Inner Compass Co. | Sport & recreation
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25.01.2022 No person is just one person We all exist in versions and iterations Layers that are revealed... As a thousand perfect storms Grow you Change you and show you... To you. ______________________
24.01.2022 Rainy day yoga flow! A gentle sequence of poses perfect for any day but particularly luxurious in the rain today I will upload a few more videos of yoga sequences with the aim being for you to choose a video to practice along with at home. Once a few are up, you will also be able to string the videos together to create a longer or more specific practice.... This was originally a 10 minute flow which I have cut down to 6 minutes by speeding it up for Facebook and Instagram but I will upload the full version to YouTube You can hold the poses for as little or as long as you like! Please do not get caught up in how you look in these poses, they will look and feel different to every body because we are all different shapes and sizes Stay healthy, stay happy, and together we can get through this I love you all and I’ve been thinking of you. Enjoy my yogis
23.01.2022 Can you remember who you were, before the world told you... Who you should be?
20.01.2022 The things you are passionate about are not random, They are your calling. ... // Fabienne Frederickson Sunday spent exploring the heaven (and hard work) that is @nemoriflowerfarm Thank you @bymarienicole for the I’m not sure there anything more nourishing than flowers, foliage and friendship // Give yourself time to #grow //
19.01.2022 #bodylove #mentalhealth #healthybalance #consistency #eatyourveggies #drinkyourwater #innercompassco #murrumbateman #murrumbatemanfitness #balancednutrients #yass #yassvalley #visityassvalley #cbr #cbrregion #nsw #womeninfitness
18.01.2022 Thoracic and Shoulder Mobility >> A lot of things have ... happened this year, and you have had to bear more than you ever thought you would. But I just hope you know through the difficult and the good, You have also been brave, in a beautiful, honest way, and no matter the progress you feel you have not made, you are still growing here. // Morgan Harper Nichols // >> Tips for this Flow: you can complete it once or as many times as you would like. Feel free to hold favourite poses for longer. Keep your chin slightly tucked and your neck long if your neck is bad (eg don’t look up during cat/cow ) I am tight in the hamstrings at the moment and nursing a neck injury so these shapes will look different on me and you
18.01.2022 Posted @withregram @cleowade Maybe this period is making you feel wildly ambitious. Maybe you feel alive with productivity. Maybe you feel fatigued from being emotionally overwhelmed. Maybe you only have the energy to figure out what tv show you’re going to binge next. Maybe you feel exhausted from caring for your children. Maybe you feel full of gratitude for this time you get to spend with your children. Maybe all you could do today was not cry. Maybe all you could today was have a good cry. Maybe your daily walks have reminded you that it’s spring time and the earth is showing you that there is beauty amidst this trying time. Maybe you feel lonely because you’re spending more time alone than ever before. Maybe you’re feeling lonely in a house full of people. Maybe you found a moment of bliss sitting in bed in your bathroom watching a movie with a glass of wine (me currently ) Maybe you felt a spell of anxiety today (me earlier) Maybe you caught your breath and were able to remind yourself that this too shall pass (me again). Maybe you feel scared. Maybe you feel confident that things will be okay. Maybe you feel none of these things or all of these things at different points throughout the day. Either way. I just want to remind you that during these times it’s important to put as little pressure on yourself as possible. There are enough pressure in this climate, both socially and economically, don’t add to this period by thinking that there is some correct way to move through it emotionally. However you feel is just the way you feel. It is all okay. And on that note. Don’t be afraid to reach out to others to talk about how you feel. Post about it to your community, call a friend, a hotline, a family member, a mentor or teacher. We are so much better at helping each other when we know how we are all honestly feeling. And if you want to share how you are feeling with me, I promise I will read every comment on this post. Here for you. I love you. See more
18.01.2022 Friday, the day for creativity and bright colours Trust your intuition, emotions, feelings, the desire for self-expression, create, do your favourite things, discover new talents within yourself. _______________________
17.01.2022 What @creatorsnestyass said! Just because we are being forced into a massive reality check (as if the fires, floods, hail and global warming statistics didn’t get you there) doesn’t mean you have to give up on your dreams. Think outside the box and work together not against each other. Speaking of thinking outside the box @bymarienicole of @creatorsnestyass has started an online shop to get you through. Check out and like @creatorsnestonlineshop and peruse her wares - you won’t be disappointed ... last I was in her beautiful space she didn’t have any loo paper for sale though #shoplocal #shoponline #spareasquare #buyfromthebush #smallbusiness #visityassvalley See more
16.01.2022 Have you felt the shrinkage lately? I know I have... thinking brave and keeping true to who you are is easier said than done some days, particularly in these testing times! This is your reminder to tap into that which you are. Love. Choose love over fear
16.01.2022 >> Looking at things from a different perspective >> Nothing can bring you into the present moment, demand a single point of focus and slow your busy chatterbox mind quite like trying a new or challenging skill! Tricky balance poses, rock climbing and the humble handstand are some examples of activities which I am able to completely immerse myself in, as they demand presence of mind. Kind of like play time for adults! It is in these moments that time slows, breathing becomes ...deep and steady and I am able to free my mind from the worries of the world. Even if just for a moment, the lightness I feel afterwards is like an instant body battery recharge. In yoga, it is said that inversions (where your head is below your heart) can assist with increased mental function, and help the thyroid, pineal and pituitary glands. Does this resonate with you? What are some of your favourite pastimes which have allowed or still allow you to feel completely absorbed in them? Why not try a new challenge or pick up a favourite pastime or you could even give the old faithful handstand a crack **If you can’t get into a handstand for strength or health reasons (pregnant, recently had a baby, high blood pressure etc) there are other inversions you can try (downward dog, dolphin, child’s pose or even legs up the wall are a couple examples) to give you similar benefits P.s. wasn’t the sun a very welcome visitor today See more
16.01.2022 More details to come Classes going ahead will be completely subject to Covid-19.
16.01.2022 You won’t always be motivated. Move anyway. You won’t always be inspired. Inspire anyway. Everything you have created could be destroyed in a second. Create anyway.
15.01.2022 We focus a lot on taking deep breaths in but we forget how important a good breath out can be. I’ve been doing this a bit the last few days after reading (I’ve been doing lots of reading, of actual books it’s heaven) #Denali by Ben Moon (great book, easy to read, emotional but uplifting). Denali (pronounced Deenaali) is Ben’s loyal pup and Ben describes the sigh dogs make when they are completely happy and relaxed, usually with eyes closed, (or they’re gazing at you about to drift off into an afternoon nap... you know the one. Anyway, (read the book or my instructions below and then) try it! Take a breath in, let it fill your belly and your lungs ... take your time ... and then gently sigh it out ... let your belly relax ... notice how your ribs soften down ... and that little knot that’s been tightening in your chest, (you know the one!) kind of in the space behind your sternum ... consciously relax those muscles. You’re really trying to channel that contented sigh dogs do (Pretty sure cats don’t exhibit their relaxed state quite the same way so I don’t have a kitty version to relate - apologies cat people, let me know if they do anything similar, as I’m not sure kneading and purring on someone is socially acceptable right now) but I digress... try a few of those breaths, giving more love to the exhale and relaxing those muscles behind your ribs. Take it one breath out at a time ... and stop watching so much of the news
14.01.2022 See the full post via @ourplanetdaily
12.01.2022 It’s back to school for lots of children this week. Ours were very keen to head off to see their class mates and teachers. The days haven’t always been smooth sailing but I am so grateful for the reset @ Murrumbateman, New South Wales
12.01.2022 This video made me . Tears of sadness but also tears of hope.
10.01.2022 Now, read that again
09.01.2022 Speaking of cheeky character
08.01.2022 Rain and Flow 2 *sound on to hear the epic downpour that started as I hit record not complaining This sequence works well ahead of the previous video and the full practice runs for about 15-20 minutes even longer if you wish.... For this practice, you will start seated and are there for a little while, so if sitting on the floor is uncomfortable please prop yourself up on a yoga block, blanket, pillow or sit on a chair. *I show you at the start how to sit just off the front of your prop to get length through your spine. Please do not get caught up in how you look in these poses, they will look and feel different to every body because we are all different shapes and sizes A reminder that if anything doesn’t feel right please don’t do it and I will upload the full video to YouTube Enjoy my yogis
08.01.2022 We’ll be taking a short break from classes for the rest of the weekend and into next week. As hard and as sad as it it to make this decision we think it’s for the best right now. Thank you all for understanding. Check Pencil In later on in the week for class availabilities #innercompassco
08.01.2022 Conscious Living // Deep breaths calm your central nervous system, help you stay present and can also help to improve your memory. >> >>> >>>> >>>>> #choice #practice #yogapractice #meditation #detox #mentalhealth #healthybalance #innercompassco #murrumbateman #murrumbatemanfitness #yass #yassvalley #visityassvalley #cbr #cbrregion #nsw #womeninfitness #consciousliving
08.01.2022 {Quote for the week ahead} Be the moon, and inspire people even when you’re far from full. ... #innercompassco #murrumbateman #localbusiness #visitmurrumbateman #privateyogaclass #personaltraining #womensfitness #fitnessaustralia #cbr #cbrregion #nsw #australia See more
08.01.2022 A short sequence of stretches/poses for the lower body, specifically the hip flexors, hamstrings, lower back, glutes (your butt muscles) and calves. One of my top favourite things to come out of this lockdown is how willing my kids are to be involved in our workouts and yoga practices. Max even went to grandma’s today and requested a ‘workout’ on her rower... what’s on your silver lining list for the tough period we’re going through? Remember the tough times won’t last, but we will
07.01.2022 10 minute relaxation sequence, you don’t even need to get up from the floor for this one! A gentle sequence to help open the chest, stretch the shoulders, hips, lower back, sides of the body and massage those internal organs. If you are pregnant or have recently had a baby please omit the twists and take your knees wide for the knee hugs and single leg knee to chest. You may also feel more comfortable with your head and chest propped a bit higher so grab a few bed pillows, add a rolled up a blanket and make yourself as comfortable as you need The most important point to remember is just listen to your body - it will always let you know what it is and is not ready for Pop your favourite tunes on and enjoy *the kids are on the other side of the couch arguing over what movie to watch, I’m not talking to myself ... this time
07.01.2022 Who do you think you are?
07.01.2022 A practice from the archives I know you guys don’t like the speedy versions too much But there is such a beautiful message in this video. Movement can be done anywhere, anytime, and with anyone. It’s great to have solo time and uninterrupted practices but it is so special to share it; toddler, ABC Kids, snacks and all ... He will always have yoga in his life. He won’t remember a time when yoga wasn’t an option for him, he’s been my yoga buddy since he was in utero... possibly explains his love of music, singing and dancing too Hopefully it will be a tool he uses throughout his life and he will pass his knowledge onto his babies. This is yoga
06.01.2022 Beautiful short(ish) film on trees Perfect Easter-iso viewing Happy and healthy Easter everyone
06.01.2022 Posted @withregram @cleowade
04.01.2022 Happy Halloween
03.01.2022 http:// Your direction is more important than your speed // Friday 7.8.2020 Hips & Twists / mobility / maintenance. Taking it slow and steady after a big week of realignment on all levels ... Tips for this flow: Listen to your body, it will tell you exactly what it needs. So move at your own pace, avoid going straight to your edge of it has been a while. Give your body the chance to feel, move into different shapes and eventually open up
03.01.2022 Be confused, It is where you begin to learn new things. Be broken, it’s where you begin to heal.... Be frustrated, it’s where you begin to make authentic decisions. Be sad, because if we are brave enough we can hear our hearts wisdom through it. Be whatever you are right now, No more hiding. You are worthy always. S.C Lourie _______________________ And on that note... Have you smudged recently?
01.01.2022 At the present moment, some of my previously scheduled yoga classes are set to return in Spring however I have now decided to open up some weekend and 1 weekday lunchtime class. I will be keeping a close eye on what is happening down in Victoria and classes may yet be cancelled, however with no end insight for Covid-19 it is my goal to do what I can to provide our community with some yoga classes. Saturdays 7:15am Flow and the new 45 minute Wednesday lunch time class 12:30-1...:15pm. Where possible, these classes will be outside. I will be sending out further information and updates via email, if you would like to receive these please message me your email address. Thinking of Melbourne and the rest of Victoria <3 Stay safe, keep the 1.5m and love your hand sanitiser like you love your phone ;) Much metta, Amy
01.01.2022 To the women who are labelled: Aggressive: Keep being assertive. Bossy: Keep on leading.... Difficult: Keep telling the truth. Too much: Keep taking up space. Awkward: Keep asking hard questions. Please don’t shrink yourself to make people happy, be yourself, you’re beautiful that way. >> >>> >>>> Quote is Courtesy of: @the_female_lead is of me! #calm #chaos #mentalhealth #meditation #innercompassco #murrumbateman #murrumbatemanfitness #nsw #cbr #cbrregion
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