Inner Peace Holistic Herbal Therapy in Lithgow, New South Wales | Alternative & holistic health service
Inner Peace Holistic Herbal Therapy
Locality: Lithgow, New South Wales
Phone: +49 4903 35602
Address: 14 Girraween Dr Marrangaroo Fields 2790 Lithgow, NSW, Australia
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25.01.2022 Something to have a look at while we all have a little bit of extra time on our hands 2 beautiful films. One about herbal medicine and the healing properties of our wonderful plants and the other is of one mans vision for a better planet and a more natural and sustainable way of living I highly recommend having a squizz, I really enjoyed both of them. If you get a chance to watch why dont you let me know what you thought? ... Thanks to the United Plant Savers for sharing
24.01.2022 An healing cream made with Chickweed fresh plant in it for an itchy, red case of eczema nothing more healing than a natural cream base with medicinal plants and hemp seed oil. This amazing little weed, that grows every where, is the absolute bomb for itchy skin conditions!
23.01.2022 Such an easy, medicinal little plant to grow in a garden or even a pot in the kitchen
23.01.2022 The Online Market Week Code! - Click the link and find the code you need for the Online Market Week discount!
23.01.2022 Training well underway... seems some of us can still take advantage of a lazy Sunday
22.01.2022 Im really looking forward to completing my training this weekend to become a Fitgenes Accredited Practitioner and Im super excited to be able to offer this service in clinic! In a nutshell, a simple saliva sample can detect diseases and health conditions that youre genetically predisposed to. Personalised Health and Wellbeing based on the Fitgenes Fast Track to Health Program is based on the science of Nutrigenomics and how our genes are influenced by our nutrition, exe...rcise and lifestyle. This information allows the accredited practitioner to recommend specific intervention strategies and treatment plans that will inlclude dietary, exercise and lifestyle changes that can target the specific genes for optimal health outcomes. Inner Peace is not far away from offering Weight Management Programs and this service will be incredibly supportive to personal programs for weight loss and weight management as it gives amazing guidance on specific foods and supplements targeting that individuals genes. I have done a test and it was so easy, and the report is very informative and comprehensive, and also very interesting! I will certainly be implementing targeted strategies to improve my health, wellbeing and healthy aging
22.01.2022 Our guts is so important! An out-of-balance digestive system can affect many aspects of our life... more than we realise! From our skin, to our moods, to brain fog, to the way we sleep... it can affect our whole overall well-being. If you feel you might need some support to get on top of any digestive issues please get in touch
22.01.2022 Managing the current global pandemic requires utilising all available treatments and resources both within conventional medicine and within the field of Tradi...tional and Complementary Medicine (T&CM). Naturopathic medicine / naturopathy is an established T&CM system of medicine that is practiced in 98 countries around the world. This current pandemic highlights the need to focus on lifestyle factors and to address noncommunicable diseases (NCDs), both of which are strengths of naturopathic practice. Recognising that there are limited treatment options and no cure for COVID-19 and building on contemporary research evidence, the global naturopathic profession undertook the task of analysing the current research and conducting rapid reviews to assess the role of specific naturopathic recommendations which may be useful in the management of COVID-19. Read the full White Paper on the role of Naturopathic practice in a pandemic #NHAA #Naturopathy #HerbalMedicine
22.01.2022 So just chilling in the clinic mixing up some flu mix and thought... well Im here, herbs are ready to go, so why not help the people to start the winter immune regime now?.... So for this afternoon until all family flu bottles I just mixed up are gone, the clinic is open and 100ml bottles are $10 off! No better time to start strengthening your immune systems msg for more info!
21.01.2022 Here is an excellent home remedy to support the immune systems and ward off infections For those of you that give this a go I would really love to hear how it turns out and what you think!
21.01.2022 Says it all really
21.01.2022 Nourishing Nettle My stinging Nettle has become quite abundant with the rain that we have had and the following sun, that it was ready for harvesting. Nettle is so good for the body. Very nutritive and super nourishing. Many of nettles benefits come from its high nutrient content. It contains vitamin A, vitamin C, and vitamin K along with easily assimilated calcium and iron. Other nutrients include magnesium, potassium, protein, beta-carotene, and chlorophyll For anyone... thats feeling a bit meh you need nettle. It can be taken as a tea (my favourite way), as an extract, added to cooking like stir frys and you can make a pesto out of it It is also used for prostate issues, pain with arthritis, womens health, allergy relief, adrenal fatigue and skin complaints Wow! How good is Nettle?! and let me tell you its not called Stinging nettle for nothin! Jeezuz...! My arm is still feeling it!
20.01.2022 Here is some excellent information from Mediherb on heart health maintain a healthy diet and also watch your stress levels... if you feel like you need support for your heart please get in touch... Is your heart happy?
20.01.2022 Im really embracing this #stayathome kept busy again today Medicine making. This time Rosehip Syrup Rosehips contain a number of vitamins, some include vitamin C, A, E. High in disease-fighting antioxidants they help lower inflammation and oxidative stress in the body. All that aside.... it just tastes bloody delicious!
19.01.2022 Week 2 - Vaginal and Intimate Health, Pelvic Pain This week we examined the clinical presentations and cues of pelvic floor dysfunction, vulvodynia and vaginismus The pain disorders and their differentiation are truly fascinating! Again, I have learnt so much about vaginas and their roles!
18.01.2022 Creative chaos completing an order for 15 bottles of Lemon Myrtle hand sanitizers! Seriously, who would have thought being hygienic could smell so good! I am absolutely in with Lemon Myrtle!
18.01.2022 What better thing to do on a Saturday #stayathome then make a fresh batch of immune boosting Elderberry Syrup smells great, tastes delicious! This batch is a little more warming and spicy as I added a bit more ginger, cloves and cardamom than I normally do. online consults available to support your wellbeing! Call or msg for more information
17.01.2022 Following the events of the last 24 hours in regards to Covid19 and the increasing risk, I have decided to close the clinic for face to face consultations However...! This does not mean that the clinic has stopped operating! We will be going down the technology path! ... Whilst we continue to work on the online consult form going live on the website (sorry this is taking a little longer than expected), however I have the link to provide should you require it, and I am providing phone consults and video consults via zoom Herbal medicines and supplements can still be ordered and sent through the post or pick up arranged so really its business as usual.... well until the next change comes through! I have still allocated the time for the Acute care consults and this will be done over the phone or zoom thanks to all those that have booked this week and happy to give the change a go! Whilst I know the change for us all is challenging, all we can do is try and stay positive and adapt as best we can For more info or support on how to strengthen your immunity, please reach out! (Picture: Herbal Medicine orders getting ready to send! )
17.01.2022 A bright, cheery little herb with so many uses
17.01.2022 Such a beautiful day to be out in the winter sunshine I love seeing life coming back into nature in the lead up to Spring! The little violets were just so captivating today Ahhh... just what I needed after a very long week Happy weekend everyone!
17.01.2022 Week one of Vaginal and Intimate health in Clinical Practice completed This was an interesting module that covered the anatomy and physiology of the vagina and associated structures homeostatic maintenance of the vaginal environment, first line defence, immune components, pH regulation of environment... dynamic changes in vaginal environment, puberty, menstruation, pregnancy, menopause This learning looked at the vaginal microbiome and dysbiosis caused by the different stages of life, environmental factors such as sex and lubricants used and the best ones for the individual and much more! I found it amazing that there are so many different external factors that can influence the internal environment! Being able to recognise symptoms that a client may be presenting with and asking the clinical, holistic questions that will be able to support that woman and make her feel comfortable and cared for was a key component in the training Bring on Week 2! (Picture Pixabay)
16.01.2022 Level 2 Practitioner Training in Vaginal and Intimate Health started this week Level 2 training - Complex vulval, vaginal and urinary presentations. This level expands upon the level 1 knowledge in 5 key training modules based on specific clinical problems. Practitioners learn new strategies to address some of the more challenging clinical presentations associated with vaginal and genitourinary health.... HPV infection and vaginal homeostasis- interventions and strategies Herpes simplex- pathogenesis and therapeutic strategies Recurrent Urinary tract infections- connections, pathogenesis, therapeutic strategies Atypical and multi microbial infections- strategies and therapeutic interventions Aerobic vaginitis, oestrogen issues in young and old Vulvodynia and vaginismus- clinical presentations, contributing factors, pelvic floor assessment, referral and therapeutic strategies If level 2 is anything like level 1 then I am in for a treat! I love this area of health, and I hope that by solidifying my knowledge in vaginal and intimate health it will help women feel comfortable and safe to reach out and seek support when needed I will post updates over the next 5 weeks!
16.01.2022 Its been one of those days thats best spent inside We have had snow flurries on and off all day! A good chance for catching up on some extra training! Stay safe and warm everyone
16.01.2022 I love chamomile one of the first herbs I grew as a kid. Smells like apples
16.01.2022 Sage is one of my favourite herbs fresh, dried or essential oil! So many wonderful uses and so easy to grow and keep in your own garden on hand for whenever you need it
15.01.2022 While I wait for the ok from my association to resume face to face consultations, I can confirm the online telemedicine consult form is here to stay! This is a convenient and stress free way of reaching out and getting the support you need for better health and to get on top of that niggling health issue from the comfort of your own home, in your own time. I love this way of working with people as it can provide a service for those that otherwise may not reach out for a num...ber of reasons. Check it out today! During the down period, I have also been working on an online booking system that will make booking a face to face consult easier for you, which is now live!!! Simply head to the website, head to the menu bar on the right and click on Online Booking. This is a calendar booking system that will allow for a smoother experience in booking a face to face consult. I’m actually really pleased to have this operational now as I know it will make the process so much easier for you, so head over a take a look!
15.01.2022 Herbs in your own garden can be so useful!
14.01.2022 A few things to be done in the clinic today Time to pour and press the Tumeric and the Vitamin C Oxymels. Traditional herbal medicines that are not only good for you but taste so delicious! Two of our most popular herbals, so if you want a bottle get in quick! And my very first Kombucha brew! I can not wait to see how this turns out. Im planning on flavouring this first lot with the Vitamin C Oxymel and I can not wait! ... And of course I had my little companions alongside me all day Now to end a big day with a little rest in the warmth of the sun through clinic windows Happy days!
14.01.2022 Fresh herbs on the drying racks ready for the Herbal Honey making workshops smells so good in here!
13.01.2022 Medicinal mushrooms are little powerhouses! if youre interested in adding these to your daily routine just give us a call for a ready made mushroom extract, or simply add some to your dietary intake... you cant go wrong with these mighty little mushrooms!
11.01.2022 The end of a productive long weekend One thing I have wanted to have a go at is making a Fire Cider. There are so many variations of the original recipe so I just basically put in what I thought would make a healthy mix. There are so many benefits of taking a shot of fire cider each day. Not only from the ingredients in it as they all have their own individual benefits, its also full of vitamins and minerals, anti-fungal, anti-viral, and makes a great, non-narcotic co...ugh suppressant and throat soother. The ingredients in the one I have brewing include fresh horseradish, fresh Tumeric, fresh ginger, fresh garlic, fresh lemons, an onion, fresh chillies, echinacea leaf and root, and apple cider vinegar (with the mother of course). This will sit and brew for about 4 weeks now. This is something you can have a go at making yourself and get all the immune boosting benefits for the winter season! Also had a go at some medicinal creams using fresh plant material. A cream utilising the healing benefits of chickweed for one of my beautiful clients for her eczema, and another cream blending in Gotu Kola for cracked and extremely dry skin from excessive hand washing So much fun using fresh and medicinal ingredients straight from the garden for very different uses!
10.01.2022 As night falls, it brings to a close what has been a very challenging week for everyone, full of many changes and uncertainties. And no doubt another week, like last lays ahead. Restrictions and limitations bought in to help reduce the risk and spread of infection. Social distancing and self isolation.... these are things that we havent experienced before. But extremely important to bring into what is our now every day practices. Changes to the clinic have taken place week seeing face to face consultations end and a focus placed on practicing via telemedicine. (Online consultations- Im still getting used to the language). The online consultation form should be live on the website by Wednesdayhowever I have the link available to anyone needing it before then. Online, phone and video (zoom) consults are now being put into practice here and clients are embracing it just as I am! Practicing this way allows anyone and everyone to still receive the support they require. Health consults can still be conducted and herbal medicines can be sent out in the post. There is no reason for anyone to feel unsupported during this time. Herbal medicine can help strengthen the immune system, and can help with prevention and symptom relief. Herbal medicine can assist with stress and anxiety, focus and motivation. It can help with sleep and so much more. If your unsure whether herbal medicine can assist you, please call, message or send a query via the contact form on the website. Take care and remember to be kind and compassionate, look out for and help each other. We are all in this together. Goodnight from myself, and little Todd who fell asleep on my knee without a care in the world Every day may not be good, but there is something good in every day (unknown)
09.01.2022 Over the next 6 weeks I will be taking part in some very interesting training I will be completing Level 1 Practitioner Training in Vaginal and Intimate Health in Clinical Practice This training will give me updated skills on how to screen and assess vaginal and intimate health in clinical practice to fully support a woman experiencing issues in this area ... Training will cover foundational microbiology knowledge on the key bacterial and fungal players, key lifestyle and dietary strategies implicated in risk and recurrence, effective clinical systemic assessment, case taking, test interpretation, and protocol building strategies This has always been an interest of mine and I am hoping that undertaking specific training in this area will encourage women to seek help in a supported, up-to-date and therapeutic clinic and to feel that they are not alone or this subject is taboo or too hard to talk about! I will post updates because I’m excited to share my learning (Picture Pixabay)
08.01.2022 Nourishing Nettle Part 2 The nettle has been drying now for a couple of days and is ready for crushing for use in teas, as nutritive tonics and as extracts. It is a labour of love but so worth seeing the end result! From a little seed that I have nurtured and loved to ready for harvest and now medicine just so gratifying!
08.01.2022 Well by now I would reckon we would all know what our goals for 2021 are, right? My goal for this month, the start of the new year, was to get this Weight Management Program and Meal Planning off the ground ... and guess what!? I’ve done it! graduated in October 2019, studied some more and amongst what life threw at me during 2020 and the start of this year, I’ve finally, finally finished it! ( can honestly say I’m somewhat relieved and even a little bit proud ) A 12 week p...rogram with everything you need to succeed at your weight loss/ management goals is right here on offer. And I am looking for 5 early birds to jump right in and get half price off the cost! Only one small catch, but if your keen, give me a shout and I can let you know what that is And if you’re not ready for the commitment of a 12 week program, why not check out the weekly meal/ nutrition planning option? Nutrition meal plans can be done to support a health condition such as IBS or menopause, immune support, PMS or even just a detox... all with food! So if you want more info on my ‘Labour of Love’ head over to the website, go to the Online Booking in the Menu, and take advantage of the free discovery call to talk about whether this program is right for you! More information to come
07.01.2022 Chillies or cayenne comes in a close second to Ginger as my favourite 2 warming herbs Chillies are excellent just used to spice our everyday foods, from meat to potatoes, even just added to steamed veggies! My family eat a lot of chillies just like this on our everyday food. Incredibly warming to the system and excellent to use during our winter months. As a herbalist, I add chilli infused oil to ointments and salves for pain relief and conditions that need warming and blo...od bought to the surface to assist with healing. Particularly good for chilblains Lucky for me my youngest son is a chilli fanatic and has a huge variety of chilli plants that when the fruit is ready, he harvests and sells. He dries some of the chillies and flakes or powders them, or leaves complete. All types of heat as well, from mild to like the absolute insane! I use a lot of these organic chillies in the clinic for the herbal medicine. So if anyone is interested in any chillies for the winter after reading this post, give me a shout because the summer just gone was a cracker for chillies!!
07.01.2022 Spending the next few hours in the clinic packing the weekend orders ready for post tomorrow While someone else was having a little snooze on the lounge... I couldnt resist getting a few happy snaps of my little companion Dont forget online consults now available along with the Acute care consults. Perfect for all your winter immune support
07.01.2022 I was given some beautiful lavender flowers from my very good friend Louise Dean which I dried and today made medicine out of. Firstly I weighed the plant material and from there worked out the amount of water and alcohol I needed to extract all the goodness. Lavender being higher in volatile oils requires more alcohol. Chopped up a little bit helps the water and alcohol do its job by getting into the plant cells to extract what we want it smells so lovely! I was planning on doing the housework after this but feel a little too relaxed now... I might have to just get a book and sit in the sun. Ahhh lavender, I love you
07.01.2022 Almost the weekend will you be out in the garden? I know I will be!
07.01.2022 I hope everyone was able to have a great Saturday whatever you were doing The Acute care consults were well received this past week with many taking advantage of these short appointments to seek support on strengthening their immune systems I will be continuing this coming week with the Acute care consults between 6.00pm and 7.00pm each week night- bookings essential. It is business as usual at the clinic, with many anti-viral herbs being utilised to support my communit...ies health and wellbeing. All necessary precautions for infection control have been implemented with guidance from my professional association and the health department. I just request that should you have a cold, flu or other symptoms that you do not attend the clinic. I am working on getting the online consultation form live on my website, but until then, if this is of interest to you please contact me and I can provide a link to the form Anyone can utilise this online form if they can not make it into the clinic in person for whatever reason. It is everything that we would cover in a face to face consultation. Herbal medicine can then be sent out to you. There is no need for anyone to not get the support they need at this point in time to work on strengthening their immune systems, general health and well-being. I wish each and everyone of you good health! Be compassionate. Look after each other. Wash your hands
07.01.2022 Clinic Changes, Challenges and Covi-19 #2 - Update on the clinic and whats happening. Clinic spotlight on training and other information and a Herbal Highlight on Medicinal Mushrooms.
05.01.2022 I love love love my herbal teas! I love drinking them, I love blending them, I love smelling them! This one looks amazing! I love Gingko for the brain and cognitive health.... And for anyone thats keen to give it a try just msg and I will be happy to put together a small bag of the dried herbs for you
05.01.2022 A great harvest today of Californian Poppies These plants will be dried and I will make a herbal tincture out of them. The leaves, stems, flowers, seeds and roots can be used to make the medicine. Californian Poppies have many uses. Some of these uses include:... . Sleep issues including insomnia, sleep onset, duration and maintenance . Help to calm down a busy mind, anxiety, nervous tension, relaxation . It has analgesic properties making it good for natural pain relief, muscle relaxant These plants are happy self seeders so I will always have plenty to make some beautiful extracts with!
05.01.2022 Hey! Here is some great dietary advice to help support blood vessels and cardiovascular health... and they’re all delicious and easy to add to your daily diet
05.01.2022 A custom made scar healing cream herbs include Comfrey, Horsetail, Calendula, Thuja, Maritime Pine Bark with Hypericum and Patchouli Oil... nurturing and nourishing herbs can be used inside and out!
04.01.2022 What else would I be doing on a wet, freezing cold Sunday afternoon? Yep. In the clinic... making respiratory infection support herb mixes, mixing up the orders placed during the Online Market and just catching up on client personal mixes Next up a special request from a special guy, my nephew for some delicious Rosehip Syrup Happy days!!! Take care, stay safe and have a great week everyone! Xx
04.01.2022 Rich and delicious Vitamin C Oxymel traditional herbal medicine at its very best! Rosehips, bilberries, elderberries and hibiscus in a base of honey and apple cider vinegar. High in Vitamin c with the added goodness of raw local honey and apple cider vinegar with the mother. A really good way of increasing your vitamin c intake to help strengthen the immune system against colds, flus and other bugs! This medicine can be taken as a neat shot (the way I love to have it), as a tea in hot water or added to sparkling water. Absolutely delish!
03.01.2022 Shout out to my mentor, business coach and good friend Steve Semmens from The Persuader. Thanks for checking in on me yesterday! It was really good to catch up and Im so glad your on the mend
03.01.2022 One of my favourite herbs for support with stress and anxiety I not long ago harvested and dried my own plant roots for medicinal use. I had it on the drying racks in the clinic and it was the most potent herb I think Ive ever had drying! It is so gratifying to see a medicine made from the plant that youve nurtured for a couple of years. Im pretty lucky I reckon
03.01.2022 Hand sanitiser this stuff has been so hard to come by of late and finally my Aloe Vera gel arrived so I can have a go at making my own Pure alcohol, aloe Vera gel and essential oils. Thats it. Thats all there is to it... I went with Lemon Myrtle essential oil. Lemon myrtle is antibacterial, antimicrobial, anti fungal and is also known to be mentally uplifting and a natural antidepressant with properties that relax and help calm the mind in times of stress. It can also help with concentration. And it smells devine! I might have a play with some other oils like clove or cinnamon. Even lavender or some citrus oils possibilities are endless really!
03.01.2022 Well what a day! it was such a nice feeling to be back! Like to really be back... to be able to throw open the doors and have people visit the clinic after such a long time of not having people in their physical form be here! I’m really looking forward to tomorrows Herbal Honey making workshops and having more people experience herbal medicine in a different way Thanks to those that came along today and a bigger thank you for adhering to our safety requirements
02.01.2022 Virtual Market Week - The markets would have been on this weekend, but due to the current situation, it has been cancelled for another couple of months for the safety and well-being of our community. However.. Just because it is not on in person, doesnt mean we cant have it, right? ... Well I have created an Online Market Day that will run for all of next week with 30% off and other little surprises! So check out the link and lets have some fun! Stay safe, shop at home!
02.01.2022 I am extremely lucky and very grateful that a work colleague gifted me a basket full of beautiful, plump, luscious Hawthorn Berries that she has growing on her heritage property Hawthorn is considered as one of herbal medicines best tonic remedies for the heart and circulatory system. I have also heard traditional herbalists say that it connects the head with the heart which I really love I will dry the leaves and berries and make a herbal tincture with some of it for use in heart and circulatory remedies and some I will make into tea blends... if I get really lucky and I am gifted more I will have a play with some more herbal remedies with apple cider vinegar or even a syrup!
01.01.2022 Clinic Changes, Challenges and Covid-19 - Newsletter out now detailing clinic changes and new herbal medicines to help support the immune system. I am still practising at home with the new online consultation form now available, along with the acute care consults. Consults can be held over the phone, via email or by video (Zoom). Herbal medicines can still be sent out through the post or pick up arranged. There has never been a better time than now to support and strengthen your immune system!
01.01.2022 Something delicious to try I use beef bone broth with a variety of sliced mushrooms and some veggies for a quick nutritious meal, but this one will be getting a run in my kitchen on the weekend!
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