Inner Wheel Club of Geraldton in Geraldton, Western Australia | Non-profit organisation
Inner Wheel Club of Geraldton
Locality: Geraldton, Western Australia
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25.01.2022 Travelling around the world has it challenges at the moment but: Hi Ho! Hi Ho! It's off to Columbia we go! Guest speaker, Adriana Collazos Nino treated Inner Wheelers to an insight into the geography, lifestyle and food of her native country on Wednesday 14 October. Adriana came to Australia 8 years ago and has made Geraldton her home.... Inner Wheeler Val, thanked Adriana for sharing her story.
25.01.2022 New member Nola and her companions Cocoa and Xena complete 2kms walk for Sean's Two for Ten fundraiser for Cord Blood Research.
23.01.2022 Something for us all to think about.....and be thankful for the people who come into our lives.
23.01.2022 Afternoon with friends on animal riders!
22.01.2022 Sean's Two for Ten - raising funds for Cord Blood Research. Central collection point for the $$$ - The Dome!
21.01.2022 How to Look After Your Husband Have dinner ready. Plan ahead, even the night before, to have a delicious meal on time. Prepare yourself. Take 15 minutes to rest so you will be refreshed when he arrives. Touch up your make-up, put a ribbon in your hair and be fresh looking. Be a little gay and a little more interesting. His boring day may need a lift.... Clear away the clutter - tidy, put toys away, dust . Your husband will feel he has reached a haven of rest and order, and it will give YOU a lift too. Prepare the children. Wash them, comb their hair, change their clothes. Minimise all noise. Do not run machines. Try to encourage the children to be quiet. Be happy to see him. Greet him with a warm smile. Don't complain - about anything. Your troubles are minor compared to his. Get him into his comfortable chair, or encourage him to have a little lie down. Arrange a pillow and take off his shoes. Speak in a low and gentle voice. Listen to him. You may have a dozen things to tell him, but the moment of his arrival is not the time. Let him talk first. The goal : try to make your home a place of peace and order where your husband can renew himself in body and spirit. AND THEY WONDERED WHY WOMEN WENT OUT TO WORK. It was a doddle after this ! And PAID as well ! Cheers Heather
21.01.2022 ....Memories from childhood... A lot of my childhood was playing outside in all weathers. We played hide n seek a lot in the summer months until 9 at night. When my eldest sister, I had 3 sisters, Eileen being 6yrs older would come and get me to go home. My friends would say, your sisters I would hide amongst the trees and bushes where we played. Finally having to go home. We played near what we called were the woods but my friends lived in like transportable... small an estate. We lived close by in a brick terrace house with a lovely garden. Our Dad was an artistic gardener, swings, arches, rockeries lovely paths down through a pretty garden. This was in Kent, England...close to London. I was born end the war but only remember our dining room table was a kind of shelter us children would be told to lie under it. I remember the cushions our Nan gave us. We still played under the table after the warVal In 1949 the Governor General of Australia Sir William McKell, and his wife and daughter, paid a brief visit to Denmark, then went on to Albany. My friend Ruth and I were chosen to present posies (made by my Grandmother from flowers from her garden) to Lady McKell and her daughter. We were given lessons in how to curtsy correctly, and were chosen because we looked similar, both of us had fair hair. The photo was taken after the event and shows Ruth and myself (I am on the left) in our special white dresses that we wore. Note the Union Jack that we are holding the Australian flag was not adopted as the National flag until 1953. ......................Lesley
20.01.2022 Terrific night out with members and friends at TAFE's Zeewyck Restaurant. Hospitality students were very professional in their customer service. The cute serviettes fired the curiosity which led to an impromptu workshop by one of the TAFE students on how to fold a serviette in the shape of a boat. :) We were very diligent students!
18.01.2022 A little fun raising at the Lions Markets - a few dollars was raised as well!
15.01.2022 Some thoughts gleaned from - 21 Indispensable Qualities of a Leader by John Maxwell:- Communication - be clear as a bell, refocus your attention -Is it on you, your material or your audience? If it's not people, you need to change it. Focus - How do you focus your time and energy? Recommendation is Focus 70% on strengths, Focus 25% on new things and Focus 5% on areas of weakness.... Listening - Start listening not only for words, but also for feelings, meanings and undercurrents. Vision - Vision is everything for a leader - it paints the target. It sparks and fuels the fire within, and draws her forward, it is the fire lighter for others who follow that leader. WRITE IT DOWN! It can then be reviewed and evaluated.
15.01.2022 Excerpt from weekly challenge: subject "Childhood memories" My childhood memory is of the wonderful parents I had. They were always there for us. I am one of 6 children. My mother cooked, sewed and knitted our clothes. My father worked hard and on weekends always took us out. We had a truck and would all pile on it with half the street and off we would go. In the winter we went to the bush or to see the dams, especially if they were overflowing and in summer we would go to the beach with the highlight being on the way home Dad would call into a shop and buy us all an ice cream. Sometimes or most times there would be 35 of us. ..Lil
11.01.2022 Inner Wheelers, partners, friends and neighbours enjoyed the melodious tones of travelling musician, Sax and the Single Girl (Anne Bavin) at a Garden Party hosted by Margaret Pike on 20 December, 2020. Through the chatting and laughter it was discovered that many people knew each other already.
09.01.2022 2021 - First social get together with Inner Wheelers, Friends and one husband!
09.01.2022 Inner Wheelers and friends at impromptu afternoon tea with "animal riders". Can't let kids have all the fun!
09.01.2022 We will remember them!
05.01.2022 Christmas Celebrations4 December 2020 Inner Wheelers, partners and friends gathered at the Wonthella Bowling Club for a night of frivolity and celebration. Many tall (and short) stories were shared as well as a glass of wine or two!
04.01.2022 Susi Peel from Ghana, shared some stories of her lengthy journey from Ghana to the shores of West Australia with Inner Wheelers and friends. A lovely, laughter filled time with a sumptuous afternoon tea! Awesome!
03.01.2022 AGM, Changeover and general meeting all in one night - what an amazing group of ladies! Wearing 'something' on our heads added to the fun of the night too :) The yummy bring and shared meal was delicious! The coming year will be a world adventure as we invite multicultural guest speakers to share their stories on how they come to be in a beautiful part of the world - Geraldton!
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