An Integrated Life in Peregian Beach | Consultation agency
An Integrated Life
Locality: Peregian Beach
Phone: +61 409 270 449
Address: 224 David Low Way 4573 Peregian Beach, QLD, Australia
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25.01.2022 Just so on point. Thankyou @john_wineland #Repost @john_wineland Notes on the unintegrated feminine... These are true for the feminine in all of us, regardless of gender.... Judges their emotions as needy or ugly Constantly seeking more love outside themselves Thinks that their emotional truths will cause a loss of love Judges others as being too emotional or needy Afraid to reveal deep truths to romantic partners and others Falls victim to self directed criticism, especially arising from emotional reactions Attached to the narrative that they are never fully seen or felt Has a hard time identifying or feeling intense emotionsin themselves and others #feminine #emotion #truth #expression See more
24.01.2022 More connects us, than separates us... #connection #nonjudgement #beginnersmind #10percenthappier #depression #anxiety #marriage #relationships #friendships #covid #dontbuildbarriers
22.01.2022 Always learning from the fabulous @zachbushmd WOMEN... must read this! #Repost @zachbushmd with @make_repost FASTING SERIES l DAY 4 When is the ideal time of the month to fast?... It’s different for men and women. For example, the power of the female brain is astounding. Women grow new brain connections every month. Every month while women ovulate, they have this huge dendritic spike from their hypothalamus down to their pituitary gland. Their LH (luteinizing hormone) regulates the rest of the system. It's what turns on the luteal phase, where progesterone goes from being quiet for two weeks to turning on and starting a rise to meet the challenge of estrogen that's now going to surge in that last half of the month to prepare for the potential for pregnancy. During that LH surge, and in those few days afterwards, neurons throughout your brain sprout new dendrites which are the branches at the end of every nerve, that connect to other nerve bodies. I think it's such beauty that women's brains do this, maybe a part of why the feminine psyche is so powerful. With regard to the optimal time for women to practice a detoxification fast, roughly days 12 through 15 of the month is an extraordinary time as the brain is sprouting new neural connections every month in the luteal phase. By practicing a fast during this time, a woman will keep those new dendrite sprouts and new opportunities for connection. Men, think about getting aware of your partner’s cycle, and become aware of your own cycle within that. This realization can be a very powerful tool. You will always align to her cycle because it's far more powerful in dominant surges than yours. Yours is subtle in transitions. Experience the fast together to support each other's experience. More on this coming later today. This week’s fasting series is just a fractal of the full Biology Basecamp 4-week experience. More at the link in my bio to sign up. Limited space is available. And remember, consult with your healthcare provider before fasting. It is not for everyone. If questions are arising for you, add them in the comments. I’ll be hosting a live Q & A on Friday at 5pm EST. Sign up at the link in my bio @z
22.01.2022 Spot bloody on. It’s a performance. A show. And always has been.
22.01.2022 Hands down THE BEST red table talk reflecting the REALITIES of marriage and long lasting love.
22.01.2022 Feeling overwhelmed, misunderstood and like there’s no chance things will ever improve? Then it’s time ASK FOR HELP... get some objective input and support and see if we can’t start to chunk down your problems into more bite sized pieces that we can navigate together. DM me for a session by phone, zoom, WhatsApp or face to face at our Peregian office. #overwhem #cv19 #anxiety #depression #infidelity #stress #financials #solutionfocusedtherapy #zoom #whatsapp
21.01.2022 I work with addiction in clients (and myself) every day and getting sober for me was very much in alignment with what @authenticallyamanda describes below except... I DID hit a rock bottom and felt I could either choose to self medicate or go hard and real and raw and deal with it 100% sober 24/7. At this stage I hadn’t been drunk for years but... I was very much wanting to soothe with booze and it was a conscious choice to sit with the pain, the #failure and the paralysing... #fear and fully experience THAT wild ride which I can assure you, real life UN-NUMBED is a trip worth fully experiencing! #Repost @authenticallyamanda with @make_repost Today I’ve been alcohol-free 1,277 days That’s 3.5 years, y’all. For those of you who know me, you'll know that sobriety wasn't something I "had to" pursue. Going alcohol-free wasn't about some sort of massive rock bottom or a substance abuse issue (I know I am lucky in this), but rather about a radical journey to find my authentic self. In short, sobriety has become a massive personal development tool for me. It's a competitive edge that has allowed me to grow mentally, physically & spiritually in ways that were never possible before. I've come to realize that (despite my initial fears), my decision to abstain from drinking takes absolutely nothing from any experience I have. Rather, it allows me to show up as a better friend, partner, daughter, coach, etc. etc....most importantly, it allows me to show up more fully for myself. The payoff has been massive. It is my greatest honor to be able to share my journey with you here on this platform. My purpose is to be a voice to inspire & encourage anyone else out there who wants to live a more vibrant, self-actualized life. I'm grateful to fulfill that purpose today as a coach for women who are also ready to get out of their own way. If that sounds like you, I'm here to chat anytime. Authentically, Amanda. . . . . . #lightisthenewblack #shineyourlight #spiritjunkie #theuniversehasyourback #manifestation #vibratehigher #lightworker #quitdrinking #stopdrinking #sobercurious #uplevel #awakening #selfactualization #selfworth See more
20.01.2022 Online shopping addiction is prolific at this time... booze, shopping, perfectionism...
20.01.2022 The addiction to DOING, distracting, filling your time with SOMETHING/anything that will justify yourself BEING... achieving, striving, making something of yourself AS IF you’re not something unless you DO something that OTHERS deem valuable or that earns you money or recognition... sound fckd up? Because IT IS! that is a toxic, unhelpful, maladaptive behaviour and distorted conclusion to come to about yourself and life! Doing doesn’t = purpose. Doing doesn’t = value. So m...any I raise this with feel panic rising when I challenge their addiction to DOING, but then... what will I do? I’ll never get anything done. I’ll never reach my goals... I’ll be nothing... I’m not suggesting stop all goal setting or future thinking. I’m simply inviting shifting your relationship with it. If you stop punishing yourself for not doing you will still ACHIEVE... just not driven by fear or avoidance of discomfort . See more
19.01.2022 Every day I check my fasting glucose and my post meal glucose and my ketones... why? Because I have auto immune challenges, family history of diabetes, I’m peri menopausal and this is how I manage and understand my weight, mood and body functionality. Yesterday... everything optimal... then last night I had little to no sleep and even though this morning’s reading is having fasted for 13.5 hours so glucose should be LOW and ketones much higher... my readings are crap! Haven’t... eaten or drink anything... that’s just low level stress and a sleepless night. I’m posting this so women really understand how your body physically responds to your lifestyle. If this were my norm... I would be gaining weight and cortisol would be spiking in the mornings and hormones getting all FKD up and this is how it plays out for so@many women over 40!! Get to know YOUR body and take ownership for your life and lifestyle and mood and body. It’s so bloody empowering and satisfying #womenshealth #weightloss #hormones #menopause #moodmanagement #keto #ketomojo #libido #marriage #parenting #practicewhatyoupreach See more
18.01.2022 #Repost @wayofdevotion We are made of love, no matter how open or closed we are. However, love is best transmitted, given, and received through a soft, open body and heart.... If we want our love to be felt by another, or if we want to receive love from another, especially s*xually, it is vital to become aware of the ways that we unconsciously harden and restrict love’s flow, both inwardly and outwardly. Our specific patterns of hardening usually develop at some point in our childhoods, because to remain open and receptive proved to be too painful within the circumstances we were raised. So our bodies intelligently hardened and closed, to protect our tender little hearts from hurt. Hardening is a survival mechanism. But then we often carry these patterns of hardening into adulthood and into our intimate relationships, and eventually we may find that they are getting in the way of us creating the deep intimacy we crave. Arriving at this awareness, as well as developing the willingness to begin letting go of some of this armor that is no longer needed, is the most important step we can take on the path of deeper intimacy. Once the awareness and willingness to grow are there, it really becomes a lifelong practice of 1) recognizing when the patterns of closure are showing up, and 2) cultivating skills to soften and open through these patterns, at a pace that feels healthy and sustainable for you. One thing you will hear me saying over and over is this Embodying love is a practiceone that invites us home to our inherent nature of openness, fullness, innocence, play, erot*c joy, and curiosity all essential ingredients to cultivating an authentic and soul-fulfilling intimate relationship with another. #loveisapractice #femininepractice #feminineyoga #consciousintimacy #embodiment #embodylove #divinefeminine #sacredpractice See more
18.01.2022 SUNDAY SESSIONS: I’ve been doing Sunday afternoon sessions for a few years because it offers my clients the opportunity to really sink into the session and allow information and transformation to really land. They’re not racing to school pickup or heading back to work. They can take the time to process the session and I check in through the week with many to see how application and understanding is prevailing. It means I can work with a couple without them having to always fi...nd cover for the kids... we reflect on the week with greater clarity and mental space to recall what worked, what didn’t... weekends are my busiest time and that works for me and for my clients... DM if it would work for you for phone, zoom or in office sessions. #zoom #therapy #marriage #mediation #counseling #psychotherapy #sundaysession #phonesessions #peregianbeach #noosa See more
18.01.2022 This is hands down THE BEST breakdown of an effective apology PROCESS and description of accountability in action I have EVER come across!!! Full series in stories iRepost @mia.mingus Excerpts from my article, The Four Parts of Accountability: . reposted from @abolitionongradients... . . [9 images with text from Mia Mingus’ The Four Parts of Accountability: How To Give A Genuine Apology. Text reads, How To Give A Genuine Apology. The Four Parts of Accountability. Mia Mingus. This write-up primarily focuses on apologizing to people that we care about; people with whom we want to continue to be in relationship. Here, we will focus on conflict, hurt, misunderstandings, small breaks in trust, and low-level harm. We begin with these because most of us do not know how to navigate these smaller experiences and our relationships suffer or even end because of it. If we cannot handle the small things between us, how will we be able to handle the big things? Learning how to address these smaller hurts or breaks in trust, can help us learn the basic skills we need to address larger harms. It can also help to reduce and prevent larger forms of harm and violence Setting the Context: Accountability: Within the world of transformative justice, accountability is the ecosystem in which apologizing lives. True accountability, by its very nature, should push us to grow and change, to transform. Accountability is generative, not punitive. If you want punishment, you should be upfront and transparent about that. Do not ask for accountability, when what you really want is punishment or revenge. Just as it takes work to be accountable, it also takes work to receive someone’s accountability. We need to move away from holding people accountable and instead work to support people to proactively take accountability for themselves. It is not another person’s job to hold you accountablethat is your job. See more
18.01.2022 #Repost @thegentlemamma When we parent, it’s more than about what is happening inside our home and it’s bigger than just the relationship we have with our children. Parenting can be a form of activism, the expression of our fight for social justice and human rights, the intentional ripple of love we send out into the world in an effort to put an end to a violent dominant paradigm. ... The way we parent either consciously liberates our children or unconsciously continues cycles of oppression. - @latinxparenting . . Quote from the book Parenting for Social Change by Teresa Graham Brett @parentingforsocialchange . . and caption @latinxparenting #antiracistparenting See more
17.01.2022 All the bloody YES! #toxicpositivity is a REAL THING and actually just serves to invalidate the unpleasant, challenging, I pretty stated and emotions and aspects of being human. Positive vibes only is bullshit and if I had that attitude... I’d be out of business and friends. #Repost @kate.snowise with @make_repost I just saw yet another message that unintentionally invalidated the hard emotions that are part of every.single.humans experience of life. We’re not designed be positive all the time! Ugh. Truth people, the human experience is designed to be one of ups, downs and contrast. The last thing we need is to shame ourselves, or have other people shame us, for having feelings we don’t believe we’re allowed to have! That just makes the hard stuff doubly hard, and I firmly believe this excessive focus on the positive chin up Sally attitude is affecting our collective mental well-being. I’ve noticed this trend with my clients lately too. It’s showed up like this: - how do I get away from feeling angry? I don’t want to be low vibe. - I feel really unhappy, but then I look at how other people have it and realize I have no right to feel sad. - I don’t want to be a downer but... Being human is sometimes hard people! And that is normal. Don’t beat yourself up for it! Our emotions are little pieces of data that simply help us interpret our experience. If you listen closely, without trying to immediately push them away, you can actually learn so very much. I share this simply as a reminderg that if some days feel hard, you’re not broken...that is normal too. . Gorgeous image from: @constantbageltherapy positive only batteries do not work i have 9 prints of this available - free world wide postage / shipping / mail ~ link in bio ~ thanks ****update**** all sold now sorry . #heretothrive #hurtstobehuman #toxicpositivity #selfcompassionquotes
15.01.2022 This is just so bloody good... read in full and create your own rejection ritual. #Repost @drchellemd with @make_repost MY HEALING ritual.... The scholar who introduced me to the idea of a healing ritual for rejection explained that her own ritual involved buying a plant. She then would cultivate compassion by donating to charities for tree planting. That is great for her, & don't get me wrong, I like the metaphor of planting trees and growth. But this doesn't fully reson...ate with me. Plus, I kill plants. You know what does resonate? Shoes.That’s right. I like, ok LOVE shoes. So I decided that my healing ritual would be meaningful to me, AKA it would involve shoes. Also in my ritual, I wanted to be able to acknowledge & give myself credit for putting myself out there. It takes courage to sign up for things, submit things, nominate yourself for things etc. Each time is an opportunity to fail and I wanted to honor that bravery. So here is the ritual.... A. I DEPOSIT. I deposit a small amount of $ into a rejection ritual account every time I put myself out there and do/apply for something to advance my career. Anything that COULD lead to rejection is fair game. I also deposit when I succeed. For me, the higher the risk, the higher reward. B. I WITHDRAW: I withdraw whenever I get rejected. I use money from rejection account to buy myself a beautiful pair of shoes. This may be superficial to some, but it reminds me that beautiful things CAN come from struggle. I also withdraw for my compassion cultivating act. For me, this involves donating to a charity to support Black girls- currently, @blackgirlscode is getting all my rejection coins. C. TRACK IT. Because I am a nerd, I track this all on a spreadsheet. Sometimes I need to put my risk taking, wins, & losses in context. In the moment, the losses seem so frequent, but when I look at the big picture, I realize I often have more wins than I realize. D. GRATITUDE And after alll those steps (1-4). I CAN finally practice gratitude. Because truly, I have so many blessings. Lastly, I wear my rejection shoes to my next big win. Because whether I like it or not, my failures help carry me as I walk in th
14.01.2022 Everyone who comes to therapy wants to feel better or different to how they are currently feeling but not everybody is willing to experience and embrace the discomfort required to DO something differently, repeatedly, over a prolonged period for the outcomes to BE different and for you to@ultimately FEEL different. Mostly if feels bloody uncomfortable, sometimes worse than when the process started. And that’s ok... #Repost @crazyheadcomics this is my perpetual i am a very habitual person, ever since i was diagnosed with my mood disorder, my doctors have been drilling the importance of routines into my brain. i need my habits, routines and rituals to feel like i’m on track, and that i’m safe. when that routine is disrupted, when the rug is pulled from under me, i absolutely lose it. if something doesn’t go the way i expect it, the way it’s supposed to go, it shakes me to my core. at the same time, i do enjoy spontaneity, when it’s outside of my sacred safe habits. change is terrifying, but lately i’ve been itching for it. i think i romanticize the unknown, because when the unknown does happen, i lose my shit i try my best to remind myself that change might be scary at first, but before i know it, it becomes the new normal. but it can still be hard to calm those feelings of discomfort and fear. how are you with change ? do you fear it, or do you desperately need it ? do you have any new beginnings you’re looking forward to ? #mentalhealth #mentalillness #mentalhealthawareness #psynligt #nostigma #mentalhealthwarrior #recovery #schizophrenia #eatingdisorder #bulimia #anorexia #arfid #ptsd #borderline #bpd #ocd #bipolar #bipolardisorder #anxiety #depression #pain #chronicillness #adhd #art #digitalart #artistsoninstagram #comic #crazyheadcomics See more
08.01.2022 Nothing to add... @zachbushmd says it all #Repost @zachbushmd with @make_repost Life on earth is at risk for extinction because of our war against diversity. Once you realize that you and the planet’s biodiversity are one, nothing less than a shift of identity follows.... An adage from ancient India, As is the greatest, so is the smallest, has never been truer. Microbiome diversity is the foundation for health and longevity, while the destruction of this diversity is the beginning of chronic disease of every variety. The adage could be expanded to As is the outside, so is the inside. The global microbiome functions as a communication network that actually passes electrical information throughout the cellular matrix to coordinate everything life needs to thrive at the cellular level, not simply nutrition and reproduction but repair and adaptation to changing conditions. Nature is managing its own identity crisis now. Nature’s fluent communication network cannot be produced by a single species, but it can be threatened by one. At the exact moment in history when our existence is being understood as one thread woven in the tapestry of life as a whole, we are tearing the fabric apart, and all life forms will suffer. To give one instance, every year, over 4 billion pounds of glyphosate (the active ingredient in the most commonly used herbicides) is sprayed into our soil, water, air, and foods, sterilizing the microbiome and harming the creatures, including us, that the microbiome nourishes. The scale of damage is too frightening to contemplate, much less measure. We must transform now. The victims of this war are standing right in front of us. The soil, wind, and water, the First Nations, African Americans, Hispanics, Asians, and the tide of refugees. The world’s dispossessed and disenfranchised depend on us to emerge from our false assumed identity of superiority over and separateness from the whole of life. Reconciliation can begin today. Train your mind and eye to seek out and cherish diversity in every element of your life. Visit the link in my bio @zachbushmd to read the rest of this article I co-wrote with @DeepakChopra MD, Paul J. Mills, PhD,
08.01.2022 #Repost @ethicalbutcher We've seen the Veganuary movement getting bigger and bigger as omnivores try to just do something to be 'better', but what really happens? We're bombarded with messages about eating less meat with no real information about the impact of alternatives. The human diet requires protein and fat and not much of that grows here, especially at this time of year, so consumers try to fill the gaps with substitutes which are heavily imported.... Sadly, simply swapping out beef and pork for nuts and avocado is worse for the environment than simply choosing to eat well raised animals. Unfortunately for vegans, the avocado is one of history's most unethical fruits. As the demand for avocados has increased, so too has deforestation and pesticide use. Local populations have suffered as a direct consequence of this, from the effects of water pollution as well as respiratory and digestive diseases and mass production of Soya has received fierce criticism for its role in the deforestation of South America. The picture for other replacements is not much better, a diet that relies on tropical tree nuts or soy beans, which are also brought to this country using fossil fuels, is not sustainable. Regenuary is all about eating foods that are local, seasonal and farmed using regenerative methods, now that really could save the world. #regenuary #regenerativeagriculture #regenerative #ethicalbrand #workwithnature #ethicaleating #sustainableliving #pastureraised #slowgrown #sustainability See more
07.01.2022 It comes in waves... today started with an email and a text expressing the value of our work together... I will say... I get as much from working with clients as they get from me. I’m held accountable. I’m reminded of my@own crappy behaviour when I see it play out in others... its win win everyday. #mindmaintenance #mindmedicine #accountability #connection #winwin
04.01.2022 I LOVE THIS! I’m big on teaching people how to compassionately and respectfully decline/set boundaries/say NO... and this is ALWAYS part of the conversation. Others reacting with #FOMO as if, they won’t get what the need or want... many times this is not the case! It may just be that RIGHT NOW I can’t fulfil your request or don’t have the capacity to offer what you need. It’s not an absolute. It’s not necessarily a never... my boundary isn’t your loss... #Repost ... For every '' you have ever been told, remember that a '' will soon follow. _ Setbacks and hardships come with the territory. Do not be discouraged. Your time, the right time. . . . . . . . . #idontknowwhoneedstohearthisbut #motivation #motivational #igquotes #motivationalquotesandsayings #motivationalquotes #ednamd #mondaymotivation #perserverance #delayednotdenied #keepthefaith See more
04.01.2022 I just want my kids to be happy... is not a healthy or helpful goal as a parent
04.01.2022 If a button’s been pushed, YOUR BUTTON, then you have to look at your button not start blaming someone for pushing it. YOU MDE ME ANGRY, you hurt me, you are pissing me off... you can either seek to control other peoples behaviours OR somewhat more empowering... seek to understand and resolve your wound. #Repost @neil_strauss When you are being reactive, it can feel like a few things You might get flustered, defensive, and angry. Or you might suddenly feel numb, shut d...own, and distant. Either way, it’s a self-defense mechanism that pushes away other people (sometimes destroying relationships and career opportunities), which you learned a long, long time ago But it’s not actually happening out there. No one is doing this to you YOU are doing it to YOURSELF. One of my life goals since The Truth is to have no buttons that can be pressed by other people, by circumstances, or by myself. I believe that this is true freedom. Since I began this quest, the people close to me (as well as myself at times) have been pleasantly shocked by my lack of reactivity in situations where I used to react. I highly recommend dedicating part of your self improvement journey to removing your buttons. #ownership #accountability #empowerment #mentalhealth #relationshiprehab See more
04.01.2022 I have NEVER been as busy as I have been this year... #addictions #marriage #crisis and #depression and #anxiety are showing up at an increasing rate and this graph and below data shows that prescribing to treat these symptoms has also shot up. I had two clients just last week, telling me they were given a script BEFORE being offered therapy... told the meds might be all you need. This is NOT helpful... particularly when it is said to two men who have been brave enough to eve...n acknowledge they’re not ok right now and no enquiry around dirt, increase in alcohol intake that could be impacting gut health, exacerbating anxiety symptoms... just 15 min chat then prescription. There’s a time for meds FOR SURE but not when the whole picture has not first been assessed. #strangetimes #integrativemedicine #Repost @isupportgary I don't think we are ready for the tsunami of mental health disorders. 20%in diagnoses and antidepressant medications prescribed per month since #COVID19 sets in. Repercussions for individuals/community are enormous. #auspol See more
03.01.2022 Today is the tomorrow you were so worried about yesterday... #Repost @russellbrand Happy Birthday @AnthonyHopkins! What an amazing achievement, incredible example and touching video. #sobreity #soberlife #anxiety #timetothrive #alcoholfree
01.01.2022 Rigidity has no place in truth seeking. What you would LIKE to believe... about yourself, your partner, your life, the govt, the science... what facilitates you being able to trust... MUST be challenged. I hear so frequently I’d like to think I’m an honest person, I’d like to think I’ve got a good marriage, I like to think I eat healthy, I like to think the government wouldn’t do anything that wasn’t in the best interests of the people... is all about comfort. Your comfort. ...Your avoidance of DIScomfort. But #radicalhonesty and a willingness to always upgrade your current lens is vital for growth. #growthmindset vs #fixedmindset #Repost @awholehealthlife This is something that I have come to understand after a decade in healthcare. Healthcare is hard because of course you need evidence based medicine, and you need clinical trials to guide best practices and gold standards. Without evidence-based medicine we wouldn’t be able to understand the safety and efficacy of products. However it gets tricky and convoluted at times, because ... well money. Profit. The bottom line is that money has power. In any business. Which means that at times the pharmaceutical industry is corrupt. We have seen that time and time again. Fraud. Manipulation. Deceit. That said I still do look at evidence and use it to guide my thoughts, perspective and choices for my family of course! But I ALSO am very aware of corruption that could be at play what the trials do or don’t include and who is funding them. There are other things to consider as well for example for v a c c i n e s pharmaceutical companies are not held liable for damage. Everything to gain and nothing to lose. What is the risk/benefit to the patient? This often isn’t transparent. Every patient, every person, every family should have the right to assess the available data and determine if it is solid and assess pros/cons and then decide for themselves. This seems like common sense to me, knowing that evidence is constantly changing and that for some products Pharma isn’t even held liable. Mandates put complete trust in Pharma and the law-making bodies and remove the right of an individual. Th
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