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Inner Focus Therapy in Balaclava, Victoria, Australia | Psychotherapist

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Inner Focus Therapy

Locality: Balaclava, Victoria, Australia

Phone: +61 414 703 791

Address: Lvl 2/332a Carlisle Street 3183 Balaclava, VIC, Australia


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19.01.2022 No matter how spiritually woke we may think we are, we still have deeper issues which can only be worked out within the context of relationship. Left alone, we settle in to comfortable patterns that limit the range of our emotional awareness and personal expression. However, once we step out of our comfort zone and open up to others, previously unnoticed/ denied aspects of ourselves begin to emerge. At first, they make waves in the calm waters of our hearts, evoking passion... and excitement. But when we let them in deeply enough, it’s like stirring up a pool of still water - all the heavy and messy things which settled at the bottom of our awareness are forced to emerge to the surface. When our otherwise hard-to-reach issues get stirred up for us to look at, we have an opportunity to embrace these fragmented parts of ourselves, to become more integrated and whole. This is a blessing in disguise, albeit a challenging one. Intimate relationships demand a depth of intensity and vulnerability which is the fuel for both transcendent passion and crippling conflict. This is why many esoteric teachings point to the polar couple/ twin flame archetype as the most powerful of alchemical unions. Intimate relationships have the potential for astoundingly accelerated transformation. Whether that transformation leads to conscious evolution or unconscious sabotage depends entirely on each person’s individual state of Being. If you and your partner aren’t engaged in sincere, deep, holistic self-work, there can only be 2 outcomes for this kind of relationship. Either you and your partner will settle in to a relatively comfortable but very limited relationship of matrix-based pleasures and pursuits where your dysfunctions harmonize, but leave little room for expansion of the soul OR the relationship will dissolve to make way for something greater in your life. This is the case with the vast majority of relationships in the world, which is why people are often so dissatisfied in relationships. However, if you and your partner are committed to nurture the healing alchemical fire within each other, the richness of this kind of relationship is extraordinary! But be warned! It would be best if you’ve both prepared yourselves individually beforehand through many years & many methods of self-work because this kind of relationship will test you like nothing you’ve ever experienced. The fire from this kind of love burns away everything that is not love. You will be forced to face your demons AND your partner’s, because true love doesn’t give you what you want, it gives you what you need.~ ~Humberto Braga

14.01.2022 Dangerous combo if not coupled with good psychotherapy. Even with the aid of psychedelics, the body's innate intelligence can only release as much trauma/information as is tolerable at any one time. Bombarding the system with these chemicals may cause an override to our control measures; leaving the client overloaded and incapable of processing everything that has been released.

07.01.2022 May you fall in love with someone who knows your worth. May you find the kind of love that won’t use you to fill their emptiness. May you never lose hope in l...ove. Ivette Caburnay Screenshots from Daniel Sloss’ Jigsaw Puzzle show on Netflix.

07.01.2022 Relevant. Enjoy isolation!

04.01.2022 Every single thing always works out even when you don’t understand it at the moment. You can look back at past experiences and be grateful that certain things didn’t work out because you wouldn’t be where you are. Be grateful. Whatever you’re going through now will pass. You are a miracle. Life is a miracle. Everything around you is all miraculous. Once you see things from this perspective you’ll feel a sense of peace that you don’t have to try so hard to control everything.... Let go and trust in the higher power to guide you. Surrender your worries. Give up your doubt. Let yourself be free from resistance. Faith and fear can’t occupy the same space. Decide to believe in yourself and watch magical things start to happen in your life. Stop overthinking, worrying, and stressing yourself out. Everything will be okay. It might seem like it at the moment when you’re in the midst of everything, but when you let go and feel that sense of inner ease great things will begin to happen for you. Ease is a state of trust and a powerful way of allowing. Your faith has to be strong in believing that you can manifest and receive what you want. All your requests and deep desires has been received by the universe. You efforts, your visualizations, and your prayers have been heard. You sent the signal out, now you just have to trust and be patient as your blessings begin to flow into your life. Don't think about how it will happen, that's not for you to worry about. Put it out there and let it happen. The universe picks up vibrations and those in gratitude, joy, and love for what they want to receive get them. The grateful get showered in blessings. Instead of overthinking, align your faith with divine timing and trust that everything that belongs in your life is making its way towards you right now. Don't block what's coming by thinking negatively. What you want has been on the way, but your worry, doubt, and lack of trust has been slowing down the process. Start releasing and start receiving. You've got this.~ ~ Idil Ahmed

01.01.2022 We believe we are seeking happiness in love, but what we are really after is familiarity. We are looking to re-create with our adult relationship, the very feelings we knew so well in childhood - and which were rarely limited to just tenderness and care. The love most of us will have tasted early on came entwined with other, more destructive dynamics: feelings of wanting to help an adult who was out of control, of being deprived of a parent's warmth or scared of his or her a...nger, or of not feeling secure enough to communicate our trickier wishes. How logical, then, that we should as adults find ourselves rejecting certain candidates not because they are wrong but because they are a little to right - in the sense of seeming somehow excessively balanced, mature, understanding and reliable - given that, in our hearts, such rightness feels foreign and unearned. We chase after more exciting others, not in the belief that life with them will be more harmonious, but out of an unconscious sense that it will be reassuringly familiar in its patterns of frustrations. -Alain Botton

01.01.2022 Nature's accidents are the Universe's way of throwing chance into a system which would die of too much orderliness. Hurricanes, droughts, floods and volcano eruptions are all Mother Natures way of stirring up the pot to prevent stagnation and putrefaction. A world without them would be a world of death. Floods, fires and earthquakes all destroy and renew, kill and create, demolish and replant. So too riots, revolutions and wars are societies' way of throwing chance into their... systems, which are dying of too much orderliness. And like Nature's eruptions, these too destroy and renew, kill and create, demolish and replant. And so too, with individuals. Human beings need in their lives earthquakes and floods and riots and revolutions, or we grow as rigid and unmoving as corpses...

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