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25.01.2022 Beautiful from Emily Writes on The Spinoff: "We cancelled parties but not birthdays. We cancelled swimming but not jumping on the trampoline. We cancelled with friends but we danced in the lounge. We cancelled camp and sport but we didnt cancel hope. We kept that."

24.01.2022 Do you follow us on Instagram? Check us out @intergenbookshelf

23.01.2022 Been looking for new and different resources to use in your gathering? Grab a copy of 'Seeking Shalom' from our website... Stay tuned (or drop us a line if you're interested) for more information about our Community of Practice Workshop Series for 2021, which will focus on practical ways to adapt and modify these resources for use in lots of contexts!

21.01.2022 Celebrate NAIDOC Week 2020 with us this week as we share quotes by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Christian Leaders on this year’s NAIDOC Week theme ‘Alw...ays Was, Always Will Be...’ #AboriginalLand Brooke Prentis is an Aboriginal Christian Leader of the Waikato Wakka people’s and the CEO of Common Grace. #NAIDOC2020 #alwayswasalwayswillbe

20.01.2022 A prophetic role for young people? Grab a cuppa and have a listen to Beth Barnett chat with Bradon French in this intergenerational podcast...

19.01.2022 This NEW new poster depicts 10 National Principles for a Child Safe Community. Released by the Uniting Church's National Safe Church Unit. it is available in a...n editable PDF form so that congregations, schools and agencies can co-brand if desired. See more

18.01.2022 Today's #SeekingShalom prompt challenges us to think about Shalom and the flourishing of all creation as something that does just not happen without action. It ...takes effort, especially the passage that attributes shalom with a call for JUSTICE. As a Shalom-seeker, how are you putting words into action when it comes to encouraging each other for the sake of justice? Who are the oppressed and the vulnerable that God is calling you to learn, seek, encourage, defend and plead for? Tell us below!

18.01.2022 Here is the latest Australian Messy Church at Home for November and December 2020. Please message us if you would like it sent to you in PDF format. Have a bles...sed Advent and Christmas The Australian Messy Church Leadership Team

17.01.2022 Feel free to share widely A new resource is to assist churches recognise Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Childrens Day (August 4). Suitable for use on S...unday August 2 or 9 (or at any other gathering in between), feel free to share widely - See more

17.01.2022 From our friends at Surrender

17.01.2022 Join Intergen at Intergenerate 2020

16.01.2022 Want to see a practical example of intergenerational bible engagement? Then join Stacey Wilson and Beck Finger's workshop where they walk us through how they do it. It's not too late to register.

16.01.2022 Did you know we have a podcast? Check out to listen to some guided prayers, laments and meditations... Drop us a comment if you have an idea you would like to see us podcast!

15.01.2022 FREE PRAISE SONG FOR THE PANDEMIC written and read by Christine Valters Paintner, from Abbey of the Arts music by Giants & Pilgrims... // stream and share video YouTube here: // download & explore more films at:

15.01.2022 Thinking about something to do with your community to make Christmas a life-giving experience for some of the most at-risk communities around the world? Why not look through CBM’s meaningful gifts and pick one to purchase together, as a community?

15.01.2022 Today is National Sorry Day. National Sorry Day came from one of the recommendations from the Bringing them Home Report released in 1997. Today is the day on th...e nations calendar where we remember the Stolen Generations. "And every morning as the sun came up the whole family would wail. They did that for 32 years until they saw me again. Who can imagine what a mother went through? But you have to learn to forgive." - Inscription at Colebrook Blackwood Reconciliation Park There was my Mother still down on her knees, the scene that I saw broke my heart as though somebody has pierced my heart with a sharp knife, Mother down on her knees and Granny frail old woman put her arms around her Daughter trying to comfort her both crying, tears streaking down my cheeks as we drove away, and that scene has remained with me as I was growing up, it was the last time Ive seen them and they were never to be seen again. - Connie Cole

14.01.2022 Join us for our mid-week reflection in Psalms. *Read:* Psalm 111:1-10 (aligned with Year B Epiphany 4)... Hallelujah! I give thanks to God with everything I’ve got Wherever good people gather, and in the congregation. God’s works are so great, worth A lifetime of studyendless enjoyment! Splendor and beauty mark his craft; His generosity never gives out. His miracles are his memorial This God of Grace, this God of Love. He gave food to those who fear him, He remembered to keep his ancient promise. He proved to his people that he could do what he said: Hand them the nations on a plattera gift! He manufactures truth and justice; All his products are guaranteed to last Never out-of-date, never obsolete, rust-proof. All that he makes and does is honest and true: He paid the ransom for his people, He ordered his Covenant kept forever. He’s so personal and holy, worthy of our respect. The good life begins in the fear of God Do that and you’ll know the blessing of God. His Hallelujah lasts forever! *Reflect:* As I read through this Psalm, I’m so challenged about the many, many ways that I fail to stop and pay attention to all the good things that God has done its easy to get swept up in the mundane, or the grind, or the struggle, and lose sight of the magnificent, and the significant, and the shiny things that God has done. The psalmist encourages us to notice the amazing attention that Creator God puts into his handiwork rust-proof, ageless, perfection. *Do:* I want to challenge you to deliberately make space to name the good things that God has done. Draw a big tree trunk on a piece of paper and blu-tak it to a wall in an obvious place in your living space try to make space every day to add to the tree as you reflect on the good things that God has done in your life: be as creative as you like draw birds on the branches and note that they represent a specific thing or event, add clusters of leaves, or fruit, or flowers or a monitor lizard (some times God’s good things can look terrifying!) you might include the sun or clouds, or other big things for some bigger things that you’re thankful for. *Respond:* I’d love to hear your reflections after doing this for the week how did it feel to have a visual representation of your praise of God’s good things. Did you find anything changed or shifted for you? How might this reflection be adapted to be useful in an intergenerational space, to open an opportunity for your whole gathering to reflect on the goodness of God? How could you make it work be accessible and safe for your whole gathering?

13.01.2022 Challenging but hopeful words from the always amazing Tammy Tolman

13.01.2022 Take the time this evening in your #SeekingShalom to find hope and beauty in the midst of chaos, uncertainty and suffering

13.01.2022 Our #SeekingShalom series may have come to an end, but all of the resources are available for you online! Devotional prompts: Podcast ...episodes: Full E-BOOK (pre-release): We all hope you all continue to learn about God's justice and His call for us to be that voice in our world today through the lessons in the Book of Isaiah. If you enjoyed the series, don't forget to check out more resources on the Intergen pages as well as on here

13.01.2022 Looking for a workshop to broaden your creative skills in adapting and shaping creative, thoughtful, inclusive prayers and Bible reading spaces? Intergen is running a new online workshop series, engaging with the content of our new book - Seeking Shalom! In the two-hour workshop, you can expect to engage with some of the activities in the book, as well as thoughtfully engage with the adaptation process as we deconstruct the components of the activities and think through pract...ical ways to use this content in YOUR context! The next workshop is November 17, at 7pm! Tickets are just $10 for the 2 hour Zoom workshop are available through our online store: See more

12.01.2022 From the CCVT Generations team: We have loved the opportunity to connect with Generations Ministry Leaders throughout the past few weeks on Zoom calls. We have another opportunity that we are very excited about on Thursday 7th May 7:00-8:30pm or Friday 8th May 1:00-2:30pm. The theme for this session is: Supporting Families and Children With Anxiety Through Isolation and Beyond. presented by our special guest, Stacey Wilson. This topic is so important that are giving two opportunities for you to join us and are happy for you to share the invite with your teams. To register, please email [email protected] and I will send you the Zoom link and some information that you can watch/read prior to the session.

11.01.2022 In this last week of our #SeekingShalom series, we ask you all to contemplate the meaning of the word "Freedom". What does it mean in our context? In your neigh...bour's context? What oppressive burdens are put on people and the land today that has held them captive? And more importantly, as we seek God and we seek justice, how can we take action in lifting these burdens from our neighbours? See more

09.01.2022 Blessings on this holy Saturday, as we make space for grief and uncertainty

09.01.2022 Supporting Mental Health Workshop - next week - Tuesday 24 November 1.00 - 2:30pm via zoom. The CPN in partnership with Intergen would like to invite you to ...participate in a FREE online follow up session exploring further how best to support families and children through the uncertainty of Covid and beyond. Register today as places are limited to [email protected] or below. You will then receive the Zoom Link for the session. See more

08.01.2022 Today's #SeekingShalom prompt is about what you are finding most difficult during this time. Choose a photo or object that represents something that you are str...uggling with right now in isolation and share it with us here so we can add you to our prayer space. We are all one and we are all here for each other Prayer Walk - this evening before you go for your routine daily walk, check out @intergenaustralia's podcast episode on prayer walk, a great opportunity for us to engage our whole bodies as we pray whilst out in nature or even just in our backyards.

08.01.2022 Isaiah 8:18 says, "HERE I AM, and the children the Lord has given me. We are the signs and symbols in Israel from the Lord Almighty, who dwells on Mount Zion. ...In this time of crisis, uncertainty, violence and pain, how can we be a sign and symbol of God's hope, God's peace, God's love and God's JUSTICE to His people. Will you tell the world, "here I am" and take up the call? #SeekingShalom

07.01.2022 A new resource from our friend Heather Price. Check out her new page

07.01.2022 The challenge posed to us in the verse below in Isaiah 6:3 is the question of how BIG God is for His glory to encompass the WHOLE earth As you take some time contemplate on the #SeekingShalom prompt this afternoon, take a moment to reflect on God's mysterious "bigness" and how you, as an individual, have been called for something greater/bigger than you ever thought could be possible for you See more

07.01.2022 This evening's #SeekingShalom devo is all about the presence of God. Tell us when, where and how did you experience God's tangible presence in your life! For, it's during their personal devotional times in prayer or in study, for others it's during worship, singing softly or loudly at church or at home. Sometimes, it's even during when you least expect it! Where have YOU felt the presence of God in your life? See more

05.01.2022 Looking for some professional development for 2021? Looking to develop your intergenerational ministry skills? Looking for fresh content and new ways to present it? Sign up for some (or all) of our Community of Practice workshops for 2021 - launching on February 18th, share your experience, and thoughtfully engage with new skills and practices, alongside other intergenerational ministry peers.... Read more about what's on offer, and book your places here:

04.01.2022 INTERGENERATIONAL AND INTERCULTURAL INTERSECTION Locally, nationally and internationally there is a growing conversation around the intercultural and intergener...ational intersection. Feel free to engage by reading the blog, making a comment and sharing this post. See more

04.01.2022 Our first #SeekingShalom prompt is from Isaiah 11:6 where it talks about the image of unity of the seeming unlikely in the kingdom of God: wolf living with the ...lamb, the leopard next to the goat or the calf and the lion yearling together... How are we holding our sense of togetherness in this time of distancing? What image or object represents an unexpected friendship or community that you found yourself a part of in times of isolation?

04.01.2022 Do you get the Intergen newsletter in your email inbox? You should! If you don't, go visit our website and sign up now! Also, here is the January 2021 newsletter to keep you in the loop!

03.01.2022 A helpful resource about online safety

03.01.2022 Though we walk in darkness here on earth, there is a great light of hope in the form of our Saviour, Jesus. He came as a light that entered the world in the for...m of a child. Contemplate the passage in Isaiah 9:6 and reflect on which of His names do you find most comfort in? Or which one would you share to your neighbours so they may find comfort too? Wonderful Counselor Mighty God Everlasting Father Prince of Peace #SeekingShalom #seekingshalom2020

03.01.2022 Today is #ANewDay #January26. Yesterday we were #TuningInTogether to #ChangeTheHeart of Australia. As Common Grace we are led by Aboriginal and Torres Strait ...Islander Christian Leaders to pursue friendship and Reconciliation in our lifetime. This means stepping into #ANewDay with shared truth and open eyes, ears, minds, and hearts. We are excited to launch a collaboration of poetry and song created by Brooke Prentis and Helen Wright called "A New Day". It's a great way to start your #January26. "A New Day" was created as Brooke and Helen spent time together on country and reflects a journey of deep listening, learning, spiritual connection, hope, and of course friendship. It paints a vision of a future, for all of us in these lands we now call Australia, where we learn to draw on the olds ways, to learn a new way, to step into a new day, together. With thanks to Chris De Souza for producing this track and Biz Adams for creating this film clip. Looking for what else to do today? Check out our 10 ways to engage with #January26:

02.01.2022 Our amazing friends at Lost Sheep have shared this great resource for families this easter

01.01.2022 Your Sunday #SeekingShalom prompt challenges you to think about those in the world whose cries of distress are unheard. What can we do, especially living in such a blessed, privileged country, to amplify their distressed voices?

01.01.2022 Why does Andrew draw Sheep and Shepherds?

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