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25.01.2022 The quiet constancy of your gentleness Drew no attention to itself, Yet filled our home With a climate of kindness Where each mind felt free ... To seek its own direction - John O’Donohue In Traditional Chinese Medicine the Lungs correlate to the archetype of The Father. Like the Father, healthy Lung expression supports our emergence from the cocoon of our Mother’s love, into individuated beings, ready to forge connections in the greater world. This process is supported by the love of our own Father, imbuing us with a sense of self-esteem and self-ownership. The earliest memory I have of my Dad was of sitting atop the window sill over our kitchen sink, chatting to Dad whilst he washed the dishes. I must have been around three. He was asking me which AFL football team I wanted to support. When I was unsure he proceeded to list all the teams and their corresponding mascots. I choose Geelong Cats, because I had a pet cat at the time. Contrary to this little vignette, football would have been no more of a fixture in our household than the average Victorian family. The weekend games would often bustle along in the background on our car radio. And once a season we might have made a trip up to Melbourne to rug up for a night game. But I guess what made this memory so poignant and enduring, was that he was providing me with a choice. A chance to stand for something, as an autonomous being. Looking back Dad was always quietly championing our tentative strides into the world the forever shifting seasons of our hobbies and interests. When we have a healthy sense of self-worth we can stand comfortably as individuated beings, at home in our unique values and astride our sense of purpose in the world. We are in touch with our emotions, and consequently ourselves. We have a strong sense of personal responsibility And equally a strong sense of sovereignty. Whether or not we had the privilege of receiving this energy from our own Fathers, it is something we can continue to cultivate for ourselves. The archetype of the Father, is the energy of the divine Father in his boundless forms. He is the spark of inspiration in our daily lives; The small flame that we tend to with devotion, As we create time for the things that light us up, And illuminate our sense of unique purpose in the world.

23.01.2022 Day 8 - Creating and Altar

23.01.2022 Day 5 - Locating Vesta in your Natal Chart (Part 1) If you're interested in knowing more about astrology, this is little immersion into the basics. I'm walking you through creating your own chart, and also chatting about how you can interpret Vesta through her sign and house placement.... Quick Reference: 3:00 - creating an account on and inputing Vesta and additional objects. 8:10 - basics of interpreting the natal chart 21:59 - Vesta in the 1st house/Aries/Conjunct Mars 28:27 - Vesta in the 2nd House/Taurus/Conjunct Venus 34:55 - Vesta in the 3rd House/Gemini/Conjunct Mercury 38:09 - Vesta conjunct IC or in 4th House/Cancer/Conjunct Moon 43:15 - Vesta in the 5th House/Leo/Conjunct Sun 46:25 - Vesta in 6th House/Virgo 49:15 - Vesta in the 7th House/Libra 55:09 - Vesta in the 8th House/Scorpio/Conjunct Pluto


22.01.2022 Today marks the beginning of a New Lunar Cycle. Yesterday we experienced what is known as a Black Moon a second New Moon occurring within a single month. This is an event that only happens once every 2.5 3 years....Continue reading

22.01.2022 Mars Square Saturn. Mars - the planet of will and self-expression - is currently squaring Saturn the planet of karma and limitations. This is an incredibly challenging transit that we usually only experience briefly, once a year....Continue reading

20.01.2022 Full Moon in Aries There is a fiery, undeniable truth to this moon. She seeks to illuminate that which we need to reclaim,... In order to reconnect with our essential aliveness. . . . Saturn’s three year journey through Capricorn is nearing its end. He has patiently and persistently revealed to us the places where our soul’s expression has been dimmed and battered; Where life impressed itself harshly against our fledgling innocence; Where our bodies absorbed the force of injustice And tucked it quietly away We have been shown where we’ve been left among the confusion, With the lonely and sacred responsibility of making sense of it all. But we’ve also been shown the grace of renewal; How the truth of ourselves is strengthened When we build a scaffolding of renewed beliefs and sacred boundaries To support its re-emergence. Eris lends her rage and conviction to this lunation - The voice of the uninvited feminine urges forth the parts of ourselves that have been shunned, invalidated and cast-out; The parts that have lingered obediently in the shadows Goddess of discord, She illuminates incongruences in the dominant narrative; And where we’ve traded our own truth, for a seat at the table Asteroid Lilith graces us with a trine between Mars and Venus; Bringing her unbreakable sovereignty Into the space between, So that we may honour the voice of the Other alongside our own. She reminds us that when we have the courage to confront our own truth and falsehoods We find belonging in our own wilderness. And we can draw nourishment and renewal from the creative wellspring That springs forth from her depths.

18.01.2022 Day 4 - The Archetype of Vesta

18.01.2022 Day 5 - Practical Tools for deepening Your Journey (Part 1)

17.01.2022 Today we emerge from our Winter’s passage through the underworld, Emerging through the Gateway of Spring Equinox, We a begin a season of renewed selfhood. ... Venus what we value and desire is conjunct Vesta the asteroid of devotion, commitment and ritual So today is a beautiful day to ask yourself, What it is it that I deeply value? As I begin this new season, what would I like to devote more energy to the cultivation of? If you feel to, you can seed this new commitment to yourself through a small ritual by - lighting a candle and placing it over your written intention - decorating your altar with offerings of Spring If you can create some more time for contemplation in the coming days, here are some questions that can support you to walk through Equinox with renewed clarity and purpose. What seeds am I sewing through this period of Spring? . Spring is ruled by the element of Wood. . As we move deeper into this season, Wood will engender our seeds with the vegetative yang energy they need to grow, by gifting us with vision and inspiration. What life-giving insight are you taking from your Winter’s passage? . What was revealed to you? . Where did the light of insight and compassion touch upon your darker processes? . What did you learn about your deepest self? What are you leaving behind, in the Earth’s embrace? . What are you surrendering to the alchemical cauldron of the underworld? . What are the stories, beliefs, patterns or hurts that you wish to transmute through this time of gentle cultivation? . What challenges are you committing to walking hand-in-hand with through Spring?

16.01.2022 Today the cosmos is taking our hand, and leading us deeper. Astrologically, this entire week has provided us with fertile ground for self-insight through the upsurging of buried reservoirs of truth. This is supporting us to move further into our process through Winter - the season of Kidney energy and the element of Water. ...Continue reading

16.01.2022 Virgo New Moon Today is gifting us with a profound opportunity to reflect on our everyday. How we are called to weave the convergence of life’s disparate threads,... Those of our dreams, hopes and aspirations; Our entanglements with the past; The ways we’re bound by duty; How we tend to our needs, amongst the needs of those who depend on us. Some of these are like threads that encircle our wrists, with an unbreakable continuity that spans the constellations of family and community. Threads that bind us within the web of global destiny. Yet these threads are Ours to work with Each day, we decide how we weave them Together with the threads of our soul’s unique calling. And the focus and dedication of Virgo allows us to attend to this task With the steady hand of an artisan. Virgo asks us to reflect on the minutiae of our tapestry, The way our daily rhythms are weaving our reality. What are we devoting our precious time and vitality to each day? How are we balancing our sense of duty with our own deeper desires? Do our daily rhythms yield to our soul’s unique calling? Do they yield to the nurturance of our bodies? Do they allow space for sacred pause? Virgo invites us to tend to our home with reverence, So that it may cradle our life’s work. She invites us to seek sacredness amongst the tears and dishes To find our devotion in the even the most mundane. Virgo connects us to our own unbreakable sovereignty, When we find home in the sacred vessel of our bodies. The energies of Saturn and the Moon’s nodes are really supporting us to seek congruence through this Moon, as the Earth element holds us through this seasonal transition. This moon really asks for our intentions. We are about to emerge from our passage through the underworld, Through the gateway of Spring Equinox. What seeds are you sewing? What are you entrusting to the Earth’s embrace? If you let her, this Moon will help you seek the ways they may find root, Amongst the terra firma of your daily life. So we can tend to their growth with Virgo’s focus and earthy devotion.

16.01.2022 Day 5 - Locating Vesta in your Natal Chart (Part 2) Quick Reference: 0:49 - Vesta in the 9th House/Sagittarius/Conjunct Jupiter... 4:11 - Vesta conjunct MC or in 10th House/Capricorn/Conjunct Saturn 6:42 - Vesta in 11th House/Aquarius/Conjunct Uranus 8:56 - Vesta in the 12th House/Pisces/Conjunct Neptune 14:25 - Basics of Interpreting Aspects (Square/Opposition/Trine)

14.01.2022 The season of Autumn has demanded a process of shedding; Of cloaks worn ragged by life’s relentlessness. Cloaks that we have clutched desperately to our skin, To avoid seeing all of who we are. The tender parts that we cradle in the safety of the shadows.... . . And now we have arrived at the gateway of the Solstice; To meet the watery depths of the Dark Mother. Where we may now choose to courageously let the last shroud slip to the floor, And step into her cauldron of transformation. . . Here in the safety of her embrace, we can gaze upon the truth of ourselves, through her eyes; Eyes softened with compassion and untold knowing. . . We can see the truth of what we’ve been hiding; What we have been running from. Truths that we can entrust to her, To allow her work of transmutation. . . For Winter is the season of alchemy. The season of Extreme Yin, Which contains within it, the tiny flicker of Yang. The pilot light that ignites the flames of transformation. . . Think of the seed, that after lying in dark dormancy, suddenly springs forth in germination; That same unknowable force that sparks the beginning of a woman’s labour. . . It is this tiny flicker of Yang that we are summonsing when we conjure the element of fire during the Winter Solstice the longest night of the year. . . Fire represents the spark of insight; A tiny seed of light, that can only be sewn in the darkness, Where we must tend to it gently, And patiently await its revealing; Tiny shoots of renewed selfhood Which will make a tender emergence in Spring. If your psyche is dancing in harmony with these deep, seasonal rhythms, you may have noticed a mounting of intensity building around the Solstice. . . In the weeks leading up, I encountered a couple of situations which evoked an almost oceanic emotional response within. Feelings of such intensity that they belied the presence of something much deeper and older. . . When we feel a strong, visceral reaction to something or someone in our everyday - an upsurging of anger, fear, grief or shame - it is because we have stumbled upon roots entangled deep in the past. . The truth of their origin isn’t always easily found. . To learn of and from these things, It requires us to listen to the whispers of the Dark Mother. We must be willing to extinguish the flames of our conscious, rational minds, And linger in darkness for a little while. . It’s only there that wisdom of our unconscious self will speak. And our tiny seed of light will be revealed.

14.01.2022 Beltane Last night the Moon reached her fullness in the sign of Taurus, on the eve of Beltane Traditionally Beltane was for rejoicing in the fecundity of Spring; ... Crops and livestock were blessed, in anticipation of the abundance of Summer Harvest This Moon asks, How much can we open ourselves, In receptivity and expectant gratitude, With the faith that life will support our becoming? Amidst the striving and expansion of this Wood Season, She reminds us to open in stillness To the infinite grace surrounding us; the sun on our skin; the scent of Spring rain; the visual majesty of jacaranda blossoms; To feel the way earth the cradles the weight of our being, With her unconditional support. This Taurean Moon opposes the Sun’s deepening path through Scorpio. Like the element of Wood, the Taurus-Scorpio Axis represents the flow of energy between our deepest self and our ability to forge an external life of creativity and value. Through Taurus we discover that by embodying our unique skills and values, we can create meaningful work in the world; Work that can support and sustain us. She opens us to the knowing that our contribution is valued; That we are valued. Venus opposing Chiron tugs at our wounds of unworthiness. Can we soften the armour of self-reliance, Enough to hear the echoes of past abandonment and heart-searing disappointment? Can we voice the truth of our wanting Despite the fear that it may be shunned? Can we brave the vulnerability To once more, raise an empty cup, So that we may have the chance to receive? Uranus, the Great Awakener electrifies this moon with a conjunction. Thrusting spanners in the habituated workings of our day, He shakes us awake, from old patterns of comfort and denial. He dismantles the internalised constraints and limitations, That have bridled the wild growth of our expression, So that we can return to our unique blueprint. The paradox of Uranian energy asks that we find the courage to individuate from the collective narrative, so that we may find true acceptance and belonging. Can you value your own voice enough to gift it to the chorus of your community? Can you depart the safety and hierarchy of charity, To resume your place in greater balance of giving and receiving? Can you open yourself to life’s abounding support and love, In all its infinite forms?

12.01.2022 Hi All This my second article in a series reflections on the Season of Autumn, through the elemental lens of TCM. In Australia, we have just passed through the gateway of Samhain - the mid point between Autumn Equinox and Winter Solstice. This is a really powerful marker in our mythological journey through the seasons. "In some mythologies Samhain is seen as the point at which we cross the threshold of the horizon line the stone gate on our descent into the depths of w...inter; our metaphorical underworld. It is here, in the Earth’s womb, that we encounter the Po Spirits."

11.01.2022 I associate the elemental medicine of Metal with the archetype of Saturn. In Astrology, Saturn tends to get a bad rap. Her energy can feel heavy and foreboding....Continue reading

10.01.2022 Day 2 - The Wisdom of Water Season

08.01.2022 Day 6 - Practical Tools for deepening Your Journey (Part 2)

06.01.2022 This morning I streamed the first Live of this little immersion into The Medicine of Water Season, and the archetype of Vesta. I'm hoping to be able to stream each day The times will be a bit random - to fit in around my little family.... But if you catch the pop-up notification, I'd so love for you to join me!

05.01.2022 Day 3 - Mythical vs Rational Consciousness

04.01.2022 Hi all Many of us are seeing this as an invaluable moment in time to share information, to engage in critical thought and to speak our heart’s truth. Surveying the diverse spectrum of voices, I’ve been reflecting on how comfortable I am with meeting the differences in another’s values.... How can I respect another’s truth, even if it is contradictory to my own? How can I honour the importance of another’s values, whilst remaining seated in mine? This is the Dance of Boundaries. As we are nearing the end of Autumn, Lung season, it felt apt to reflect on ways Lung Medicine supports us, as we make space for one another, and ultimately for ourselves.

02.01.2022 Wood Season Check-In We are well on our way through the season of Wood. Having emerged from our Winter’s passage, ...Continue reading

02.01.2022 Day 1: Journeying through the Seasons

01.01.2022 Like most of us, I’ve been digging deep in these galvanising times. Amongst the craziness, home-schooling and surfing the shifting domestic tides alongside my three monkeys, I've finally managed to get my business website up and running.

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