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International Women's Development Agency

Phone: +61 3 9650 5574


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24.01.2022 Historically, pandemics have forced humans to break with the past and imagine their world anew. This one is no different. It is a portal, a gateway between one world and the next. - Arundhati Roy Taking inspiration from Arundhati Roy’s rousing essay, Imagining Feminist Futures After COVID-19 offers a space to think collectively about the #FeministFutures we might see in 2030: By hosting a convening and sharing your findings, you are helping... to build a diverse, vibrant and multifaceted picture of possible feminist futures! Together with the Imagining Feminist Futures After COVID-19 Steering Group, Fiji Women's Rights Movement Gender at Work Oxfam IT for Change and Channisitha Mark, we will bring our own analysis and visioning to add to the rich discussions happening across feminist movements. Download the materials today and let's start laying the groundwork for a new, feminist reality.

23.01.2022 The Individual Deprivation Measure (IDM) #SolomonIslands study was launched in Honiara yesterday. The study has a particular focus on food insecurity, gender & resilience and the response has been that the findings give a voice to the unheard and while community leaders knew this anecdotally, now we have the data to prove it.

23.01.2022 At IWDA, we’re proud to play our part in a global movement of women’s organisations striving for gender equality for all. We are proud to present IWDA’s Annual Report 2020, showcasing powerful progress in what was a tumultuous year:

23.01.2022 VICE Asia, in collaboration with Oxfam, has published a new article that profiles five #feminists - Betty Barkha, Meera Ghani, Hindou Oumarou Ibrahim, Maggie H. Mapondera and Majandra Rodriguez Acha - who are taking action to support more equal and sustainable communities. "Solutions have to be two-tiered; targeted at short-term and immediate, but also long-term and sustainable. It can’t be one or the other, we have to figure out a way to make them both work in a way that’s g...ender-inclusive and socially inclusive." Betty Barkha, Pacific Feminist, Fiji Artwork: @maanya_dhar Collage: Oxfam

23.01.2022 Next Wednesday, 25 November, is the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women and day one of #16DaysofActivism. The 16 Days of Activism campaign calls for action against one of the world’s most persistent violations of human rights violence against women. This year, the theme is ‘Reimagining the world of work so it is equal for everyone’. Unpaid care responsibilities are disproportionately undertaken by women and the undervaluing of care work has been ...laid bare by the current pandemic. The upcoming 16 Days of Activism campaign is an opportunity to focus on informal women workers whose lives and livelihoods have been acutely impacted by COVID-19.

23.01.2022 This is a message from your future. It’s a future built by women’s movements. It’s a world where women in all their diversities are elevated and elected, where governments are accountable to women, where marginalised people have amplified power. We hope you can rise up and join the movement striving for a world made equal. Tell us, what’s your vision for #AFeministFuture?

23.01.2022 It was great to see Lachie Strahan, Australian High Commissioner to Solomon Islands, visit Christian Community Care safe house. Based on the outskirts of Honiara, Christian Community Care (CCC) is the only safe house in Solomon Islands that offers medium-term shelter to women and children affected by violence. Australian High Commission, Solomon Islands... Ethel Suri, CCC's Training Coordinator, recently spoke with us about the motivation that underpins the important work of the #SafeHouse: What motivates us is seeing women living peaceful lives. To be in violence-free homes. That’s what we’re working for. You can read the full article here:

22.01.2022 New year, new role? Equality Insights is looking for a Statistics and Analysis Manager, a newly created role to lead processes of data gathering, cleaning, analysis & reporting: - Full-time role (1.0 FTE) negotiable to 0.8 FTE - Fixed term, commencing January 2020 - November 2022... - Melbourne- based or remotely-based in timezone +/- 5 AEST / AEDST - Contribute to the flagship program of IWDA that aims to redefine how poverty is understood and measured Equality Insights is a vehicle for transformative, systemic change and builds on IWDA’s commitment to shifting systems and structures, behaviours and attitudes, data and analysis, that stand in the way of equality for all. Applications close on Sunday, 3 January 2021. #FeministData #WomenInSTEM #GenderData

21.01.2022 In case you missed it: Our recently launched Strategic Plan 2020-2023 highlights how we will contribute to our vision of #GenderEquality for all. Bettina Baldeschi, CEO of IWDA, introduces our strategic direction in this short video.

21.01.2022 Women are at greater risk of personal and economic shocks, but are underrepresented in existing social protection policies. Women’s vulnerability to these shocks is caused by unequal gender roles and gender norms. The COVID-19 pandemic has shown that social protections, such as safety nets and government investment, can reduce poverty, promote human rights and equality, and transform social and economic structures. #WeRiseCoalition #SocialProtections Fiji Women's Rights Movement femLINKpacific #feministsocialprotection #feministfuture #feministcovidresponse

20.01.2022 IWDA has signed this Australian petition for a free and accessible #childcare system that values early childhood educators and carers. Valuing care work is key to the #FeministFuture we’re striving for.

19.01.2022 In Myanmar, our partner Shan Women's Action Network (SWAN) is reaching remote communities with critical health information and supplies. They travelled for days through mountainous areas to share COVID-19 health prevention messages in local languages. Once again, Shan women leaders are stepping up and demonstrating their leadership skills in a time of crisis. We want to thank everyone who gave to our recent appeal to help women and girls most at risk during COVID-19 a crisis which is far from over.

19.01.2022 "With a consistency of style and storytelling, the eight stories and cultures beautifully entwine to create a tableau of womanhood," - Nikila, IWDA Operations Officer, on Vai Film, a feature film made by nine female Pacific filmmakers and filmed on seven #Pacific countries. #FeministFilms

19.01.2022 What does it look like to shift the power from Global North organisations (like IWDA) to Global South organisations? In new research, Oceanic feminist researcher ‘Ofa-Ki-Levuka Guttenbeil-Likilik charts a new way forward. The research features the stories of 35 Pacific Island women who have engaged with Global North organisations over the past three decades. This video features some of their powerful testimonies. You can read the research summary here:

19.01.2022 The Myanmar national election will be held this Sunday, 8 November. One thousand women candidates will stand, which is a staggering increase from the previous election! It's the result of sophisticated advocacy and sustained pressure from Myanmar’s feminist movement. In our latest blog, meet Shan Women's Action Network (SWAN) an organisation raising the profiles of progressive women candidates: #MyanmarElection #MyanmarElection2020 #Womenwholead #WomeninPolitics #feministmovement #FeministMovements

18.01.2022 As we celebrate IWDA’s 35-year herstory, we look to the future and our role in the global #feminist movement. With increased backlash towards women’s rights organisations, restrictions on civil society and the existential threat of climate change and its gendered impacts the world needs the analytical sharpness and positive power of #feministmovements now more than ever.

18.01.2022 IWDA's Director of Knowledge Translation, Joanna Lindner Pradela, features on the latest episode of Good Will Hunters, Australia’s leading aid and development podcast. This discussion explores the role of feminist foreign policy and what an Australian #FeministForeignPolicy might look like. Tune in today

14.01.2022 Oceanic (Pacific) women’s rights actors have insightful working knowledge and intimate lived experiences of engaging with the Global North. Led by Oceanic feminist researcher and storyteller ‘Ofa-Ki-Levuka Guttenbeil-Likiliki, 'Creating Equitable South-North Partnerships' charts a voyage towards the genuine creation of equitable partnerships and empowered relationships.

13.01.2022 We're thrilled to hear of the election of Theonilla Roka Matbob to Bougainville's House of Representatives. She is the second woman in Bougainville to win an open seat - a historic feat for women's political participation in the Pacific!

13.01.2022 A new report from Westminster Foundation for Democracy and the Global Institute for Women's Leadership shows that when women are able to exercise political leadership, there are gains not just for women and girls but for the whole of society. Some key findings include: States where women hold more political power are less likely to go to war ... Women policy makers prioritise issues that benefit the most vulnerable in society Women bring collaborative and inclusive leadership styles into political environments Increased representation of women in elected office is associated with counteracting corruption.

13.01.2022 Over the past three and a half decades, IWDA has formed deep relationships with more than 200 women’s rights organisations and contributed to powerful movements for change. With increased backlash towards women’s rights organisations, restrictions on civil society and the existential threat of climate change and its gendered impacts the world needs the analytical sharpness and positive power of feminist movements now more than ever.

12.01.2022 A draft public order in Cambodia aims to govern what women can wear, banning clothes that are too short or sheer. Our partner GADC Cambodia are part of a movement of women's rights campaigners standing up against these proposals. GADC's Eng Chandy explains why in this article.

10.01.2022 1000 women candidates will stand in #Myanmar’s national election on Sunday. This is good news! And the staggering increase from the previous election is no accident. Read more: Shan Women's Action Network (SWAN) Women's League of Burma (WLB) Ta'ang Women's Organization - TWO Akhaya Women Myanmar #MyanmarElection2020 #MyanmarElection

10.01.2022 The revised 'Gender and Economy in Melanesian Communities' toolkit is a gender-transformative way to look at changes in Melanesian economies through posters and flashcards. These tools aim to spark conversations on the #genderroles and expectations around paid work, unpaid work, household income management, and spending. For instance, The Floating Coconut poster enables individuals within a community to visualise the different areas in which they, their friends, family, p...artner and neighbours work. You can download the posters, flashcards and additional toolkit materials on the IWDA website:

07.01.2022 IWDA’s Women’s Action for Voice and Empowerment (WAVE) program in #SolomonIslands is spearheaded by the feminist agency, Women’s Rights Action Movement (WRAM). Over three days, WRAM is facilitating the provincial women's forum in Tulagi, Central Islands province. The event aims to foster solidarity, identify and prioritise issues facing women, & strengthen the #womensmovement in the country.

06.01.2022 Job Alert We're looking for a Communications Coordinator to share impactful stories about our research, particularly on gender data! If that sounds like you, what are you waiting for? Applications close Monday 11 January. Apply via Johnson Recruitment:

06.01.2022 Too often, the experiences of women and girls are missing from global poverty data. To achieve gender equality, we need to see the full picture! We’re proud to introduce Equality Insights, our new program to help understand poverty and inspire change with data that accounts for everyone in society.

06.01.2022 The COVID-19 crisis is highlighting the flaws in our societies. From the patriarchal, capitalist, racist underpinnings of everyday life to the staggering inequalities within and between countries. But this attention is also creating a new motivation for change. Arundhati Roy has called the pandemic a portal. We have the opportunity to effect once in a generation change, articulate alternative futures, and lay the groundwork for a new, feminist reality. ‘Imagining Feminist F...utures After COVID-19' aims to support feminist movements to think through the ways in which the COVID-19 crisis is changing the future trajectories both positive and negative for feminist social change. Step 1: Convene Host a workshop with your organisation or networks to explore feminist futures in 2030 using a new, adaptable methodology designed by Changeist with a consortium of feminist futurists. Step 2: Share, reflect and organise! Use the your workshop outcomes to inform your own storytelling, advocacy and organising. Share the findings with IWDA so we can contribute to the broader Imagining Feminist Futures After COVID-19 project, and help build a diverse, vibrant and multifaceted picture of possible #feministfutures in 2030!

03.01.2022 We have a channel full of interviews, animations, event recordings and resources over on YouTube. Take a look today

03.01.2022 Emerging Leaders Forum Alumni has produced a story-telling-series that documents how the lives of diverse Fijian women have been impacted by the repercussions of the global COVID-19 crisis. The 12 short films highlight how these women have adapted and re-arranged their thoughts and actions to enable the continuation of advocacy around #gender and #socialjustice.

01.01.2022 IWDA is proud to feature in the ‘Australia’s Best Charities 2020’ list compiled by The Good Cause Co. We received the highest recommendation of ‘Donate with Confidence’: [IWDA] demonstrate they are both trustworthy and effective. We have confidence that donations are used to deliver on their mission. We thank The Good Cause Co. for their considered recommendation and, most of all, we thank our generous donors who trust IWDA to achieve our shared goal of #genderequality for ...all. The Good Cause Co. is an independent, for-purpose philanthropic consultancy that specialises in identifying high-quality, high-impact charities that deliver on your values. For more, download the Australia’s Best Charities Guide from their website.

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