Intelligent Directions | Business service
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25.01.2022 Success in business is never an easy path, even the simple things sometimes turn out to be the most complicated. One trait of a successful entrepreneur is adaptability. That is: "the quality of being able to adjust to new conditions". Sometimes youll need to take another path, sometimes youll need to make a u-turn or sometimes youll need to stop. In order to have a business that thrives you must be able to adapt to everything and quickly. The changing market, change in d...emand, change in your scope, change in customer demographics, change in technology. The list is basically endless, there will always be something changing that you need to be able to adapt to. Now not only must you be able to adapt to new conditions the most successful entrepreneurs (think Richard Branson) are able to see these changes before they happen and adapt before their business is negatively impacted. How do you do that you may ask? My advice would be to always be looking. Look at whats happening in your industry, look at why you lost that deal, look at why less leads are coming in etc. If you are always looking you will start to notice more and be attune to what is about to happen not only what has happened. #intelligentdirections #businessstrategy #businesstip #b2b
23.01.2022 One of my goals this year is to have more intention around how I start my days. I’ve craved a positive morning ritual for a long time now. Like most I’ve fallen into the trap of waking up, checking my emails, checking messages and although I hate to admit it jumping on Facebook to have a scroll. Then up I get to start getting ready. I know this isn’t healthy at all and that our brain is the most impressionable right before bed and right after we wake up so I’m motivated to c...hange it. I know that starting my day in a nurturing and more meaningful way will change a lot of things for me and help me to be more productive and successful throughout my day. However I’m struggling with giving myself the permission to start my days at a slower pace that has nothing to do with work and everything to do with self care. So far my thoughts are: - No technology - Read 10 pages - A short meditation - Reading my mission statement and goals - Setting an intention for the day Do you have a morning routine or practice that you follow? I would love to know what it is?
23.01.2022 This Friday Im presenting on "How to achieve your business goals" for Bondi Business Womens annual seminar series. If youd like to attend please let me know. The details are below: Date: 10.5.19... Time: 12;00pm-1:30pm; Location: The Bucket List Bondi; Price: Free, you just need to let me know if youre coming. See more
22.01.2022 So how do you appreciate your team??
22.01.2022 Whats the key to your success?? What makes you different from your competitors?? Why would clients come to you opposed to someone else??... These are important questions to answer to ensure that your business continues to survive and thrive. Ultimately I believe that if you provide exceptional customer service and go the extra mile you will have a viable business that continues to flourish. Those businesses that dont value their customers/clients above everything else will very quickly start to loose them. What can you do in every customer interaction to show them that they are valued and keep them wanting to come back? #intelligentdirections #b2b #businessstrategy
21.01.2022 Happy Monday, hows your week looking? Is it going to be productive? Are you going to achieve everything you set out to do? Or are you overwhelmed and feel like you arent as productive as you could be? If you feel overwhelmed or not as productive as you could be take a look around you. What does your desk look like? What does your office look like? This may seem like a bit of an odd thing to consider but one of the things that can really impact your effectiveness whilst is the environment around you. Some reasons having a clean work space results in an increase in productivity are: - Youre able to focus more as you wont be distracted by clutter and mess; - Youll save time by knowing exactly where everything you need is. How many times have you had to look for a document that you "put away" but dont know where; - Less stress as a messy desk tricks your mind into thinking you actually have more happening than you do; - Improved morale, put simply when you are happier you produce more. If you still need to be convinced a recent study found that "94 percent of workers reported feeling more productive in a clean work space, while 77 percent said they felt they produced a higher quality of work in a cleaner environment". So if your desk looks like the one below, or maybe a little worse its time for a clean and once thats done you can take it to the next level and clean your files, drawers etc. Have a productive week!
20.01.2022 An interesting read about Kmart. How it was transformed from a problem child with declining profits year on year to a brand with a cult following is pretty smart business.
20.01.2022 As I was driving to a client meeting this morning I saw a Happy Valentine's Day banner in a shop window and had the realisation that I mustn't be very romantic, my first thoughts went to business and work and what role love plays in both. Yes my brain works in odd ways but stay with me here as it's something I have been exploring with clients in my workshops lately. You see I think love has a very important role to play with both those that are employed and those who own a From my observation having worked with hundreds of business owners those that love what they do and love their business tend to be more successful. They tend to be more passionate about their business, they create amazing teams and culture, they are always growing and looking for ways to improve and they tend to have a really loyal client base. It's the same for those that love their jobs, they tend to put more effort and energy into their work, therefore producing better results. You can really tell when a team member loves their job or are just there because they have to be. So my challenge to you, whether you're a business owner or an employee is to really look at whether you still love your business/job. If not, what can you do to fall back in love with it? When there is love, there is passion and purpose and when this exists things just flow.
20.01.2022 Who do you know that is looking for an exciting new role as a furniture installer? One of my clients Infinity Office furniture is expanding their team and looking for an awesome person to join the team!
20.01.2022 One of my goals this year is to read a book a month! I love to read and used to get through a fair few books, but due to life I haven’t read as much as I’d like in the last couple of years. Last year as I upped my reading I was once again reminded of how powerful it is to read regularly so have made it a priority once again. Reading gives me:... Knowledge Thought promotion and new ideas Inspiration Competitive edge Peace and relaxation My current list is in the picture, have you read any of these? What’s on your list at the moment?
19.01.2022 Start 2019 With Purpose and Clarity! Announcing our 2019 goal setting workshop: Do you want to:... Get clarity for the year ahead; Know exactly what you are going to achieve and how; Have everyone in the business on the same page; Then this workshop is for you! The workshop is designed to give you as a business owner a guided approach to planning your year and setting your goals to ensure that you start the year with clarity and purpose and to also give you the tools and confidence you need to achieve your goals. Date: 22.1.19 Time: 9:00am- 4:00pm Location: Sydney CBD Cost: $300pp + $100 for each additional ticket within the same company.
18.01.2022 This is where I was working from yesterday morning, yes working. It still amazes me that Im able to do what I love everyday and have the flexibility to do it from pretty much anywhere. If you had asked me two years ago what I would be doing now I could never have imagined in my wildest dreams that I would have started two businesses, that I would be my own boss, that I would have the flexibility to work to my own schedule and that I would take back control of my health. Heres to all of you for supporting me in my first 12 months of business! I couldnt have done it without my clients, contacts and family! Thank you
17.01.2022 Who do you know.... Im currently looking for an excellent Operations Manager to join a growing strata cleaning and maintenance company in Pendle Hill.
17.01.2022 Happy Easter everyone! Hope you have a great day surrounded by family and friends. Xx
16.01.2022 Every Friday morning I am fortunate enough to attend a networking meeting with some of the best business owners I know! We have a great team of people in many different industries who come together and help each other to grow their businesses. Each week we give one member the opportunity to give a feature presentation and this week it was none other than my amazing bookkeeper Lucy Milekovic from Ultimate Business Solutions. If you need a great bookkeeper let me know and I can... put you in touch. Lucy’s company is ISO certified which means they have a quality management system in place, one of only two bookkeeping firms in Australia to have this tick of approval. If you’d like an intro to anyone else in my network please also reach out and I can facilitate an invite to Network Collective. #networking #help #businessowners #team #bookkeepingservice
15.01.2022 My office for the day Im currently helping my client to expand their team, we are hiring a PA/Admin. If you know of anyone looking for a new challenge get in touch
15.01.2022 Such a great way to spend Melbourne cup! With an awesome team having lots of fun Darren knows the importance of having a great team culture in terms of job satisfaction and productivity so ensures that the team do regularly activities outside of work as part of his strategy to create the right culture for his business. What are you doing to create the culture you want in your business?
14.01.2022 Happy New Year!! I still have a few tickets left for this workshop next week!! The 2020 purpose and clarity workshop:... Do you want to: Get clarity for the year ahead; Know exactly what you are going to achieve and how; Have everyone in the business on the same page; Then this workshop is for you! The workshop is designed to give you as a business owner a guided approach to planning your year and setting your goals to ensure that you start the year with clarity and purpose and to also give you the tools and confidence you need to achieve your goals. Date: 22.1.20 Time: 9:00am- 4:00pm Location: Sydney CBD Cost: $500pp (discounted price available for additional tickets) Booking: message here or send me an email [email protected]
14.01.2022 What a great planning day I got to facilitate last Friday with the team at Infinity Office Furniture. They have some very exciting things on the cards for the next 12 months, cant wait to see it all come together.
13.01.2022 This is one of my amazing clients Blue Volcano. Blue Volcano offers guided meditation and integrative therapy as two of their main services. Vicky is truly amazing at what she does and has a real passion for helping others. If you are feeling not 100% at the moment or need some clarity and help around certain things in life I would highly recommend giving her a call and having a chat about her services.
13.01.2022 Given today is #ruok day I wanted to talk about something that I don't think is really spoken about among business owners and entrepreneurs and that is mental health. Stats say that 1 in 5 Australians will suffer from depression and given that there are over 2 million small businesses in Australia it is safe to say that many business owners will face depression at some point. I feel that for many business owners the risk of facing mental health challenges is heightened by th...e fact that for many running a business is very isolating, extremely stressful and can sometimes feel like the whole world is on your shoulders. I'd like to put it out there and let you know that you aren't alone and there is always someone that you can talk to. If ever you feel like talking please know that I am always happy to lend an ear and some support. Anthea Xx
12.01.2022 Getting in early to wish all of you a Happy New Year!! Heres to an amazing 2018. As I sat and reflected on 2017 I am truly thankful for everything. It has been a huge year with the official launch of Intelligent Directions a business which gives me so much joy and allows me to fulfill my purpose of helping others. I love that every day I get out of bed and get to do something that I absolutely love. Thank you to all my clients, followers, friends and family for all your supp...ort this year, without you I wouldnt be able to do what I love. Bring on 2018 and I hope that it brings you a lot of love, happiness, fulfillment and joy. Anthea Xx
12.01.2022 I was asked to contribute to this article along with some other very successful people. Theres some great advice in here for building your career and creating the life you want, even if your high school years werent great or you didnt get the marks you needed.
11.01.2022 On what is the last official work day for 2019 for many I’d like to share an event that I’m running in January. Most people I know have only thought about getting to the end of this year and haven’t put much thought into next year yet. If that sounds like you then I would highly suggest having a look at the below. Announcing the 2020 purpose and clarity workshop:... Do you want to: Get clarity for the year ahead; Know exactly what you are going to achieve and how; Have everyone in the business on the same page; Then this workshop is for you! The workshop is designed to give you as a business owner a guided approach to planning your year and setting your goals to ensure that you start the year with clarity and purpose and to also give you the tools and confidence you need to achieve your goals. Date: 22.1.20 Time: 9:00am- 4:00pm Location: Sydney CBD Cost: $500pp (discounted price available for additional tickets) Booking: message here or send me an email [email protected]
11.01.2022 Over the weekend I woke up to some great news! I have been lucky enough to be named a finalist in two categories in the 2019 Altitude Awards. The categories are: 1. Young Entrepreneur ... 2. Soaring Micro Thank you so much to all of my clients, family, friends and my network for your continued support of me and the business, I honestly couldnt do it without all of you! Congratulations to all the other finalists, I look forward to meeting you all at the awards ceremony. Women with Altitude
11.01.2022 Merry Christmas to you, I hope that you have the most amazing day with family and friends.
11.01.2022 Merry Christmas everyone! May you have a beautiful day spent with family and friends, making memories, laughing and eating way too much! Xx
10.01.2022 Have a productive week!
10.01.2022 Lest we forget. Xx
10.01.2022 Gratitude. I feel as though people throw that word around a lot but do we actually stop and take the time to look at everything we have to be grateful for? To look at what we have achieved and how far we have come? I am guilty of not truly stopping and reflecting because I always want to achieve the next goal or tick something else off my to-do list. Of course I am thankful for everything that I have, but its been a while since Ive stopped and taken it all in. I feel this i...s especially true for business owners as there is always something more we are striving for. If we achieve a goal or milestone we dont tend to celebrate but move on to the next. And dont get me started about that never ending to-do list. On Saturday night I truly got to stop and reflect. I attended the Women with Altitude business awards. The theme was gratitude and it was so fitting because the whole process actually made me think about, acknowledge and celebrate everything that Ive been able to do and achieve over the last two years. I had my family there because I am truly grateful to have such an amazing support network. They have been by my side, encouraging me and supporting me through my business journey. Whilst I was sitting at our table, I thought of every amazing client that I have had the honor of working with. Who have trusted me to guide and facilitate the realisation of their business dreams. I truly felt humbled and grateful that so many of you have allowed me to serve you. I was a finalist in two categories: The Soaring Micro Young Entrepreneur of the Year And was so surprised that I actually won the Young Entrepreneur of the Year award that my husband had to tell me to stand up. I was in shock, I accepted my award and fumbled my way through an acceptance speech. But in that moment I felt so much gratitude. Gratitude for Andrea the event organiser and the amazing network she has created, gratitude for everyone who was in the room, gratitude towards my husband and family who without their support I would have never started my business and gratitude to all my clients who have trusted me with so much. So please, next time you achieve a goal, reach a milestone or tick a stubborn item off your to-do list please take a moment to reflect and show yourself some gratitude.
09.01.2022 Happy Easter to everyone celebrating today! Hope you have an amazing day with loved ones! Xx
09.01.2022 Thanks to Katy Moore I was featured in this article about the skills I learned while working at Maccas and how theyve helped me to today. Anyone that knows me knows how thankful I am for the experience I gained there at such a young age
08.01.2022 Thursday night I was blown away by #slingshotters #clubsthrive demo day!! Slingshot is a new client of ID, they do amazing work helping to connect corporates with innovative start ups through their accelerator programs.
08.01.2022 I love this quote! Im huge on setting goals both in business and my personal life and I have to say I usually achieve those goals. Im not saying this to talk myself up or make myself sound amazing, Im sharing it because I think there is purely 1 reason for it.... That is the fact that I plan every step of the goal out meticulously. I start off at the beginning of the year by setting my yearly goals and then I break them down by quarter. Once I have my first quarter goals ...set, I map out exactly how I am going to achieve each of those goals and from that I create a list of action items for each goal. Once I have all my action items listed out I add them to my weekly to-do list which ensures that I consistently work on each of the goals. Bit by bit I am able to tick off the action items and before I know it Ive achieved that goal. I do a goal planning and strategy session every quarter to go through all my goals, realign myself and set new ones for the next quarter. I will be walking a group of business owners through this process on the 30th of January so if you want to know more get in touch. #businessstrategy #b2b #businesstip #businessconsulting #goalsetting
08.01.2022 This week I had the pleasure of running two companies through my Business Planning and Goal Setting Workshop to help them kick start their 2018. Very impressed with the caliber of both teams and their motivation to achieve some huge goals for 2018. Well done to Infinity Office Furniture and Total Building Engineering Solutions
06.01.2022 ANNOUNCING THE ID GOAL SETTING AND PLANNING WORKSHOP!! Have you planned for next year yet or are you busy just getting through the end of this year? What I have found after working with so many different businesses is that they struggle to achieve business goals or hit certain milestones.... The reason being is that they dont have a strategic approach to running their business by the way of setting goals and planning. The best time to do this is in January when you are fresh from a well-deserved break before it gets busy again and things get in the way. The workshop is designed to give you as a business owner a guided approach to planning your year and setting your goals to ensure that you start the year with clarity, purpose and the know how to achieve your goals. Details: Date: 30/1/18 Time: 9:00am- 4:00pm Price: $300 pp Email me [email protected] or PM the page for further info.
06.01.2022 Now that you know what the ideal way to use stats in your business is, it is important to work out what the right stats for your business are so that you can ensure the data you are running off is correct. The best way to work out what stats you need is to look at what the outcomes of your business need to be or what you are actually trying to achieve. Without knowing the end result you cant possibly create stats, as the stats should always measure the outcomes you are aimin...g for. Steps to creating the right stats for your business: 1. Break your business down into different divisions; for example Sales, Finance, Operations and Admin; 2. Work out what the outcome is for each of the divisions; for example in sales the outcome is "closed sales that are profitable" in finance it would be "income collected" and so on. 3. Now that you know what the outcome is for each division you are essentially half way to knowing what the stat is. For example in sales the outcome is "closed sales that are profitable" so those stats would be "dollar value of closed sales" and "profit margin" of each sale. For finance the outcome is "income collected" so the stat would be "dollar value of income collected". 4. Once you have the stats listed work out what the target needs to be for each of the divisions. To work this out you need to do some background work. For example to get the sales target you need to work out what your expenses are and how much profit you want to make, add those together and then divide that amount to get a weekly amount which then becomes your target. 5. Now that you know all of the above you need to create a spreadsheet where you can capture the information and have it represented in line graph form. 6. Collect the data that you need on a weekly basis and enter it into your spreadsheet. Once you are collecting your data on a weekly basis spend time every week to go through the stats of the week before and decide what your focus will be for the coming week. You should focus your energy on the areas of the business that are not doing well as the stats are acting as indicators of where things are about to go wrong in the business. As soon as one division has a bad week where the stats are going down or they dont hit the target that is where you need to focus your time and energy on, to bring it back up before you have consecutive weeks where the division doesnt perform.
05.01.2022 Last night was an awesome night of brilliant women coming together at the Bondi Business Womens first networking event. I set up my first ever stand for Intelligent Directions and had a great night connecting and chatting with so many amazing women in business.
05.01.2022 I found this article really interesting. At first I didnt agree that dissatisfaction can be a trait for success, how can people who are never happy with their life be successful. For me Ive always seen a link between how happy you are and hos productive you are. The article made some great points though. "dissatisfaction is often seen in a very negative way an Achilles heel, even when in fact, it is an integral part of human development. To those who experience a deal of it than others, the key lies in learning how to channel their inability to accept mediocrity, be intolerant of complacency, and think beyond that which other people would dare to. All of these things can be used as productive means of building a fulfilling life, the trick is only in recognizing that it is not which impulses we have, but how we use them, that determines our fate." See more
03.01.2022 It’s Friday morning so that means one thing, another BNI meeting with an awesome team and another member feature presentation. This week we had Jacqueline Hofste from Enheduana. Jacqueline is a very accomplished Leadership Coach who I’ve had the pleasure of personally working with as well as referring clients to. It’s amazing when you meet someone in business and you instantly have a connection, Jacqueline is one of those people. So much so that we have created a joint works...hop which we are debuting on Sunday the 21/2 and Jacqueline is also a resident facilitator at my Thrive Wellness Retreat. #leadership #business #collaboration
03.01.2022 Happy International Womens Day! On the day to celebrate and embrace women Id like to acknowledge one of my amazing female clients who wrote this piece and has been published in the SMH. Well done Katie McMurray!
03.01.2022 Lets talk stats.... Theyre not that glamorous but they are 110% necessary to run a successful business. The way I look at statistics is that they should serve as indicators to let you know whats about to happen within your business so that you can alter your course if needed. Kind of like the petrol gauge on a car, the orange light doesnt start flashing once youve run out of petrol it comes on to let you know youre about to run out of petrol. Keeping this in mind, there... is no point running stats at the end of a month or quarter because all youll have is historic data. Theres no way you can alter your course and avoid that ice-berg if you are looking at your stats after the fact. The ideal way to use stats in any business is to measure them on a weekly basis so that you always have your finger on the pulse. If you do them weekly you can see if an area of the business isnt performing and then quickly change the activity in that area to improve the performance. Ever heard of the phrase managing business through stats? I just described it above, It simply means that you are using real data to make business decisions as opposed to operating off a gut feeling. (Stats part 1/2)
02.01.2022 Given today is #ruok day I wanted to talk about something that I dont think is really spoken about among business owners and entrepreneurs and that is mental health. Stats say that 1 in 5 Australians will suffer from depression and given that there are over 2 million small businesses in Australia it is safe to say that many business owners will face depression at some point. I feel that for many business owners the risk of facing mental health challenges is heightened by th...e fact that for many running a business is very isolating, extremely stressful and can sometimes feel like the whole world is on your shoulders. Id like to put it out there and let you know that you arent alone and there is always someone that you can talk to. If ever you feel like talking please know that I am always happy to lend an ear and some support. Anthea Xx
01.01.2022 What a great headshot I have, all thanks to the very talented Eden!
01.01.2022 Anything is possible if you really want it. Chase those dreams!
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