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Inner Healing with Karina in Alice Springs, Northern Territory | Alternative & holistic health service

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Inner Healing with Karina

Locality: Alice Springs, Northern Territory

Phone: +61 408 031 134


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25.01.2022 I wish this space holding for all of us, especially those of us brave enough to face our demons and walk through our own healing.

25.01.2022 From the outside, it doesn’t look like I’ve had an eventful year but internally I have been through some seriously intense change and transformation. I guess in my early years of healing, I was so overwhelmed by what I was feeling I was desperate for someone to come along and help. Trouble is I handed it all over to someone else and I couldn’t work out why it wasn’t helping. It wasn’t until I stopped handing over the reigns of my healing to others that things changed. I start...Continue reading

25.01.2022 Oh my goodness. I just had to share. I have been backwards and forwards and backwards and forwards about my professional life. Obviously some fear there, layered up tight and blocking me from seeing the bigger picture. The bigger picture clicked in today and I can’t believe how good it feels. So I’m a teacher but I am also a Forensic Healer and a writer. I knew I had to go back to teaching but I wasn’t ready to let go of healing or writing. The blockages were coming from my ...inability to see how I was going to make all of this happen with balance. I have been doing some heavy clearing lately and I was starting to get bogged down in it all. It’s funny how the simplest things can change the whole trajectory of your life. I happened on a course in Art therapy. I immediately resonated with it as art is a perfect way to help children but anyone express what they need to when healing so I see my attaining this qualification is going to absolutely compliment me as a teacher, healer and writer. I had also been struggling with business names and basically knowing with clarity how everything was going to integrate. Have a business name (my name which will work for all aspects of what I offer). I have also found someone who is going to create a logo for my business which has an energetic element that I love. This birds eye view has allowed me to let go of the fear and wholeheartedly trust in everything playing out.

24.01.2022 Yep, this one takes a while to come to terms with but when you do, everything changes.

23.01.2022 I had the most gorgeous morning. I can feel that I’ve pulled through the fear and grief of leaving everyone and everything I know behind. I can feel my power returning and I’ve noticed from my journaling that I am really being blessed by life at the moment. It almost feels like life is reassuring me of the blessings of this move. The blessings will outweigh the challenges and the challenges will make me grow and dig a little deeper into who I really am. So one of these bless...ings was this morning spent with a friend in her garden. The weather was great, just everything came together to elevate this catch up in ways it’s hard to describe. The more and more I step into this feeling of bliss and letting things unfold, the more I feel the fear subsiding. Hope everyone is well and I hope you are still enough even for the briefest moment to really soak in the beauty of life.

23.01.2022 Going with this today. It’s a strange phenomenon, I know that it looks disjointed and reckless from the outside but only if you are looking at it from one angle. Those who go deeper really understand what it means for a person to step up and say ‘No, this is not okay’. Maybe life is giving me the opportunity that I never had as a child? Grateful for the core strength that is developing and for the opportunity to let life know my true worth. Only then can it respond in kind.

22.01.2022 What did I say in my realization post about an alignment with self love.

22.01.2022 This is so true. It is something bubbling to the surface for me at the moment. I am coming to understand that it is when I truly and deeply feel safe that I open up completely and when that happens all sorts of amazing flows. It takes someone who truly gets and understands life to make me feel safe. It’s really important to me that others too feel safe with me. It’s one of the reasons I keep doing the work.

22.01.2022 Wishing everyone a gorgeous day no matter how it’s playing out for you.

21.01.2022 I learned to love and support myself, no matter what.

21.01.2022 Well, early November, a seed was planted for me to head off on some kind of adventure. I’m generally all in for adventure but this time my enthusiasm was diluted with a hefty dose of maturity. When you’re young you have nothing to lose, you don’t know any better and so you go for it. As a maturer adult, I still feel the pull and absolutely could not help myself because I’m not one for regrets but I go cautiously. Bit by bit a little bit more information came through about wha...t this adventure might look like and the more I discovered, the more fear I had to wade through. It is really interesting to reflect on these months because every new information that came through shifted me, was aligning me to the next hurdle, the next thing I had to shift to make this a reality. As usual, these things take time and just as those I love got comfortable with this notion not panning out and I staying put, bam, it is all falling into place. I can’t even explain how huge this is. I’ve been in my new place less than a year and it is perfect for me, there’s nothing I don’t love about it. I can’t believe I’m letting it go. I think I’ve shifted from this idea of home being a place outside of myself. Shifting and moving with the currents of life. It’s taken lots of rugs being pulled out from under me to get to this point I might add. So the final piece came through today. I have just been offered a job in Alice Springs. It’s a really good job, I guess it would have had to be for me to move away from my kids. Somehow, I’m not sure it’s the job that has called me to Central Australia but that will be half the fun; exploring what it is my soul wants me to see, hear and experience and meet. It nearly feels like I’m too old for this kind of adventure, I mean, I’m not sure my young self would have been up for such a bold move but because of all the work I’ve been doing on myself, the deep healing that has taken place, I’m in the best physical, mental, emotional and spiritual shape of my life. Who says you’re too old. Time will tell. We’ll see what shape I come back in. I got a feeling I’m going to love it.

20.01.2022 I’ve never done a vision quest before. This was my first one. I recommend it and doing it within a new moon makes it only more significant. One thing I suggest if you are not used to visualizing is to trust and back yourself. I get more of a sense or I vibe something rather than see visions although I have had flashes of sight before. So go with whatever comes up, be it a thought, a feeling, a symbol, a song. Just note it and leave space for more of the pieces to come in. Only two things came in for me and they were so random I felt the doubt come in but after the quest was done, I felt that something had begun so this should be an interesting ride.

20.01.2022 Well it’s all feeling very real to me now. Moving through so much change and I’m so surprised by how grounded I’ve stayed in all of it. I confess to feeling pretty emotional when I was packing my stuff. I’m traveling very light and I can’t explain the lessons that are checking in already about how just this one thing will change me. I didn’t realize how much I had brought stuff in around me as some sort of comfort. Apparently I don’t need that sort of comfort where I’m going.... I walked into a shop today and a song was playing, something about being excited about what’s to come. Couldn’t help but have a little chuckle. This last week has been truly amazing and it’s been very apparent the wonderful beings I’m blessed to have in my life. I went out to check out a friend’s new property. I was just so happy for her. Her own space where she can keep her horses with her. I mean that in itself is huge. The place is just perfect for her. I just love that about life. I’ve spent the most gorgeous time with friends. I was explaining to one of them that it really feels like I’m saying goodbye to the old me. Like I’m stepping into a whole new reality and I can’t wait to explore the goodies. This move has been great practice for me to relax, stay grounded and allow things to fall into place and that is exactly what has happened. It did get a tad full on today and I could feel the speed wobbles but I totally let go when ‘Let it be’ came on the playlist. I just exhaled and regained composure and had a great afternoon. It is so tempting for me to get all intense about all the things I have to organize to pull off this move but I must be learning. Why waste energy that I need for that move, to worry, when worry will do nothing to help me and usually just makes everything feel worse. Hope everyone is hanging in there with whatever is playing out for you.

19.01.2022 Well I totally dug into some courage yesterday and continued the play today. For a while, I’ve been feeling a pull into expressing myself creatively. I have always done this through writing but no, I want something more. I want texture and colour and layers and I don’t want to have to figure anything out or make sense of it. I want total freedom. Thank you to my daughter Alex for gifting me some oil paints as I set out on a bit of an exploration. I have never been able to because I was too caught up in fear to be able to pull anything together. Well that’s obviously shifted and I totally let go of worrying what it would look like. I think with me, when it comes to art, the messier the better. It felt sooo freaking amazing to feel into an idea and just go with it and the feeling of getting that colour onto paper was surreal. I really don’t know why I feel the need to share but I do, don’t know if it’s the writer in me or whether I just love it when people share themselves.

19.01.2022 It’s not that people consciously try to take you away from your truth or the truth of your divine purpose. It’s more a misconception we make that says accepting your truth about you means rejecting mine about me. It doesn’t work like this. I feel that we can all safely accept other people’s truth and hold true to self at the same time.

19.01.2022 So many gorgeous conversations today. I have hit a few bumps in the road and a few things have bubbled to the surface. When you work through your stuff, it’s scary, especially in the beginning. It’s easy to buy into the stories different parts of you want you to believe. I was reminded today by two different interactions with different people that we all have our deep core stuff but it’s the thoughts we buy into when that stuff comes up that gets us into trouble.... I choose again. I am not my past, I am not what has happened to me, I am not my experiences, I am not what others have thought me to be. I am me, plain and simple and I choose love always. I forget, sure...but I always remember, always find my way back. I choose again, I choose to be compassionate and understanding with myself. I choose to forgive myself for everything I might perceive myself as doing wrong. I choose to take care of me the way I have always deserved.

18.01.2022 I do feel this when it comes to connection. It’s not so much any tension or arguments with other but I feel growing pains when it comes to connecting on a deeper level. I know that it’s generally just old programming surfacing or it might be fear that becomes more prominent the more I care and so I just try to work my way through it. I’m getting better at being open with other about what might be coming up. It’s hard when you have been hurt by those who were supposed to protect you, when you weren’t able to protect yourself but it doesn’t have to ruin your chances of connection forever. It’s just something else to be mindful of and felt. Acknowledge that part of yourself who gets scared, those feelings are valid but then remember that things are different now, you are different now. You’ve got this!

17.01.2022 I have always been interested in Reiki, but put it off, it never seemed to align until now. Recently, I have been on the road to exploring life in the best possible way. I’m trying things I have never tried before and my inner child is just loving life. As part of that exploration, I did Reiki 1. I have been a Kinesiologist since 2014 and Forensic Healer since early last year. I did Reiki because I was interested in what might open up psychically that might compliment Forensi...c Healing. I’m pretty psychically tuned in as it is but there are always deeper levels to delve, and in the grand scheme of things, I’m still a bit of a rookie when it comes to healing. This is not to underestimate the ability I have to hold healing space. This is definitely my calling. As part of this Reiki, I need to do 10 healings within 30 days, so I’m putting it out there for anyone who is curious, to come and have a reiki treatment for free. I’m sure I need to write up some case notes but no names will be shared at all. Reach out if you or someone you know might be interested. For those who know me, you guys definitely need to come and check this out.

16.01.2022 Great question.

16.01.2022 The other day I happened on an add to a community group to create a unique piece of art using the principles of sacred geometry that represents your highest consciousness. This piece comes with a reading from your highest consciousness. I was like ‘Wow! So curious’. So I asked if it was possible to have one made up for my business. Clarity is still coming in about where my business will lead but I trusted that this was beyond the limitations of thought. It took two weeks and ...I picked it up today. I cried when I saw it. I deeply resonated. I’ve attached a photo but the photo does not do it justice. The message that came through was absolutely tuned in to me and where I’m heading. Highly recommend. Get one done for yourself, it doesn’t have to be for a business. Her work is stunning. Check her out on Instagram at My soul symbol. I’m in bliss right now.

16.01.2022 Oh my god! I’m having so much fun with this painting. Just had one of those ding, ding, ding moments. I was sitting there looking at the blank canvas and I was wondering whether an idea I had would work. I could feel the resistance to get in. I realized I wouldn’t know unless I gave it a go. It takes great courage to create something from nothing. Ya da, it felt like life was telling me to apply this to life. The thing about this painting is that it has come out of left field.... I have never been good at art. I’ve taught it and I love watching it evolve in kids but never thought I had a creative bone in my body. Apparently I have. So far I have done 10 pieces and of those, 4 of them weren’t keepers but I did find some things that did work, so nothing lost. I have no idea what I’m going to do with all these pieces? Might have to get me a stall at the markets? I’ve got paintings spreading out through my place.

14.01.2022 Hooley Dooley, I so needed to see this this morning. I had a half grumble at life this morning and this is obviously my answer. I’m really having to discipline myself not to delve into anything. For a while, I was riding the waves that passed me by but I was only exhausting unnecessary energy. I’m in for big change next year so I need to conserve whatever I can.

14.01.2022 Definitely recommend this to anyone curious about Forensic Healing. Forensic Healing is for those who have done the work and are ready to step up in healing. It is confronting but in a way that peels back the layers of BS we cling to to stay small. I personally know Vicki Makris and I can’t recommend this beautiful soul enough. She will meet you in heart and you have never felt more held in a healing space and she means business. I haven’t met Jacinta but if she is a Forensic Healer and she’s running this course, then she knows what she’s doing.

14.01.2022 I’ve officially finished my Reiki level One detox. Managed to do 10 sessions for people and a couple of dogs and a cat to keep it interesting. Dogs were not impressed and the poor cat was going great guns until he received a surge of intense energy and he nearly jumped through the roof. He was loving it right up to that point. Within the three week detox I did some intense healing with other modalities both by self and by other healers. All sorts of stuff has been coming up ...but I guess the biggest is fear. Fear on so many levels. Struggling to sit with it without becoming it. I know it is sitting under the surface of everything. I’m just too bloody stubborn to let it get the better of me. If that was all part of Reiki 1 detox, what the heck is going to come from 2? I guess there is only one way to find out. Some reassurance like a beautiful sunset or something else wickedly creative that will bring some ease and grace to my heart would be nice thank you.

13.01.2022 I love this I just want to add that it takes work to get here. You have to be patient with yourself and keep the vision in mind but remember that a lot of gunk needs to be cleared first.

13.01.2022 Can’t believe the flow today. Feeling this for all of us.

12.01.2022 It’s been a time for letting go for me. Something must be on the horizon for I have been healing and letting go of lots of past stuff in big chunks, one after the other. You don’t realize how that stuff weighs you down, how you carry it with you everywhere and it effects everything you do. It leaves this space of possibility that feels great.

12.01.2022 Loving this as a lead in to a New Year. I hope everyone finds peace, love, blessings and miracles oh and don’t forget the fun, I hope we all get some of that.

12.01.2022 Okay, so I’ve moved from excited to full on petrified. I should so be used to things being tipped upside down but it always seems to come at that point when I’m just starting to feel good and safe about things. Holy shit! I got another piece of my adventure puzzle today and I totally understand this is the right move for me, I can seer where it will lead and all the kinds of magic that come with it but my human self, my ego wants to throw a tantrum, cry and try a last ditch e...ffort to try and make me believe I can’t do this. The fear is coming from the fact that by now, I know how this works. Something will pop up and I’ll jump on it because it feels exciting and I can feel into the growth that will come of it and before I know it, I will be in a place I’ve never been before, living waaaaay the fuck out of my comfort zone in the fetal position trying to kick my own arse for being so stupid and reckless. I mean, not even my 20 year old wild child rebel self would think of doing anything this crazy. I found two images, one is a nice neat decked path that I’d really like but which I know will keep me sheltered and stuck feeling self doubt because I never had to stretch myself. The other path is what I feel like I’m stepping onto and the only thing motivating me forward is the fact that by doing this, I’ll will be kicking fears arse instead of the other way around. Then I can get on with really living. Stay tuned because I feel that I’ll be doing a lot of sharing on this adventure.

11.01.2022 You don’t realize how subtle negativity can be until it grows. Positivity has to work the same way. Thing is, I don’t want to dismiss the negativity when it is what I authentically feel. It’s not like I stay in this frame of mind but I just want to be real. I really want to honor everything I feel and focus on the good.

11.01.2022 Just right for me.

11.01.2022 Not a single one.

11.01.2022 So trying this

10.01.2022 Feeling this. No longer making plans, just a commitment to show up. Seems simple enough but once you make these commitments be prepared to be challenged. It won’t take long before things pop up that scare you or make you move in your seat with discomfort but it’s important to keep at it, remembering that all you have to do is show up. No rules that stipulate how it has to go. No performance requirements, just learning. Really curious about where this commitment will lead.

09.01.2022 Such an alignment for me here. I’m navigating this experience with my body. I noticed my first reaction was to beat down on it because it was stopping me from doing what I wanted and it triggered all kinds of fear. Slowing down and taking stock. ‘It is safety and love that will facilitate that process.’ I love that reminder and it is beautifully put.

09.01.2022 Yes and celebrate every achievement. Mine today was leaving my room to go buy some work pants and grab a coffee. Small steps lead to giant leaps.

08.01.2022 Totally feeling this tonight.

08.01.2022 OMG! Every word!

07.01.2022 So worthy, you deserve the best life has to offer.

07.01.2022 I had a reading last night from a friend which said I was in for a heck of a ride. All good, apparently this is an adventure I’d want to take. There were words like opportunities and excitement and I was like a race horse at the gate before, now I’m nearly beside myself lol. I think I’ve been cooped up for way too long and I’m itching for adventure. I know as I say it that I’ll be sorry at different points along the way but in the end it will be amazing. I have NO idea wher...e this could go. I mean, for the last two nights I’ve had visitors in the shape of glowing and moving something outside my bedroom window. I get the feeling they want to chat as they keep coming back. I mean that could totally be a journey in itself. I have an idea of where I’m moving professionally but that might be a way away yet. So who knows what this journey might look like? No doubt you’ll hear all about it. I just really loved this post. No one would ever be able to relate to what motivates me and that’s okay, they don’t have to. In the mean time, I’ll be having the time of my life.

06.01.2022 I’ve had some realizations lately about my little adventure here in Alice Springs. I can’t believe I haven’t cottoned on to this earlier. I did but just superficially. Even before I arrived in Alice, I have been working with the Lords of Karma. A big part of my awareness expanding as far out as it has has been due to my willingness to let go of belief systems and to open myself up to new ideas and was of being, no matter how left field they appear. You don’t just get to pic...Continue reading

05.01.2022 This was offered to my inner child in a healing today. I was so shocked by my response. I guess in my spiritual quested-ness I had felt the need to transcend all needs. Now I understand the missing link. Our whole selves need to be loved and nurtured back together, especially the parts that have unresolved needs. For anyone else who needs permission to have their needs finally met.

04.01.2022 So this. It’s the one thing I really trust. How do I know I can trust it? It has never let me down. It’s scary to let go and trust but you’ll never know unless you try it out for yourself.

04.01.2022 My motto, things are improving so who knows and I’m letting go of the idea that things will magically resolve. Shit is always going to go sideways but by dealing with my stuff as it comes up, I’m getting better at dealing with this phenomenon. Had a chat with a friend this morning and we approach life very differently but we both seem to be cruising along and discover deep truths about ourselves along the way. We have decided that it doesn’t matter how you do life, every angle is valid and works.

04.01.2022 I was blessed by love today on two separate occasions. The first I pulled up at my local supermarket to grab a few things and I noticed a heap of rubbish as I pulled up. When I got out of the car the rubbish was gone so I went in and did my shopping. When I came out, I could see the rubbish strewn all over the path so I picked it all up and put it in the bin. As I was walking toward the bin I saw this young guy who was selling something at the door watching me put the in the bin. He said something like ‘Good job’ but it was the look of love he had, not for me but for the action. Total stranger. Then I got a message out of the blue from someone I love who had lots of gorgeous things to say about me as a healer. I have to share what she wrote, absolutely melted my heart. Karina is amazing in everything she does, and you don’t have to understand it completely to reap the benefits. Simply being present and taking time for myself while Karina works her magic always leaves me feeling amazing. Combining and implementing her knowledge in kinesiology, forensic healing, reiki and more Karina is able to work on areas of trauma, and heal from all angles. Immediately upon entering you can feel the energy in the room. Even if I don’t always understand the depths of it all, I always walk out feeling lighter and more confident than when I walked in and that’s what keeps me coming back. I would highly recommend Karina to anyone whether you’ve done a million healings and want to try something different or you’ve never done one and need a place to start. It’s not about having someone magically heal you, it’s about taking time to heal yourself, with the help of someone who has the tools to help you get there. What an Angel, feeling blessed.

03.01.2022 I have so been feeling this energy. Obviously I knew safety was important to me but it is really coming home just how significant it is. This safety needs to extend to us physically, mentally, emotionally, psychically and spiritually. That’s a lot of safety required for one to truly open up. The game changer for me was to stop waiting for others to make me feel safe and to get in and do that for myself. It’s not easy because sometimes it means leaving a job or setting boundaries that make others feel uncomfortable, but it’s when you feel safe that all sorts of amazing starts to flow.

01.01.2022 So true, keep working on you.

01.01.2022 Oh wow! Love this. This is where my healing journey started. I had protected myself and boxed myself in so tightly that I was becoming suffocated. I had to make some seriously tough choices and with every choice, I declared that I mattered, that I deserved more than to suffer. It is really scary to step out of everything you have ever known, even if that comes from trauma, maybe especially if that comes from trauma. You have to pull yourself out of everything you have ever l...earned and teach yourself from scratch how to live the life you want. You have to teach yourself how to give yourself permission to have that life you so long for. It’s a different kind of hard. Throughout this hard, you can feel yourself getting stronger, you can feel certain things improve, you can feel that when the tears come or the pain comes, it comes to be released. It’s different, you no longer attach to the story. Blessings and miracles for every challenge you face on this road. You are not alone.

01.01.2022 Well I’m in another phase of not sure what you would call it. Lots of things going on at once and I feel myself going within in the process. I think this is a bit of a pattern with me. I go through all the emotions, get really excited and then the penny drops and I have to dig deep. This is the thing with courage, it really makes you step up. Things are coming into focus and it looks like I’ll be taking off for a few months, maybe a year. I’m really not sure about the details... as yet but I can certainly feel things shifting. It’s so random but when I feel something giving me the nudge, I go and that has brought me through some amazing growth so I expect this adventure time will do the same. Please forgive me if I have gone a bit shy of late, I do that when I’m scared, just reflecting and contemplating in preparation for what lies ahead.

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