Interknit in Ballarat, Victoria | Clothes shop
Locality: Ballarat, Victoria
Phone: +61 3 5331 5533
Address: 1004 Humffray Street South 3350 Ballarat, VIC, Australia
Likes: 1552
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25.01.2022 It looks like we'll be wearing face coverings for a while to come, at least in Victoria while we negotiate our way back to normal life. We're already saddened by the environmental damage disposable masks are doing so we've lowered our prices again with this deal to make washable and reusable face masks more affordable for everyone. Our facemasks are made in Ballarat, Victoria, they are triple layer without a disposable filter which makes them a great choice for the environme...nt while offering protection from droplet spread virus when you're in the community. Your purchase supports local manufacturing and keeps local people in jobs, if you are replacing disposable masks your purchase may even be saving the local wildlife. This sale is set up to automatically give your third mask free when you add any three colour masks of the same type to your cart. Don't forget to use coupon code 'FREE' for free shipping.
24.01.2022 Happy Harmony Day Australia Today is the day we remember that we all smile in the same language.
23.01.2022 Sale question - it's a long one but we'd really appreciate your feedback here because we hold our sales for you our customers so we'd love to do what you prefer. We usually have an annual end of Winter sale here in Ballarat and it's heaps of fun where we rearrange the shop with bargain bins and tables and everything has some sort of sale. We post out letters; we take out half page newspaper ads and put it on the radio and even change our balloons over to sales ones. We have a...ll hands on deck so everyone who comes through the door is asked if they are searching for anything in particular and then we help you find it. Everyone loves it and we have people lining up each morning, some who've traveled in from country Victoria and others from Melbourne, to see what we've put out. A lot of garments are sold at cost or below but they find new forever homes and it helps clear out our storage area. This year we made a sad but responsible decision to not hold our sale as usual because it would encourage too many people to break social distancing rules and we really would prefer to see everyone through this pandemic safely. Our question is - which way would you prefer to see our sale happen in this strange year? We've thought of two options, each with their own challenges, but if you have another suggestion please add it in the comments. Option 1: A huge Mid-Summer sale exactly like the end of Winter sale but scheduled closer to Christmas or when the social distancing restrictions have eased and Melbourne has no new cases. All our wonderful customers appreciate the value of a good jumper, even in the middle of Summer so we're not worried about turn out - our concern is more the uncertainty of planning an event in these times and excluding those who can't travel here who usually would. Option 2: We start a Facebook sale group for our 2020 sale where anyone Australia wide can join and we start to list the sale items in it using Marketplace tools where we phone the buyer and organise postage and payment over the phone - this could be fun with bidding and flash sales but it excludes everyone who doesn't use Facebook and would be a lot of work for us (measuring garments/photography/etc) BUT we could still personalise your sale experience by you asking us if we have any 'xxx' in your size. If you've read this far THANK YOU, but we just wanted to say that adding sale stock to our website isn't an option as it's too labour intensive for the custom items. We will still hold periodic sales on our website like usual but the garments we sell in our sales are generally factory seconds or discontinued colours or styles or a weirder than usual measurement/fit so not suited to website purchasing. Please comment with your vote and tag your friends for their views so we get a good idea of what you'd like best?
23.01.2022 Our Winter 2021 fashion catalogue went out today to all our wholesalers - if you missed the email please message us or send us an email and we'll get your copy to you ASAP. If you'd like to become a wholesaler please send us a message to get the ball rolling. Our catalogue is also available online at and has some great new looks for Winter 2021!
23.01.2022 We proudly embroider the uniforms for the Military Brotherhood Military Motorcycle Club and now their new initiative, BVAC. It would be lovely to see more of our veteran community connected with their volunteers when they open on the 17th of this month. BVAC's president Greg's email is in the article or drop in when the flag is flying at 41 Barkly Street.
23.01.2022 The first lot of cricket vests have made it to the embroidery machine. It's amazing how many steps the process of making a cricket vest has - and how proud the #NorthBallaratCricketClub members are to know their garments are 100% #ballaratmade
22.01.2022 We had a camera shy new student designer in today working on her knitted samples - Lauren is an RMIT Honours student with a scholarship from the Australian Wool Education Trust and she's putting it to good use in our factory. Here's the first sneak peak of her knit range. We're looking forward to seeing it all come together #interknit #interknitmachineknitters #wemakejumpers #studentdesigners #fashiondesignstudent #nextgenerationofknitting #australianmade #australianmadefashion #watchthisspace #woollife #woolwise
22.01.2022 11 more sleeps until we find out who has won Innovator of the Year in the MyBusiness Awards Not that we're counting.
22.01.2022 This machine actually goes half as fast as the boomerang video makes it appear . It is as old as it looks and lives in the furthest back corner of the factory because OH&S noise regulations didn't exist when it was manufactured and it's clanky. It still works fine and produces knits the way it should and honestly, with the care and attention it gets here it might even outlast some of it's computerised contemporaries! #machineknitting #factorylife #notbrokedontfixit #interknit #since1939 #wemakejumpers #antiquemachinery #virtualfactorytour #imadeyourclothes #ethicalclothing #australianmade #ballaratbussiness
22.01.2022 Did you know we have a shop at the front of our factory? It's spacious, flat (pram & wheelchair friendly), has free on-site parking, a change room and we have a toilet if you need one. From the outside we look like a factory, and there is a full factory behind us, but anyone and everyone is welcome to call into our shop. We have things in our shop that we don't list online, like our factory seconds at great prices. It's also a great place to see our newest offerings before th...e photo shoot has happened because we generally don't add stock to our website or social media until we have the photos done. Need another great reason to call in and say hi? We also have copies of the Ballarat Times at our front desk - a free local paper that can go quickly at the supermarket stands. If you've missed out at your favourite supermarket, call in and see us and grab your copy here.
21.01.2022 SATURDAY IS FOR SHOPPING! Buy 2, Get 1 FREE on every style of knitted facemask. In store or online, the discount is automatically applied when you have three of the same type (but any colour) mask in your web store shopping cart.... Don't forget to use the coupon code 'FREE' for free shipping!
21.01.2022 We're putting the finishing touches on the North Ballarat Cricket Club knits in the sewing room this morning. These guys will be looking smart when sport is allowed to resume #cricketclub #cricketknits #cricketknitting #machineknitting #interknit #since1939 #cricketcream #handfinished
19.01.2022 A customer just bought the shirt off his back in our 25% off storewide sale! He's still wearing his face mask so that's the important thing. We're here for another 2.5hrs if you want to grab a bargain. #mannequinshenanigans #interknit #wemakejumpers #cupdaysale #wemakeworkwear #machineknitting #machineembroidery #unexpectedpublicholiday #ballaratlife
17.01.2022 A bit more #factorylife for your week. Andrew is programming a new cardigan design today and part of this is spending time to 'shape' the sleeve. This means the sleeve will knit almost to the correct shape without needing to cut much off around the pattern. It both saves money and saves waste from going to landfill. It has to be done one stitch at a time so he'll be in the programming chair for most of today. #interknit #wemakejumpers #branberry #designerknitwear #machineknitting #australianmade #designprocess #innovation #ballaratbusiness #designprogramming
17.01.2022 SILLY SUNDAYS We've been investigating pom pom's more thoroughly this year to see what's popular and what's not. Turns out pom pom's are annoying if you wear a hooded jumper or jacket. So there's something to think about when planning a uniform your outdoor crew or team.
15.01.2022 We've been working on the 2021 fashion catalogue (due out sometime next week) and so we thought we'd turn back the clock and share a catalogue cover from what we believe was 2005. In further evidence that Ballarat Gold jumpers are truly classics, at least three of the garments pictured here are in the current range. Can you guess which ones? #ballaratgold #interknit #wemakejumpers #since1939 #classicknitwear #fashionknitwear #madeinballarat #australianmade
12.01.2022 IT'S SNOWING HERE so of course we go out and dance in it. Our model wears a premium cotton facemask and an Elsa Snowflake beanie in Apple Green because apparently Spring is a wonderful time for snow if you live in Ballarat and a facemask keeps your nose warm! We've all decided that it should keep snowing until we have ground coverage because we want to build a snowman. #snowday #snowinspring #snowinballarat #interknit #wemakejumpers #elsabeanie @branberry_baby #purewool #staywarminstyle #branberry #ballaratlife
12.01.2022 Today's #factorylife photo is brought to you by Donna in the linking room. You have to have really good eyesight to be a linking machine operator because you need to apply each stitch to the machine by hand (as pictured) to join pieces together but it gives a wonderful flat and tidy finish to the garment. #interknit #interknitmachineknitters #wemakejumpers #since1939 #linkingmachine #handfinished #niceweddingring #seamstress #branberry #ballaratbusiness #imadeyourclothes #australianmade #australianmadefashion
12.01.2022 Here's some motivation for your Monday - as you go into Christmas gifting mode, take a moment to consider who MADE the gift and if they received fair compensation (at least a living wage). Let's all gift ethically made items this year and support our local makers! Image borrowed from @The Odd Sockery
10.01.2022 Have you ever wondered how those reflective sticky lines get onto garments in the first place? They're heat transferred to the garment pieces before we stitch them into jumpers. Here Daniel is removing the backing tape from a hi-vis pure wool jumper sleeve. He's got another fifty or so tomorrow so we may even get a follow up post! #factorylife #interknit #wemakejumpers #since1939 #hivisknits #purewoolworkwear #imadeyourclothes #merinowool #madeinaustralia #madeinballarat #ballaratbusiness #safetyfirst #heatpressmachine #heatpressed #highvisibilityclothing #worksmart
10.01.2022 We are heat pressing reflective tape onto our woollen garments again today. All of these jumpers have been pre-ordered to head all over Australia when they're sewn, but especially to Western Australia's mining community where low static, fire retardant jumpers are important. #australianmade #interknit #wemakejumpers #since1939 #interknitmachineknitters #garmentdecoration #hivistape #qualityworkwear #worksmart #merinowoolworkwear #australianmerinowool #safetyfirst #safeworkwear #imadeyourclothes #heatpressmachine
09.01.2022 #factorylife it's a lovely day outside so we've opened the roller door for a bit of fresh air at the steam press. Barb (top) is pressing completed workwear garments ready for their swing tags as Jenny (bottom) presses the shaped sleeve pieces to shrink them ready for cutting. The steam beds are an integral part of jumper making. These days it's connected to a boiler connected to the gas mains but back in 1939 you had to stoke a live fire to keep the boiler and the presses going #modernmanufacturing #australianmade #ethicallymade #interknit #wemakejumpers #since1939 #worksmart #workwearknits #ballaratbussiness #merinowool #merinowoolworkwear
09.01.2022 Wool Facts Friday - we had a hard time finding Australian Tartan Sheep to make our Australian Merino Wool Tartan Scarves this season! Just kidding - "A Scottish farmer at Auchingarrich Wildlife Centre fools tourists into believing that her flock produce tartan wool with the help of some harmless sheep marking spray. The visiting Americans were told that the animals were being raised on a diet of Irn Bru and shortbread"
09.01.2022 Clocks move forward an hour at 2am tonight - here's your friendly reminder to to move yours forward before work on Monday morning.
08.01.2022 We've got a significant amount of sewing (and overlocking) to do before Christmas and we need more help to get it done. We definitely need COMMERCIAL sewing machinists so we've put a few images below of the types of machines you'd need to know how to use already - they are different from home sewing machines. To be successful in the position you would need to demonstrate how to thread one up and use it without technical assistance. We need someone who can sit at the one work station and operate BOTH machines (they might not be the ones pictured, but the same type). More details about us and the position can be found here:
08.01.2022 Why have a Black Friday Sale when you can have a BLACK JUMPER SALE! Genuine clearance on 80% Wool jumpers with raglan sleeves and lots of other great features. Plus they're made in Australian using Australian Wool. Find them at our website under 'sales' or at this link
08.01.2022 Wool Facts Friday! Wool is fire retardant - it requires more oxygen than is available in the air (in normal circumstances) to become flammable. This is because of the way the wool fibre is structured. If you set it on fire the flame will smolder and go out. Untreated wool won't support a flame until it's at least 600 degrees Celsius!
07.01.2022 The floor isn't getting any cleaner . I suppose she thinks she just has to stand there and look pretty? @branberry_baby #mannequinshenanigans #factorylifefridays #timetoleantimetoclean #interknit #interknitmachineknitters #branberry #wemakejumpers #ballaratmade
07.01.2022 Happy Halloween! Combining mandatory face masks with face paint only makes it creepier... Halloween Week dress-ups for 2020 included 'Scary Witch'; 'Rotten Pumpkin'; 'Spider Skeleton'; and 'Sugar Skull'. Fortunately no children cried as a result of these dress ups, this year anyway. And yes, we know we're Australian and we know it's not harvest festival time here and we know we can't be 'trick or treating' while we're social distancing. This is just a bit of fun we do every year to make a few people smile (any excuse to bring out the face paint!) and this year the boss asked us to post it on our socials so you can all enjoy a good laugh from home
07.01.2022 SILLY SUNDAYS! We have some glorious new Alpaca fleece colours coming in the Winter 2021 range and we also have a sewing machinist who really really likes Llamas. The amount of times we've had the 'aren't they basically the same thing?' discussion is alarming. Nope. They are very different creatures as demonstrated by this incredibly useful infographic. Do you think it's important to discuss where your clothes come from? Do you want to see more posts on why we choose the fibres we choose to knit with? (Honestly, we don't choose alpaca fleece for the animal's personality but it's silly Sunday so have a giggle).
06.01.2022 Just a bit more #factorylife. Despite being machine knitted, every single Branberry Blankets blanket is lovingly hand finished by our team before labelling. This extra attention ensures our blanket finishings are of the highest quality and is a standard part of our factory processes. #interknit #interknitmachineknitters #machineknitting #cableblanketforbaby #maggiecotblanket #purewoolhomewares #purewool #merinowool #madeinballarat #madeinaustralia #ethicalclothing #ethicalbabyblanket #sewing #sewingmachinist #commercialsewing
05.01.2022 Industry News Tues(day)... At Interknit we juggle a lot of balls to maintain viability in the marketplace - we manufacture; we wholesale; we supply direct to trade and we retail both online and through a bricks and mortar store. We try to attend trade events and we loan as much support as we can to the next generation of Aussie manufacturers as they study. That's a lot to manage, but sometimes a brand comes along that is so closely aligned with our values and ethics that we ...add another ball - we are also proud stockists of Pure wool tee shirts for men and women. This company has gone to pains to firstly fill a gap in the Aussie marketplace and secondly to do everything right by every member of the supply chain. If you live in the tropics and have been wondering how you can support us since we mostly supply Winter woollies, here's your chance to support us AND Ottie Merino by purchasing one of their great tee's through our website. Use the code 'FREE' for free shipping on any order value at check out. These are hands down the most comfortable tee shirts we've ever worn. See more
05.01.2022 Today we have a red griffin in the embroidery area, part of the Napoleon-Sebastopol Cricket Club logo. Our machine can produce embroidered logos with up to 15 different colours. #machineembroidery #cricketknits #purewool #sportsknitting #machineknitting #madeinballarat #mesmerizing #griffin #teamwear #madeinballarat
05.01.2022 It might still be the school holidays in Ballarat but we're getting ready for #backtoschool term 4. Today our #factorylife social is Di marking out the polo shirts for Emmaus Catholic Primary School. Did you know we made them here in Ballarat? Right down to the custom knit collars. Sometimes we are more than just jumpers. #interknit #wemakejumpers #wemakeschooljumpers #wemakeschooluniforms #imadeyourclothes #ballaratmanufacturing #machineknitting #machineembroidery #poloshirts #australianmade #madeinaustralia #madeinballarat
03.01.2022 #MakeItMondays - have you heard about the current BCM Display Homes with interior decorations on loan by local makers? Our own Branberry Blankets are in situ at these Alfredton Display Homes showing potential home buyers that there's a lot of high quality goods made in our region.
03.01.2022 When the kids have school hats for Easter nests but the adults only have Branberry Vintage Loop Scarves If this isn't full of chocolate tomorrow I'll be disappointed! C'mon Easter Bilby, we're ready for you
02.01.2022 ***We've found a taker*** but feel free to message us with your name and a contact number and we'll give you a call in the coming months as we get more come through? Thanks everyone! Can anyone use a box of cardboard cones? We can usually find a school to take them for arts & crafts time easily but it's school holidays here. We also have other crafty bits and pieces put aside like empty packing tape tubes and empty embroidery thread spools. Comment below if you can call in and collect some or all of these? It's almost October so I'm loathe to mention it, but these cones make a pretty good mini Christmas tree.
02.01.2022 In this year of hardships it says something about our resilience as a team and not just our innovations that we can achieve finalist status in a nation-wide award. Interknit Pty Ltd has been named as a finalist in the MyBusiness Awards for Innovator of the Year. The MyBusiness Awards is the benchmark for excellence in Australia and the largest independent awards program celebrating SME business owners and professionals.... Award recipients represent a true cross-section of the SME industry, recognising the best of the best, highlighting and celebrating outstanding achievements and providing winners with a desirable accolade. #finalists #innovation #interknit #machineknitting
01.01.2022 How exciting to see us all on video! Check out 'Dreams, Knits & Heartbreak' by RMIT featuring students Phoebe & Olivia who used our factory to knit their school assessments. Interknit (and the vast majority of our team) are featured from 12mins 25seconds. Please tag anyone you recognise
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