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In The Now Medicine
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25.01.2022 Law One: "The root cause of disease and symptoms?" A meaningful biological special program starts for the first time with an a) unexpected b) dramatic and c) isolatively and d) no instant solution (UDIN) - experienced biological conflict shock. We call it DHS. The conflict content (e.g. "I can't get air to breathe, to flee, no good food, no water", "I'm not intellectually on top", "my heart is sick", "worry about my child etc.)... determines at this moment which special biological program is started. (e.g. of goblet cells, pulmonary alveoli, the small intestine, the kidney, the cervical spine, the pericardium, the mammary glands) It also determines our changes in thinking, feeling, sensation and action. The sympathetic nervous system took over and we call it conflict active phase. This starts with 'fight and flight response', 'freeze response', 'fainting'. Only a biological solution will stop it. See more
24.01.2022 Every symptom has a cause! f.e. if you eat something toxic your body is able to recognize it and you vomit or you get diarrhoea.Every symptom has a cause! f.e. if you eat something toxic your body is able to recognize it and you vomit or you get diarrhoea.
23.01.2022 A VERY good reminder!
23.01.2022 Get your own little device to start treatment or get in touch with me.
22.01.2022 Life in times of crisis is always difficult but with Corona it has taken on another dimension. Many people live in the uncertainty of how their lives are to continue, whether their provision is still secure, whether they can continue to receive their income and whether a possible loss of employment threatens their existence. These and other questions occupy more people today than ever before. Rolf and I also see ourselves as consciousness researchers. We research consciousnes...Continue reading
20.01.2022 What happens when a person, free from beliefs, concepts and dogmas, looks at other people? Would he believe in the alleged 50,000 existing diseases or could he recognize only symptoms such as inflammation, pain, cells growing for repair, cells being degraded if to much, lack of nutrients, too much nutrients, diminished function and increased function. In addition to worries, fears, joy and enthusiasm, just to name a few emotions. The world has become more and more complicated and man is no longer master of his common sense. Do we need more and more names for different combinations out of this little range to create more drugs? Or could we ask how do we harmonise the symptoms and eliminate the cause?
19.01.2022 They say you are what you eat, but I didn't know they literally meant it!
19.01.2022 The spirit of the Enlightenment seems to leave us; the darkest superstition seems to return. The invisible devils and disease demons creep in again in the form of the so-called viruses - a word from Latin meaning slime or poison. Viruses are evil enemies. Our rulers have declared war on them. They are to be eradicated, just as they are said to have eradicated the smallpox virus. Not long ago, we had SARS, bird flu and swine flu as a panepidemic, with several hundred deaths wo...rldwide, but hardly anyone was particularly upset about it. However, the C19, taught us the horror; in fact, there were no more deaths than during the normal annual flu season, but restaurants and shops were closed, events were cancelled, public life was reduced to a minimum and fundamental rights, such as the right of assembly, were abolished; in some countries there was the compulsion to wear protective masks and the population was practically put under house arrest. One is afraid of each other, afraid of others who might carry the germs inside. Unusual worship services and empty churches suggested that the virus is stronger than God. Corona dominates everything; Greta, the climate killer gas CO2, gender quality and other issues take a back seat and fade into the background in the face of Corona hysteria. At present, it weighs like an alp, a gigantic pressure spirit, on the souls of people. See more
18.01.2022 Our ancestors, the viruses But what are viruses anyway? To one, they are nothing foreign on earth. They are not evil aliens, not invaders from other galaxies. Viruses are everywhere, from the deepest ocean depths[1] to the snow and ice-covered mountain tops; they even exist in the stratosphere. They can survive acids, alkalis and boiling water. Hot springs, the humus soil, the bodies of humans, animals and plants shelter them. They have existed since primeval times. They are ...Continue reading
17.01.2022 Find out hidden issues and prevent yourself from unexpected health problems.
16.01.2022 Law Five: "Diseases" are parts of special biological programs that can be understood in developmental history. This means that nothing that happens in our organs, in our psyche (behaviour, thinking and sensations) and in the brain is random, erroneous or degenerate, but makes perfect biological sense (except poisoning, injuries, deficiency symptoms).... The programs have been developed over millions of years to help individuals to survive and solve life-critical situations as well and as quickly as possible (e.g. by eating or fleeing). NOTE: Today's way of life and habitat, however, is no longer natural and biological. As a result, the meaningful special programs often run very intensively and often for too long or do not come to an end (recurrence). The unnatural way of living includes poisened air, water and food. Includes separation from the tribe (divorce, nursing homes, retirement villages, fights over money and love etc.), separation from oneself and friends through electronic devices and social media and separation from nature. We live in an increasingly chaotic world. We are misinformed and scattered. Everything is confusing and real truths can no longer be easily identified. Access to our own inner wisdom is blocked by the electromagnetic fields, information-salad and lack of minerals and trace elements in our food. Is there a way out? Education about our true nature is urgently needed! If you like to host a event with me - get in touch with me.
13.01.2022 Are you looking for a international health speaker? My lectures are aimed at therapists and laymen who are interested in the five biological laws of nature. Anyone who understands the five laws of biological nature also understands why humans become ill and how they can recover. As a rule, the lectures last about 1.5-2 hours and each cover a subject area of the human biological body and the human psyche. The lectures allow questions and discussions.... An introductory lecture gives a general overview of the five biological laws of nature in order to open up the understanding of biological interrelationships. To participate in a specific topic area, it makes sense to listen to the introductory lecture, which lays the foundation for general understanding. Ideological, political and ideological topics find no room and are not tolerated. The lectures are free of charge, however, an expense allowance for room rent and fuel costs is requested. Whether you want to offer a panel discussion, a special topic or a general lecture with me, I will be happy to offer you a solution for your event. I am looking forward to hearing from you. Suchen Sie einen internationalen Gesundheitsreferenten? Meine Vorträge richten sich an Therapeuten- und Laien, welche sich für die fünf biologischen Naturgesetze interessieren. Wer die fünf biologischen Naturgesetze versteht, versteht auch, warum der Mensch krank wird und wie er wieder gesund werden kann. In der Regel gehen die Vorträge ca. 1,5-2 Stunden und umfassen jeweils ein Themengebiet des menschlichen biologischen Körpers und der menschlichen Psyche. Die Vorträge erlauben Fragen und Diskussionen. Ein Einführungsvortrag gibt einen generellen Überblick über die fünf biologischen Naturgesetze um das Verständnis für biologische Zusammenhänge zu öffnen. Um an einem speziellen Themenbereich teilzunehmen macht es Sinn zunächst den Einführungsvortrag zu hören, der die Grundlage für das generelle Verständnis legt. Ideologische, politische und weltanschauliche Themen finden keinen Raum und werden auch nicht geduldet. Die Vorträge sind kostenfrei, es jedoch wird um eine Aufwandsentschädigung für Raummiete und Benzinkosten gebeten. Ob sie eine Podiumsdiskussion, ein spezielles Fachthema oder einen generellen Vortrag mit mir anbieten wollen, ich biete Ihnen gerne eine Lösung für Ihre Veranstaltung an. Ich freue mich über ihre Kontaktaufnahme.
13.01.2022 The human system is conditioned to conformity! This often is a root cause of illness and disease. Individuality seems to be to difficult to express as the fear of rejection is overwhelming. Through lifetimes we learned that on our own we can't survive. We need a tribe to be able to stay safe. Therefore man is a group being and has been in a family and relational system since birth, which follows certain rules and positions like a chessboard with its pieces. Every work with a ...person always means a work with his system, which must be respected and taken into account. Many human actions are not logical in the sense of the individual, but are carried out for the preservation and continuance of the system. Solomon Asch shows a good example of this mechanism with his research into conformity. It shows that the person of self-doubt and the desire for integration also carries out things of which he himself is neither convinced nor beneficiary. Now it is the time to learn how we can embrace our individuality and all of us to integrate it in a much bigger picture of who we are and what our mission on earth can be. See more
12.01.2022 Law Two: "How is the disease progressing?" The course of the biological conflict goes over 2 phases, if there is a conflict solution. Otherwise it stays in phase 1. An biological conflict shock begins with a so-called 'conflict-active phase' in which everything revolves around the solution of the conflict with forced thinking about one thing (psyche), functional and cellular changes in the required organ (cell plus or cell minus) and the activation of the corresponding brain relay. When the conflict is resolved, the 'conflict-solved phase' begins, in which the body regenerates itself. This is when most symptoms are felt and visible.
12.01.2022 Law Three: "How does the 'dis-ease' behave?" The tissues in the body behave exclusively according to the origin of their embryological phase. This means that there are tissues/organs which in the conflict-active phase begin with an immediate increase in function and cell plus structure, while in the dissolved phase there is functional impairment and cell minus degradation. These are the tissues and organs controlled by the brain stem and cerebellum (e.g. digestive tract, glands, dermis). Just as there are tissues where it runs exactly the other way round, namely the tissue/organs controlled by the new brain cerebrum medulla and cortex (skin, joints, breast ducts). The 3rd law describes exactly how the individual tissues/organs behave during the 2 phases, which provides an exact determination of biological processes in the body with which symptoms and progressions can be precisely assessed. NOTE: Most (but not all) symptoms are noticed during the regeneration phase, i.e. when the biological conflict has been resolved (f.e. swelling, pain, fever, etc.)
11.01.2022 Get your own little device to start treatment or get in touch with me.
07.01.2022 To effectively protect yourself and your family from fatal treatment errors in the future, you should think about cancer and chronic diseases from a different perspective. Nowadays, cancer is usually only considered to be very one-dimensional, i.e. purely physical processes, and is accordingly diagnosed and treated. Hardly anyone establishes the connection between the frequency of cancer in our society and the collective state of consciousness of the population with regard to... the cancer issue. The countless diseases - and the number is increasing every year - are only the visible expression of our invisible collective beliefs, ideas and behavioural norms that guide our daily lives and make important decisions (money, work, health, partnership). Our idea of how diseases arise and then need to be treated is also derived from these collective beliefs.
07.01.2022 Law Four: "The meaning of microbiome" Microbes are not "enemies" but symbionts according to the different tissues and phases of a biological conflict. Fungi and bacteria help during the regeneration phase and are not the cause of a "disease". They help, for example, to break down the cells built up in the active phase.... CONCLUSION: A physical process of the psychic-brain-organ does not start accidentally, but meaningfully and biologically necessary, because the person feels a shock from his view of the world, which apparently threatens their survival (e.g. a frightening diagnosis, a verbal or threatened attack on the person, a loss of self-esteem, termination, loss of a loved one, etc.). The changes of organ functions and cell events can always be determined exactly according to the tissue type, phase and conflict content!
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