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25.01.2022 An awakened man does not need the approval of anyone but his own. No room for judgement in his heart but pure love and compassion for all. He has been through enough pain and has faced many challenges to gain strength and wisdom to be not afraid of vulnerability and to lay down his ego. Hes continuously seeking the Truth and brave enough to face his fears. There is no right or wrong in his heart but a path to a higher level of awareness and creating a community for all beings to reunite as one.

24.01.2022 You are SO worth living! Look after Your Mental and Emotional Health, also! Take a good care of Your Mental and Emotional well-being during this global crisis. Be kind and gentle to your self. It is absolutely okay to spend a day or two at home doing nothing. Thats called self care/ self love and it is as important to improve the quality of your life by giving it some meaning and value as to looking after your physical health.... Be kind to one another. Be kind to your self. You are SO worth living!

24.01.2022 Focus on your breathing and feel how alive you truly are. Feel each heartbeat. Thats pure energy. Use that energy to send positive vibration out. Reconnect with your own roots. And repeat this every day. Start living. Get in touch with your emotions and feel them, live them, accept them. Understand them and through this process heal yourself. Become as one with the Self and your surroundings. Reconnect with Mother Earth. Tap into your heart. Be one with your heart. Just BE!

24.01.2022 You never fail anyway! Theres always learning. Every opportunity good and not so good is always an amazing experience and great learning. Life is a crazy fucking journey and in the middle of that craziness lies a pure space of love and growth. So keep learning and keep growing and enjoy every moment. Life is fucking amazing.

22.01.2022 You're bloody awesome. Yes! You! You're amazing. You're fabulous. You're enough. Just be you. And thanks for being a great friend. Your true friendship is appreciated!

20.01.2022 In the outmost moments of existence, ponder upon your higher life purpose as you are destined tremendous blessings. . Never stop believing in yourself. Even if you have to walk it alone for a while. No one is going to save you. Not your family, not your friends or your partner. Its all up to you. It starts with you. . The Universe responds accordingly to your vibration. The Universe doesnt speak English. It speaks frequency. Set your goals high and raise your standards and never stop believing in yourself.

20.01.2022 Hey beautiful Souls! Im offering a free 20 minute healing session for the first 3 people to inbox me.... Longer sessions available also. Private message me for more info.

20.01.2022 Common question everyone asks.... whats my purpose in life? To go back to your true self to what you truly are before you became. To become in harmony with your mind, heart, ego, body, spirit and soul.... To acknowledge your darkness, heal your shadows and create a balance between your light and shadows. To heal yourself so you may heal your entire family line. To guide and assist others in their spiritual journey. To enjoy, being playful and to let your inner child go fucking wild!

17.01.2022 #osho Simply sums it up.

16.01.2022 Dont fear your shadows. Embrace your dark side. We have to be okay with our shadows in order to learn to appreciate and understand our own light.

15.01.2022 Make it your daily task in discovering your fucking truth and dont rely on other people to do it for you because the truth is no one fucking cares as much you do for you. Count your blessings and never stop believing in your self. Stay true to your own self.

13.01.2022 Youre not condemned to believe that you are not enough. In fact you are not anything they have taught you to be. You are everything before you became who you are not. It is time to remove the mask... to strip your body, mind and heart off of layers and layers of self doubt, ignorance, confusion, lack of confidence and compassion, lack of self love and self worth... ect. The beauty that youre searching for is within you! It is your truest and purest essence. It is You!... It is time to heal yourself. It is time to go deep in there... to face those emotions/ energies that you have neglected... every energy can be healed, shifted and released. It is purely up to You!

13.01.2022 "The only people without problems are those in cemeteries". - Tony Robbins * We are all fighting battles on daily basis. What makes a difference is how we approach these problems. Do we become victims to our own problems? OR do we handle them systematically and strategically? * Do we let our problems knock the shit out of us and keep us down there permanently? Do we react to them or do we use them as an advantage to find a solution! ... Did you know we can grow mentally, emotionally, spiritually and at times financially by attacking these obstacles one by one? * Remember, even the happiest person on earth has problems. Except he/ she knows exactly how to deal with these problems and still remain a happy and joyful person. The choice is yours. See more

12.01.2022 Spiritual bliss is not limited or restricted to time, place, person or mind. It has no beginning nor ending. If youre restricting it to time or personhood then you havent truly found it and it is only your mind that is tricking you.

11.01.2022 You are always surrounded and guided by your Spirit Guides. . Its absolutely beautiful and profound experience when youre in harmony with your inner child, your heart, body, ego, mind, spirit and soul. You become one with the Self. You become love itself as you are love itself. And your Spirit Guides and Spirit Animals are always ready to answer to your prayers. You just have to ask!!! . Aho!

11.01.2022 The answer that you seek has already been bestowed upon you! * Look deep within and your answer shall reveal itself to you. * You are as one with the Universe! You are as one with Higher Beings and your Guardian Angels are watching over you.... * Take the next step with utmost confidence and fear not the outcome. We are all in this together every step of the way and we will never be left alone to struggle. * Deep within your heart... you already have the answer. It is crystal clear and only you can see and receive such message with absolute clarity and purity of heart. * You are stronger than you think and you are and only you are ready for this answer. Take a deep breath in and allow this answer to guide you. See more

11.01.2022 As a spiritual being I prefer to only see the good in other beings. He who doesnt reject the world. He who doesnt judge the world. But treats the world with kindness.

10.01.2022 Strip yourself of all beliefs and disbeliefs you have believed to be true in order to undo yourself of what you have become.

09.01.2022 How to approach those who may seem to take advantage of your kindness... . Id send them love and light instead of being angry at them or creating an unnecessary situation because they must be dealing with some serious unresolved issues and theyre the ones needing the healing the most! . Its not personal. Dont take it personally. And most importantly dont allow their behaviour affect your energy!!! Send them love and light and walk away if needed. Not every single person ...deserves to be in your circle anyway. . He who doesnt judge the world. He who doesnt reject the world. But treats the world with kindness. . Namaste See more

09.01.2022 Blessings, I just wanted to share this message with you all during these horrific and bizarre moments that are affecting each one of us - individually and collectively. It's easy to give in to fear which seems to be the greatest enemy sabotaging our lives. The downfall of our current situation may seem impossible and difficult, especially for those who have lost their jobs/ business/ stable income which supporting their family.... During these moments, especially now more than ever, we have to come together collectively and work together as One to raise the frequency of the Earth. There always is a blessing in every situation and now it is the perfect time to reflect on our lives and go within to make some changes... new plans/ goals, improvements in any or all area(s) of our life. The Universe is not against you. Your resistance to adopt to certain changes in your life is what's making life seem harder. You need to let go and flow with life... with each moment. Mother Earth is healing and maybe now is the perfect opportunity to tune into Her and listen consciously to the message She has to deliver to each one of us as we all are bonded as One! You can commit to personal goals around your house such as practicing meditation, learning yoga, writing poetry or simply connecting with your family... your children, your partner to strengthen your relationship or whatever it is that you wish to achieve or accomplish which can assist you in altering your mind by raising your vibrational frequency higher during such hard and challenging times. Don't give up... Don't give in... Have Faith and Trust that every thing happens for a reason and life never challenges you beyond your ability and whatever that is happening for you is preparing you for a greater outcome. My thoughts and prayers are with you all! Many Blessings.

08.01.2022 Everything is interconnected. Everything is energy. Silence is the answer. Love is the only cure.

08.01.2022 Silence is not the absence of sound, but the absence of mind. . The Self is always here and present. Silence is the absence of the mind. The True Self never makes any noise. Its the mind that is always occupied and making noise. . Bring your self to this space of nothingness and absolute silence. In that space create a space of pure joy, love and peace. Immerse yourself into the ocean of consciousness and discover your true Self.

07.01.2022 Spirituality is your escape from your attachment to your conditionings. Rejoice your ultimate awakening and freedom and let your light illuminate the whole world.

07.01.2022 It may seem to you as though my life is perfect and everything is going well! The answer is NO! * Life is messy... challenging... unbearable... unbalanced but amongst all the fucking craziness I still manage to smile and stay positive and grounded because this too shall pass! * I have been blessed to have the pleasure to meet certain people in my life. Those who have betrayed me, ripped me off and lied to me and those who have been open, vulnerable and trustworthy! I am grate...ful for all of those who have crossed my path. Because they helped me to learn some hard and valuable lessons in life due to their coward attitude and selfish actions. I have learnt to pay attention to their energies and actions and not to their words because talk is cheap and any coward can put some nice words together to attract an audience. * My circle has gotten smaller and smaller over the years and those who are crazily close to me understand my story and they truly get what Im going through ( you know who you are) and Im always grateful for their presence in my life and remember Im always here for you too! * Why am I posting this? Because in life we go through some unspoken challenges and we quite often stay quiet ( especially men) and hold everything inside, because we dont like to be shamed or come across as weak. But the truth is that the real spiritual strength and growth comes from speaking up, setting boundaries and learning to stand up for your self and to say fucking NO if it doesnt resonate with you! * Deep down you know whats best for you and I learnt this the hard way so now Im listening to my heart... to my spirit guides... to my Native American spirits and if feels right I do it even if feels wrong to everyone else otherwise I will say no even if it feels right to others. * This is your journey. Its about you. Not about impressing others. Not about impressing your family/ friends or your religious/ cultural community. It is just about You! How you perceive your life and how passionate and courageous you are to follow your own heart!!! * The rest in the comment below... See more

07.01.2022 Youre not limited to this physical body and form. You are the existence itself. You are in the trees, oceans, mountains, birds, stars and the entire Universe. You are not an accident. You are unborn awareness, the consciousness itself. Be grateful for your existence.

07.01.2022 In order to become in harmony with your heart and to discover your True Self first you need to let go of your attachments and purify your being. . Letting go of ego, greed, hate, jealousy, judgements, any negative thought and energy. To die to live. To become absolutely empty in order to be full of love and life and purity. . To accept that youre going to die in order to live. Die to conditioning, die to attachments, die to any negative energy... and discover that space you that is quiet which has no shape, no form, no religion, no social attachment, no name... and stay there in the absolute nothingness. . To unlearn what you have learned. Think and breathe with your heart. You will consciously find yourself within that space which has always been in you once you start believing in yourself. . Namaste See more

07.01.2022 You are love! Love itself. You dont need love because your existence is truly love. Dont go out searching for love. Heal yourself and you will feel it in your heart.

07.01.2022 You are the safest in your own body. Once you discover the power within you, you wont rely on nobody anymore. Instead you use your power to help the helpless ones.

07.01.2022 2018 was a magnificent year of new learnings, processing deep emotions, facing challenges and healing, growth and a rollercoaster experience overall. . What a blessing this year has been truly preparing us spiritually and mentally for what is yet to come in 2019. Think big, manifest with your heart, and dont settle for less. Forgive those who have hurt you and send love and light to those who are no longer part of your journey. . 2019 is going to a great year full of blessi...ngs, new beginnings, new connections and this new chapter is filled with joy, love and abundance. . Happy new year! See more

06.01.2022 The door to awakening opens internally.

05.01.2022 Get comfortable being uncomfortable! What does that mean? Are you ready to get uncomfortable in order to find your path, your purpose, and most certainly your own self? See, quite often when we are going through tough times and experiencing heavy and challenging emotions and feelings, we tend to run away from these emotions to avoid dealing with them and some people have denied these feelings for so long that they cant really remember these emotions exist anymore. Howe...ver, those emotions are subconsciously stored in your system and theyre ready to be triggered at any time. Having said that, if youre constantly running away from or avoiding these emotions, youre betraying your own self and not giving the kind of love ( unconditional love) you deserve back to yourself. Because youre not being honest with yourself. Youre not taking the responsibility to express and process these emotions. Its okay to recite reaffirmations and listen to motivational podcasts or to hang out with friends when you feel lonely or to watch your favorite TV show to distract yourself, and its absolutely fine to do all those things but you have to remember that the main issue still exists. So in order to deal with these emotions and feelings or issues if you like... is to recognize them, accept and appreciate their presence, let them to do their thing without trying to fix them, and process them consciously. If youre feeling lonely, get use to it until being lonely isnt an issue anymore and you will start to love your own presence and being happy in your own accompany. If youre feeling heart broken or betrayed, feel that emotion, feel that pain and be okay with it. Let that pain to run through your entire body and feel it, recognize it, experience it, and appreciate it. And if you start to cry, dont stop yourself. Its absolutely fine to cry. Crying itself is a healing process. This way, youre growing spiritually, mentally, and emotionally and youre allowing yourself to accept that theres unresolved issues within you and youre okay with processing them in a loving, trusting and kind way. This is a spiritual healing experience. See more

04.01.2022 The essence of Mother Nature lies within. * Kindle the inner world with the love it so deserves, after all isnt it the vessel of your own Soul? * Listen to the body the same way you attend to the sound of rain, the whispers of the wind, and the rustles of the autumn leaves. ... Your body is a living temple, a holy place where every single cell transmutes itself into the vibration you emit. * I love you and it will rise with you. I hate you and it will shatter you. * Take care of Mother Nature and it will take care of you. See more

02.01.2022 Two powerful ingredients: Faith & Trust. The results will be unstoppable, unshakable, imperishable.

02.01.2022 Thank You, Great Spirit! Thank You, Mother Earth! Thank You, Father Sky! Thank You! Thank You!... Thank You! * Every morn and eve, count your blessings and be wholeheartedly grateful for everything that you have and is yet to come. Thank your own self for being so brave and strong. Thank your own self for all that you have been through and still have a heart full of unconditional love and compassion. Thank every person who has crossed your path as they have been a blessing from the above. Thank your spirit guides and guardian angels for all of their wisdom and love. * If you have nothing to say at all... just say... Thank You! * Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! See more

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