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Inner Guiding Light

Phone: +61 400 156 508


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25.01.2022 During times of uncertainty, make the shift from worry to calm as I channel messages, healing and connection, allow the peaceful energy to restore your balance. Learn more about a healing session, Reiki and how my channelling can support you. Call or PM me on Facebook at Inner Guiding Light... Gaynor 0400156508 I have a few spaces available this week

25.01.2022 Hi everyone, I just thought I’d give you all a heads up to watch this space.....things are loosening up and the Reiki room will be opening again soon for treatments, I will keep you posted on a date. Meanwhile Distant Reiki sessions are holding strong and I still have a couple of appointments free this week if anyone would like one, just send me a message or text 0400156508

25.01.2022 How exciting....7 days to go and a couple of spaces left for Level 1 Reiki You are spirit first and foremost living a human experience on this is the time to awaken and remember who you are and why you are here. If you want to reconnect to the essence of you and learn how to find those answers that are within, whilst learning this Ancient healing, then shoot me a message and book in. ... 0400156508 See more

24.01.2022 I’m getting excited! It’s only four weeks away and I will be sharing this wonderful weekend workshop with some beautiful souls. Are you wanting a deeper connection to soul? Are you wondering where you are going in your life? ... If you are feeling led to discover more along your journey then come and join us so you can re-connect and learn the peaceful en-lightening modality of Reiki. There are a couple of spaces left so be quick and book in. Enjoy your day

24.01.2022 I am excited to be offering a Reiki Level 1 Workshop in August 2020. Are you ready to connect to your divine self? Come and learn the art of healing and open the doorway and find the answers to your questions. ... Please contact me so I can book you in and hold that Sacred space for you. Namaste

23.01.2022 Do you have a pet, how are they going? These past few weeks have been challenging to say the least, we humans have struggled with our change in circumstances and are learning new ways to interact with each other from a distance. However, have you thought about your pet, how are they coping with the change to their daily routine? ... Are they missing all those people that used to come and visit or are coping with the company of their human home all day? I have connected with many animals over the years and had great success, bringing comfort not only to the animals but insight for their humans as well. Please send me a message either PM or text 0400156508 if you would like an appointment


22.01.2022 The more you put into your learning and understanding of you, the more you grow! I am running a morning workshop this coming Saturday, which will give you many tools to start you on your way with information and practices to connect you back to your core.....when you use these regularly they will become your cornerstone, and be your firm foundation from which to build the temple of you! There are some spaces left, if you are interested contact me, I would love to see you ...there! 0400 156 508 See more

20.01.2022 Good morning beautiful souls. I want to thank you all for your wonderful support, especially over these past trying months. I have greatly enjoyed giving distant Reiki to some amazing people, some of whom have become regular Interstate Clients now I am excited to announce the Official Re-opening of the Reiki Room doors for local Clients, it will be lovely having face to face chats again. Give me a call or message me to make your booking. 0400156508 ... Also I am holding another Reiki Level 1 Workshop on the 22/23rd August, so if you are interested please contact me as there are a couple of spaces left. I hope you all have a wonderful day and remember to take that 10 minutes out of your day to go outside and connect with Nature to ground yourself. Namaste

19.01.2022 A perfect day I have been thinking tonight how we are all different and how we dance to our own tune. It takes many threads of all different colours and textures to be woven into our being to make us who we are........our unique essence. No one else can sing your song it is just for you. ... So celebrate your uniqueness! See more

18.01.2022 This is such a great message, we all need to love ourselves enough, Happy Monday!

18.01.2022 Quick reminder, tonight is the night to pop your crystals out for a recharge

14.01.2022 Hi everyone, today I want to redirect your thoughts to the start of the day. I have been doing this for a while now especially these past 2 weeks as a form of blessing and anointing myself in preparation for the day ahead. We are all feeling a bit disconnected from ourselves as more and more restrictions are placed upon us for our safety, so why not give yourself the best start to the day..more than ever we have the time to do this now! So I have been doing a full body Aroma...therapy sweep after my shower and for those of you that don’t know what I’m talking about let me explain.. I have a small glass bowl that sits next to my bed and I have my beautiful DoTerra oils and my Liquid Coconut oil. I have my shower and then each day I choose my oils, the coconut oil is the base carrier oil and then I choose which blend I want for that day (today it is Frankincense, Lemon, Peppermint and Geranium) I make my mix and then I start at the top and work my way down. I take some blended oil and rub it between my hands and then rub it on my face and neck thinking how blessed I am to have eyes that see clearly, ears to hear, nose to smell, mouth to taste and speak my truth and then my neck that holds my head up. I then work my way down my arms and thanking them for all they do for me and I think of all the babies they have held and people they have hugged and down I go thanking each part of my body and anointing it for doing such an amazing job over these 59 years. I don’t miss one part of my body and I love each bit along the way and don’t forget your back. I am grateful for my stretch marks for they are a blessing from my children, I am grateful for my hips and legs my knees and so on it goes right down to my feet for supporting me and carrying me along this well worn path and new paths that stretch before me. (when you do the bottom of your feet please put socks or shoes on so you don’t go slipping on the floor) If you can do this each day you will find that you feel more grounded and you will actually start liking/loving yourself more than before, isn’t that what we are meant to be doing.if we don’t love ourselves then we cant expect others to. Lets start loving ALL of ourselves not just the bits we show to others. I hope you find this helpful and enjoy the process, the first time I did it I could not believe how great it made me feel for the whole day! Much love, stay safe and happy oiling! Namaste

13.01.2022 Morning all, this morning I was up at 6 and did my meditation, after as I was writing in my journal my husband came out and said ‘look at this’ and promptly opened the curtains. I was absolutely amazed.....everything was shrouded in a purple hue! Things are moving fast at the moment and changing rapidly, it is important we keep up with the flow and not resist these beautiful gifts we are given. Look around you and you will be amazed at what you will see. May you all have a wonderful day today and remember do that one special thing that reconnects you back to you. Nature is the key. Namaste

13.01.2022 Happy Sunday Everyone

13.01.2022 Last night at 7pm I sat in my my warm Reiki sacred space. The candles were lit, the Crystals were sparkling and the table warming, the music was on and I had smudged the room along with myself. I cleared my energy and connected to my guides, I put my ego self aside and asked for the best healing to come through me, as I had Client that would be receiving a distant Reiki session at 7.30pm. ... A distant Reiki goes ahead exactly as if you were here, you are asked to be in a quiet place in your own home (preferably lying down) for the whole hour so that you can feel the energy as it comes to you. I have been doing more distant Reiki since the restrictions have been placed upon us all and the receiving clients have been really pleased with the experience and given great feedback. I always follow a session with an email detailing what I find. If you would like to have a Channeled Reiki Healing session please contact me here or message me on 0400156508 I would love to hear from you and book a sacred healing time just for you That was BEAUTIFUL. XX Evelyn, Tasmania Thank you so much for your email and follow up. I have never experienced distant healing before and was astonished at what you picked up. All your comments on treatment and findings throughout the session made perfect sense to me and having had time to reflect and settle with the session I am feeling less blocked Diana, Victoria

13.01.2022 Good morning everyone! It gets a little shaky at the end but I’m sure with practice I will improve

12.01.2022 I was woken at 1 on the Full micro moon and went outside to bathe in her beautiful rays and took some photos as it was like daylight out there. It was so peaceful and calm and I could feel her energy I have since looked at the photos and you can see her beautiful Aura #nofilter... #lifeisawesome See more

12.01.2022 Merry Christmas 2020 has been rough, at times it’s been.......real damn tough Throughout the year we have come together, and some emotions we’ve had to weather The year is ending, it is nigh, and with great thanks we say goodbye ... The New Year coming, is not far now, new energy it brings, let’s make a vow To work our magic and go within, and find our essence to take the win Responsible for our soul’s a must, if you can only find the trust To walk your talk and move ahead, you do the work and find your thread Weave it through your essence then, for this will bring about your Zen If you do find that things get tough, or a even just a little rough, this is the time to stop.....take stock, rejoice......for you will just unlock The flow will happen once again, now’s the time.....pick up your pen Record your journey, you can compare, and now you will become aware I thank you all so very much, for your support and gentle touch It’s such a treat to walk this road, with wonderful souls to share the load My wish for you this time of year, is hold each other.....oh so dear! Stay safe my friends and make amends, come ride with me, let’s all transcend 2021 will stun, the sooner here the sooner come, let’s not make it ‘hit and run’ if you want a one-on-one, then message me and start the race and this will help you keep the pace My time is up and I am done, big love for you and everyone

11.01.2022 Sometimes it’s the littlest things that bring you great joy! This is my mornings treasure all wet and covered with dew, even those tiny droplets amaze me that they can be so small yet so perfect. It reminds me that regardless of our size or shape, colour or creed, each and every one of us is a unique treasure. What can you do today for yourself, that will show you your unique treasure? ... Can you take 15 minutes out of your 14-15 hour day to connect to your centre? I know this may be scary for most, in fact I can say ‘I know how that feels’, because that was me 30 years ago. That first step is always the hardest but once taken you never have to take it again and you will be on a path that is so interesting, full of discoveries that will amaze you. We all have so much more inside us than we know, it’s like unwrapping a present each time, sometimes you get something that you think ‘mmm, not my favourite thing’ but eventually you will see, that is quite often the best gift ever. We can complicate our life with so much, refusal or fear or rejection or anger this list goes on, but when you stop and look from a different angle they are perfect opportunities to delve a little deeper and find who you really are under all these layers that you have wrapped yourself in. Life is like one big ‘pass the parcel’ with so many wrappings and each one we take off we learn and discover a little bit more about ourselves and get that bit closer to our essence. All this from a feather.....who would have thought! May you all have a blessed day and be brave and unwrap the next layer.

09.01.2022 I wasn’t sure why I needed to put this up today.....I have been thinking about the Worlds events I suppose and then was told by my guides that I need to share this with you all and so I never question anymore. As I look back on my life there have been some huge personal events that I thought ‘I am not going to make it through this one’. I obviously did and it’s only looking back that I can see they were the pivotal point of change of direction for me. ... Some of those things were the hardest to get through but now I give thanks for them, they woke me up to my true path. None of us are immune to such events, but if I had one word to share with you all it’s gives us ‘the heads up’ beforehand usually, and that is the time to listen to your heart and intuition, step back and really look at what is being presented.....then you can make an informed decision about your direction, don’t wait for the huge event to manifest. I am sure there are some of you saying ‘but that’s not always the case’ and yes I have to say my biggest wake up call......there was no warning and I had no control over it. But I learnt so much from that one event, that changed me forever and I have to say it is my most sacred scar, we all have them! Carry them proudly for what they have done for you, like me they may still trigger such sadness and emotion....but review it and learn from it, be aware and know that one day you will be able to help someone else who maybe going through something similar. Pass it forward with love

09.01.2022 Good morning on this beautiful day. A little gift to you from our garden


08.01.2022 The card I pulled today is ‘The Vision Quest’. Are you on a vision quest? ... Are you finding time to spend in nature quietly alone and getting in touch with who you are? Or are you too busy in life? We all need to make time and room in our day for some quiet time out in nature reconnecting to our roots of who we are. If you can and quiet your mind you’ll be amazed at the messages you hear within yourself.....there are always important messages trying to get through to us, we just need to make the time to hear them. So hop off the couch or move away from your desk, leave your phone inside and go outside for 15 minutes....set your intention and ask for guidance. Listen to the sounds of nature all around you and see if you can feel mother earths heartbeat. That 15 minutes will set your day up for success! Have a great one

08.01.2022 Morning everyone, what a glorious morning to wake up to. Hope you have a beautiful day planned and can have some special time in there just for you to connect. Look for the affirmation signs that are a gift for you

08.01.2022 It has been a few weeks since I touched base with you and a lot has happened in that time, for us all. I hope you are coping with the current situation that we find ourselves in, I know for some, it is taking a toll and being in isolation has impacted people’s lives and livelihoods in one way or another. With this in mind I feel guided to offer my services as an Intuitive Reiki Healer for a distant healing session to anyone who would like to partake. ... I have been doing distant Reiki healing for Clients Interstate for quite a few years now with great feedback and over the course of this next week I would like to offer some free sessions which will be followed up with confirmation email. If you feel you would like to receive the benefits of a calming intuitive Reiki session in the comfort of your own home then please PM me and we can arrange a time that suits us both. I hope you all have a blessed day and stay safe. Big love to you

08.01.2022 Looking in from the outside you could say that yesterday was spent with me facilitating a workshop......however..... it was so much more than that. It was a coming together of beautiful souls in a sacred women’s circle sharing and learning how to access inner wisdom, and build the strong foundations of their own temple. It was such an honour to prepare all that was needed, Sacred space, the peaceful quiet setting, safe comfortable environment, information booklet to take, delicious healthy food and beverages and calling in the support of the Divine with our Ancestors, Guides and Angels. We all learnt so much (I love that I learn something every time I hold a group of women in circle ) and we had fun together, enjoying the support of each other while learning how to access; your intuition your inner child (and what to do with her) setting your sacred energy boundary cleansing your chakras grounding and connecting into Mother Earth Meditation I am looking forward to facilitating this ‘Discover your Essence’ workshop again and already have 2 girls that couldn’t make yesterday but keen to participate in the future. I am inviting you to join with me and a small group of like minded women, and allow me to guide you together along the road back to your individual essence, while you discover your unique soul song that will lift you up and guide you in your daily life. Contact me to book your space. 0400 156 508 When women join together, magic happens Wishing you a blessed and happy day.

07.01.2022 I have been a little quiet of late as I have been working towards my Reiki 1 workshop that I am holding this weekend. I have spent today setting up this perfect venue ‘Riverdance’ in Crabtree you can hear the river in the background, so peaceful. I’m really excited to be able to hold sacred space and share this beautiful modality with these lovely ladies. ... Wishing you all a wonderful weekend

07.01.2022 We are going through some major planetary shifts in these past couple of weeks with another big week coming up......have you been feeling tired or unwell....these shifts bring things up to the surface and highlights a lot for us that we can discount. Now would be a great time to take notice of what is coming up for you. Have you thought about looking inside yourself for your answers? A journey to your heart is refreshing and rewarding, it gives you direction and brings bal...m to your soul. What more could your soul want? Learning Reiki is a great way to re-discover what you ‘already know’ in your DNA but have forgotten along the way through daily life. It re-connects you back to yourself and brings an inner peace, all this great benefit whilst learning an ancient tradition of healing! If you have any questions or would like to book into the next Reiki 1 workshop in August then please contact me and I would be more than happy to help

06.01.2022 I am excitedly setting up Sacred Space for my workshop tomorrow......nearly done and then on with the cooking!

06.01.2022 Hi everyone, I have been asked by a few to post a longer video with the singing bowl sounds/vibrations. I hope you are all staying well. Enjoy the peace (and frogs) for nearly 7 minutes. Namaste

05.01.2022 Following up on yesterday’s post I thought I would share a little bit of my fun side, hope you enjoy.

03.01.2022 Next instalment! When I finished I sat down, looked up and there was a Falcon flying right above me (my totem)

02.01.2022 As this long year is coming to an end, it has made me think about the growth that we’ve all made and what hidden treasures we have discovered within. What have you discovered this year about who you are? Have you found your hidden treasure in your core centre....your essence? ... As you move forward into the New Year, what will you do with them? If you find you need help to discover your Essence and your gifts then come for a healing session or one of the workshops I am holding in 2021, I would love to help you....find you. During this year my teacher asked us all ‘What is your why? My response was to channel ‘my why’ and wrote this this is my intention for the New Year. May blessings abound for you and your families as you tread a new path into 2021

01.01.2022 I’m having the best day and I hope you are too..........just wanted to share the love! May you feel the sun on your shoulders, the breeze on your face and the love of good friends. I am so grateful for so much and have started by saying 5 things I am grateful for before I get out of bed and 5 more before I go to sleep, I hope this inspires you

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