Institute of Foresters of Australia in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia | Non-profit organisation
Institute of Foresters of Australia
Locality: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Phone: +61 3 9695 8940
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25.01.2022 Aboriginal land management and cultural burning is good for the environment, local communities and the future of all Australians. Two children from the Tiwi Islands standing in their Acacia mangium forest. #NAIDOC #alwayswasalwayswillbe #aboriginallandmanagement #forestmanagement #culturalburning #healthycommunities #healthyforests Photo used with permission: Jane Munday
25.01.2022 There needs to be greater reform and a differentiation between permanent clearing as we understand it, and managing a forest for its forest values by thinning. Farmers want to do the right thing by their patches of native forest, but they need a clearing permit from DWER (WA). They do not want to clear the forest, they want to thin it so they can manage their bush sustainably. #ASkTheExperts #ForestSceince #ForestGrower
25.01.2022 For more information and to register, follow this link
25.01.2022 #AForestLifeForMe #ForestScience #ForestManager #ForestGrower Photo courtesy Tom Fairman
24.01.2022 IFA/AFG Opinion in The Mercury today - Our landscape deserves better management. IFA/AFG President, Bob Gordon has written that, From the evidence, it is clear we need to rethink how we manage fire in Australias landscape. For much of a given year, our forest and woodlands are far from the day to day concern of most Australians. But if that distance leads to the inadequate resourcing and improper scientific underpinning of the care of our fire-prone lands, then not onl...y will the countrys unique ecosystems suffer, but so too will our water catchments, our air quality and ultimately human life and property. #AskTheExperts #Bushfire #RoyalCommission If you are a subscriber to The Mercury click this link to read the article. If you are not subscriber, here is a link to a copy of what we submitted.
24.01.2022 Listen: 29min - The IFA/AFG encourages measured debate on the many issues affecting Australias forests, as long as it is based on science and best-practice management principles rather than fear-mongering and emotive calls to arms. Featuring IFA/AFG members Prof Peter Kanowski & Dr John Dargavel. #ForestScience #asktheexperts
24.01.2022 IFA/AFG interviewed on WIN News Tasmania, the errors with the retracted paper only picked up when voluntary forest scientists and academics checked the data when they read the paper, thinking this doesnt look right. The authors have done the right thing in withdrawing the paper. #AskTheExperts #ForestScience #bushfires
23.01.2022 Registrations Close 9:00am Monday 23 November #forestscience #ForestManagement #instituteofforesters #Communication #engagement #PlanetArk For more information & to register
22.01.2022 IFA/AFG Member Gary Featherston has written an opinion piece, he writes that VicForests has been hampered by government operational restrictions and malicious, unfair media attacks. Read the article to find out why. #AskTheExperts
22.01.2022 The IFA/AFG will be seeking an apology after an academic paper suggesting forestry harvesting activities make forests more bushfire prone was withdrawn. What I marvel at, is it took two volunteer independent scientists and academics to pick up these errors through publicly available data and then contact the editors to highlight the substantial issues in methodology", said IFA/AFG President, Bob Gordon. In commenting on the retracted paper, the journal stated that, the major error was the incorrect inclusion of a category.... there were also other sites which were incorrectly categorised... the authors reclassified or removed the sites that were obviously incorrect, added new randomly located sites... the notice stated. #AskTheExperts #ForestScience #bushfires
22.01.2022 The Bushfire Royal Commission yesterday heard that specialist skills and year round land management are the keys to reducing risk of catastrophic bushfire. Giving evidence at the Commission yesterday, the IFA/AFG represented by Gary Morgan AM AFSM told that Commissioners that, "Understanding the specialist skill set needed to fight forest fires and investing in year-round land management and fire prevention activity is the best way to avoid the widescale loss of lives, property and biodiversity experienced last summer." Click here to read the media release and read the full IFA/AFG submission. #AskTheExperts #RoyalCommission #Bushfire
22.01.2022 Some very sad news. Max Coulter, who many would know, passed away yesterday, November 11. He had been battling cancer for some time.... Max started at Creswick in 1969. His postings were Cann River (1972), UniMelb (1973-74), Mansfield (1975-78), VSF Lecturer (1979-1992), HO Fire management Code (1992-95), Fire Training (1996-2002), Continuous Improvement (2003-05). He was a recipient of the Fire Services Medal. I found Max a thoroughly decent, honest, and a truly good bloke.
21.01.2022 Thinning of dense regrowth forests can provide a variety of benefits including improved forest health and more water available for streamflow and the environment. The current process in south-west WA for approval of ecological thinning in private native forest is cumbersome and costly, and does not adequately differentiate between sustainable forest management and permanent land clearing. #AskTheExperts #ForestScience #LandManagement Click HERE to read the Media Release
19.01.2022 Arizonas Ponderosa pine forests are choking on an unnatural accumulation of trees. Its a recipe for another catastrophic wildfire, and its a constant threat to people, property and wildlife. Heres a video on whats being done about it.
19.01.2022 12 MIN: IFA/AFG member Billie-Jo Brown speaking on Landline about the catastrophic summer bushfires impact on people, animals, infrastructure, forests and recovery efforts. We can learn a lot from nature #AskTheExperts #Resilient #ForestScience #Bushfires
19.01.2022 With the Bushfire Royal Commission examining Prescribed Burning, the ABC has looked into what is involved in planning and conducting a burn #ASkTheExperts
18.01.2022 Snow gum (Eucalyptus pauciflora) most commonly recovers after intense fire with lignotuber or basal sprouts but can also develop epicormic shoots from the stem. #aforestlifeforme #forestscience #bushfirerecovery
18.01.2022 This webinar will look at different drone models for the beginner and pro; tips for being an effective user; current regulations and the latest developments and uses for drones in Australias forestry sector. The webinar will also look at the future of drones and emerging technologies. No matter if you work with, own or manage 1 tree or 100,000, or are slightly interested in the world of drones, this webinar is for you! For more information and to register
17.01.2022 This VIRTUAL SEMINAR is designed to up-skill forest professionals and the sector to improve the way we communicate with forest stakeholders and the broader community on the multiple values and benefits to the community of sustainable forest management in Australia. This seminar will help participants expand their toolkit with strategies, case studies and insights that can be applied corporately, as well as personally. Speakers include Melina Bath MP, Member for Eastern Victor...ia; Howard Parry-Husbands; Pip Band, former Marketing Manager, Meat & Livestock Australia; Ross Hampton and Eileen Newbury. Some of the topics include Dealing with harsh critics and concerned communities; How to use social media effectively; How to take great photos with your phone or iPad and Case studies: How partnerships can support engagement and raise profiles. #forestscience #webinar #communication #engagement Follow this link to register and for more information See more
17.01.2022 WA Field Trip - Donnybrook & Mcalinden Saturday 26 September | 9:30 am - 3:30 pm The field trip will take place in the Donnybrook and Mcalinden areas of the south-west and include a visit to the Pinecrest property of Mike & Mish Rautenbach. Themes for the day will include landowner experiences of pine plantation establishment and management of remnant native vegetation on private property. For more information & to register Please note COVID safe practices will be observed.
17.01.2022 Water, Fire and Australias Changing Climate is the theme adopted by Taylor Francis, as part of National Science Week. The featured content from the Australian environmental sciences portfolio features two papers from Australian Forestry. Click here for more information.
17.01.2022 IFA/AFG members and supporters are encouraged to lend their support to this innovative project, which should be of interest to many. It taps into traditional pioneer/rural skills used to construct wooden buildings out of magnificent hand felled and hewn timbers. This 2020 version will utilise farm grown timbers to showcase the size and quality of what some of our members are growing today. Details are provided below with IFA/AFG Victorian Branch, Ballarat Regional TreeGrowers raising the funds to deliver this exciting project. Use the link below to lend your support.
17.01.2022 Congratulations to all the award winners from the Timber 2020 presentation dinner, a fantastic event hosted by the Great Southern Timber Hub in Albany on Saturd...ay. Outstanding Communicator (sponsored by Nutrien Ag Solutions): James Kernaghan Outstanding Forest Grower (sponsored by Great Southern Development Commission): Mike & Michele Rautenbach Outstanding Harvesting Contractor (sponsored by Tyrepower): Plantation Logging Outstanding Innovator (sponsored by Forest Products Commission): Darryl Outhwaite Outstanding Haulage Contractor (sponsored by Great Southern Fuels): Bluewood Industries Outstanding Safety Management (sponsored by Onetrak): Anthony Wise Outstanding Silviculture Contractor (sponsored by AFGRI Equipment): All Forestry Services See more
16.01.2022 Eucalyptus tetrodonta open forest on the Tiwi Islands. These forests are part of the savanna burning program where early dry season burning is enabling the Tiwi people to participate in the carbon market through avoided emissions by preventing higher-intensity late dry season fires #aforestlifeforme #forestscience #traditionallandmanagement
16.01.2022 Mountain gum (Eucalyptus dalrympleana) young plants and fire induced epicormic shoots have typical egg shaped or heart shaped leaves arranged in opposite pairs. #aforestlifeforme #forestscience #bushfirerecoveryau
15.01.2022 Thank you Shane Broad MP for standing up for professional foresters and sound, trustworthy science. We support best practice in forest and fire management and encourage policy makers to ensure their policies are based on sound and credible science. #AskTheExperts #ForestScience #bushfires Retraction details
14.01.2022 Forester Time this week - Secondary Schools 11am Thursday 19th; Primary Schools 2pm Friday 20th - Register via this link ForestLearning #ForestScience #ForesterTime
14.01.2022 View from the Top. The spectacular Budawang wilderness on the south coast of NSW prior to the Black Summer bushfires #aforestlifeforme #forestscience
12.01.2022 IFA/AFG WA spokesman John Clarke has been working with owners of private native forest in the South-West for a number of years and believes the current process for approval of ecological thinning in private native forest is cumbersome and costly. #AskTheExperts
12.01.2022 This is Pooky. Pooky and her family recently planted 650 trees including Red gums, ironbarks and other eucalypt species on their central Victorian property. Private landowners plant trees & grow forests for a variety of reasons including landcare, conservation and as an investment. Pookys family planted these trees for soil & water protection, biodiversity, and hopefully timber in a few years time.
12.01.2022 The ACT Region field trip will examine the impacts of fire on Alpine Ash, visiting Corin Forest & Smokers Trail. Please note the COVID safety guidelines will be observed. To register and for more information click here #forestscience #bushfire #forestfires
11.01.2022 We are offering financial support to participate in Media Training. Are you an IFA/AFG member (or willing to become one)? Are you studying full time or under 35 years old and working in forestry or land management? Would you like to participate in Media Training as part of your professional development and build your capacity for future opportunities? Follow this link for more information
11.01.2022 IFA/AFG members in the ACT & surrounding regions are invited on this half day field trip which focuses on the impacts of fire on Alpine Ash, visiting Corin Forest & Smokers Trail. Please note the COVID safety guidelines before participating. For more information visit
11.01.2022 A response to a misleading Op Ed linking timber harvesting to bushfires has been published. The authors outline the misleading claims of the OpEd and pose the question.. how do we manage for bushfires burning during extreme weather and protect both endangered natural and economic resources? #AskTheExperts
10.01.2022 Australia is a large, per-capita emitter of CO2. While our carbon reduction targets are not as ambitious as China, native, plantation and farm forestry are important industries that provide local jobs while also helping Australia reduce its carbon footprint. The IFA/AFG supports science-based, continual expansion of these important sectors. #ForestScience #PlantMoreTrees #CarbonFootprint
10.01.2022 Registrations close Tuesday; a FREE webinar for students and recent graduates considering a career in forest science or forest management. #forestsceince #forestmanagement #aforestlifeforme #buddingcareers #careers #webinar ForestLearning FIFWA Australian Forests & Timber News Timber NSW Melina Bath Visit
07.01.2022 Chipping Away at the Facts appeared in The Weekly Times today. The article states that evidence has emerged that appears to show that an ANU Professor is feeding environment groups and the media information on logging, fire harvesting and threatened species that contradicts critical facts. Australian Sustainable Hardwoods managing director and IFA/AFG member Vince Hurley has been quoted. #AskTheExperts
07.01.2022 Survey on industry culture, skills and training needs in forest growing and forest processing sectors Tasmania, can you help provide your opinion?
07.01.2022 Today is our national day of action when we remind Australians that every day is the day to ask, Are you OK? if someone in your world is struggling with lifes ups and downs. 2020 has been a very tough year for those of us in the forest sector, with bushfires, COVID and policy decisions, its always the right time to ask a colleague or a mate RUOK? #RUOK
07.01.2022 A FREE webinar for students and recent graduates considering a career in forest science or forest management. #forestsceince #forestmanagement #aforestlifeforme #buddingcareers #careers #webinar, following this link for more information
05.01.2022 IFA/AFGs recent advocacy work is being noticed. We focus on the need to manage forests based on sound science. It is not just about jobs or industry, it is about using the full suite of tools to maintain forest vitality for biodiversity, fire risk mitigation and to combat climate change. The recent court case finding in Victoria not only threatens the native forest industry, but suggests a preference for hands-off protectionism over active management for conservation. Its time for governments to get on board to have a bigger discussion about what we want for the future of our forests. Gippsland Times Thanks Darren Chester, Russell Broadbent and Gary Blackwood.
04.01.2022 IFA/AFG member Kathy Lyons on fire training with traditional land owners, paving the way for cultural burning as part of year-round land and fire management. #collaboration #TraditionalOwners #AskTheExperts #landmanagement #bushfire #forestfire
04.01.2022 Registrations close Monday, for more information visit #Drones #ForestScience #AskTheExperts #SmartForest
03.01.2022 We have been advised this morning that the IFA/AFG appearance at the Bushfire Royal Commission has MOVED TO 2.15 PM TODAY
02.01.2022 The IFA/AFG is quoted or selectively quoted in the Sydney Morning Herald. A few things to note about prescribed burning: - prescribed burning is one tool in a suite of forest/landscape management tools used for bushfire hazard reduction, it's not the only thing we can do to make people safer - prescribed burning requires forest managers with many years of training (both formal and informal) to implement safely and effectively, it's a high-risk job with highly trained profess...ional forest managers in control - ending native harvesting makes this work harder, due to lower availability of highly skilled (in forest environments) heavy plant operators and workforce - having fuel reduced areas in the landscapes gives forest and fire managers more options when designing fire suppression strategies during an emergency. While the utility of planned burning is more limited on really high fire danger days, the nuance that is often missed is that fuel reduced areas give safety zones, a line to burn from, and break up the landscape where the fire might come to ground - so when designing the (usually many) strategies and fall-back options in an emergency, fuel reduced areas give you something to build from. #AskTheExperts #Bushfire #ForestScience #Hazardreduction #PrescribedBurning #SydneyMorningHerald #MikeFoley See more
01.01.2022 Gary Morgan AM AFSM will provide a round-up of the findings and recommendations from State-level inquiries and the 2019-2020 Royal Commission. The webinar will then focus on preparation, particularly in light of the NSW Inquiry finding that our land requires an increase in prescribed burning. Dr Lachie McCaw will present from his significant knowledge and experience into how to introduce prescribed burning into a landscape and also as a private forest grower, provide guidance to other private growers on Preparing your forest for fire season. To register or for more information # #asktheexperts #forestscience #webinar
01.01.2022 IFA/AFG member Dr Danielle Wiseman explains the tree growing process, research, healthy forests and the environmentally friendly methods used to produce wood. #AskTheExperts #ForestScience #UltimateRenewable @One Forty One
01.01.2022 A/Prof. Kevin Tolhurst and Prof. Jerry Vanclay have written an OpEd piece titled, Does timber harvesting make forests more flammable? They note that, Some ecologists and conservationists, opposed to timber harvesting, are trying to use bushfire disasters as a lever to stop native forest harvesting, but their case is based on opinion, beliefs and selective science. #AskTheExperts #ForestScience #Bushfire Click HERE to read the piece.
01.01.2022 Our next webinar: Optimising productivity from African mahogany plantations in northern Australia. Register to listen live or listen later. A presentation from a four-year project designed to assist Mahogany growers to optimise the silvicultural management systems for mahogany plantations in the dry tropic region. For more information & to register visit