Intimacy Circle | Medical and health
Intimacy Circle
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25.01.2022 Intimacy Between Men...
25.01.2022 Relationship Tip HARVESTING. Porn, or one night stands are like picking a flower from your neighbours garden they require little work, and the memories and results soon fade. However, truly investing in a long term relationship is like growing a garden: you get the pleasure along the way, and get to reap boundless harvests of deep joy and connection for years to come. Frances Amaroux -
24.01.2022 "Any man can pump his penis in a woman's vagina, feel pleasure, and ejaculate. A superior lover uses his genitals to open the energetic knots that bind his partner's energy and emotion. Then, when her body is wide open, he uses his thrusting to open her heart, to magnify love. It is a subtle matter, involving ...., as well as a keen sensitivity to energy flow and the nuances of trust and love." David Deida
22.01.2022 Meet the awesome AUSSIE Bloke helping men open up. So good to see this work happening!!
20.01.2022 This could be fun ;-)
19.01.2022 DEAR MEN : Do you know That when you enter a woman, you are actually INSIDE of another human being, you are inside of her? Have you ever realized how sacred this is? That this is the closest thing to oneness that you will ever experience, and that she holds this gift for you... That you can return to the womb and to the point of creation That you can plant the seeds of creation as well That when you leave her, she feels the separation as you physically pulls out and leave her empty That being allowed inside of her is a gift, an honoring, something sacred, and that it is your job to know, respect and honor this That her heart is connected to her sex, and when you want to enter her sex, you enter her heart as well That she feels everything when you enter her, as all of your energy is being passed on and into her. Therefore you have a responsibility of entering with transparency of your intentions, as she will feel all the ways you might use her to avoid feeling your own pain or emotions. You need to be mindful and aware about why you are entering her, and what you are filling her up with That sex is the cosmic union of the feminine and the masculine energy, a sacred meeting of polarities, and that it has nothing to do with reaching an orgasm, lasting long enough, the size, another number for your collection, or your worth That truly opening up a woman, is about going deep, but not going deep within her, going deep within yourself, knowing yourself, and the deeper you are able to enter yourself, the deeper you can enter a woman as well beautifully written by Zoe Johansen Zoe Johansen
18.01.2022 Stay single till you meet someone like this...
18.01.2022 Men’s online Circle Men, do we find ourselves alone, even in a crowd or geographically, separated from others that think and feel the way we do? Come and take part in an easy-to-handle relaxed men’s circle, on-line, completely free and without any catches.... 3 Rounds (Check-in, this subject, Check-out). 4 mins per man per round. Easy. Simple. Let me know if your in. Pete
15.01.2022 What Hetero men want from women.... Acceptance Support Communication Presence... Honesty See more
15.01.2022 PATRIARCHY BRUTALIZES MEN Day after day, in my counselling office, I watch the damaging consequences of men’s abject ignorance of how relationships work. Because ‘real men’ don’t learn about relationships, ... they eventually have to wear the consequences of this terrible ignorance... that, for the most part, so many just don’t know how to make relationships work. They don’t know, That relationships are something you grow, You water and feed them daily, With many and myriad kindnesses and kisses of consideration. That you remember all the teamwork skills you learned in sport, And you listen, and empathise and work things out TOGETHER. So, it’s only right at the end, when his woman is pulling out her hair in frustration, and she’s forcing him to go to counselling, and he thinks he’s there to support her in her fundamental craziness that he realises that it just might be time to learn something new. But often, it’s just too late. It’s just too late, because his partner is shattered with exhaustion from having to do all the emotional work, for having to do everything it takes to ‘be a team’ ... ON HER OWN. And now because he doesn’t know what he doesn’t know, he thinks it’s okay to blame her. To blame her for breaking up the relationship, for hurting the children, for ruining his life. And he sits there, shattered and suicidal Wondering how this all happened. Pretty much clueless that the vast majority of this came out of his own ignorance. An ignorance prescribed to him, forced on him, brainwashed into him every day since he was born: Only girlies think about that relationships shit. So now he’s realising he was sold a lie. One of the biggest lies in his life, A lie with the biggest of consequences. The potential loss of his children, his wife, his life. And now, if he has the courage, the real work begins, piecing together the disowned parts of him, the parts of his heart, the parts of his soul, the parts of his humanity, that have been stolen and ignored and shamed and punished, by those who uphold the power and control of the Man Box. And so the journey begins The journey back to his deep humanity, to life, wife and love. ~ Frances Amaroux
15.01.2022 Tho I am a great believer in deep listening and discussing and finding win win solutions together, if you are dealing with someone who is a narcissist or sociopath, it can be the worst thing to attempt. Because they feed off suffering and drama, they usually have no interest in solving anything. They may say they do, but if everytime your attempts at negotiation are ignored or thwarted, and things rarely get solved, its useful to recognise 'the game'. Best not to play. Of... course, this means nothing gets solved between you, which means the death of the relationship. But hey, better sooner rather than later?? See more
14.01.2022 The truth about intimacy
12.01.2022 All human relationships are conditional. This idea of unconditional love has horribly confused us. Except with young children, workable, effective relationships are conditional upon respect and trust and compassion, and the capacity and willingness to communicate effectively and solve issues together in a timely and relatively peaceful manner. Frances Amaroux -
11.01.2022 When we truly empathise with someone, it helps them release the energetic imprint of whatever they are feeling. We energetically step into their shoes. And in that moment, we become one, and the loneliness and separation disappears - for both parties! This is why healthy relationships are so essential. We heal together.... - Frances Amaroux See more
11.01.2022 In Sydney this weekend, a rich feast of all things eros ...
10.01.2022 "Feeling alone with a partner who is emotionally unavailable some of the time is a normal part of being in a relationship. And it is something you can work with. Depending on how you handle it, you can either create closeness or more distance. For starters I want you to remember their emotional unavailability is about them, not you. Then understand that tolerating emotional unavailability supports building a chronic pattern in your relationship. And know there is a way to cut through that fog and reach your partner. It’s probably not what you’re thinking. To find out how be sure to read more here and be sure to watch the short video..." Jayson Gaddis
08.01.2022 "Pornography is just 'fast-food feminine energy', it will always leave you wanting more, with little or no nutritional value. There is nothing ful-filling about pornography, it pales in insignificance to a fully embodied loving woman." Barry Long.
08.01.2022 "SoulBonding"- amazing 2 day workshop with Bob Podolski in San Cristobal, Mexico - 14/15 Dec 2019. Have you ever wondered what limits relationships and groups and communities from being truly successful?? Soul-Bonding goes to the heart of our beliefs and values and character structure to help us co-create a world to which we all want to belong. In order for our species to thrive, it is necessary that, we learn to live in peace with one another as human beings. If we fail to... do so, we will probably be extinct soon. I realized this back in 1973, and since then, I’ve devoted myself to finding strategies in order to bring about peace, prosperity, and freedom. I now know what must happen in order to achieve this result. It’s basically about forming ethical, non-hierarchical institutions.... and that starts by healing the splits within yourself first." ~ Bob Podolski INVESTMENT: $ 3,000.00 mxp = US $155 SCHOLARSHIPS AND EXCHANGE OPPORTUNITIES ARE AVAILABLE. CRYPTOCURRENCY IS ACCEPTED. SEATS ARE LIMITED. Call or write to save your place. Questions about the workshop, call Bob Podolsky: +1 561-542- 5800 [email protected] Registration and details about logistics, call Emma or Eduardo +52 967 100 80 26 [email protected] +52 967 140 96 51 [email protected] soul bonding méxico Date: December 14th and 15th, 2019 Place: San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas, México
07.01.2022 In all my years as a relationship therapist and sexuality educator, it’s usually men complaining about how their women don’t want sex with them. It rarely occurs to them, that they just might be terrible lovers that they have been educated in the worst possible way from porn and other useless and dangerous ways of understanding sex. Men think that they are the sexy ones, and that their partner just has to come up to scratch and learn how to be like them. When, in all l...ikelihood, she has been lowering her standards for years Squashing her natural expansive sexuality into a heartless box of what he wants. No wonder she is so numb, and bored and turned off. So you want more sex, guys? Simple. Put your focus on your woman and learn about her, and her heart, and her sublime body and beingness. You will be pleasantly surprised. See more
03.01.2022 Facing toxic masculinity. I really appreciate the courage it takes for these men to have this conversation. Well done! Please check out the excellent ManShine Gathering if you want to continue with these levels of courage and authenticity.
01.01.2022 New-Age Myth: you have to love yourself fully before being able to truly love another. Just not true peeps. Just look around you and notice that millions of people love each other dearly without fully loving themselves. This myth is just trick to keep us separated, and thinking that we’re not good enough. Sure, it’s deeply important to heal and learn to love ourselves more fully. But ultimately, we learn about love by loving and being loved by another.
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