InSync Pet Services in Upper Kedron | Pet service
InSync Pet Services
Locality: Upper Kedron
Phone: +61 413 387 174
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25.01.2022 Next up I met this gorgeous little man. Pepe has been struggling since lockdown and hasnt enjoyed having his humans go back to work and him being alone. We put some strategies in place to help him cope. He is such a sweet guy and I look forward to hearing how he is going
25.01.2022 Its been a bit of a slower week because of school holidays which has been great! Today the kids played in the park while I caught up with Alisha. Its been a while in between session and we went to a new location to introduce her to new distractions and she did fantastic! All her training is paying off and we added recall, wait and stay to her training.
25.01.2022 This gorgeous guy was next up, Jimmy missed out on puppy pre-school because of Covid and overall he is doing really well. We are going to spend a few sessions teaching him how to walk nicely on lead and how to calmly greet people. It was a great session and I cant wait to our next session
24.01.2022 These two are loving the holidays! Flat out after a sniff and a walk. Darcy man is struggling with his hips so we have to be careful with him but TJ is loving his afternoon beach walks!
24.01.2022 And then I caught up with Rollo and he has improved so much, his lovely owner has been putting in lots of work around the home and he is settling nicely, not barking as much and he loves his enrichment. Today we worked on how to walk with a loose lead, how to drop on cue and the different between wait and stay... super happy with the session
24.01.2022 And last up today was the first class with the puppies. We had a great first session with Maverick, Benny, Toby and Willow. They are very different puppies and we worked on some skills, talked about enrichment and socialisation and the. They had a play and I was so impressed with the way they interacted with each... well done puppies!
23.01.2022 We had a full class this morning and we continued working on loose lead walking wising curving and dealing with distractions, we also practice recall with distractions and how to sit of greeting. Well done to all the dogs, they all settled in class which was great
23.01.2022 Had my next session with these three and I remembered to take photos! They all did really well its obvious that Sherbet and Rory are used to the camera but Indie was camera shy... well she wanted to play and was distracted Today we continued with the loose lead walking, working on drop and chill and recall. They finished with a big play which was great to watch the interactions
22.01.2022 I have found a nice little program to make posters! Here is some information about socialising your puppy. The same applies to older dogs, but the added factor to take in consideration is their learning history and life experiences. These can impact on their ability to adapt to different situations. If you have any questions please let me know
21.01.2022 Next up I met Nelly, she is an 8mo Australian Bulldog, we worked through some skills such as settling on her bed, how to drop and we introduced the touch cue. We also worked through some management with the the older boy in the house Bob, he is 12.5yo and is also an Australian Bulldog, he isn’t really up for playing and Nelly has been biting him. We had a great session and she did really well!
21.01.2022 Watch this space! Pamela and I ran our dog free class today for our next Life Skills class this morning. Next week you will meet them all Watch this space! Pamela and I ran our dog free class today for our next Life Skills class this morning. Next week you will meet them all
20.01.2022 What a great way to start the day with Pamela's Paw Squad. We are collaborating again and we have a wonderful mix of dogs for our Life Skills class. Today we worked on how to hold attention, follow and introduced loose lead walking and I have have to say we were super impressed. All the dogs settled nicely when waiting for instructions and it was awesome to see. Well done to all!
20.01.2022 Adolescence is a really tough age! Sunny’s skills are going really well but behaviour wise he is pushing his boundaries, he is being destructive, jumping up on people who visit and people he sees on a walk. It’s frustrating and it feels like it is never going to end. But, stay consistent and reward good behaviour (which can be hard when they are being naughty) and they mature into a beautiful adult. We went to the park and had some great results, his recall is great and we practiced walking past each other and he did awesome... honesty butter wouldn’t melt in his mouth
20.01.2022 I caught up with the gorgeous Nisha today and we spent most of the session working on loose lead walking. She was really distracted at first but she settled in really nicely to the walk. She is a super smart dog and I loved seeing both Nisha and her owner learn
20.01.2022 Next up was Themba, I met this little guy the other week but I didnt get a chance to take a photo. Themba pulls on lead and he is a bit nervous around new people and other dogs. Last week we spent quite a bit of time working on strategies and some practical training. Today was a lot more practical and we worked on loose lead walking and recall. Themba did so well when he saw some people and other dogs. He was much more relaxed this session and we made great progress
19.01.2022 And then I caught up with Fergus, my third Golden Retriever for today! He is coming into adolescence and is very easily distracted, we worked on engagement, timing of reinforcement and introduced recall. It was great fun and he finished with a big smile
19.01.2022 Did you get a puppy just before Christmas? Or are you welcoming a puppy as a surprise present? Do you want to start their training straight away but you can’t get into class until the New Year? I have a 6 week online course available to get you started which you can work through at your pace. I provide online support and relevant handouts as part of this service and the best part is you have the course for life, it doesn’t have an expiration date. For those in the local area there is an option to add one on one sessions or continue onto my life skills class at a discounted rate. Please message me if you have any questions or press the below button for more information.
18.01.2022 What a way to start 2021!! Normally I would put a photo up but this amazing guardian has done a fantastic job training Maguro. When I met him, he pulled like crazy, didn’t engage and reacted to dogs behind fences. Today he walked down the road beautifully on his lead, walked past the dogs at the end of the street with a little ‘huff’. The most amazing part is that this owner is 15yo, she has followed all the recommendations, she has done the homework, raised the criteria where appropriate and learnt how to read her dogs body language. I am super impressed with her work ethic, her timing and commitment to training!
17.01.2022 And then I caught up with the lovely Rufus. We saw heaps of dogs on our walk, with two dogs even moving towards him. Prior to our sessions he would have lunged and barked at these dogs but today he walked past them with barely a glance. I am so impressed with his progression and much work his lovely owners has put in. I will honestly miss these sessions but so happy to see how far he has come. Well done to both of you
17.01.2022 First up today I met a gorgeous 8yo girl called Dair, but I forgot to take a photo. She gets so excited when people come over and jumps up. She also barks and whines when they arrive. So we practiced what to do when guests come over, she settled nicely in her crate, she loved the snuffle mat and the Kong. I will be seeing her again so you will see a photo of this gorgeous girl soon.
17.01.2022 Bit late with posts today as its been a busy day. First up with was Rosie and we also talked about Ushers barking. But the main discussion was around Rosie and her worry about new people and being alone. She also barks a lot at triggers in her environment. We put some strategies in place when guests come over and she was comfortable with me being there which was a great step. We will continue working on her alone time.
14.01.2022 I had a great one on one session with Moocho and her guardians today. She was a recent graduate of the life skills class and we had a session working on how to manage excitement when she sees other dogs. We taught her how to ‘look’ at other dogs and put strategies in place if a dog is a bit close
14.01.2022 Then I met these two lovely dogs Pixie and Pete. Pixie really struggles on lead and reacts to other dogs and Pete has started to become more reactive. We had a great session and put some strategies in place. Pete finished the session with a bone and wasnt too happy about being photographed... but I have more sessions with then so you will see more of him in the future
13.01.2022 This guy turned 10 today and I cant believe it! TJ is the eternal puppy, he provides so much entertainment in this house. He still likes to steal teddies from my daughters room, snores really loud and sneaks through the safety gate into our room. He is a clown with a big personality. He is so loyal and loving and always comforts someone when they are sad. Happy Birthday TJ, we cant imagine this house without you
13.01.2022 Then I caught up with these two cuties for graduation. Lola and Gracie are coming into adolescence and this has been a challenging time but they have come so far over our sessions. We had a great session today continuing to work on their lead walking and also worked on recall, stay, wait and emergency turns. They love to sniff and we talked about the options if they are distracted on walks... I have really love every session and they will be looking at attending class in the future. Well done!!
11.01.2022 Its been a while since I have seen this handsome guy but Toby did amazing! We used some Adaptil today and he had his lovely new harness on and it all made for a great walk, he ignored some dogs, walked past some dogs and walked with a loose lead for most of the walk. And he finished with a great smile
11.01.2022 Next up I met Mia and Baci, their lovely owner has been struggling with their reactive behaviours to other dogs when on lead. We had a great session working on introducing some new skills. We also worked on building confidence around guests.
10.01.2022 Today I met Sherbet, Rory and Indie, this is another small group class where three friends have come together to have some training. We are focusing on loose lead walking over the coming sessions, how to keep four on the floor and we talked about enrichment. We had such a great session that I forgot to take photos but thankfully their lovely owners send some through. Apparently Rory has slept all day after the session
10.01.2022 Had an earlier start today with this gorgeous girl. We walked to school with Skyes humans so we could work on distraction and also make sure the younger humans were on track with her training. It was a great session and a lovely walk. We finished with working on recall when there is distraction around
09.01.2022 Its International Dog Day today. These two fill a special spot in my heart, their love is so loyal and so unwavering. They bring so much joy (and hair) to this house. I just cant imagine life without them
09.01.2022 I didnt get a chance to put up yesterdays post because it was my sons 8th birthday, but met this gorgeous girl Skye. Her lovely owners have signed up for some one on one sessions to help her as she comes into adolescence. She already has some really good skills but we are building her confidence around strangers, finessing her loose lead walking and teaching her calm when on lead when she is around other dogs and little humans. I couldnt decide which photo because every one was cute!
09.01.2022 I had my fourth session with Toby yesterday and this is one guy I am definitely sad about having our last of our scheduled session with. He is doing so well, his loose lead walking is going great and he is looking at some dogs without reacting. He is still uncomfortable if a dog is running along the fence so we give them space... but overall well done Toby!!! You are one smart (and enthusiastic) guy
08.01.2022 Graduation for these three today and it was another great session! Loki, Lucy and Pearl have really progressed, we had another play at the park, working on recall and continued the work on walking with a loose lead. I had so much fun at these sessions! Such a lovely group and well done to all
08.01.2022 Next up was Frankie and she has grown up so much since her first few sessions. She has been barking at the neighbours when they are out the back so we put some management in place and she is also jumping up a bit, but she is a smart puppy because she quickly settled during the session. She doesnt like equipment being put on so we have had to go back to scratch teaching her that its not scary...
07.01.2022 This morning I met this amazing guy Bo, he had an horrendous start to life and was found severely underweight and malnourished. He has now landed on all four paws and he has a wonderful family and other fur family members in his new home. He is very wary of strangers, particularly men, he jumps on people he loves and pulls on the lead. We had a great session and he really came out of his shell... I love happy endings!
06.01.2022 Next up was Echo and his training is going so well but boy he has grown. He has had all his needles now so we went out for a walk and we worked on rewarding walking nicely on lead and recall. He did so well, he is such a pleasure to train
06.01.2022 Happy 13th Barkday Mr Darcy Man! Words cannot express how much we all love this guy. He has had some ups and downs in the last year. But he continues to soldier on and give us smiles every day, he loves his sniffing walks as much as he loves his naps...
06.01.2022 I caught up with this sweet guy today. Jimmy is going really well, he is jumping less and settling much quicker, he is learning that calm behaviour is rewarding. We went out for a walk and his loose lead walking is progressing nicely, he is still a bit distracted at the start of the walk but by the end he was walking along really well.
06.01.2022 I didnt get a chance to post yesterday but I met these two yesterday, Harley and Iggy are an absolute delight but Iggy gets over excited and jumps up a lot and she hates her halti but pulls without it so we also worked on how to reward walking with a loose lead. Iggy did enjoy the session even though she doesnt look it in the photo, Harley made up for her seriousness with the biggest smil ever
05.01.2022 Its not very often I am on the other side of the camera but today after the session with Lexi, my lovely client took a photo of me with her. I also have to point out her beautiful, calm behaviour! Side note, this is not my van
04.01.2022 Then I caught up with Jett, he was one of my first clients and he still just as adorable. He is going really well with all his skills, however, he had a scary incident with the nasty clothes airer and has since hated the laundry, he also find some rooms a bit scary. We had a great session making these places lots of fun
04.01.2022 How adorable is this little guy!!! I met Sunny today and he is a 9 week old Labrador. We had our first session teaching him to have a positive association with his name, eye contact and follow my hand. We had a chat about socialising and toilet training. He is such a cutie and he has already stolen the hearts of his family!
03.01.2022 I then had my second session with Obi, he is still very wary of me at his house but we had really good progress with his confidence on walks. He isnt pulling as much and is engaging nicely with his owner. It was great seeing him more relaxed.
02.01.2022 Today I met Claude and his lovely owner, it was a great session where we worked on some skills to determine if he is suitable to be a MindDog. Again no photo but he is a cute boy who I will see again
02.01.2022 Then I caught up with Lexi, she was a little distracted at first but she came good and we had a great session with is improvement every time we catch up. We worked on wait and stay today. Her lovely owners are still continuing with her socialisation and she is learning every day.
01.01.2022 And this afternoon I met this gorgeous girl and her lovely family. Poppy struggles with strangers coming into her home and people walking past her house. But she responded so well to her training, we set up a rewarding situation from our first interaction. We gave her choice, she chose her distance and she even settled during the session which was great to see
01.01.2022 I met this lovely oldie today. Allie is 12yo and she has been attention barking for her meal times dinner has now turned into lunch! We had a great session where we introduced enrichment and worked on a plan to ensure she doesn’t continue to practice this behaviour.
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