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25.01.2022 Welcome to Intelligent Wellness, where you will be kept informed about PEMF Therapy - the products, the treatment and the business opportunity. PEMF is the scientifically backed and FDA approved breakthrough energy treatment for chronic pain and many other ailments, illnesses, conditions, diseases. Feel free to contact us at anytime for further information about PEMF products and business!

23.01.2022 Excellent and informative PEMF therapy lecture from Anne Bernard, acclaimed Naturopath and Acupuncturist, including results of treatment with her own clients. A must watch.

21.01.2022 Intelligent Wellness are seeking leaders to join us in business with our proven Success System. Message us for more info.Intelligent Wellness are seeking leaders to join us in business with our proven Success System. Message us for more info.

21.01.2022 Great time had by SBS Founder/CEO Wolfgang Jaksch in Hong Kong earlier this week. Sydney its our turn tomorrow!

18.01.2022 While history shows that we have used magnets therapeutically for hundreds of years, it is only relatively recently that pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMF) have been introduced for therapy, soon after we first sent humans into outer space in the 1960's.

17.01.2022 Very informative video about the negative and positive effects of electro-magnetic radiation.

17.01.2022 Protect your family from Coronavirus with PEMF therapy. Coronavirus is an epidemic that has been vastly spreading throughout the world. Many people are looking for a solution to protect themselves and their families. Using PEMF can protect youand your family by:... Boosting the Immune System enhancing your cellular fight mode Oxygenate the Blood maximizing the delivery of nutrition to your cells Energize your cells to operate at full capacity Vitalize the organs engaged in the battle. While you may be helpless to stop the global spread of Coronavirus, you can prepare your family to fight on a cellular level. Should you contract Coronavirus, you can enhance your immune systems ability to fight it. Nobody knows how far this virus will spread and how many communities it will affect. Give your family a fighting chance with the benefit of Swiss Bionic Solutions PEMF. Then, once this recent pandemic has subsided, you will have a powerful tool to assist you with healthy aging, improving you for many years to come.

15.01.2022 PEMF and CoronaVirus! We are exposed to hundreds of millions of pathogens a day, despite frequency of hand washing. If our immune system is healthy, we simply fight off these daily invaders, taking into account two major variables, the severity of the invader and the state of our immune system. Simply put, the higher the severity of the invader, the stronger our immune system needs to be to manage it. It is still too early to tell how far the Coronavirus will spread, yet... we do know that people with diminished immune systems, such as the elderly, are at the greatest risk. Taking precautions is no longer an anecdotal idea, it has quickly become mandatory. According to a study done at the Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine and Center for Integrative Medicine, with today's antibiotic-resistant bacteria and viruses, traditional medicine is in need of a mechanism to aid in the control and management of inflammatory response to such viruses and bacteria. Such a tool could greatly benefit the fields of pathology, tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. They go on to say that pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF) technology is one possible tool, as interest in PEMF treatments has increased rapidly in recent years due to its advantages over other treatments for tissue healing and infection. Benefits include affordability, ready availability, in-home applications, no negative side effects, a single system services an entire household and has indefinite shelf life. Immunological studies show that low-intensity, extremely low frequency (0-50 Hertz) PEMF's can interact with cells and tissues, providing a large number of anti-inflammatory and wound healing applications. The effect of PEMF on the immune system in phagocytic cells alone has attracted attention because of the role that extremely low-frequency electromagnetic fields (ELF-PEMF) play in decreasing the growth rate of viruses and bacteria. Though daily use of a PEMF system cannot prevent you from being exposed to viruses and pathogens, it will help support and activate the physiological processes necessary to manage such invaders. To learn more about incorporating our Omnium1 and iMRS PEMF systems into your household as a powerful preventative tool please send me a message. In the mean time, please take care and stay safe. You and your families health is of the utmost importance.

11.01.2022 Our January Special is ending soon. Book your FREE in-home presentation today. Message us or comment below.

10.01.2022 "Electromagnetic energy is the fundamental energy upon which all living organisms depend." Dr Werner Heisenberg - Nobel Laureate

09.01.2022 Join us at Burwood RSL on Monday 20th 6pm to 10pm for some light refreshments and then a PEMF presentation from Wolfgang Jaksch - CEO and Founder of Swiss Bionic Solutions, the manufacturer of the world-class iMRS product range. This FREE event will inform you of all things PEMF! Just ask for the Intelligent Wellness group on arrival. We look forward to seeing you there

09.01.2022 Bryant Meyers, author of 'PEMF - The 5th Element of Health', here introduces us to the science of PEMF, and shows us why PEMF is the most effective treatment in alternative health and wellness today. "Zero fields studies and the Russian and U.S. space programs have shown that we NEED the magnetism of the earth and its Schumann and geomagnetic frequencies for our very life and health. I call this Vitamin P for PEMF, because it is essential for life.... We just never really are deprived fully of the Earths magnetism because we are like a fish in water constantly surrounded by these nurturing fields. But with the measured rapid decline of the earth's magnetic field in the past few centuries the effects of magnetic deficiency syndrome, as Dr Nakagawa has called it, are being felt. Chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, insomnia, osteoporosis, chronic pain and depression are just a few of the health and mental challenges low magnetic fields provide. Luckily for us there is a solution... PEMF or pulsed electromagnetic fields. By supplementing with an earth inspired PEMF device like the iMRS 2000 you are giving your body this essential element of health, which in turn helps us with PAIN relief, better sleep, more energy, stronger bones, and improved mental health."

08.01.2022 With symptoms not too dissimilar to that of a flu, Coronavirus (Covid-19) is starting to spread fear amongst communities worldwide. The good news is that with coronavirus there is a low mortality rate and a high recovery rate. In this video Bryant Meyers, author of PEMF: The Fifth Element of Health, shows us 9 ways that PEMF therapy helps us FIGHT Covid-19.

07.01.2022 iMRS presentation today with some beautiful people, and with my lovely daughter as todays model enjoying a relaxing session on the mat.

06.01.2022 A multitude of conditions helped by simple PEMF Therapy with the Swiss Bionic Solutions iMRS PEMF Therapy mat ... "The Best Investment I Have Ever Had!"

06.01.2022 In 2011 Dr Oz introduced PEMF therapy onto his show. He describes PEMF as a revolutionary cure for pain that will change the practice of medicine.

05.01.2022 8 Ways PEMF can help you regenerate like a Super Hero! Here is a video you must watch and share with others. Everyone needs to own a PEMF system and heres why.

04.01.2022 Our Swiss Bionic Solutions January 2020 Promotion will end on the evening of Feb 3rd AEDT (GMT +11). Upgrade your Complete Set purchase to a Professional Set completely FREE, saving you USD $1,040! Join the Intelligent Wellness Team today! *Credit card payments only can be accepted as there is now no longer time to run a bank transfer before cut-off.*

04.01.2022 Can BONE LOSS Be Reversed? OSTEOPOROSIS This disease makes bones become brittle leading to a higher risk of breaks than in normal bone. Osteoporosis occurs when bones lose minerals, such as calcium, more quickly than the body can replace them, causing a loss of bone thickness (bone density or mass). ...... Osteoporosis is estimated to affect 200 million women worldwide. In Australia 1.2 million people are estimated to have osteoporosis and a further 6.3 million with low bone density. Bones play many roles in the body providing structure, protecting organs, anchoring muscles and storing calcium. While it's important to build strong and healthy bones during childhood and adolescence, you can take steps during adulthood to protect bone health, too. PEMF is clinically proven to increase bone density. Invest in your future health and lay on your Swiss Bionics full body mat every day for a longer, stronger, healthier life. BONE DENSITY STUDY To determine the effect of a 72 Hz pulsating electromagnetic field (PEMF) on bone density of the radii of osteoporosis-prone women, the nondominant forearms of 20 subjects were exposed to PEMF 10 h daily for a period of 12 weeks. The resulting data suggests that properly applied PEMFs, if scaled for whole-body use, may have clinical application in the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis. The Journal of Bone and Mineral Research PMID: 2195843 View Full study on PubMed website:

01.01.2022 All health is cellular health. Check out our website Our focus here at Intelligent Wellness is on PEMF Therapy and the PEMF devices from Swiss Bionic Solutions. Please feel free to get in touch with us anytime.

01.01.2022 There is still time to take advantage of our January 2020 Upgrade Promotion for significant savings on your iMRS purchase. Until the end of January when you purchase an iMRS Complete or iMRS Complete Set you will be automatically upgraded to the iMRS Professional or iMRS Professional Set!

01.01.2022 Tonight in Sydney AUSTRALIA Wolfgang Jaksch CEO & Founder of Swiss Bionic Solutions presented the SBS PEMF products and business. Thank you to all who came and enjoyed this informative and exciting evening with us! #pemf #pemftherapy #swissbionicsolutions #imrs #intelligentwellness

01.01.2022 World Rally Car champion driver Elfyn Evans, recent winner of WRC Sweden 2020, explains how by using the Swiss Bionic Solutions iMRS PEMF mat he sped up his recovery from 2 broken vertebrae last year. Go Elfyn!

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