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Inspirational Sanctuary

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25.01.2022 What are you thinking, feeling and doing when you are truly listening to someone? <3

25.01.2022 Come back after the fire. Sit tight. Wait. Find a way. Bloom again. You can.

23.01.2022 Doubting yourself is so yesterday

22.01.2022 Kind and loving humans, are free humans. How do you do kindness and love? Does being a genuine and caring person come easily and naturally for you? Or Does your heart want to be kind but something interferes with your thoughts, actions and words? ... That's just your stuff. You know, that stuff you hide away and try to ignore. Past, baggage...stuff. Resentment, Hurt, Guilt and Unwanted Beliefs are at the top of the list of these pesky interferences. You'll know when it's time to free yourself of these. All at once, or one by one. Once you do, you'll never look back. Nothing can hurt you, especially yourself. Free Free Free... S x See more

18.01.2022 Who taught us to compare our thoughts, our looks, our skills and our lives against others? Where did it come from? #randomthought #whatsyouranswer #whenareweenough #individualtruth #oneinthesame #weareone

17.01.2022 No matter what happens in your life, you can always start over

15.01.2022 A little story about fear (and LOVE )... I recently misplaced the usual love that resides within. Things crept in to interfere with my trusting and faithful flow. Worry, doubt and the eliminator of all good...FEAR! I was listening to my thoughts and words one day knowing that I was not myself. I was angry, disillisioned and untrusting. I was whinging, and at times, bitter. Yuck! People don't deserve that sort of company. A collection of events, injuries and situation...s built up and before I knew it, I was loosing control of my I could pop!! Wake up call! I do not want to feel this way. For me, this was a "baggage alert" It was time to slow down and unpack some stuff, aka "communicate". I reminded myself to travel lightly on this journey. No emotional baggage allowed, it is too interferring. Baggage gets heavy, it can make one tired, confused and bitter. I see how people get to this point and often spiral further down the dark road. Fear is such a thief. It robs you of sleep, happiness, kindness, confidence, relationships, clarity and LOVE. Find your happy place. It's good for you, the people around you and the universe as a whole. Sending love, kindness, honesty and peaceful hearts to all LOVE See more

14.01.2022 What ENERGISES you?What ENERGISES you?

14.01.2022 Can you remember a time when you felt absolutely amazing? Free, happy, vibrant and on track? Hold that memory in your mind. Feel it in your body. See it. Taste it. Smell it. Remember it and experience everything it gives to you. Now claim it as a place you want to be again. Be there. Be happy. Be free. YOU CAN - YOU ARE

12.01.2022 Perfection isn't always the answer. If perfectionism gets in the way of happiness or hurts others, it is completely imperfect. LOVE <3

09.01.2022 It is a beautiful thing when someone's writing touches the very core of your heart...thank you @meredithgaston "I choose to see anew today Things my eyes have begun to overlook will become interesting to me again. ... Details I have started to miss will spring forward to delight me. Moments of magic I have been passing by will start to enchant and inspire me. I choose to see like a traveller today, traversing new land, exploring new sights. With the energy, curiosity and gratitude of a traveller, I will explore and savour all the details of my life. I will allow my senses to be delighted. I will take in the scents, the sounds and the sights, the colours, the shadows and the light. I will revel in the glorious patterns, tastes and textures. I will notice faces, movement and touch. Today I will notice the many magical messages meant especially for me. I will know that the people, creatures, words or songs that cross my path were all meant to be met with my awareness. I will allow my life to tell me stories, to inspire and nourish me, and to guide me on my way. Today I will awaken to my life. I will raise my head and lift my eyes. I will refresh my spirit with each step I take, knowing that my life is as rich and as bountiful as I make it. Knowing that gifts great and small tickle me for my attention in every moment. Today I choose to have magical eyes, and to experience my world anew." Meredith Gaston Find your Sparkle Embracing the Magic of Life

07.01.2022 I look in the mirror. I see the lines. I see the body. I see the story. I feel you. I know you're there. I'm with you. I love you always.

06.01.2022 My wish for others, is to simply look at other humans as humans. Not by their status or job. Not by their race or colour. Not by this. Not by that. Blame nobody. Live your best life. ... We are all simply here. Born. Living. Alive. Responsible. #noblame #yourlife #beyourbest #noexcuses #shine #highestself See more

04.01.2022 Something that comes up a lot in coaching sessions is "Negative Self Talk" and/or "Self Doubt". If this is something that limits your potential or interferes your relationships and daily life, I have some questions for you to ponder...may they inspire something within...<3 1. Who told you that you have reason to doubt yourself? Is it "Self" talk or is that someone else's voice in your head? Where did it come from? 2. When did you decide that this was the right way to treat yourself? Where did your expectations come from? 3. How is having negative self talk serving you? 4. What exactly is your self doubt trying to save you from? Is it relevant? 5. How long have you been doing this? Have you had enough yet? Is it time to be kinder to yourself? 6. When it comes up, how can you quickly and effectively put a stop to it and transform it into something positive? What can you say to yourself instead? Tip - Be bold, be stronger than that voice or feeling. 7. What does positive self talk sound like? What do you want to say to yourself? How do you speak to your loved ones? 8. What would happen if you were kind to yourself? How would it affect your relationships and life in general? How would you feel? 9. What if you 100% loved and accepted every little part of yourself for who you are and all you've been through? What then? What would happen? 10. How will creating a more positive, genuine and encouraging relationship with yourself change your life and relationships? Loving yourself is good for you, it is good for the people in your life and it is good for the Universe as a whole. Your self acceptance and love is a source of goodness which touches everyone around you. It's not just okay to do, its imperative. Let the LOVE bloom. Siona xxx

03.01.2022 I wrote this some years ago for a group meditation and I stumbled across it today...very timely and very beautiful...enjoy... <3 xxx As you sit and you look... Allow your senses to explore the nature that surrounds us. Look at everything. See the colours. Hear the sounds. Feel the breeze and the sun. Smell the crisp clean air. If you have thoughts enter your mind which are not related to what you are seeing, gently push them aside and re-focus on something you see...... <3 Now draw your attention to you. You are a part of this magnificent universe. Fill every inch of your body with the clean crisp air. Know that the beauty you see around you, lives within you. The peaceful sounds are yours to tune into. <3 Place your Thumbs to your Ring Fingers - Fire to Earth This encourages energy, balance, health & vitality. This helps you to connect to your intuition and encourages positive change. It also builds and invigorates your bodily tissues. Repeat these affirmations after me and then we will pause. When we pause I invite you to visualise and feel these affirmations. What do they look like? How do they feel for you? What messages do you receive? If they are negative messages, I invite you to challenge them and replace them with the affirmation.... I feel connected to this beautiful earth I am surrounded by goodness and I am safe I am free to be peaceful I am gentle and kind I allow myself to be watched over and guided I deserve love and support I need love and support I allow love and support into my life It is safe for me to love others It is safe for others to love me I am safe I allow myself to feel peaceful I allow myself to feel joy I am proud of myself I love and approve of myself I forgive and honour myself I am free to be myself I am sincerely loving I am completely lovable My life is very, very specialand so am I <3

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