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Marian Kaye | Therapist

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Marian Kaye

Phone: +61 427 302 993


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11.01.2022 Please read this informative article. You will learn about the deliberate propaganda campaigns that the Medical professions have made over the past 100 years to discredit the healing power of natural/alternative therapies. It includes statistics that may surprise you.

10.01.2022 Fantasy and Reality We all dream and fantasize about what we would like to be, to do and to have in our life. We see people around us living those dreams that ...we think are only unattainable fantasies to us. What makes your dreams come true? What creates your fantastic REALITY? I believe there are 3 main factors: 1. Your dreams are true to YOU. They are based on what YOU really WANT in your life and not what others are saying you 'should' have. 2. You take consistent action towards breaking down any blockages (mental, emotional) or fears (conscious or subconscious) and you TRUST yourself, your feelings and intuition of what feels 'right' and is good in your life. 3. You choose to prioritise your actions so that your steps in life take you closer to your dreams rather than further away ... without ever compromising your TRUTH. You are the creator of your existence. Your relationships with yourself and others create your REALITY. Solid foundations are easy to build dreams on. What choices are you making? Remember that it's okay to reset, forgive yourself and start again ... MK

08.01.2022 Conscious relationships Having a conscious relationship with another is making a decision to prioritise individual and mutual learning and growth over the of a relationship i.e. 'keeping it going'. I believe having a conscious relationship with YOURSELF is about taking full responsibility for how you feel and want to feel every day. I recently realised that I had been restricting and contracting myself in my words and actions in order to 'not make waves' with a friend because they were not ready to receive my 'wholeness'. This has been a pattern of behaviour for me for the majority of my life. It has taken me many years to gradually learn and accept my own self and truth. I want to be able to express my truth, to speak and act from my heart with everyone, most especially those who are closest to me. When feelings and vibrations are operating at different levels, we make a conscious choice to grow ourselves or remain at their level. ... To remain living from a space of fear of loss or condemnation OR to accept the learning lesson of this challenge, to let go, grow and ascend with our heart open, ready to give and receive from the wholeness of our unique self. Make a conscious decision to value yourself, to take action to create the 'feeling' existence that you desire. Baby steps are allowed! Love and joy can only enter your life when fear is no longer in control. Love your whole self. Only allow those who love and value all parts of you to have an impact on your life. MK

03.01.2022 Do you remember her?

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