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Inspired Physiotherapy in Baulkham Hills, New South Wales | Physical therapist

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Inspired Physiotherapy

Locality: Baulkham Hills, New South Wales

Phone: 9674 5596 / 9686 8825

Address: 41 Merindah Road 2153 Baulkham Hills, NSW, Australia


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24.01.2022 8 amazing years of Inspired! How far we have come! Its amazing to think that a small dream has turned into this amazing community and I am so very grateful for the support weve had over the years and especially in the past few months. A massive thank you has to go to my wonderful team. They have helped me build this practice to what it is today and not only helped me but many other clients. Another massive thank you has to go to my parents and my husband. Thank you so very ...much for never having a doubt and always backing me 100%. Happy 8th Birthday Inspired! Deb

24.01.2022 Hope everyone had fabulous celebrations last night! Happy new year!

24.01.2022 Congratulations to Nina from APAC - Australian Performing Arts College for completing the Pre Pointe Process!

23.01.2022 We are so very grateful for your support over the past year and wish our Inspired community a very Merry Christmas and a safe and wonderful holidays!

23.01.2022 Can’t believe it’s been 10 years! What a lovely surprise to receive recognition from the Australian Physiotherapy Association. I feel very privileged to work with the clients and the staff I work with and absolutely love being able to help people achieve their goals. Thank you always for your support in my journey as a physio. Deb

23.01.2022 Ever wondered whether your pelvic floor is actually working and whether the cues are your using are effective? The real time ultrasound is great tool be able to see whether your pelvic floor responds to the cues you use e.g. does it lift and contract when you tell it to? Our Womens Health Physio Bo can help guide you through your pelvic floor strengthening via real time ultrasound. For more info visit our website

22.01.2022 Did you know that Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy isn't just for women? Bo, our pelvic floor physio can also help men with urgency and continence issues and even prepare men who have been diagnosed with prostate cancer with exercises for post surgery.

22.01.2022 Do you have shoe shaped feet? Or feet shaped feet? Read more about how the shape of your shoes are impacting more than just your feet.

22.01.2022 Thanks to our friends at You Marketing Solutions we have a new QR code for our Covid Safety check so we can avoid passing pens and paper. All you have to do is 1 Open your camera on your phone and hold it up to the QR code 2 Itll then take your to a link, click on the link... 3 Scroll through and answer them Covid Safety questions + add in your name and mobile number We truly appreciate your cooperation with helping Inspired stay Covid safe!

22.01.2022 Wishing our receptionist Karly a very happy birthday for yesterday! Hope you had a great day and enjoyed your sweet treats from Dessert Boxes!

21.01.2022 Check out our latest newsletter!

21.01.2022 Who do you know that's out in the garden? We've put together some tips to save your back and knees from arduous hours of weeding and mowing as the rain makes all our yards grow so quickly.

20.01.2022 Funday Fridays!!! Sara maxing out her overhead squat with our new SMAI bumper plates. How much do you think she’s lifting??

20.01.2022 So excited to try out our new Mobo Boards - they’re great for ankle rehab and learning how to control your deep foot and calf muscles.

20.01.2022 Weve recently updated our Cancellation Policy to 24 hours notice - if you are unable to attend your appointment 24 hours notice is required so that we can allow people on the waiting list an opportunity to be seen. Thanks so much for your assistance!

20.01.2022 Here at Inspired we are working hard to keep everyone COVID safe - we have some new markings on our floor to guide our clients and staff with safe distancing. We appreciate your help with stopping the spread.

19.01.2022 We are excited to have our classes back on at the clinic! We are taking all the recommended precautions and have reduced class sizes to ensure physical distancing between clients and will be meticulously cleaning all equipment after use. For more information about our Physiocise and Total Body HIIT classes call the clinic on 9674 5596.

19.01.2022 It’s our Head Greeter’s 6th birthday today!!! Happy birthday Maple!

17.01.2022 Our Telehealth consults are still available - while we have measures in place to keep our clients and staff safe in clinic we understand there are some people who would prefer to be seen via online consult (or it may just cut out your travel time!). If a Telehealth consult would suit you and your schedule better, call 9674 5596 to book in.

17.01.2022 A little late - but if you need something to work off the Easter eggs here’s April’s yoga doggo

17.01.2022 Our Mature Age class back at it! We’ve missed our weekly catch ups, oh and our favourite exercises are still the seated ones

17.01.2022 Whats in the box??? happy Friday!

17.01.2022 How hard do your hammys work? This is harder then it looks - great for runners needing a bit more hammy activation. Give it a go and see how high you can lift your heel!

17.01.2022 Tuesday tow spreading! How much can you spread your toes? Can you control each toes movement or are they all stuck moving as one. Toe control is something we look for in a pre pointe assessment but also when we are diagnosing foot and ankle injuries. What do you rate Bobs toe spread?

17.01.2022 It is all about communication, understanding dancers work and mentality and speaking their language, says Mayes. We are so privileged to speak dance and work with so many dancers in the area helping to reduce injuries and keeping them on track to reach their dance dreams and goals. A great article shared by the Australian Physiotherapy Association about how the Australian Ballet is reduced ankle injuries by 50%.

16.01.2022 Another way for women save the planet An interesting article from our pelvic health physio Bo.

16.01.2022 Weve had some spots become available in our Tues 10am Physiocise class - if youre interested in improving your core strength with our physio led classes call 9674 5596.

15.01.2022 Our friend's at Black Flag Barbell Club have another free workshop coming up. If you've been interested in Strongman training but just don't know how to work it into your regular training, this workshop is for you.

15.01.2022 Chookas to the APAC - Australian Performing Arts College kids!!! always love seeing our kids perform!!!

15.01.2022 Building functional movements! Zoue came to the clinic a few weeks ago originally with hip impingement in her left hip. Having had a knee replacement a few years ago she had been worried about how much she could push that leg especially with a 2cm leg length discrepancy. So we started with some deep hip rotator strengthening and quad strengthening and this week we squatted a 20kg bar!!!... We’re going to keep working on the hip shift as her left quad grows and we’ve made up the leg length with a sneaky plate under the left heel. awesome work Zoue!

15.01.2022 Good luck to those competing in the GPC Sydney Cup 2020 including our physio Deb! There will be a live stream and she'll be competing on Saturday with the Black Flag Barbell Club crew!

14.01.2022 Pointe shoes arent always comfortable (Im not sure if they ever are!) - heres a pair that we did a bit of engineering with to get padding in the right places to avoid a hard block rubbing on the tip and base of big toe just to make sure were not breaking in new shoes 3 weeks before the exam. Whats your favourite type of pointe shoe?

13.01.2022 Have you checked out our latest newsletter? Click the link below to find out the latest news at Inspired.

13.01.2022 Do you think it looks comfy? Loving our new treatment bed from InterAktiv Health- thanks for the speedy and exceptional service!!!

13.01.2022 Pain can be overwhelming when we dont understand it and what its place is in our road to recovery. This week is National Pain week - the Australian Physiotherapy Association has created this great infographic about pain.

12.01.2022 Here’s a great way to work on improving the height of your arabesque. Think about feeling your glutes and turn out muscles engaging while your leg is in extension and don’t forget to keep your neck long and core on. And remember, a big part of a higher arabesque is to remember to breathe! Exhale as you lift the leg to feel the extension elongate.

12.01.2022 Try this Tuesday - this is the dead bug hold. It’s great for learning to brace when lifting and also for those that struggle to feel their lower belly when engaging their core. The main cue for this exercise is to push the back of your ribs and your lower back into the ground. Where do you feel it when you try it?

12.01.2022 The reformer is a great way to challenge your core against resistance. One on one reformer sessions are available with both Sara and Kristy. For more info call 9674 5596.

11.01.2022 Congratulations to Charlotte from Flight Dance Project for completing the Pre Pointe Process! We cant wait to see you with your pointe shoes!

11.01.2022 Just a reminder of our opening hours over the holiday period - if you’ve finally got some time to get your niggles sorted between Christmas and New Years, we’ll still be open! We have online booking at

10.01.2022 Thats what was in the box! Our new leg press!

10.01.2022 A lot of companies are ditching their corporate offices for a more permanent work from home situation which means thinking about your long term set up at home. Have you thought about your set up and how this will effect your sitting posture long term?

10.01.2022 Happy birthday to our receptionist Jess! Hope you had a great day!

10.01.2022 Cutest Covid Marshal ever Our friends at Black Flag Barbell Club are making sure they are Covid compliant with members cleaning equipment after each use, no sharing equipment and adequate physical distancing during and between sets. Who wouldnt listen to this Covid marshal?!

09.01.2022 Congratulations to Georgia from Dancing with Maree for passing her Pre Pointe assessment! Can’t wait to see you with your new pointe shoes!

09.01.2022 Did you know it's Endometriosis Awareness Month? Endometriosis affects 1 in 9 women and can often take up to 7 years to get a diagnosis. If often comes with debilitating pelvic pain and can also affect fertility. For more info, check out Bo's blog on Endometriosis and how pelvic floor physio can help you.

09.01.2022 Do you know how to brace when lifting? If you're using the weights in the weights section at the gym or even have a home set up, bracing to protect your spine is an important skill to avoid injury. Check out Josh's blog for more info.

09.01.2022 Happy Fathers Day to all the amazing dads and dance dads out there! We thank you for learning how to do pig tails and buns and letting our glitter costumes brighten up your car!

08.01.2022 Its migraine awareness week! Headaches can be caused by many factors. Headache Australia describes 35 different causes to headaches. Find out more about headac...hes: If you have excruciating pain in the head, or if it is your first or worst headache, you should consult your GP or attend the nearest ED to rule out any serious condition. You should also consult your GP if the headaches are ongoing or associated with dizziness, disorientation, difficulty speaking, swallowing, falls, nausea, numbness or nystagmus (where the eyes move rapidly and uncontrollably).

08.01.2022 A few weeks ago our physio Deb competed with the Black Flag Barbell Club team at the GPC Sydney Cup 2020 at Warrior Performance. She came away with a gold medal with a full podium of u52kg ladies squatting 132.5kg, bench pressing 55kg and deadlifting 147.5kg for a total of 335kg and the win. Yay go Deb!

08.01.2022 If the front of your ankles are feeling a bit stuck at the bottom of your squat or even with going down stairs, the banded dorsiflexion lunge may help to improve your dorsiflexion range. As we dorsiflex or our ankles bend to come down stairs for instance, the talus bone (ankle bone between the tibia and fibula) needs to move back to create room at the front of our ankle for the shin bone to move forward. The band around the front of the ankle guides the talus back as we lunge forward. Try ~30 reps focusing on the repitition rather than holding the position and then re-test a squat or walking down stairs!

08.01.2022 Look at these Pre Pointers from Flight Dance Project killing it! Congratulations to Darcy and Jolie for completing the Pre Pointe Process!

07.01.2022 Congratulation for to Losanie from Dance Pointe for completing the Pre Pointe process!

06.01.2022 Trying out some new exercises to improve arabesque height - here were working on back and hip extension with turnout.

06.01.2022 Has Maple’s running technique improved? Is she taking shorter, faster steps so that she foot strikes under herself? I think she needs some working on Disclaimer - no animals were harmed or traumatised in the making of this video

05.01.2022 This is what was in the box!! Our new functional trainer!

05.01.2022 If youve put exercise on the back burner due to COVID and not sure how to get started again, our Accredited Exercise Physiologist Kristy can help write and guide you through a personalised exercise plan developed for you in a one on one session. For more info or to book a session call 9674 5596.

05.01.2022 Springing into September with Tinsel the #yogapuppies

05.01.2022 Congratulations Caelan for completing the Pre Pointe Process! So excited to see you with your pointe shoes!

04.01.2022 Last Friday we celebrated Christmas with a Paint your Pet at Pinot & Picasso Castle Hill - I think we have some secret painters at Inspired A big shoutout and thanks to Pinot & Picasso Castle Hill for a fabulous time!

03.01.2022 Here at @inspiredphysio we are working really hard to ensure the safety of all our clients and staff during this time. We ask that all clients remember these key points when visiting us so that we can guarantee the best care for everybody 1. Please only arrive 5 mins before your appointment. If you are early we ask that you wait in your car. 2. Only one person per appointment. If you are bringing your child, then one parent or care taker is fine. Please no siblings in the ...waiting room. 3. Use our hand sanitizer on entering and exiting the practice. 4. Our physios will now be wearing masks. Whilst masks are not essential for all clients, we do encourage our womens health and at risk clients to be wearing one. 5. Please respect the floor markings and keep 1.5m distance between yourself and others. 6. You will be required to fill in a COVID clearance check upon arrival. Thank you all for your cooperation! Love from the Inspired Physio team

03.01.2022 Check out Debs latest article about top tips for returning back to pointe (especially if your pointe class had to stop due to Covid-19) in the latest Dancetrain Magazine

03.01.2022 Congratulations on completing the Pre Pointe Process Sharna from KTD Performing Arts Studio! What an exciting way to start the school holidays!!

02.01.2022 Just a reminder of our holiday hours - we still have some appointments available tomorrow before we close till the New Year! Here’s a link to our online booking:

01.01.2022 Have you subscribed to our newsletter? Here's our December issue for all the latest Inspired Physiotherapy

01.01.2022 Some great tips for exercise during pregnancy - our Womens Health physio Bo can assist and recommend exercises suited to your needs before, during and post pregnancy

01.01.2022 Loving our new gym floor thanks to handyman Ian from @Hewerhomeservices and mats from CyberFit Gym Equipment! Cant wait for our classes to go back this week!

01.01.2022 Look at this progress!!! We’ve been working on loading the left leg with single leg press and lunges to translate into a more even squat. Zoue’s improvement with her squat technique has been and no hip pain! Yay! Go Zoue!

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