you can't or won't adhere to these rules, you can't come in!... If you are not a member, prospective member or authorised spectator, you can't come in! Inner Circle Academy rules are fully compliant with: Chief Health Officer Public Health Directions - Restrictions for Queensland - 29 March 2021 AND The Indoor Sports Group CovidSafe Plan as approved by the Queensland Government to which Inner Circle Academy is subscribed and follows meticulously, We take the health and safety of our members and their families very seriously.
23.01.2022 YES ! We are open tonight. Adults wear a mask. Participants bring weapons. Participants bring your belt.... Participants we have plenty to loan if you haven't any. See more
23.01.2022 You only need 2 jujitsu techniques to win most fights. Pictured here, two of my advanced fighters have been cataloguing some of our ground game drills. This is the spider drill. For those familiar with jujitsu terminology, you would normally start in Kesagatame and then transition into a another lock without releasing your opponent, and then another and so on. There is 40 or so transitions in this drill. Weve only include 1 variation of 8 the basic 9 arm on arm, arm locks ot...herwise it could get way too big. Most Jujitsu clubs have never heard of this drill. We also practice the turtle drill, the ponies set, guard submissions and escapes, the same from guard, also the same in mount and from mount. Thats 122 discrete techniques in this skill set. This is just our ground on ground skill set. We also have standing vs ground, ground vs standing and stand up. None of this includes throws (147 at last count) or counters and combinations. It does not include the anti-abduction, self defence or combatives techniques. It might sound like a lot but this isnt everything in Jujitsu, its just the most effective gross motor skill stuff, the things you need in a real biffo. There is heaps more but Id rather focus on the things i know for sure work. All that being said, when past students come to visit, they often recount times when theyve used their jujitsu. 95% of them have relied on only 2 techniques. Two (2), thats it, thats all your really need to learn right? I can and do teach those two techniques on your first night. So whats with the rest of it? Why so many techniques? Well thats for the other 5% I suppose youve read all this way to find out what the 2 techniques are huh? OK,Ill tell you..... . . . In your first class. ( which is free by the way ) ;)
22.01.2022 Share this around. 1. copy this onto an A4 sheet 2. Print off 2 sheets everytime you go shopping. 3. Cut them up into 6 separate notes an add a handwritten personal note.... 4. Include the words "Thank You" and "Were all in this together" 5. Then something personalised like "You are doing a great job" or "keep up the good work" or "We need you", something short but from your heart. 6. leave them littered around the supermarket on empty shelves or near the checkouts or in the trolleys. Places workers will find them. Lets get these frontliners some support they badly need. Most of these people are young, some just kids. They dont have the coping skills to deal with whats put on them. Anyone need a pdf version PM me
22.01.2022 Come meet some real martial artists and support the club tomorrow at our Bunnings Morayfield Sausage Sizzle fundraiser. We are raising funds to help pay for seminars. The next seminar is an AJJA seminar in May in Brisbane. These seminars expose our members to world class highest ranking martial arts instructors. Its an important part of your martial arts learning. This is where I get most of my learnings and refinement so students can get to learn directly from my instructors.
21.01.2022 Keep up to date!
21.01.2022 URGENT UPDATE - WE ARE OK. Inner Circle Academy operates under a Queensland Government Department of Health approved Industry Covid Safe plan. (The Indoor Sports Group Industry Covid Safe Plan) Copies displayed at every dojo, Compliance Certificate displayed at every dojo, copy available under Docs tab in our private group. We are exempt from the current increased lockdown restrictions announced today. Its classes as usual.... We sign in, temp check, certify, sanitize regularly, limit contact and limit time for contact and much more. Sniffles are a stay home sentence. This is much more than schools and other organisations do. We always have the health and safety of our members front of mind. If anyone has any concerns please talk to me directly. Instructors from other martial arts clubs, if you dont have a Covid Safe Plan yet, Im happy to share mine. See you on the mat. Here is the link for those interested: the part that covers ICA is in the section "Business, Activities and Undertakings" See more
19.01.2022 Great news. The biffo is back. Martial Arts & Self Defence classes back to normal. Its the "new improved normal" though, so be careful. Up to 100 people in separated areas, full contact sports permitted, much earlier than anticipated. (with an approved plan). Well done Queenslanders, well done!... Make no mistake though, no official approved plan and your risking a huge fine, or worse. Inner Circle Academy already has an approved plan. All 4 dojos are operating as usual + TaiChi on Saturdays. For those hanging out, new members will be made welcome very soon. Its not a free for all. Read the fine print. If you dont have an approved plan, youre still only allowed the minimum in the dojo including spectators and instructors and still non-contact, and you still need to keep everyone 1.5m distanced and 4m2 each. Good luck with that. Get an approved plan. I did. Theyre great.
19.01.2022 We have been back training now for 3 weeks, all compliant and CovidSafe. We are now operating under an approved CovidSafe plan accredited by the Queensland Government. I did 5 separate sessions today. Students are very happy. New curriculum is blitzing it, New training plan if firing away. Under our plan, we are allowed to go beyond the restrictions that apply to non accredited clubs. If you are an instructor having trouble getting restarted, Im happy to help. Reach out. If youre a student and your old club folded and abandoned you, let me know. I am not seeking new students yet but we have an application form and a waiting list.
18.01.2022 A real warrior will never harm a weaker opponent. If the opponent is weak, the warrior will negotiate, deescalate or intimidate to resolve the situation. Only if the opponent is an imminent threat, will the warrior attack with supreme force and decisiveness to neutralize that threat. The true honor of the warrior is not in being brave, or victorious in combat. The true honor lies in the willingness of the warrior to carry the burden of having harmed, wounded or killed another... human being - even if that other human being represented a threat and the purest evil. The honor does not come from protecting others from evil or harm - the honor lies within the warrior carrying that guilt of harming another human being. The true honor of the warrior does not come from fighting for others, a country or nation, belief or values, or any other reason - the true honor and the real reason to bow to any true warrior is their sacrifice of their innocence for those who are too weak to bear that sacrifice. The true warrior understands that and that is the main reason, they will never brag about their confrontations or victories - because ultimately, any aggression is destructive and in truth not a victory, but always a defeat. Real warriors keep their sanity by reminding themselves of this sacrifice and carrying it in silence and with humility. One can not expect or demand respect from others. Most people can not respect others because they are weak and do not even respect themselves. The warrior respects himself and shows that respect to the ouside world by carrying himself with dignity, restraint and humility. These traits are also key in managing stress and anger - by realizing that true honor is not proudness - true honor is being able to carry oneself with dignity, humility and restraint. Those things can only be understood by the true warrior.
18.01.2022 Sorry folks, our southern cousins are struggling. No seminars for 2020. There by the grace of good go us. Well actually, it was all hard work by Queenslanders that got us to a place where we can train. Good job Queenslanders. HOWEVER We are not out of the woods yet. And unfortunately Ive been alerted to several questionable local clubs training illegally. You can not train full contact unless you have implemented a Queensland Government approved Covid Safe plan. Witho...ut that accreditation some clubs are risking huge fines and worse, the health of their members and families. If Queensland ends up with a second wave and its linked to our industry, our entire industry will be locked down and wont be re-opening for months. Its not that hard to get accredited. Ask me, Ill help. Please, stay safe, stick to the rules and train as if the virus is still about. See more
18.01.2022 We often get passer-byes at Centenary Lakes asking if we can teach them some Tai Chi. This simplified form was specifically designed for our 3- 6 year old members but it is equally a good starter for all ages. I have put a simple set of instructions on the side for you to get you going. Please practice it and if you want me to give feed back and help correct, send a video.
17.01.2022 So, You think youve got this? You have no idea how hard and deep you are about to be tested! You are going to need a new set of skills that you had no idea even existed! We are well and truly about to find out what kind of people we are. ...Continue reading
17.01.2022 Self Defence course starting soon near you. Here is all the information: Its a 4 week basic self defence course designed specifically for women and children.... "Self defence is a basic life skill which most people will find useful at least once in their life time." In this course will be taught a number of self defence techniques that can be easily learnt and applied in a broad variety of common attacks. These techniques are all pressure tested and street proven. It is designed and suitable for preteens to adults. The normal lower age limit is usually 12 however exceptions can be made with the support of the parent or a suitable prior arrangement made. Suitable for all sizes shapes fitness levels and abilities. There are no prerequisites to this course. Theres lots of extras, also free Included in the course: 8 hours intense instruction over 4 weeks Taught by qualified blackbelts, over 30 years teaching experience. All instructors are government accredited coaches with blue card and first aid. Instructors have formal nationally recognised certification comprehensively trained and tested and fully insured. Additional 4 FREE classes in Jujutsu for those completing the course To discuss course content and requirements please call the instructor Peter Athey on 0405318449. . Caboolture: 27/10, 3/11, 10/11, 17/11 Bribie: 5/11, 12/11, 19/11, 26/11 Wamuran: 13/11, 20/11, 27/11, 4/12 6 pm to 8 pm Caboolture venue is Memorial Hall 61 King St Bribie is Bribie High School Student Hall, 1st Ave Bongaree Wamuran is at the Wamuran Sports Complex Hall 84 Campbell's Pocket Rd. Wear a plain loose fitting t-shirt (must have sleeves) & longer than knee length shorts or unrestrictive pants. Bring a water bottle. Places are limited and usually fill fast. You must book. Booking is easy. If you'd like to book, please do so by private message or send a text message to Peter 0405 318 449 with the names and ages of participants, your mobile phone number and confirm that you will be able to attend all 4 classes Questions and information requests welcome. Once I get your message I'll send further information on what to wear etc. Hurry !!! When its full its full. Previous participants, past members and friends & family of members are welcome to do/redo the course.
17.01.2022 SORRY - NOT SORRY I know that this might upset a few people. I had several people unlike my page last time I shared this public safety announcement. Oh well. \_()_/ High School starts in a few days. All of my students have been taught how to break noses.... Its incredibly easy if done correctly. They have also been taught to be kind, respectful and well mannered and to not go looking for trouble, however if you bully one of my students or if you bully someone and one of my students notices, your nose will get broken. They will give you a chance to apologise and back down first of course, but if you dont, you wont even see it coming. So, since you dont know what any of my students look like, I have a suggestion for you. Dont bully anyone, ever, just in case. If you dont like this idea, please unlike my page. I dont want your support anyway. If you think its about time we collectively stood up to bullies, please like my page and share this public announcement. Before you ask. My local class is full. If your child is having issues, talk to me. I cant fit you in to the Caboolture dojo sorry, but I can give you some options. Please dont bother with martial arts schools that are desperate for members either. Theyre desperate for a reason.
16.01.2022 Just an update in case youve not noticed, we are still not taking on any new students. When we are allowed, we will re open with strict compliance with Government recommendations. I realise you are all bored already but we want to keep everyone safe. It will take some time to figure that out. Luckily there are a lot of things in our curriculum to keep us busy until we can get back to the biffo.... Existing members, please go to our private page to pick up your homework. There is all types of programs there to keep you busy. Happy Chocolate day everyone
16.01.2022 Inner Circle Academy students are regular attenders at many and varied martial arts seminars. It keeps our skills sharp and fresh and we get to compare our skills with and learn new skills from the very best and highest ranked instructors from all over Australia. Some of our absolute favorites, the AJJA Seminars, in fact all seminars, have been cancelled and don't look like making a fast return. So instead of conceding to "Covid Catch-Up Overload" and "Covid Commitment Hesita...ncy" (yes those are real things), we got off our laurels and organised an internal seminar. We organised some awesome guest coaches, implemented our approved CovidSafe plan, organised a few students from each of our dojos, and gave it a whirl. We thought we'd start small and see how things panned out. When you work hard, you get lucky. It was a phenomenal success and surpassed all expectations. Now we have our format organised, great feedback from our 1st batch of Guinee-pig students and a proven concept we will definitely run some more. Club members only sorry, although we are looking to include 1, maybe 2 other local clubs in our bubble for the next one. Any other coaches out there want to run their own seminars, here are the secrets to success: * A-MAZE-ING guest coaches * Complimentary Skills, not the same ol' same ol' * Fun, games and challenges to finish * BYO Food ( Covid Friendly ) * Properly implemented Approved CovidSafe Operations Plan * Great students * Huge support from parents and student helpers. We all went home very tired but very very happy, just like martial artists should feel when exiting a seminar! For members, go to our Private members page for pictures and videos. Roll on 2021. We absolutely must do that again, except the next one will be easily 3 - 4 times bigger.
16.01.2022 Coming to you sooner than you think........ IMPORTANT WARNING You can NOT teach or learn self defence from videos. There are certain parts of martial art that you CAN learn from a video, if you already have at least some basic experience.... Martial arts and self defence are very VERY different things. People who try to tell/sell you something its not, are only after one thing. It is still much better to learn in person,and should be completed as such when the opportunity next avails itself, (this lock-down wont be forever), as you will never get it exactly right from a video. One thing you can reasonably learn from videos are katas and forms. Each martial art has some (still not self defence). Coming soon right here - FREE Tai Chi course. . Learn online in stages, broken down into easily learnable chunks. Practice at home & when the lock down is over come to the park and we will perfect it for you. Still FREE. Members please go to the private members page for your homework. There is plenty there for all age groups and all skill levels.
14.01.2022 So sorry if you've missed out. Here is an update of places available at Inner Circle Academy. Bribie. Juniors: Full. Pandas: 2 places only. Caboolture Juniors: 2 places only. Dragon Cubs (6-8 y/o) 1 place. Pandas: 1 place. Wamuran Juniors 4 places. All dojos we can take 2-3 seniors. Last time we closed off new member we took no new members for over a year. There's a reason our classes are mostly full most of the time. There's a reason most of my students have been t...raining with me for many years, some for most of their lives. Our stuff works. It's been tested and proven. We focus on quality not fancy promotions and giveaways. If you want to train with Inner Circle Academy, you'll need to move quickly when there is a vacancy available. We have a free 4 week self defence course coming up soon. The best way to get on the waiting list is to complete that course. If you are in danger or have a dire need, let me know, I won't abandon you. PM me and I'll give you some options. Photo of our Caboolture Pandas for attention only. Choose Move Commit. See more
14.01.2022 How to get on the waiting list: Call any time - 1300 857 422 Or Private Message OR - JUST FILL IN THIS ONLINE FORM ... ICA Waiting list Application Form:
14.01.2022 Dojos are open back to "better than ever normal" Accepting new members at Caboolture on Tuesday 14th & 21st July, Bribie (Woorim dojo only), Thursday 16th & 23rd and Wamuran reopens on Friday 24th, new members accepted 24th and 31st July. Please note: there is no guarantee that we can make a permanent place for you. It is strictly 1st come. If you have already filled in an application form or reserved a place, you will be the only exceptions to priority. Once we are full, we are full. (PS: there is a reason our dojos are regularly full and stay that way for long periods) :)
14.01.2022 BAD NEWS The Queensland Dept of Health recommended to martial arts clubs to move their training to online only. Ive seen some good initiatives but I think some have taken it a bit too far. It gets worse.... Lets be clear and honest. You cant teach martial arts online and especially self defence and even moreso grappling and ground game work. In saying that, I, like several other martial arts groups, have put some components online for existing students. But this is for... students who already have foundation training and is restricted to single drills, kata and theory. Ive heard and seen several clubs advertising that they will be re-opening for full contact martial arts on 13th July. Um... No you wont. I dont know where you read that or how you got so misinformed, but you could be lining yourself up for a massive fine, as well as and more importantly, putting your members and their families at risk. If you are operating a martial arts club in contravention of a Public Health Order and you get an visit from the police, it was me. I called them. I have spoken directly to the Queensland Dept of Health on several occasions and have it clearly in writing. "Stage 3 does not mean full contact." (Yet) We might be lucky, the Chief Medical Officer is assessing several scenarios and proposals right now, so Im holding out for good news as are we all, but if you are banking on full contact at stage 3 and if you are advertising that to members, you are already on my hit list. You are being irresponsible toward your students and families, showing callous disregard for the hard work weve collectively done to beat this virus and bringing our industry into disrepute. Not to mention the well known dodgy brigade demonstrating the depth of their own ignorance. Download the Industry Covid Safe Plan for your industry and read it. How hard is that? I have been open for face to face classes for over a month now, all legal and all completely safe. To be honest, it wasnt that hard. I know others that have done the same and Ive shared the way I did it with several clubs, anyone who asked. My honest and best advice to instructors: plan for full contact September or later & hope for much earlier, but get things going now or you wont have a club to go back to. Your students will be applying for chief ironhorse gradings. See more
13.01.2022 Great News. Go Queenslander - Stage 2 ahead of schedule. Inner Circle Academy is already open for business. In fact we never stopped. Weve been training face to face for a few weeks now, all legal, all in strict accordance with the Qld Govt. Heath Orders and our own approved CovidSafe operations plan. Silver linings We now have a comprehensive video library of all of our singles drills, katas, techniques and challenges as well as theory & research challenges. This is to members and parts of it will apply to gradings and could apply to distance learning. With our new training methodology, we have solved several problems to keep our contact skills fresh and implemented some novel solutions. The great thing here is that weve been able to use this to massively improve form and technique. We have our non-contact CovidSafe plan ready for when our main dojos are open (very soon) and we also have a CovidSafe plan ready for when contact training is allowed. Contact training might be a while if you want to know why, scroll through and find my article Why contact martial arts will be the very last thing re-opened. It is going to take a little bit of gearing up for our main dojos to catch up and fully re-open but until then, we are open at Honbu dojo and we have great reviews about the new curriculum and training methodology. All sessions are 100% Covid Safe. Weve gone over and above the Health orders and Govt. recommendations. We understand the risks and how best to negate them, better than any other martial arts club Ive seen. The Queensland Government has asked for and received, my feedback on the current Health Orders, so we are not just responding, we at the cutting edge. The people I need to thank for us being in this position are my awesome students and instructors who relentlessly supported Inner Circle Academy through this process. Thank you with all my heart. Ive had many calls and requests from potential new members and Id like to apologise for not being able to accommodate you until now. I made a promise to my current students that I would devote my time to them exclusively until we can see the light at the end of the tunnel. That light is shining brightly now, so if youve missed out, call me. You still need to go onto a waiting list, but at least now I wont be apologising to you and saying no. Remember we were almost full in all dojos before the lockdown, and although I know some students will have moved on, there still will not be unlimited spaces available. We will have strict limits on dojo participation by Health Order, but we have our own class size caps too. If youre interested, move quickly. We are ready. All we need is YOU!
12.01.2022 Just in case youve been living under a rock... All classes are closed for now. When we start our re - open plan, we will let everyone know how to enrol. We decided against classes in the park as it was projected to be a very short term option. ... We are not taking new members right now either. Current members, their families and friends have complete priority. There is a comprehensive online engagement program for member access only. Please go to private members page for details if you have not already started If you have done a self defence course and with to continue, when we are allowed to train again, you can put yourself on a waiting list. Sincerest apologies, this is the best we can do for the moment. Members, please be upstanders in these stressful times. Its people like us, with our skills and character, that have a greater responsibility to be leaders and protectors. I assume you will do yourself and me proud, and cant wait to hear stories of your contribution to community. Sometimes you just need to roll back and find some balance and perspective. Stay safe, keep your family and community safe. Were all in this together
12.01.2022 Sword night tonightSword night tonight
12.01.2022 Sadly, I’m reporting the end on an era. (well 3 years anyway) Inner Circle Academy is closing down its Wamuran dojo. This Friday is our last ever. (We had quite a few folk travelling from Woodford) So sorry for the inconvenience to anyone who was planning on making a start to your martial arts journey. Existing attending members have been offered a place at our Caboolture Dojo on Tuesday nights or at our new Narangba Dojo on Friday nights. We had good community support for... a while, enough to keep us there, but in the end we gave it our best and it isn't growing like the other branches. The other branches are full and we are not accepting new members. Thank you all who attended and thanks especially to those who enrolled in our now famous self defence courses. Anyone who attended a Self defence course at Wamuran can jump the queue to get a place at the Tuesday class at Caboolture dojo. Although it’s technically full, I’ll make an exception for you. We are in discussions to do some more self defence courses under the MBRC Healthy & Active program at Wamuran and hopefully Woodford. We have received multiple requests from community organisations to continue these and I have submitted an application to the MBRC to continue. If we get a Self Defence course happening at Woodford it will be in the 2nd half of 2021 and I'll advise here and through community organisations, Thank you all for the support in helping us have a go out at Wam. I really do appreciate that. Direct Message me if you have questions. Sensei Peter
10.01.2022 Weve have quite a bit of enquiry from new students. Our dojos are a little full at the moment. If you want to do a trial or join, we will need to put you on a waiting lost. SORRY! Please fill out the application form and someone will contact you. ... If you want to ask questions, you can contact by Facebook messenger or phone, If you dont like web forms, I can send you a PDF so you can print it, fill it out and send it back to me. (Call or Message me for this) Call any time - 1300 857 422 Or Private Message ICA Waiting list Application Form: Please share this with people that may be interested. Once we are full there is very little chance of getting to train with ICA. One of our dojos was full and not taking new members for almost 3 years. (theres a good reason for that though) ;)
10.01.2022 We are running another of our famous self defence courses. And its free. Caboolture dojo is booked out for this series but we have just opened bookings for Bribie. Its booking fast. Wamuran is available for pre-bookings too Unfortunately for some, there is a real and growing need for this. Weve put about 500 people through this course over the years and we had a big demand from people who missed out last year. I usually do one only 4 week course per year for each dojo. It a 4 week Self Defence series, that young people especially, will find very helpful for confidence, bully proofing and self protection. (this is definitely for adults too). 1.5 hours x 1 night per week. This is real self defence, not an adapted style. Inner Circle Academy has been running classes at the Memorial Hall at King St, Bribie High Hall and the Sports Complex Wamuran for a while now and over the years Ive taught in many a school hall, PCYCs, community organisations and community events and we teach in 4 locations on a weekly basis. The course is delivered by qualified and experienced, self defence experts. You get to test it to make sure it works. We are fully accredited, police checked and insured. Inner Circle has a strong belief in social responsibility & good corporate citizenship and this program contributes as such as part of our commitment to "giving back" to our community. We dispel the myths about what people think works but doesnt and teach only practical self defence that is street proven and pressure tested. Its open to anyone including past members and practitioners from other styles. Its a free 4 week course with no strings and no catches, no expectation nor obligation to continue but Im only advertising in a couple of groups for each dojo If you know someone who could use this offer please tag them or share to them This video for your infotainment is one of my junior purple belts (11y/o) pressure testing a set piece against one of my black belt adults. Sorry, but it will be strictly limited, so jump in quick. Its a very regular problem now. All of these Ive done have booked out in less than a week and there are places are already booked in each dojo. Message me to reserve your place. I will then send you more details Here is all the dates for all sessions in all dojos. If you miss one in one dojo, you can catch it up or even repeat it at another dojo. : Caboolture 11/2/2020, 18/2/2020, 25/2/2020, 3/3/2020 Bribie 20/2/2020, 27/2/2020, 5/3/2020, 12/03/2020, Wamuran 28/2/2020, 6/3/2020, 13/3/2020, 20/3/2020
10.01.2022 Ok, here is some valuable information if youre a martial arts instructor getting ready to re-open. Students, you have a big part to play too. Its time to commit. And complaining that it isnt fair or everyone else has got it better, thats not going to help either. Focus on whats in front of you, not what youve lost....Continue reading
10.01.2022 PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT - HEADS UP We have had to move the dates back 1 week for the self defence course. Sorry if this is an inconvenience. This is the first time we have run self defence courses early in the year. We usually run them later in the year and we pleasantly discovered some unexpected challenges. Here is all the dates for all sessions in all dojos. If you miss one in one dojo, you can catch it up or even repeat it at another dojo. I will start advertising in Facebook groups 1 week before the commencement of each. The courses usually reaches capacity in less than a week. We already have 7 pre-booked for Caboolture. If you missed out last time or you want to pre book for any dojo, please let me know, (PM me) Caboolture 11/2/2020, 18/2/2020, 25/2/2020, 3/3/2020 Bribie 20/2/2020, 27/2/2020, 5/3/2020, 12/03/2020, Wamuran 28/2/2020, 6/3/2020, 13/3/2020, 20/3/2020 PLEASE LIKE AND SHARE This might be more important to someone that you can possibly imagine. 1 in 3 young females will suffer from violence or physical abuse. We need to stop this. You can start by learning how to protect yourself and others and continue by spreading the word. These courses are free so there is zero reason for you not to attend. If there is a reason, talk to me. I will help.
09.01.2022 Martial Arts should be fun safe and fully compliant. Here at ICA we have gone way past the minimum, We have created a new "better" normal.... Fully implemented CovidSAFE operations plan. Approved by the Queensland Govt. Dept. of Health. Practical sanitation and cleaning protocols. We have members & their familys health and safety always front of mind. Full contact training & safe for all ages. Pictured here some of the Panda Jitsu crew checking each others temps. Cleanliness & Safety shouldnt be a burden, it should be normal. If 3 & 4 year olds can do it, you can too. ~ ~ #Update - Bribie is full, Caboolture Pandas class room for 2 more, Wamuran room for 3 juniors and 2 adults. If you want to train with ICA please PM me.
08.01.2022 So you want to learn a martial art? The marketing brochure makes your journey look like the "plan". When you realise the "reality", like most, you will quit. Take it from me. I've been there and coached hundreds to success.... More than half of my students have been with me for most of their lives. In my dojos, a short termer is 2-3 years My dojos are perpetually full. Why is that so, when so many others seem desperate for new members? Here is my secret: Focus 100% of all activities on quality skills transfer and outcomes fit for purpose. Frame all learning processes without concern for failure. Reward and celebrate all successes. Do not penalise failure Set defined goals and timeframes Long term vision: focus on outcomes and end goals Mid term focus: enjoy the process and celebrate the milestones. Short term energy: Eyes down, work hard, play hard, enjoy the process. Q. How long does it take the average person to become a blackbelt? A. An average person will never become a blackbelt. You'll need to be extraordinary! It's really that simple. Please share my secret. We desperately need better quality in the martial arts world. PS this works in business too. Its exactly the same. Try it. I did.
08.01.2022 OK OK OK. I know Im pretty hard on local instructors that pretend to teach self defence, but really only teach a martial art that is dressed up to be self defence. The two things are very different. Martial arts are great. I practice several, but they are not Self Defence!!! Then there are a couple of local clubs whos martial arts isnt really martial arts either. Its child minding at best. Even that is still OK, if thats what your advertising. Theres too many crook...s who just want your money and give you a false sense of security, techniques that have no value and a system that will catastrophically fail when put to the test. You dont have to take my word for it. Here is a well put together piece by world leading authority on self defence. If youve been to any of my self defence classes, you will instantly recognise the parallels. If you are an instructor and you want to learn how to teach self defence properly, call me. Ill help. For free. Just stop lying to your students please. Iian Abernethey - recognised world authority on "Self Defence & Self Protection" "Martial arts instructors are often the worst self-protection instructors. The key reason for this failing is that they are not sure what self-protection actually is and they incorrectly assume it is one and the same as martial arts or fighting. The truth is they are radically different. While there is some crossover, the fact remains that only a very small part of martial arts and fighting has relevance to self-protection and vice versa. Sadly, most martial artists dont grasp this and as a result teach self-protection very poorly without realising. The dont know what they dont know, and hence think they know all there is to know. In this video I cover the key five things that martial artists get wrong about self-protection: 1) Using self-protection is the ONLY valid measure of value 2) Reinventing criminal violence in their own image 3) A total failure to address legalities 4) A complete failure to grasp the objective of self-protection 5) Reducing the whole of self-protection to nothing but the physical As is made clear in the video, I love the martial arts and all they have to offer; but I also know they do not adequately address the needs of self-protection. To effectively train and teach martial arts, fighting and self-protection, we need to understand the specific nature and goals of each. If we dont, then training will always be unfocused and ineffective."
07.01.2022 All dojos have air con !!!All dojos have air con !!!
07.01.2022 Why contact martial arts will be the very last thing re-opened I know quite a few of my fellow martial arts instructors are struggling. I know that some clubs have already closed forever and some have suffered so much that they will never get back to normal and will eventually cave....Continue reading
07.01.2022 We are opening classes soon. Sorry. Its current members and family only at this time. If you have already inquired, applied or done your free trial before the lockdown you can still join but you need to contact me first. Our dojos were almost full before the lockdown and we wont have our full facilities back for some time. We want everyone to be safe. When we are able to take new members I will let everyone know here.... What is the broom for? Well youd have to be a member to know that ;) See more
06.01.2022 This is a nice story I found using a technique called Family Alert Code. This is not to be confused with the Pick Up Code. Both are vital. These are two different things and should be different. The first can be a simple phrase, the latter could be a single but obscure word.... Please copy &/or share this. If anyone wants more information of how this works, feel free to contact me directly. Inner Circle students learn these techniques as part of their regular curriculum. This is part of what self defence is. Its got less to do with rolling around on the ground with a single training partner, or launching a few high kicks and a compliant uke, than you could ever possibly imagine. Self Defence is not to be confused with Martial Art. Both are of value. *** THIS IS IMPORTANT When I was a child, from the time I was about four and could understand things, my mom told me and my brother that we should have a secret word. That way, if we were ever in trouble or felt unsafe and we didn't want the people around us to know we needed her to come get us, we could let her know. So she let us pick the word and my brother and I chose the phrase "peanut butter cups." (I'm happy to share the phrase now since both my brother and I are adults now). I used the phrase twice in my life. Once, I was at a friends house when I eight years old. Her dad got really drunk and was throwing things against the wall. I was really scared and I didn't want to draw attention to myself on the phone when I called my mom to come get me because I didn't know if he would get more violent if I asked her to come get me. So I called her and was calm and after a couple minutes I asked "Hey mommy, did you get me those peanut butter cups from the store?" And she said "I'll be right there." And she came and got me within minutes. ***
06.01.2022 Finally. Approved CovidSafe plan. Sessions start next Saturday. (23rd) Go to private members page to find out how to book.
03.01.2022 Hi there fellow housesitters, If youve come here looking to find out how you can join up, Im afraid youre out of luck for a while. HOWEVER Your immune system needs you to exercise, so weve put something together for you to keep you busy so our wonderful community can learn something productive while your stuck inside... We teach usually Self Defence, Ju-jutsu and Tai Chi. At the moment we are only teaching Tai Chi & only online (FREE) We have an online program for members only which covers many aspects of all including weapons, and role-plays but we are just about to start an online program for the general public on basic Tai Chi. Sorry its taken so long, weve been focusing on getting our members set up and "online" is very new to us. We are much more the hands on type. Like this page and you will see the free Tai Chi program soon. We teach Yang traditional long form (108) and the Beijing 24. There is also a reduced form for 4,5,6s and another simplified form if the traditional forms are too much. Take care, remember to 1.5 it and most of all stay fit.
02.01.2022 School Holidays program starting soon, Includes: Nunchacku (Nunchucks - This stuff) Bojutsu (Long Staff) Naginata ( Traditional Japanese Short Spear) HojoJutsu ( Tying up people, escaping from handcuffs and zip ties etc)... & Much more All dojos open Members can bring a friend(s) for free as usual and can show off.... um demonstrate their skills. Past members are welcome to hang out too. New members are welcome to do your trial however there is no regular curriculum work, no self defence and no regular jujutsu, BYO weapons or we have plenty to share ** its completely safe, & not like the video** For purely attention getting purposes only, please enjoy this clip of the famous Bruce Lee, the highest profile exponent of the Nunchaka in this classic movie scene. Want to find out more, please PM me Please share with your friends and family. Everyone is welcome, young, old, beginners, experienced. SUOTM (See You On The Mat)
02.01.2022 Let me make this simple for you. . . . . No Qld. Govt. approved plan, NO CONTACT TRAINING!Let me make this simple for you. . . . . No Qld. Govt. approved plan, NO CONTACT TRAINING!
02.01.2022 To me, home is a place you can feel safe, where you can find your family. Were a pretty tight family here at Inner Circle Academy. There is a lot of trust required to do the things we do. Training is always fun but sometimes harsh and for us to learn and practice techniques designed to give extreme pain and disable attackers, on other human beings, those people need to know more than anything else that there is no malice, no judgement and nothing held in reserve. Because if... it doesnt hurt, it doesnt work. We need to know that otherwise we dont bother learning it. What we end up with is a group of dedicated committed and very well skilled martial artists whove created a bond that can never be broken. On the other side, life happens. School, jobs, health issues, social pressures, family pressures, financial pressures, changing priorities, pandemics, all of these things push back against our commitment from time to time. The bond is still there though. We know it and feel it every day even if we are not training right now. For that reason weve created an incentive to get you back on the path. Its very simple. For past members only who have not trained for at least 6 months, you get a month free for you and anyone else in your family and well even include one or two of your close friends. We have a new advanced self defence program, focused combatives electives, specialised weapons programs and much more. Youll be surprised and comforted to see so many familiar faces. We all kept on training while you were off doing life stuff. Come and see your family. Come and try the new curriculum. Come home. Private Message me for details. (Edit - yes, this applies to our self defence courses too.)
01.01.2022 We are back in business. Its members only to start of with but if youve been hanging out, you can put yourself on a waiting list. I realise a lot of clubs have folded and abandoned their members. Thats unfortunate, but I cant fix that for you. I offered to help struggling clubs and have helped several clubs as much as I can. Our club was almost full before the lockdown but we will take on as many new members as we can to help out. PM me and I can tell you how. ... For clubs, read this article. It will explain to you why Martial Arts will be the absolute last thing that is reopened and having this knowledge will help you reopen faster. Again, Im happy to share how I have reopened so fast to my fellow instructors. Its easier when you know why we are specifically targeted. Use this link:
01.01.2022 New Tai Chi Times & New Location! After almost 3 years of continuous practice we have moved our training times to a little earlier in order to avoid the hotter late mornings. Advanced / Instructors / Kata-in-the-Park. 8 am - 9 am. Beginners - Yang Traditional Long Form, first phrase (beginners first 16)... 9 am - 10 am. We have also moved our training location to across the other side of the bridge, up the hill a bit, under the Tipuana tree. It's much cooler and away from the noise of the traffic. In the advanced class we practice the Yang Traditional Short Form (13), the Beijing 24, and the full Yang Traditional Long Form (108). Every Saturday Advanced 8-9 Beginners 9-10 Centenary Lakes Morayfield Rd side Near the footbridge between the 2 lakes, up the hill a bit Under the big Tipuana Tree
01.01.2022 I dont necessarily agree that this is the only solution. However, I know for certain that my students know how to fight, AND I regularly hear reports from my students where they have stepped in to protect other people from violence and bullies. What do you think?
01.01.2022 Starting Soon Posture by posture online Tai Chi program right here. Its easy to learn and something you can do from home. Like this page and watch for updates
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