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Kylie Wilson

Phone: +61 407 658 596


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25.01.2022 Would you like to enhance your upcoming event with the element of Sacred Sound? Collaboration is a powerful offering to the world, now more than ever! Whether you have a class, workshop, sacred circle, retreat or event, I'd love to hear from you to share ideas and discern if my sound alchemy could support the magick you are offering your guests.... I can offer; a relaxing, soft sound bath focused on gentle healing, or a more powerful activating journey with Light Language and Codes, or something specific to suit your spcecial event. Co-creation is fun and fulfilling and a powerful way to catalyse more shifts in our collective! Please comment or message if this sparks an interest

24.01.2022 A big read, but LOADED with intriguing insights that may or may not resonate, but offers an interesting shift in perception.

24.01.2022 The shit-show rollercoster.... I sharing this because I know at least 5 other people personally that will relate to this, so there must be more. I'm having all sorts of feelings & emotions come out of no-where, much more intensly than usual over the last 2 weeks. ...Continue reading

24.01.2022 Spontaneous video about how communication (in person & devices) are going hay-wire!

23.01.2022 Let us all Beware , the spiritual ego , just a slight seemingly real, step up from human wounded ego. Another trick of separation . That cleverness , new und...erstanding , that new clarity can trick, the self into an unconscious, superiority, played out in our field . It’s the part that has attachment to numbers, initial reactions , followings , Who’s noticing , who’s inviting, who’s listening , etc . Am I In my own lane , am I in my own womb , am I in gratitude for that shared space or am I attempting to dominate the space and do I have unconscious agenda playing out here. Am I simply sharing or am I attempting to do something else . Collapsing labels of one frequency can also trick the human into attaching to a label of a perceived higher frequency . Notes to self first and foremost

22.01.2022 You are not what Others think you are. You are who you chose to be. It matters not what others believe... there is much freedom to be experienced when you stop needing external approval and believe in yourself regardless of what others think....

22.01.2022 RETREAT IS BACK ON!! With unexpected enthusiasm this morning - I have been called to find another venue and still run my retreat! With the fires majorly damaging Damian's retreat centre last week, everything went on hold, unsure of what my next move was, unsure if I needed to go in a different direction. ... This week I've been through a heavy few days of inner 'work' BUT this morning I woke to the guidance loud and clear that the energy of the weekend 19th - 21st is calling me still, and calling for us to gather in sacred space to work with, through and as, the energies emerging from beyond. So..... things have been altered: just 2 nights now, (Friday arvo to Sunday arvo) new location near Mandurah new price $690pp new energy and focus. new guest limit of 9 We will be guided through spontaneity as a co-creative experience of new-ness. That's where the magick is!!!!! Check out the updated event page: ONLY 4 SPACES AVAILABLE STARTS IN 1 WEEK!!! LETS RIDE THIS WAVE OF SPONTANEOUS CREATIVITY!!!

20.01.2022 December 2020 culmination: DNA expression: Becoming the New Paradigm. If you want to be a part of my Ancestral DNA De-Coding Ceremony then don't delay in securing one of the last few spaces available. We are All Systems Go!

20.01.2022 EVENT PREDICTION - ALCHEMY OF HISTORY My dream time has been especially hectic lately. I recall certain themes without many details but I know my Soul has been busy! Then the next day or 2 I'll see posts of other Earth Warriors that confirm what I had just experienced in the astral realm....Continue reading

20.01.2022 ** This** Is going to be so much fun... and off the charts powerful!!!! Not one, but TWO powerhouses of sound, alchemy and magick bringing cosmic and earth frequencies together into a weaving of newness

19.01.2022 another one - on point Hannah!

19.01.2022 Last couple of days have been heavy on the mind, thoughts and feelings of helplessness, that I have run out of faith in myself and the world. The feeling of numbness in my mind, of being useless and lost in a world gone crazy. Triggered by things disappearing, plans being whipped away, and no where to go but within.... Thus the time to face oneself again, to feel and witness the next layer of my thoughts, my limitations, my beliefs, to question what it is I really want and WHY. Do I really want those things and experiences or is that what I am programmed to think I want? What is me and what is not? I know it’s a transition, a breaking of my mind (again) from the self destructing foundations of the reality we’ve called life. The dissonance and fracturing is uncomfortable, yet a tiny voice in me was able to remind myself that this is an opportunity. An opportunity for the boundaries that have previously told me what is possible and my go-to answers to try and fix it all, to dissipate away.... as they are all old patterns that do no uphold my true nature. I arrive one step closer to reaching a space to which I can create beyond what I thought before, reaching farther into possibilities not confined to this world which is stretched to it’s own confining limits, with a humanity that is ripe to burst at the seams out of the chrysalis. We don’t really know what’s going on, but what we do have is each other. We have our awareness, our spark of life, and each other. I don’t have any answers. But I know I’m still here, and I exist regardless of what ever confinement my outer reality tries to contain me in. I am present. I am ready. I am here with you. Kylie

19.01.2022 As ‘outside’ Intensifies...and it will, we are each called to find the silent space Within as often as possible. Go to yOUR heART where no problem/reaction/or actions exist. Hold the highest frequency you are able, then respond As ‘outside’ Intensifies...and it will, we are each called to find the silent space Within as often as possible. Go to yOUR heART where no problem/reaction/or actions exist. Hold the highest frequency you are able, then respond

19.01.2022 Super Duper relevent and feeling this myself and for recet clients!

18.01.2022 There is nothin like charging up your morning with a sesh of heavy weight training. It offers you a feeling you can't get from cardio or high rep training. . . I'm not one for posting gym pics. But I'm proud of today's achievement: 110kg 1RM deadlift.... . . Whats 1RM? It's One Rep Max. How heavy can you go if you just have to lift it once? Today with a deadlift, that was 110kg's. . . Anyways, had to snap this moment for myself and thought it might inspire others to explore the world of weight training. . . It's a sure fast way to ground yourself in your body & in the Now, and ignite an awareness of physical power maybe you didn't realise you had! . . #strength #1RM #presentmoment #grounded #earthwarrior See more

15.01.2022 CRISIS OF LEADERSHIP & THE RISE OF NEW EARTH LEADERS : This is my personal view and observation: in the midst of all the 2020 confusion, fear and anger I've bee...n noticing many people with big online following using their voice and influence to steer people into the direction of their own beliefs. Spiritualists, yogis, celebrities, politicians etc.. Not only that, I've even seen them openly and subtly shaming those with a different opinion. : I have to admit that some of them triggered lots of disappointment and even anger within me. I sat with it. Sometimes even dared to voice my view and it didn't go very well. It's ok. : But, I do not see leadership in someone *telling* me that I *should* stand *against* someone or something. I do not see leadership in someone shaming and labelling as crazy a person or group with a different opinion. I do not see a leader in someone mocking people who promote 'doing your own research'. I do not see as leader someone who wants followers. : For me a TRUE leader, a New Earth Leader, is someone who doesn't desire to be followed, they are simply inspiring by being themselves. A true leader leads by example and teaches SOVEREIGNTY, assists you in thinking and feeling for yourself. A true leader's highest desire is for you to find *your own truth* and anchor in it - and at the same time have the openness and flexibility to see when that truth might need to shift. A true leader will do everything they can, to empower you so that you will not depend on them! One of the highest values of a true leader is INTEGRITY. That's what's needed now. Authentic Leaders who inspire the awakening of more leaders. : Authentic New Earth Leadership is SELF-LEADERSHIP. It's leading through action AND frequency. For me true leadership is standing FOR love, acceptance and peace. Even when we are triggered into judgement, anger and whatnot - because that happens coz we are humans. But in the end we sit with it, we hold that emotion, inquire and then envelop it in compassion and love. : Thank you for reading till the end, I truly and deeply appreciate you and your presence. All of this is my own opinion. We don't need to agree and we can still hold each other in LOVE. hugs, Maja

14.01.2022 Perth Soul Friends, If you could dream up the perfect regular Soul Circle, what would that look like? What type of activities gets you inspired? ... What would nurture your soul at this time? I have inspiration to create a regular sacred circle that supports authentic community while offering an array of elements & experiences. But I also want to make it relevant and not just rehash what's been done before. So I'm researching what people are seeking right now, and would deeply appreciate your views in this quick 2 minute questionnaire: Thanks for your time and support and I look forward to manifesting this next vision! Kylie x

14.01.2022 Epic Sound Journey and Activation on offer this Sunday down in Mandurah! I can feel the energy building - it's gonna be a big one! I'm super excited to be gathering in the Equinox energy and will be taking full advantage of what's on offer for us! See you there x

09.01.2022 I have two events coming up in Mandurah, backed by the next power day - our Spring Equinox! Indulge your calling to express sound in a 3hr workshop and journey into your own Light Language and Cosmic Sounds. OR... Relax and rejuvinate as you immerse yourself in a deep Sacred Sound Activation & Shamanic journey. OR Come to both! Bookings are essential and only 2 weeks away on Sunday 20th Sept. If you feel your ready to take things up a notch then these events are not to be missed!

08.01.2022 Boy o' boy how is this month starting out for you? Some pretty powerful energies are flowing within and without - and we are being asked to come into Agreement ...with all things. The last 2 days I have personally been completely 'unplugged' and it got a bit scary! But today I'm feeling on fire and know it's all in preparation for what is coming... The intesnity is going to increase even more especially as we reach the Equinox and the 22nd. What I can promise you is that a powerful space of integrity will be created and held so that this Dragon Dreaming journey can offer you the most activation, healing and integration in alignment with the best interests of your individual needs. The alchemy will be palpable. My intention is to open and hold strongly Sacred StarGates through Time with the fullest of integrity, offering an opportunity for you to explore and FEEL more of your own cosmic truth and sovereign power. I think the dragons are helping me articulate these words! I feel their presence, their power, their no-bull-shit attitude! I'm so looking forward to gather in all our awesomeness - to be, to feel, & to know more of what we are through the powerful alchmeny of Sound. Please be sure to book before the event - just shoot me through a message to reserve a spot xx

07.01.2022 yOur Freedom is in the Now. That's it. In this now moment you have total choice.... It is an illusion that you are stuck. You are not stuck. You are life. You are freedom. You are Energy in Motion (E-Motion) You are ~complete~ as you are right now.

07.01.2022 Yesterday afternoon I was really REALLY feeling so out of alignment from the paradigm being deconstructed. When I'm on my own, doing things I like, or with other conscious friends, that's totally fine. But when my kids come home from their dads or school, and interact with the world in a way I have tried to avoid (for me and them), or when I feel I have to do tasks linked to obligation in the simulated Earth, I realised I go into a state of anxiety.... Until yesterday I would get upset with myself for this. But the penny dropped that it's because my true nature and frequency signature does not, can not, just sueeze itself into the old paradigm any more. Yet my life still requires me to weave in and out of the old and my new. I look forward to this 'Great Re-set' although i have no idea what that would look like nor am i holding my breath. But gee, I certainly realised by reading this how much it would help the parts of me that struggle to interface with this reality!

06.01.2022 Really encouraging, perfectly timed message. I've felt resonance with some of these themes since Jan19... so good to hear this pep talk!

06.01.2022 A bit of morning humor!

05.01.2022 In the face of adversity: Be courageous enough to ask - "what else is there"

05.01.2022 Tuesday and Wednesday were 2 of the most intense days I've experienced all year. I felt like a zombie - totally detached from the outer world, detached from my personal world and reality itself. Today I have 'landed' and I can reflect; I feel like my brain and mind were completely unplugged for 2 days as I felt many thought patterns flying around over and over but no where to land - nothing to effect - I couldn't even catch them myself to understand what was going on. It was... quite disturbing - immencely depressive - and totally doscombobulating. I know I was not the only one experiencing similar intensity. A close friend and a few healers around the world reporting concurring feelings at least helped me realise this was collective and I was not going mad for reals this time.... The below insight makes a lot of sense now that I'm on the other side of those freaky 2 days of not wanting to be here in any aspect at all! Another layer of the re-set onion!

04.01.2022 If you would like to retain the RIGHT TO CHOOSE if you have the Cov Vax.... If you would like to CHOOSE FOR YOUR CHILDREN if they have the Cov Vax.... If you wo...uld like to ensure no future vaccines are forced upon you, your children, and your grandchildren, then you need to take action NOW. Here is a good place to start: This petition is asking our AUS government to ensure the Cov Vax remains voluntary and that NO DISCRIMINATION can be applied by government or businesses as to whether you have had the Cov vax or not. IF WE LET THEM MANDATE THIS ONE, IT WILL SET A PRECEDENT AND THEN YOU CAN SAY GOODBY TO ANY AUTOMONY WE HAVE LEFT OVER OUR OWN BODIES!!!! With nearly 72K signatures already, this can not go unoticed. PETITION CLOSES at midnight so get signing. note that there is no age limit, you only need to be an Australian Citizen or resident, and have an email address to verify. Make your voice heard!! You are note alone!! Protect your rights!!

02.01.2022 Could not have said this better!!

01.01.2022 This makes me laugh every time

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