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25.01.2022 Here's a pic that I took of my Wellbeing (or Self-Care) Bingo that I shared on the #hoptimistic Career Care Package earlier this week with Karalyn Brown (InterviewIQ) and Naishadh Gadani (Your Career Down Under). During the session, we talked about how to overcome lockdown fatigue and boost our wellbeing. We went through this fun bingo exercise to show you how to incorporate mood boosting activities throughout your day. It also gave me the perfect excuse to raid my kids stat...ionary drawer for this "Terrific Effort" stamp I got such a boost of happiness during the Live when I discovered that I'd made a BINGO for the day! It felt so satisfying to stamp my completed activity to make a BINGO! If you want more ideas to boost your wellbeing and be more productive at work, watch the replays on: Facebook: YouTube: Here's to feeling more positive and productive!
25.01.2022 You are a Treasure! Yes, you are . This week's Mandala Inspiration is a reminder to treat yourself as the precious jewel and treasure that you are. Its message is: "You are a treasure. Never doubt your special gifts.... They are waiting for you at your disposal your gift to the world, your compassion, your great heart. Never doubt it. You have much to give. Do not hesitate to give as you will be repaid tenfold." There are so many layers of meaning within this mandala. The obvious one is about recognising your gifts and sharing them. When we do that thing that we were born to do; that thing we love; that, in many cases, we feel compelled to do; we are rewarded with joy and happiness. So, this week make sure to do things that you love and bring you joy. And there is another reason why this mandala was called to be shared this week given what's happening around us. I think that it has to do with remembering that you are a treasure and the need to treat yourself with respect and care. Be kind to yourself. Be gentle. Treat yourself as precious. Because you are. You deserve every kindness in the world. Treat yourself that way. You are a treasure. I wish you a kind and restorative week full of gentleness and love xx
25.01.2022 This week's Mandala Inspiration is called Infinite Heart. Its message: "A heart with infinite capacity for love is what you find you have. Cherish and treasure it." After last week's "You are a Treasure" mandala, we're being invited to continue cherishing and treasuring our beautiful hearts.... May your heart be happy. xx
24.01.2022 Extending this Mandala Inspiration’breather’ over the next two weeks of school holidays . May you continue to remember to pause, take a deep breathe, allow yourself to expand and release anything that no longer serves you. Repeat as necessary Take care x
24.01.2022 Day 17 of 21 Days of Gratitude- Kindness or Good Deed Today’s prompt is a reminder to pay attention and express gratitude for the little things. Our lives are full of small things, that on first glance may seem insignificant. But our actions can have a ripple effect. They have the ability to turn our or another’s whole day around, and can create a cumulative effect that makes us feel good and means that we’re more able to pass on our joy to others. Today I want to say thanks everyone who’s made me a cup of tea, most often my husband . It seems like such a small thing but I think that it’s such a nice gesture of comfort and care. My aunt often says that a cup of coffee always tastes better when someone else makes it. Their care and attention gives it an extra boost. . I’m also more likely to drink it. So often I put the kettle on and walk away to do something else and forget . Today’s also a chance for me to reminisce about a past mandala project where I drew a mandala each day based on a different mug or cup. This mug was one of my Mum’s favourites . So who would you like to give a shout out to for their kindness or good deed today?
24.01.2022 Happy new year!!! It’s a great time for setting intentions and goals for the year ahead. If you’re a visual thinker like me, you may find that it’s easier to create your 2021 vision by using colour, images and collage. It’s also a wonderful way to tap into your more creative, big picture and intuitive thinking too. So SAVE THE DATE for my upcoming 2021 Vision Boarding Workshop set for 1.30pm-4.30pm Sun 7 Feb 2021 in Armadale in collaboration with Melbourne Artisan Collective ...and a delicious afternoon tea provided by The Dessert Plate. This 2021 Vision Boarding Workshop is designed so that you’ll come away with an overarching vision for 2021 that’s flexible enough to adapt to whatever this year brings (because who knows?), as well as a focus word or theme to act as a touchstone and guiding light to keep you focused and on track to your desires. More details to come soon. And if this date doesn’t work, then comment below or message me to organise a private vision boarding party where I come to you, with all materials, at a time and date that suits you and up to 9 of your friends or colleagues. It’s a great way to have a meaningful catch up while setting a positive outlook for the year ahead. Here’s to a kinder 2021 #visionboard #Vision2021 #visionboard2021 #visionboarding #settinggoals
23.01.2022 This week’s Mandala Inspiration ‘Cleanse and Purify’ invites us to think about how we can welcome more healing and relaxation into our life. How can you tune into joy and find relief? In my former life , I used to go for a walk each weekday after school drop off. And I know it was good for me. But I didn’t realise how much it fills my heart until today. I kept finding flower after flower to photograph on my walk (Spring weather helps too ). I found this beauty, as I rand...omly looked up while passing someone’s front yard. Just had to stop and get a pic So, how can you tune into joy more? What makes your heart happy? It doesn’t have to be grand nor take a lot of time. This small dose of nature and beauty kept on giving for the rest of my day - I’m still smiling I hope that you can find some joy in your day, no matter how small
22.01.2022 This week there hasn’t been a new Mandala Inspiration because last week’s is still with us . Every week I flick through my sketchbooks to discover which mandala (and message) wants to be shared. After sharing it online, I display that mandala on my bedroom wall or bookshelf (as in this case) for the week. And frankly, this last week I’ve really enjoyed waking up to see this beauty. I feel so much strength in looking at it. Consequently, its continued to be featured this we...ek. Here’s a pic of the mandala in-situ. It’s called ‘The Star Within’, and is about going within and letting your inner self shine. So, what are you doing to connect with your inner wisdom this week? How are you digging in deep? And consequently how are you looking after yourself, so that you can do that? May we nurture the star within
22.01.2022 Day 18 of 21 Days of Gratitude - Environment or Weather What environment or weather are you grateful for? It's easy to be grateful for today's weather in Melbourne. Bring on more blue, sunny skies!... Hope it's sunny in your part of the world #gratefulwithinnercreative #grateful #gratitude
22.01.2022 How’s your heart been this week? Earlier this week I shared ‘Infinite Heart’ for the Mandala Inspiration. As it’s from a 2017 calendar I created, I hung it up on my wall. It took me a little while to realise that there’s a heart theme on my wall (yes I appreciate it’s a bit Captain Obvious ). On the left of the Infinite Heart mandala, is my son’s first heart drawing from 3 year old kinder days. On the top right, is my guiding vision for the year (created at an awesome WE-B...eing session earlier this year with the amazing ladies Leah Kearns and Marilou Coombe ). So many hearts... And then funnily enough - guess what I’ve been working on this week? More hearts You may have seen them in my Stories. Otherwise stay tuned for more posts over the weekend. If you want stay in the loop, put your favourite coloured heart in the comments below and I’ll make sure you don’t miss it. Stay tuned
22.01.2022 Without further ado, this week's Mandala Inspiration is called, 'You are Loveable." Its message: "You are worthy of love. Open your arms and heart wide to receive joy, love, and wisdom. Remember to stand in the truth of who you are. You are enough. You are loveable just as you are."... We don't need to be anything other than ourselves. Sometimes this can feel harder than it sounds (especially if we're trying to please others or worried about what they might think or say about us). This mandala reminds us that we are enough as we are. You are loving, loved, and loveable. May your week remind you of this truth
21.01.2022 This week's Mandala Inspiration is called "Inner Peace". Something that many of us are seeking right now . Interestingly, this Inner Peace mandala is making its second appearance this year (I was inspired to share it earlier this March). I drew it 4 years ago in response to a call for world peace and this theme of inner peace emerged instead. It makes sense if we want to create a world of peace then we need to start with ourselves first. Four years on, we're still asking ...for that peace, on many more levels. The "Inner Peace" mandala's message is: "Reflect on all the love you already have deep within your heart. It is beautiful, infinite and wise. Let its radiance open outwards and fill your body with its calming presence. Then, let this love unfurl its glory and shine outwards into the world as peace for all." This week's Mandala Inspiration invites you to start with yourself - treat yourself with love and kindness. Put on your oxygen mask first (as you would on a plane). Then, you're more able to be there for others in your life. There is a lot of love and peace already within you. May this week ahead see you access your infinite, wise, and loving heart to bring it out. Lots of love and care xx
20.01.2022 Are you looking after yourself? Do you feel supported? Self-care is not a 'nice-to-have' anymore. We need to up our game and treat ourselves with kindness, care, and respect. It not only helps us feel good. It equips us better to handle stress. When we're feeling relaxed and supported, we're also more likely to be creative and find different ways to deal with any issues as they arise. Read this article to learn why #selfcare is important right now, and some examples of activities that you can do to take care of yourself today.
20.01.2022 This week’s Mandala Inspiration is coming . I need to be in the right heart and mind space before I can make my selection. Otherwise I second guess myself, have doubts, or feel insecure about what I’m sharing. And that’s not useful for anyone. So, what to do about the times when I’m not feeling good or steady? Some of it is patience. Patience with myself that I’ll arrive at this open, clear space eventually. The other part involves creating a nurturing practice that energ...ises and uplifts me- ‘fills the tank’ so to speak. And this is what I do. I create a self-care bingo for myself and see what I can do by the end of the day. I don’t have to tick every box. But it’s fun to get a bingo and it appeals to the ‘to do’ list lover part of me . And it may only take one or two of them to raise my spirits. Each day is different. So, what would you put on your self-care bingo today? And if this isn’t your thing, then what’s one nice thing that you can do for yourself today to raise your spirits? See more
20.01.2022 Day 19 of 21 Days of Gratitude - Teacher or Mentor Which mentor or teacher are you grateful for? We have so many different teachers in our lives. We have been influenced by our school teachers; the mentors or leaders we met during our extracurricular activities; through to the managers, leaders, and mentors that we’ve had in the workplace. These roles do not need to be formal to be of value. We can learn as much from a peer’s example, as from someone in a management role. ... Today I would like to express my gratitude to two amazing business women - Tara Watson of Active Connected Communities and Kylie Suich of The Dessert Plate. They are my oldest business friends, as I also worked with them in state government. Kylie and Tara have been informal business mentors to me at different times. I am indebted to their business tips, advice and support. They've tried and tested my products and services, referred me to others, and offered their honest feedback. Most importantly, they have believed in me and encouraged me forward. I love collaborating with them. As a sole trader, it's nice to feel like you're part of a collective. I'm very excited to be working behind the scenes with Kylie to create a gift hamper that features my Happy Heart Care cards and her chocolate - mmm yum . Stay tuned! Who are you grateful for what they taught you?
20.01.2022 So, I made these hearts and I'd love you to hear your opinion. You may have seen their progress in Stories. I made this originally just for me. I wanted to make something creative each day and thought it would be nice to create a jar of gratitude prompts for me to use each day (based on my 21 days of Gratitude #gratefulwithinnercreative from Nov 2019). When I began sharing my progress and got such lovely feedback, I wondered if and how I could turn it into something else f...or you. So, I'd love your thoughts please on how you would love to experience these hearts (in electronic or hardcopy versions). For instance as: 1. cut-outs with gratitude prompts 2. cut-outs with uplifting heart messages 3. cut-outs with self-care prompts or tips 4. A4 art prints 5. cut-out hearts to hang or thread on a string 6. something else? Or I could just continue posting as I am on social media for a bit of happy 'eye candy' for you each day . I'd love to know your thoughts in the comments, please. Thanks
19.01.2022 This week's Mandala Inspiration is called "Return to Self". It invites us to reflect on where we have come from and use it to shape our present day in order to build the future we want. Its full message: "Whenever we travel a road unfamiliar, our heart yearns for what was. This is not to be unexpected. However, you now have the gift of knowing two worlds, a raft of opportunities, and the potential for exponential growth. ... Do not discount the wealth of what you already bring along with you. It has shaped who you are and what you will become. Your past moves through the present to help build your future. And while you may never return to where you began unchanged, it helps to serve as a reminder of who you were and what you are now. It is the beginning, the end, and the return to your self all in one." What future do you want to create for yourself? What can you do today to live it now?
17.01.2022 This week’s Mandala Inspiration is called ‘Powerful Essence’. It’s inspired by the Ming Men acupuncture point, also known as ‘The Fire of the Gate of Life.’ This mandala is about harnessing our potential. Its message: Embrace your potential, and harness this latent energy to propel you towards your destiny. What hidden potential do you see within you? What can you do to foster it? If you find it hard to think of any potential, then what potential do you wish you had? (Hint- t...hat potential is most likely already there, you just need to put a little extra effort in recognising it and nurturing it ). What’s one action you can take by this week to cultivate this potential? Please share it with me in the comments below. I’d love to know so I can cheer you on!
16.01.2022 What's your intention for this week? I was inspired to share this Mandala Inspiration called ‘Embrace’. It's inspired by the crown chakra. The crown chakra is all about connecting with divinity and being in oneness with everything. The message from this mandala is ‘Accept the power of truly living in the vast abundance and beauty that the Universe has to offer you.’... I see this as having two parts- 1) being able to see beauty and abundance; 2) seeing yourself as having the opportunity and right to enjoy this abundance and beauty. I know that with everything that's going on at the moment that this can be a challenge. Your mission this week (if you choose to accept ) is to find the beauty wherever you are, and relax as best you can so you can allow it in . It mightn't be anything big. Everyday I try to find beauty (most often in nature). I find that this brings a little joy into my world, even if for a moment. I post my finds in Stories. So, where can you find abundance and beauty in your life right now? What's your intention or focus for this week ahead? Does this Inspiration Mandala relate in anyway? Here’s to a most abundant and beautiful week ahead
15.01.2022 Merry Christmas! Wishing you happy holidays and all the best over the festive season! May 2021 bring you happiness, success and prosperity. This year has been challenging. But I am still grateful for its lessons and gifts. ... The dark days forced me to dig deep and find a way to shine a light. They urged me to make self-care a priority, find a way to practise kindness and start drawing again. My heart drawings subsequently turned into my new Happy Hearts Care range and led to a Pop Up collaboration (and subsequent development of the Melbourne Artisan Collective - check them out for future event details). Here is a photo of my yellow Christmas Star Mandala Card from the recent Christmas Collective Pop Up shop (flowers are by The Floral Collective). The mandala's message is: "Shine bright like a star in the sky! Embrace all that is, and all that can be. You are a jewel in the Earth’s crown. Revel in your uniqueness, your gifts and your talents. Do not squander them, for they are yours to share with the world. Rejoice! The time for joy and celebration has come." No matter how you celebrate this time of year may you shine like the brilliant star you are. As my special gift to you, you're welcome to download the colouring page here All the best over the festive period. May 2021 be a kinder year to us all #mandala #shineyourlight #christmas2020
15.01.2022 This week's Mandala Inspiration "You are a Treasure" invited me to look at what I do for self-care. The tricky thing is that whenever we need a little TLC we don't always have the bandwidth or presence of mind to do something that's nourishing and uplifting. It's all too easy to reach for something from the fridge or numb out over a screen. So, today I got out my 12 week planner and filled out the Self-Care Bingo section with some quick and easy things I can refer to and do time I'm in need of a 'pick me up'. It was a really interesting exercise. At first, the ideas came quite quickly to me like: take deep breaths; make a cup of tea; or go for a walk. By the end of the list, it became a bit of a stretch, but in a nice way . I had to really think and connect to what cheers me up and makes my heart happy. And this will be different for everyone. For instance, I included: fixing something, creating a quote badge on Canva, and colouring in. I also included cleaning! Now this is not for everyone and will not always work for me either . But I can get so much satisfaction from hanging out the washing, dusting, or decluttering (I like creating order and seeing an instant transformation). In any case, it's reminded me to fill my day with things that bring me pleasure and make me happy. This activity has also inspired me to create a new project that will help me tick off a few different things on my Bingo list. So, what would you put on your Self-Care Bingo? And more importantly, what nourishing thing could you do for yourself today?
14.01.2022 Feeling like I’m back into my groove again. Thought I’d celebrate by breaking out the pencils. I’m enjoying the newness, curiosity and play How’s your Friday feeling?
12.01.2022 What to do on a rainy afternoon? Today, I decided to go to my ‘happy place’ and coloured in another heart in my self-care project. Thanks to everyone for their feedback on how I can offer them as part of a self-care package. I’m so enjoying this incubation and making stage So, what do you do to reach your ‘happy place’? How do you fill your energy and inspiration tank?... What small things or activities could you introduce into your day to give you an instant mood boost? Here’s to finding more happiness
12.01.2022 Welcome to this week’s self-care card pick for you . Out in the sunshine today Which Happy Heart Care card resonates with you? Go to the comments to read the messages on their backs and spot the cameo appearance of a friendly bee . Let me know which one you picked and how it resonates with you ... Want your own 20 card set to pick from? Head to the online Shop or save on postage by coming to the Melbourne Artisan Collective Armadale shop this Saturday to see the whole heart range and get a free chocolate tasting at the same time Here’s to remembering that we deserve love, kindness and care #innercreative #selflove #selfcare #melbournemade #cardoftheday #cardreading
11.01.2022 An interesting follow up to last week's 'Infinite Heart' mandala. This week's Mandala Inspiration is called 'Earth', and is inspired by the Grounding Chakra energy point. Its message: "Connect to the ground beneath your feet. Use its energy to steady and support you in following your dreams."... This week is an invitation to reflect and introduce: ~How can you connect to nature? It doesn't require much effort. Looking at a picture of a landscape scene has been found to produce a relaxing effect. No doubt it would be better if you could experience the real thing . If you can't get outside, look out at the sky, watch the clouds floating by, or notice want plants you can see from your window. ~How can you better support yourself in following your dreams? What habits or practices can you introduce or strengthen to give you the support you need? Remember to reach out to others for support as well. Here's to a well supported week ahead
11.01.2022 People keep asking me if I'm going to release another Mandala Inspiration calendar. And while I am holding off on creating a print version, I have another idea in mind. I'll let you in on what I have planned in the next week or so. But in the meantime, which calendar layout do you prefer? 1, 2,3 or 4? #mandalas #mandalaart #innercreative #calendar
11.01.2022 I'm so glad that yesterday's mysterious Mandala Inspiration resonated with so many of you - thank you While I have never shared this particular mandala before you may have already seen something very similar to it . I used the outline of this week's Mandala Inspiration to create two other versions - one in yellow and another in blue. These mandalas are my Christmas Star mandala cards. ... Their message is: "Shine bright like a star in the sky! Embrace all that is, and all that can be. You are a jewel in the Earth’s crown. Revel in your uniqueness, your gifts and your talents. Do not squander them, for they are yours to share with the world. Rejoice! The time for joy and celebration has come." This message is related to a time of festivity and celebration, which I appreciate is very different to what many are feeling right now. I believe that the original purply mandala version, while may have some similarities, asks us to go deeper and be more introspective (which is probably what this week is really asking of us). So, what are you doing to connect with your inner wisdom this week? How are you digging deep? And where can you harness and share your strengths? Lots of love
08.01.2022 Pinch and a punch it's the first of the month! Introducing the Mandala Inspiration Monthly Pack theme for April. It's all about creating Focus (and who doesn't need a bit of that ). This month's Mandala Inspiration Calendar Page features the Focus Mandala, inspired by the Third Eye Chakra. It invites us to bring greater awareness and more intention to how we live and work.... Purchase the Mandala Inspiration Monthly Pack and you'll instantly receive a download link to this Mandala Calendar Page digital pdf printable, a Phone Wallpaper featuring a hand-drawn heart illustration and affirmation, as well as other inspirational goodies delivered to your inbox during the month, such as uplifting messages from the heart, journal pages or visualisation audio. All of this is available for the introductory price of $12. Head to to make this yours today Here's to a more focused and intentional April! #mandalaart #mandala #innercreative #calendar #calendar2021
08.01.2022 Look after yourself. Treat yourself as you would a precious jewel. For You are a Treasure
07.01.2022 Happy new year! May it be a kinder year, full of much joy, good health and success This afternoon I luxuriated in cloud watching and contemplation . It’s amazing how different the sky can look over 15 minute intervals. ... No matter how permanent things appear, they are always changing. This past year reminded me that things are uncertain and subject to change. There are no guarantees. But it’s always been this way. Maybe I just woke up to my delusion . This realisation has changed the way I plan and measure my success. I now think big picture (What do I want from my life?) and small (How do I know that I’ve had a good day?), and then be willing to be flexible about the path that I take along the way. I’ve got a few new planing tools in the works, but today I’m focusing on the small things- my nightly journaling practice. And today is as good as any to add something new into the mix. I used to have a list of 5 questions that I asked myself each night for ages. Eventually, I got tired of them, so pared it back to gratitude (3 things) and an appreciation list about my family. I’m ready to add but still want to keep it simple. I want to measure the quality of my day (eg. What brought me joy?) and the impact on myself and others. No doubt I’ll figure something out. Do you keep a journal? Is it free form or structured with questions? And if the latter, what prompts or questions do you use? Wishing you a wonderful day that turns out into a much better year, and eventually into a very well-lived life. Happy 2021! Let’s hope it’s a good one
05.01.2022 This week's Mandala Inspiration is called 'Finding your Way.' It is from my early mandala collection. And its message is clear and simple: "You will find your way."... This week's message is a reminder that deep down you have what it takes to reach your goals. You will work it out. How would you feel if you knew that without any doubt that everything will work out ok? Would you behave or do anything differently if you had this certainty? Wishing you a steady week ahead
04.01.2022 Some mid-week inspo What are you doing to care for yourself and create your own 'temple of love' and peace? Stay well xx
03.01.2022 This week's Mandala Inspiration is called "Cleanse and Purify". It was the first Mandala Inspiration that I ever published on my Inner Creative website back in March 2016. (This seems like an eternity ago .) When I originally published this mandala online I didn't include a message. So today I sat with the Cleanse and Purify mandala to hear what it had to say. Its message is: "Relax. Release what is unwanted. Let it fall away.... Tune into joy and trust that relief is on its way. All is well." I hope that this mandala provides you with some comfort, and helps you release what no longer serves you. May you have a peaceful and rejuvenating week ahead. xx And if you're curious to see the mandala as I originally posted it (plus the new additional message) you can see it at:
03.01.2022 Sometimes we're so busy doing work and things for others that we can let our energy tank run low. How do you refill your cup? Here are some tips from METreat on ways to replenish and rest. One of my favourites is to take pictures of things that inspire me on my morning walk. It definitely helps me to notice and appreciate all of the beautiful things around me And if you're after some more extended rest and rejuvenation check out their upcoming March retreat. As an extra bonus you'll receive a Happy Hearts Care Card Deck in your retreat gift hamper
03.01.2022 Yesterday was the final day of the #cupofkindness experiment. So this prompt is very appropriate: 'Express gratitude and appreciation whenever you can.' Thank you for following along with me over the last 21 days. I am also super grateful for the love and support that I’ve received from all of you for my new Happy Hearts Care range Thank you ... I never expected that this is where I would land back in August, when I decided to draw some hearts at my kitchen table to nurture my soul while supervising home learning. It's been such an amazing adventure, full of learning and collaboration. I still revel that in only 3 weeks, a group of 5 entrepreneurial women were able to pull together a successful Pop Up shop, which was coincidentally perfect timing for my launch. Love it I am so indebted to the love and support that you've given me here. I wouldn't have had the courage to develop a product out of them if I hadn't received such an enthusiastic response to them. And a special thanks to everyone who has purchased their Happy Hearts Care Card Decks. It's thrilling to see them making their way out into the world. A testament to the power of love, kindness and care. So thank you I am ever so grateful to you. And while this #cupofkindness experiment wraps up, it doesn't mean that you can't keep practising self-care and kindness. So please remember to treat yourself as the precious jewel that you are.
02.01.2022 Q. When's the best time to start a new habit? A. Today. I don't believe in making new year's resolutions or waiting until a Monday or the first of the month to begin a new habit. I start whenever I feel inspired to make a change. And I start small.... I have been wanting to return to practising yoga for a while. There was a time when I used to have a regular yoga habit- going to classes a few times a week and when circumstances changed, I still practised yoga every weekday at home. And then I fell off the wagon. I have missed it, but there wan't enough fire in me to start it up again. This morning was different. During my morning walk I thought about how great it would be to start doing yoga again. 'So why can't I do something about it today?' And with that resolve, as soon as I got home I took off my shoes and socks and did 3 Salute to the Sun sequences. I know it's not much. But it's something. And I am wary of committing to doing too much too soon and then getting overwhelmed and quitting. I know that if I start small I can always add if I'm inspired to do more (that's how I built up my previous home yoga practice to 30mins every day). I also know that if I only commit to doing something small each day, on days when I don't feel like doing anything I'm more likely to be able to talk myself into doing this minimum and keep up my momentum so I'll show up again the next day. The other thing that I did was create accountability for myself. I'm a visual thinker, so I tore out a page out of my 12 Week Planner and promptly coloured in one of the weekday visual habit trackers. I get such a buzz when I colour in the shape after I've fulfilled my promise. To get extra bang for my buck I've now shared my intention with you (for some external accountability). While I won't be sharing my progress each day, I know that this commitment is out there and subject to 'So how's your new yoga habit going?' type questions in future. What's a new habit that you've been putting off starting and how can you make a small step towards putting it into action today (or if you're reading this in the evening, then tomorrow)? Share it in the comments if you want to have a little extra accountability. Let's get started together! Good luck! #habittracker #visualthinking #plannerlove #habits
02.01.2022 This week’s Mandala Inspiration holds a bit of a mystery. You see when I drew it 4 years ago, I didn’t write a title or message next to it in my sketchbook. I’ll sit with it this week to see what arises, but in the meantime what does it say to you? I’d love to know
01.01.2022 Wishing you all the best over the Easter holidays. If you’re still in Melbourne tomorrow (Saturday) and need last minute Easter gifts or a good chocolate fix, please pop into 50 Wattletree Rd, Armadale for a Melbourne Artisan Collective event hosted by the awesome Kylie from The Dessert Plate. I’ll be popping in with the family to try some of the chocolates being offered in the tasting . I’m always blown away by the range of chocolates Kylie has on offer. The Black Forest... dark chocolate block with raspberries is one of my faves. And I’m interested in checking out the pink gin chocolate and ginger beer chocolate. Who would have thought If you’ve been meaning to get one of my heart card decks or postcards, tomorrow is the day as they’ll also be available in the shop. The postcards are an especially good deal without the postage at $10 for a set of 4. Would be great to see you there. Enjoy the rest of your long weekend xx #gourmetfood #foodies #melbournefood #melbournefoodie #melbourneeats #melbournemade #armadale #easter2021 #eastereggs #eastertreats #eastergifts
01.01.2022 Kindness is contagious! We often underestimate how far our kind words or deeds will travel. So, it's nice to be able to show you a kindness chain in action :-) This all started back in July when I wrote a post about doing a mood boosting activity I call "Sharing the Love." It involves writing glowing recommendations or uplifting comments on another's social media post. I like to imagine that I'm a beacon of light, spreading positivity and love out into the world. I often this as a 'pick me' up when I'm feeling low or overwhelmed. I don't expect any other rewards beyond the initial good feeling boost. So, it was such a lovely surprise when I received an unexpected recommendation on my LinkedIn profile by the kind-hearted Karen Bleakley of Move to Australia & thrive with Smart Steps to Australia. I then did a thank you shout out, which lead Karen to post the following response on her Facebook page. As Karen messaged me after my shout out, "Your post the other week about sharing the love really inspired me so I spent time this afternoon giving recommendations (all because of you kick starting this circle of kindness!) and it felt amazing! I'm going to try to do one or two every day from now on!" I just love how the kindness chain continues to grow! And it also goes to show that we can never underestimate the ripple effect of our kindness. Sometimes we may be able to see the impact as in this case, but often we don't. So, if you're ever in doubt, choose kindness. Choose care. Choose patience. Choose compassion. Choose love. And when we shift our focus to being kind and doing good, we also reap the rewards. I'd love if you could also help this kindness chain continue- spend a few minutes today leaving some positive comments, recommendations, reviews, or thanks on someone's Facebook page. As Karen writes, "Leaving a recommendation or compliment on a service or shop or restaurant means everything to a small business." May you keep shining your light and spreading kindness in the world
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