Inspiring Culture | Coach
Inspiring Culture
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16.01.2022 From waking up, to starting work and getting all the work stuff done, all the way to how we treat others... all these have a strategy that we've determined, at their core. True, we may not be conscious of them. What if we were conscious, aware of our strategies? It'd make sense then, that if something didn't exactly rock our socks, all it'd take, is to apply a new strategy. And then, voila! We get to think and act differently.... Years ago, I used to hit 'snooze' a few times each day. I mean, why get up before I really had to? I began noticing though, how I felt at those times - pissed, annoyed and eventually, angry with me that I was often late. With this awareness, I made a conscious decision to get up at least an hour earlier, be stoked I had more day time, enjoy getting ready free of stress, have awesome me-time, then start work earlier than usual. This has been my strategy now for over 30 years and I rarely use an alarm. By noticing our thinking strategies, we can create new ones. Then, our behaviour, outlook, perceptions and experiences all change. And finally, taking action changes. Have a terrific day. I hope you start noticing your own strategies from today. #getstuffdone #structure #leadership #mindset #strategies
10.01.2022 ? When you get stuff done - whether it takes a day, a year or 5 years to complete... Which of your attributes help you keep going from start to finish? For example, for me, there are 3 particular attributes/thought processes...... STAYING COMMITTED Stick with it, even when I feel like giving up. Because this is a promise I've made to me, so giving up is not an option. Keeping these promises increases my own trust in me. KNOWING I CAN HANDLE IT No matter how difficult, repetitive, seemingly impossible, or even when I don't feel like it... I can handle all these and I'm truly grateful. I've got this! THERE ARE PEOPLE WAITING JUST FOR ME Out 'there' in the world, are people who will model my behavior, so I can't stop, I mustn't stop. By finishing, I'm telling them that they too, can finish. Start using these, or other attributes you know will work for you and, gradually, you'll notice your ability to keep going from start to finish, will continue increasing. #mindset #leadership #getstuffdone #planning #strategies #closingloops #teamwork #teambuilding
10.01.2022 "It's so much easier to blame other people, conditioning, or conditions for our own stagnant situation." Steven Covey, 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. The truth is, we all attach meaning to whatever goes on around us, to whatever happens. That meaning can remain with us for decades influencing our behaviour, our actions, our feelings for ourselves and others, whether in the workplace or at home.... Then one day, simply because another event occurred - could be unrelated, could be small or significant - the meaning we placed on whatever it was so many years ago changes, in an instant. Then do our responses, our behaviour, actions, feelings, and our thoughts. Bizarre really, yet that's what happens. By looking at our limiting beliefs we can begin to understand why we do what we do and behave the way we do. We can then take control of our thoughts (because really, that's all we have control over) and create new and empowering beliefs, attach new meaning that enhances and supports our personal growth. This way we begin to take responsibility for everything we do and blame ceases. The obstacle IS the way. #leadership #getstuffdone #achievinggoals #effectiveleadership
06.01.2022 , ? Whether hobby, interest, daily rituals, social engagements, family, career, or a side hustle - time can be our greatest enemy or fiercest friend. Developing and following plans to support these activities, will lead us toward creating a life that’s built on a strong foundation of giving a damn about what truly matters.... Is it possible to succeed without a structured mindset? Maybe. Maybe not. Energy flows where our attention goes. If our attention stays stuck in any one task or distracted by too many, we’ll lose momentum and miss getting stuff done. We won’t achieve business benchmarks. We'll be late for social/family engagements or miss them entirely. We’ll lose track of what’s important. Planning is crucial. There will only ever be 24 hours in a day, only ever be 7 days in a week. What we do with that time determines how we achieve short and longterm goals. Planning our time, means we'll get to live each moment on purpose. Our work will have more meaning, as will our relationships. It also means our lives will have more meaning. Time Management isn’t just for business. It's for a life well lived. It’s time well spent. #getstuffdone #leadership #mindset #goalsetting
03.01.2022 Having an approach which changes how we relate to problems, turns the inner chaos that the problem means for us stress, anxiety, vulnerability into a challenge, an adventure. I’ve gone on some adventures alone discovering new cities, hiking, trying on new clothes. I then shared those adventures with those who’ll value (and possibly be entertained) hearing about them.... Other times it's been truly rewarding going on adventures together with others, where we tackle obstacles, challenges, fears we may each encounter. We validate, acknowledge, appreciate, give feedback. Both solo AND group adventures have their place. You wouldn’t go diving without a buddy, but you would do laps in a pool alone. Tackling problems is no different. Sometimes the problem requires us to solve alone. It stretches us, develops resilience, persistence, commitment. Other problems require help and this builds trust, responsibility, giving and taking feedback. Problems can be seriously cool experiences when we seek help when it’s needed, or, solve some of them by ourselves at other times. Working on this skill turns people into excellent leaders and helps get stuff done. What's not cool about that! #GetStuffDone #SolvingProblems #Leadership #Teamwork #Mindset