Inspire Holistic Training College in Wedderburn, New South Wales, Australia | Education
Inspire Holistic Training College
Locality: Wedderburn, New South Wales, Australia
Phone: +61 2 4634 1143
Address: 419 Wedderburn Rd 2560 Wedderburn, NSW, Australia
Likes: 1130
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25.01.2022 Take what you need, and pass it on. We are all struggling at the moment with everything thats going on. Our lives have been thrown upside down. While we are being encouraged to socially distance ourselves, it is easy for us to become socially isolated as well. Check in on your friends, family and neighbours, make sure they are ok, and let them know you are thinking of them. But dont forget to look after yourself as well #inspire #awaken #empower #meditation #meditationpractice #meditationtherapy #meditationteacher #holisticcounsellor #holostichumandevelopment #holistic #inspireholistic #checkonyourfriends #areyouok #takewhatyouneed #passiton #weareallinthistogether #personalgrowth #growthmindset #selfcare #education #neverstoplearning #knowledgeispower See more
25.01.2022 During the confusion and uncertainty of this global pandemic crisis, we all need to do our best to help create peace and calm. At Inspire Holistic Training College, we believe that together we really can make a difference, and the more people we can train, the bigger the difference we can make. So we are offering our Certificate in Meditation Teaching and Holistic Human Development for only $999. Now is the perfect opportunity for personal growth, and to become qualified to h...elp others through meditation. If you have a passion for helping people, we would love to hear from you! #inspire #awaken #empower #meditation #mindfulness #meditationpractice #meditationtherapy #meditationteacher #holisticcounsellor #holostichumandevelopment #holistic #inspireholistic #education #neverstoplearning #knowledgeispower #findcalm #findcalminthechaos #staycentered
25.01.2022 When youre in fear, you take all the available energy of your body and use them for fight or flight purposes.You shut down growth and you shut down the immune system Dr. Bruce Lipton PhD Cellular Biologist
25.01.2022 People inspire you, or they drain you. Pick them wisely
24.01.2022 There are various definitions of meditation depending on what main interventions are emphasized. In general, meditation is defined as a broad variety of practices designed to cultivate emotional balance and psychological well-being, including relaxation, the observation of ones own inner or outer experiences, and the intentional self-regulation of attention ([Lutz et al., 2008b](; [Slagter et al., 2011](; [Awasthi, 2012]( There are many forms of meditation practice such as mindfulness meditation, concentrative meditation, transcendental meditation, Buddhist meditation, and others ([Cahn and Polich, 2006](; [Travis and Shear]( Mindfulness meditation refers to a broad range of practices based on promoting a non-judgmental and non-reactive state of awareness that may improve ones ability to modify automatic behaviors in the long run ([Kabat-Zinn, 2003]( Read more... [](
23.01.2022 In Mindfulness practice, we are learning how to return to, and remain in the present moment - to anchor ourselves in the here and now.. on purpose... and without judgement!
23.01.2022 Due to high demand for the Certificate in Meditation and Holistic Human Development Course, we have opened up another intake beginning May 15th 2020. There are still a few places available... We also have spaces available for the student intake beginning June 6th!! This is a great time to find peace and calm in your life... PM me for more info!
23.01.2022 Sharing the love of one of our fabulous teachers! #gratitude #whatrugratefulfor #simplethings #doesntcostathing #happiness #mindfulness #meditation #bekind #inspire #awaken #empower
22.01.2022 The less you respond to negative people, the more peaceful your life will become #meditation #relaxationresponse #mindfulness #happiness #positivevibes #inspire #awaken #empower
22.01.2022 The goal of Meditation isnt to control your thoughts, its to stop letting them control you!
22.01.2022 Its during the storm that we must focus to stay centred. Find calm in the midst of chaos.... knowing that in time, the storm will pass #meditation #meditationpractice #meditationhealing #holistic #holisticcounsellor #healing #healtheworld #findcalm #findpeace #inspire #awaken #empower
21.01.2022 No one saves us but ourselves. No one can and no one may. We ourselves must walk the path - Buddha #buddha #empowerment #meditation #oursoulseeksitsownpath #holistichealth #holistichealing #holistichealthcoach #Holisticcounsellor #truth #knowledgeispower ... #inspire #awaken #empower See more
19.01.2022 Reconnect with your inner child tonight. #Inspire #Awaken #Empower
18.01.2022 Are you passionate about MENS HEALTH and WELLBEING?? Inspire Holistic Training college are offering a full scholarship for the certificate in Meditation and Holistic Human Development to 2 men who are passionate about healing others. Not only will you become a certified Meditation Teacher, Holistic Counsellor, Holistic Life Coach and Chair Yoga Instructor but you will also receive the post graduate course in Meditation Therapy for Mens Holistic Health and Wellbeing. This c...ourse offers a fantastic opportunity to explore the issues many men face in our modern society. Subjects include men and communication, understanding anger, facing fear, sexuality, mens roles in modern society, rites of passage, fatherhood, mens health, and cultivating creativity for men. This course also covers running workshops and retreats for men, including warrior-style workshops and celebrations of manhood. To nominate yourself for this amazing offer please email me at [email protected] If you have a friend who may be interested be sure to tag them below!!! #menshealth #menshealthandwellbeing #meditation #meditationpractice #mindfulness #holistichealth #holisticcounsellor #holisticlifecoach #knowlegdeispower #savelives #inspire #awaken #empower
17.01.2022 The final stage of healing is using what happens to you to help other people! Become a Holistic Counsellor and live the life you choose #Holisticcounselling #holistichealth #holisticstudies #mindset #healthymind #healthybody #meditation #mindfulness #knowledgeispower #getcoursed #inspire #awaken #empower
16.01.2022 Meditation The practice of resting ones mind and entering a higher state of consciousness. An aid towards greater motivation, physical energy, mental clarity, sleep, and more.... #Inspire #Awaken #Empower
15.01.2022 Meditation is a mind and body practice that has a long history of use for increasing calmness and physical relaxation, improving psychological balance, coping with illness, and enhancing overall health and well-being. Mind and body practices focus on the interactions among the brain, mind, body, and behaviour. Its never to late to start investing in your health [](
15.01.2022 "When we heal a part in ourselves, we also heal that part in the world" #inspire #awaken #empower #heal #healyourself #healothers #gethealed #goheal #meditation #mindfulness #meditationpractice #meditationtherapy #meditationteacher #holisticcounsellor #inspireholistic
15.01.2022 Inspire Holistic Training College would like to wish you all a Happy Easter! Stay safe and be kind to each other
14.01.2022 Never think that what you have to offer is insignifant. There will always be someone out there who needs what you have to give #support #healing #love #guidance #meditation #holisticcounselling #inspire #awaken #empower
13.01.2022 "Listening, I believe, is the missing half of communication absolutely necessary but often overlooked. We live in an age we call an age of communication and certainly will a lot of cell phones and texts and tweets and emails, theres a lot of talking going on but how much listening can there really be with so much interruption and distraction. We are given two ears and one mouth for a reason, to listen twice as much as we speak. How can you possibly change someone elses mind..., if you dont know where their mind is, listening is key. The second reason just as important helps us connect with the other human being. It helps us build rapport, builds trust it shows we care, after all everyone wants to be heard. And the third, it makes it more likely the other person is going to listen to us, it helps us get to yes. In short, listening may be the cheapest concession. Listening may be the golden key that opens the door to human relationship. How do we listen... We listen not just to the words, but to whats behind the words, we listen for the underlying emotions and feelings the underlying needs Watch more...
13.01.2022 Its not a panic attack, but its a small blip, a glimmer of anxiety or fear, for a few seconds at most. What am I experiencing? This person was experiencing the mind working exactly as it is supposed to. We are supposed to feel momentary alarma small blipthat grabs our attention. The unexpected thing the amygdala is alerting us to might be a threat. The amygdala has no ability to know whether what is triggering it is dangerous or benign. So the amygdala stimulates us ( stress hormones) and forces us to assess the situation. Is there a threat? Or, is the amygdalas reaction just a false alarm? To make an accurate assessment, the feeling of alarm needs to be quieted down to curiosity. If we dont automatically down-regulate from alarm to curiosity, we are unable to make a balanced assessment. Staying alarmed influences our assessment. Alarm can convince us that a threat exists when there is no threat at all. (This is what happens in a panic attack.) Read more...
10.01.2022 Learn all about the Benefits of Meditation in this 12 weeks intensive training course while becoming a fully qualified Meditation Teacher, Holistic Counsellor, Holistic Life Coach and Chair Yoga instructor. ONLY 7 DAYS TO GO - Next intake begins next Friday 24th April. Check out our website for our super amazing COVID-19 special scholarship offer... #changeyourlife #meditation #meditationteacher #mindfulness #lightyourownspark #holisticcounsellor #holisticlifecoach #amazingoffer #stressrelief #increasehappiness #improvesleep #findyourpurpose #inspire #awaken #EMPOWER
10.01.2022 The purpose of our lives is to be happy -Dalai Lama What are you doing in this time to make YOU happy?
10.01.2022 Whatever you have experienced, it has changed you. You cant go back, and you cant turn back time. Because now, you are a different person. There is no reason to mourn the loss of yesterday if your experiences have changed you for the better. How do you learn from yesterday without living in the past? By attempting to appreciate your lifes moments for what they are: the reason you are a different person. Yesterday is the reason for your current life reality and who you are #inspire #awaken #empower #meditation #mindfulness #meditationpractice #meditationtherapy #meditationteacher #holisticcounsellor #holostichumandevelopment #holistic #inspireholistic #education #neverstoplearning #knowledgeispower #betterthanyesterday #learnfromyesterdaylivefortoday
09.01.2022 Sometimes the smallest step in the right direction ends up being the biggest step of your life... Can you relate???? #change #takeachance #mindset #meditation #mindfulness #holitisticcounselling #holisticlifestyle #makeachoicetochangeyourlife #growth #inspire #awaken #empower...
09.01.2022 When used properly, meditation allows you to slow down and observe the world without judgment. If you live with generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), it can also help to reduce worrying thoughts and bring about a feeling of balance, calm and focus. A good practice is find yourself a comfortable position and to scan your body for any tension you may be holding on to - then let go, relax and release #meditation #meditationpractice #anxiety #relaxationresponse #liveyourbestlife #awareness #holistic #holisticcounselling #holisticlifestyle #inspire #awaken #empower
07.01.2022 Holistic counselling is a unique form of counselling, focused on the whole person. Using the principals of humanistic (or positive) psychology. It is solution focused rather than problem focused and considers physiological and psychological disorders to be parts of the greater whole. Holistic Counsellors regard the mind, body and spirit as fundamentally interconnected.... Holistic counselling is aimed at empowering a client to discover and access their own inner wisdom and healing capacity by providing support, guidance and resources like positive life skills, Meditation therapy, stress management skills, self-acceptance and communication skills, which are developed through a range of activities and exercises. The Holistic Counsellor does not seek to analyze, categorize, judge or label their clients but endeavours to provide information that facilitates a clients personal journey toward self-discovery and ultimately having the confidence, clarity, wisdom and resources to solve problems, overcome issues and achieve goals for themselves. This is a human-centred therapy, where the counsellor becomes a support partner and resource provider rather than an authority on what is and what is not healthy, with the intention of assisting the client to reach their own life and health goals (which can be extremely diverse), in a safe and respectful environment. Why do I need to study Meditation to become a qualified Holistic Counsellor with the IMTTA? The brain and the bodys response to stress can be paralyzing! When our clients are suffering from stress (which they usually will be) there is little anyone can do to assist them in finding better health, peace and happiness, until the stress and the effects of the stress on their physical and mental health has been addressed. There are many wonderful therapies available that can truly bring about miraculous healing but while the client remains unable to manage the stress in their lives any healing will quickly be undone and illness will reappear. When people learn how to connect with that part of themselves that is peaceful, calm and in control, they can reduce the effects of stress and trauma. When the mind is calm and peaceful, the bodys own (very powerful) healing ability is activated. Meditation is scientifically proven to be the fastest and most effective way to reduce stress and to increase an individuals capacity to manage stress. Over the past decade, many studies have shown how the regular practice of Meditation changes the chemical environment in the body and can repair damaged cells, reduce high blood pressure and much more. Through the IMTTA training course, students will learn how to select the correct Meditation styles for their clients individual learning style. They will also develop teaching skills and come to understand Meditation for the powerful, natural healing therapy it has long been known for and has now been clinically proven to be. - Isabelle Cunningham
06.01.2022 What are your go to things to help you relax? Finding a sense of peace and calm in our day-to-day lives can be difficult. Relaxation techniques can help to relax the mind and body and also manage some of the symptoms of anxiety and depression. There are many types of relaxation, including breathing exercises, progressive muscle relaxation, visualisation, meditation, mindfulness, and gentle physical activities such as yoga and Tai Chi. And the good news is, many of these te...chniques can be practised almost anywhere and at little or no cost. #relax #relaxationexercise #timeout #destress #anxiety #mindfulness #meditation #breath #awareness #holisticcounsellor #holisticlifestyle #inspire #awaken #empower
05.01.2022 Exciting times for the College in 2021. New Courses! We have More Teachers! On-Campus and Online Learning! ... Retreats and MORE! There has never been a better time to start your own business in the Health and wellness industry! For more information regarding our courses please contact us on 0452 457 717 or visit our website
05.01.2022 #inspire #awaken #empower #meditation #mindfulness #meditationpractice #meditationtherapy #meditationteacher #holisticcounsellor #holostichumandevelopment #holistic #inspireholistic #education #neverstoplearning #knowledgeispower
04.01.2022 If you truly want to change your life, you must first be willing to change your mind!! #mindset #meditation #meditationpractice #gamechanger #mindfulness #holisticcounsellor #meditationteacher #calm#peace #inspire#awaken #empower
03.01.2022 Your mind believes everything you tell it. Give it love!!!! #chooselove #powerofpositivethinking #holistichealth #holistichealing #holisticliving #meditation #mindfulness #mindbody #education #educateyourself #inspire #awaken #empower
03.01.2022 Let me start by defining what I mean by self-esteem. Self-esteem is a global evaluation of self-worth, a I a good person or am I a bad person? And for many years psychologists really saw self-esteem as the ultimate marker of psychological mental health. Self-compassion is not a way of judging ourselves positively, self-compassion is a way of relating to ourselves kindly, embracing ourselves as we are flaws and all. I actually define self-compassion in my as having three core components... watch more...
03.01.2022 The Effects of Stress on the Body. Where is the majority of the stress stored? It is often stored in one of the largest muscles in our body, the psoas. This muscle stretches from our lower trunk through our hips into the top of our thighs, it is used for core stability and the fight-flight reflex. Every time we see something that startles us (real or perceived threat) like an animal crossing the road while we drive, or a violent scene in a movie, our brain sends signals our b...ody to respond by releasing epinephrine (adrenaline). The muscle that is most central to our fight/flight response is the psoas. When we dont respond, these stress hormones go unspent and become stored in the body. This can bring many health problems including insomnia, lowered immune system, anxiety, eating disorders, depression, and living in a constant state of fear or alert. Read more... -
02.01.2022 Deep breathing is one of the best ways to lower stress in the body. This is because when you breathe deeply, it sends a message to your brain to calm down and relax. The brain then sends this message to your body. Those things that happen when you are stressed, such as increased heart rate, fast breathing, and high blood pressure, all decrease as you breathe deeply to relax. The way you breathe affects your whole body. Breathing exercises are a good way to relax, reduce tensi...on, and relieve stress. Breathing exercises are easy to learn. You can do them whenever you want, and you dont need any special tools or equipment to do them. You can do different exercises to see which work best for you. For some simple breathing exercises...
02.01.2022 Become a Meditation Teacher, Holistic Counsellor, Life Coach and a Chair Yoga instructor. For further information regarding our Certificate, Diploma and Masters courses visit our website at In Mindfulness practice, we are learning how to return to, and remain in the present moment - to anchor ourselves in the here and now.. on purpose... and without judgement! Our next student intake begins next Friday 27th November 2020.
02.01.2022 To the mind that is still, the whole universe surrenders. #laotzu #laotzuquotes #tao #taoism #taoteching #taotechingquotes #inspire #awaken #empower #meditation #mindfulness #meditationpractice #meditationtherapy #meditationteacher #holisticcounsellor #holostichumandevelopment #holistic #inspireholistic #education #neverstoplearning #knowledgeispower
02.01.2022 Let your hands be so busy catching blessings that you dont have time to hold on to grudges.... What are you grateful for today??Let your hands be so busy catching blessings that you dont have time to hold on to grudges.... What are you grateful for today??
02.01.2022 There has never been a better time to start a career in the health and wellness industry! Live the life you want and become a certified Meditation Teacher and Holistic Counsellor in just three months or less. ... #Inspire #Awaken #Empower
01.01.2022 Life is beautiful when you have a thankful heart! #gratitudeattitude #gratefulheart #grateful #gratitude #Peace #doesntcostathing #meditation #mindfulness #holistichealth #holistichealing #holisticwellness #lifestyle #inspire #awaken #empower
01.01.2022 If you cant go outside, go inside #inspire #awaken #empower #meditation #mindfulness #meditationpractice #meditationtherapy #meditationteacher #holisticcounsellor #holostichumandevelopment #holistic #inspireholistic #goinside #goinsideyourself #goinsideyourmind #ifyoucantgooutsidegoinside #personalgrowth #growthmindset #selfcare #education #neverstoplearning #knowledgeispower