Integral Energetics in Kew, Victoria | Alternative & holistic health service
Integral Energetics
Locality: Kew, Victoria
Phone: +61 3 9855 0090
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25.01.2022 Blind belief in authority is the greatest enemy of truth. Albert Einstein Artist: Tomasz Alen Kopera
24.01.2022 I understood myself only after I destroyed myself. And only in the process of fixing myself, did I know who I really was. Sade Andria Zabala Artist: Orphn Achron
22.01.2022 "The alchemist realizes that he himself is the Philosopher’s Stone, and that this stone is made diamond-like when the salt and the sulphur, or the spirit and the body, are united through mercury, the link of mind. Man is the incarnated principle of mind as the animal is of emotion. He stands with one foot on the heavens and the other on earth. His higher being is lifted to the celestial spheres, but the lower man ties him to matter. Now the philosopher, building his sacred stone, is doing so by harmonizing his spirit and his body. The result is the Philosopher’s Stone. The hard knocks of life chip it away and facet it until it reflects lights from a million different angles." Manly P. Hall Artist: Joma Sipe
20.01.2022 And a woman spoke, saying, Tell us of Pain. And he said: Your pain is the breaking of the shell that encloses your understanding. Even as the stone of the fruit must break, that its heart may stand in the sun, so must you know pain. And could you keep your heart in wonder at the daily miracles of your life your pain would not seem less wondrous than your joy;... And you would accept the seasons of your heart, even as you have always accepted the seasons that pass over your fields. And you would watch with serenity through the winters of your grief. Much of your pain is self-chosen. It is the bitter potion by which the physician within you heals your sick self. Therefore trust the physician, and drink his remedy in silence and tranquility: For his hand, though heavy and hard, is guided by the tender hand of the Unseen, And the cup he brings, though it burn your lips, has been fashioned of the clay which the Potter has moistened with His own sacred tears. From The Prophet (Knopf, 1923)
19.01.2022 It doesn’t interest me if there is one God or many gods. I want to know if you belong or feel abandoned, if you can know despair or see it in others,... I want to know if you are prepared to live in the world with its harsh need to change you. If you can look back with firm eyes, saying this is where I stand. I want to know if you know how to melt into that fierce heat of living, falling toward the center of your longing. I want to know if you are willing to live, day by day, with the consequence of loveand the bitter unwanted passion of your sure defeat. I have heard, in that fierce embrace, even the gods speak of God. David Whyte, River Flow: New & Selected Poems 1984-2007
19.01.2022 The future influences the present just as much as the past. Friedrich Nietzsche
18.01.2022 In connection with the astral body, the result of purification is a quiet spirit, or the "gentle stillness" of the vehicle so that it can adequately reflect the Christ principle, or the buddhic nature. The relation of the astral or kamic principle (using the middle vehicle of the threefold lower man) to the buddhic principle using the middle vehicle of the spiritual triad (or atma-buddhi-manas), should be carefully considered. Quieted emotions, and the control of the desire n...ature ever precede the reorientation of the lower. Before the desire of a man can be towards things spiritual he has to cease to desire the things of the world, and of the flesh. This produces an interlude of great difficulty in the life of neophyte, and the process is symbolized for us in the use of the word "conversion" in orthodox Christian circles; it involves "a turning round" with its consequent temporary turmoil, but eventual quietness. In the mental body, the effect of purification is the development of the capacity to concentrate or to be one-pointed. The mind no longer flits hither and thither but becomes controlled and quiescent and receptive to the higher impress. When these three results of purification are making themselves felt in the life of the aspirant, he nears a certain climax which is a sudden perception of the nature of the soul. He gets a vision of the reality which is himself, and finds out the truth of the words of the Christ that "the pure in heart shall see God." He beholds the soul and henceforth his desire is for ever towards reality and away from the unreal and the world of illusion. [Book 2 - Sutra 41] Source: Light of the Soul - Yoga Sutras of Patanjali
16.01.2022 Heres John & Fred introducing the concept of Integration and how it relates to your Nervous System. We strongly recommend you check out our Youtube channel, with Neuropsychiatrist Dan Siegel, explaining his concept of the hand-model of the brain:
15.01.2022 Again and again I must emphasise that the tragedy of materialism is that it turns its attention to matter, and all the time understands nothing at all of matter but simply loses connection with material existence. For this reason materialism can only cause social harm; for the socialistic materialists, the Marxists, are, as regards reality, just talkers. This they have learnt from the middle classes which have indulged in materialistic chatter for centuries; but they have not applied it to the social institution, and have remained satisfied with half-truths. A spiritual philosophy of life will once more reveal the nature of man, not in the abstract, but as possessing a concrete soul and spirit, which can work into each individual member of the human organisation. Rudolf Steiner 25 April 1920, Dornach, Switzerland.
15.01.2022 Over the next 4 days, John & Fred present a practical and benefical series of the first 4 stages of Somato Respiratory Integration (SRI). These videos outline ways you can investigate and experience, for yourself, your bodys rhythms and inner wisdom.
14.01.2022 How the body responds to stress and what we can do to manage the experience.
14.01.2022 Today, John & Fred present Stage 2 - Polarities and rythmns
13.01.2022 Just as in the body, eye and ear develop as organs of perception, as senses for bodily processes, so does a man develop in himself soul and spiritual organs of perception through which the soul and spiritual worlds are opened to him. For those who do not have such higher senses, these worlds are dark and silent, just as the bodily world is dark and silent for a being without eyes and ears. ~ Rudolf Steiner. Art: David Newbatt
12.01.2022 The more you cling to that which all the world desires, the more you are Everyman, who has not yet discovered himself and stumbles through the world like a blind man leading the blind with somnambulistic certainty into the ditch. Everyman is always a multitude. Cleanse your interest of that collective sulphur which clings to all like a leprosy. The unconscious demands your interest for its own sake and wants to be accepted for what it is. Therefore away with your crude and vu...lgar desirousness, which childishly and shortsightedly sees only goals within its own narrow horizon. Therefore bethink you for once and consider: What is behind all this desirousness? A thirsting for the eternal... ~ C.G. Jung (Mysterium Coniunctionis) Art: Salvador Dali
12.01.2022 John & Fred complete this series of the first 4 stages of SRI. Stage 4 - Taking my power back
12.01.2022 To train people to work in mental matter is to train them to create; to teach people to know the nature of the soul is to put them in conscious touch with the subjective side of manifestation and to put into their hands the power to work with soul-energy; to enable people to unfold the potencies of the soul aspect is to put them en rapport with the forces and energies hidden in all the kingdoms of Nature. A man can then - as his soul contact and his subjective perception is s...trengthened and developed - become a conscious creator, cooperating with the plans of evolution and of God. As he passes through the different stages, his ability so to work and his capacity to get at the thought lying behind all symbols and forms increases. He is no longer taken in by the appearance but knows it as the illusory form which is veiling, imprisoning and confining some thought. Source: From Intellect to Intuition
11.01.2022 "Scholarliness alone is not enough; there is a knowledge of the heart that gives deeper insight. The knowledge of the heart is in no book and is not to be found in the mouth of any teacher, but grows out of you like the green seed from the dark earth. Scholarliness belongs to the spirit of this time, but this spirit in no way grasps the dream, since the soul is everywhere that scholarly knowledge is not. But how can I attain the knowledge of the heart? You can attain this ...knowledge only by living your life to the full." ~C.G. Jung, The Red Book Artwork: "Hygieia" (detail aus "Medizin") + "Adele Bloch-Bauer I" by Gustav Klimt. Digital edition by Simone DiMeglio.
11.01.2022 Dr John Hare and Dr Fred Swann are the creators of Integral Energetics. Welcome !
10.01.2022 Who can say that your mother has passed away? You cannot describe her as being or nonbeing, alive or dead, because these notions belong to the historical dimension. When you touch your mother in the ultimate dimension, you see that she is still with you. The same is true of a flower. A flower may pretend to be born, but it has always been there in other forms. Later it may pretend to die, but we should not be fooled. She is just playing a game of hide-and-seek. She reveals he...rself to us and then hides herself away. If we are attentive, we can touch her anytime we want. The day of our so-called death is a day of our continuation in many other forms. If you know how to touch your mother in the ultimate dimension, she will always be there with you. If you touch your hand, your face, or your hair, and look very deeply, you can see that she is there in you, smiling. This is a deep practice, and it is also the deepest kind of relief. - Thich Nhat Hanh Painting: Amanda Clark
10.01.2022 It is wonderful how popular Yoga is - Hope the world embraces the technology with all its specifics
10.01.2022 Heres todays SRI exercise, Stage 3 - Stuck in perspective.
10.01.2022 The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of the depths. These persons have an appreciation, a sensitivity, and an understanding of life that fills them with compassion, gentleness, and a deep loving concern. Beautiful people do not just happen. Elisabeth Kbler-Ross Artist: David Seidman
09.01.2022 One says a lot about wisdom. But wisdom isnt whats often called wisdom today. One gets smart through experience, but wisdom is the force that streams into us from the spiritual world and then streams out again. Wisdom also comes from the mouth of babes. When what streams out comes more from the feeling, its wisdom, but when it stimulates a man into action so that productivity predominates, its love. But one has to know what love really is. Someone may feel sympathy for a mans misfortune, but that isnt real love. Sympathy only becomes love if one steps in and helps him. Wisdom and love make up the I. The I is love and wisdom that have become will. This is the higher triad. When its reflected somewhat lower I, love and wisdom become thinking, willing and feeling, respectively. Rudolf Steiner
09.01.2022 "I find that the distinction between Awareness and Consciousness (in those teachings that make such a distinction) is often confusing and not clearly defined, as evidenced by the number of questions I receive on this subject. The main objection I have to using the two words (Awareness and Consciousness) differenty, is that it suggests that the Consciousness that is conscious of apparent objects (for instance, the Consciousness that is conscious of these words) is different the Awareness that stands as Awareness on its own, when no apparent objects are present. (I am sure that this is neither the understanding nor the intention of the majority of these teachings. However, it is sometimes an inference.) Such a position (if it were intended) would be the equivalent of suggesting that the screen that is present when the images of the film are present is a different screen that is present when the TV is turned off. The central point of this teaching is that it is precisely the Consciousness/Awareness that is present right here and now, seeing (and being) these words, to which we refer as I, that is itself impersonal, infinite, divine Consciousness/Awareness. It is only a thought (which is itself the very shape that Consciousness/Awareness is taking) that mistakenly identifies this Consciousness/Awareness with a finite appearance, thereby seeming to limit it to a personal entity. That is how close this impersonal, infinite, divine Consciousness/Awareness is to ourselves. It is closer than close. It is our very fabric and the fabric of all experience. It is simply known as I. Love, Beauty, Peace, Happiness and Understanding - these are some of the names that we give to Awareness/Consciousness when it ceases to apparently veil itself from itself by assuming the form of dualistic thought." Rupert Spira
08.01.2022 "Suffering is entirely due to clinging or resisting; it is a sign of our unwillingness to move on, to flow with life." - Nisargadatta Maharaj - "Eternal Flow" by Freydoon Rassouli
07.01.2022 "The alchemist realizes that he himself is the Philosophers Stone, and that this stone is made diamond-like when the salt and the sulphur, or the spirit and the body, are united through mercury, the link of mind. Man is the incarnated principle of mind as the animal is of emotion. He stands with one foot on the heavens and the other on earth. His higher being is lifted to the celestial spheres, but the lower man ties him to matter. Now the philosopher, building his sacred stone, is doing so by harmonizing his spirit and his body. The result is the Philosophers Stone. The hard knocks of life chip it away and facet it until it reflects lights from a million different angles." Manly P. Hall Artist: Joma Sipe
06.01.2022 Integral Energetics is based around our understanding of the Energetic Field. Here Fred & John introduce you to the concept of the field and how it relates to your experience on the table. For a more detailed understanding, you can watch this demonstration:
06.01.2022 We are empty, or rather the matter of which we are composed is empty. But I must emphasize that emptiness does not mean nothingness. Some commentators have been mistaken when they have accused Buddhism of being nihilistic. We believe that the world in which we live is part of a flux, a stream of events. This does not mean it is nothing. Everything depends on everything else. Nothing exists on its own. On account of all the influences that come to bear upon them, things, exist, and disappear, and then reappear again. But they never exist independently. Form is therefore empty, by which we mean it is not separate and independent. Form depends on a multitude of different factors. And emptiness is form because all forms emerge from emptiness, from this absence of independent existence. Emptiness exists only to give rise to form. - Dalai Lama Artist Arvind Gairola
06.01.2022 A core theme of Integral Energetics is States to Traits: Developing sustainable solutions for optimal health, performance and creativity.
04.01.2022 No amount of intellectual knowledge can satisfy the need for the direct experience that is beyond concepts and duality. Do not be a fool and spend your whole life in a book. Of course you must study the teachings, but you must also know when it is time to put what you have learnt into practice. Only direct experience can set you free. ~ Chamtrul Rinpoche
04.01.2022 All the principles of heaven and earth are living inside you. Life itself is truth, and this will never change. Everything in heaven and earth breathes. Breath is the thread that ties creation together. - Morihey Ueshiba Artist Patrick Ennis
04.01.2022 "Silence is the language of God, all else is poor translation." - Rumi
04.01.2022 From the viewpoint of the undivided reality our 3D existence seems like an illusion. From our 3D viewpoint, the reality of the undivided stillness seems unbelievable and unfathomable. ~ Walter Russell
02.01.2022 I am certain that I have been here as I am now a thousand times before, and I hope to return a thousand times. ~ J.W. Goethe Artist: Kenneth Laugan
02.01.2022 Paradoxically, the ability to be alone is the condition for the ability to love. Erich Fromm Artist: Orphn Achron
01.01.2022 Brain activity alters over the heartbeat cycle, helping us make sure certain information is kept out of our conscious experience. The findings provide a conceptual framework to explain how internal signals integrate into our conscious perception of the world.
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