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Intimacy Divine

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24.01.2022 One of my closest friends has shared this with me as she now understands what's it's like to not to feel safe emotionally and psychologically in a relationship. This powerful episode explains how a mans behaviour can impact a woman's ability to be fully vulnerable and share what her heart longs for.. to be heard, to be seen... to trust her man. If you're a man and you're not prepared to provide these things, please understand you will lose her. I felt the need to share as many of my clients will be able to relate to this. Much love Cat x

23.01.2022 This! I love this! so real so beautiful

22.01.2022 I am making sure that I am doing something to support young men aged 13-18 who may not currently have, nor have never had positive male leadership in their live...s. ------ My mentorship begins in 2 weeks - humbled and grateful for this opportunity to serve You can find out more information for the Boys Mentorship Program here:

22.01.2022 Full YouTube video available here -

21.01.2022 Interesting...! Let go of the fear and stay connected people.. Everything will be okay..

19.01.2022 If you're stuck in quarantine with a toxic or abusive partner, message me about My Natural Skin Care Products (I don't have any) and I will know to continually ...check in on you. If you ask me about A FREE SAMPLE AND INCLUDE YOUR ADDRESS, I will know to contact the police. There has been a 40% increase in domestic violence cases since this quarantine. Please don't be afraid to reach out. If you're willing, put something similar on your wall. Strength in numbers. Love to all Lindsay Starnes I’m using your photo, my friend. Your strength is helping others. #StopDomesticViolence

18.01.2022 As a reminder to all empaths, light workers, star seeds, and energetically-sensitive souls, whether you feel it or not, please continually cleanse your energy f...ield throughout the day by saying silently or out loud: May the energy I’m sensing from others be cleared away, transmuted completely, and return to Source now. And so it is. We are all in this together as One All for love, Matt Kahn

18.01.2022 Sending everyone lots of happy and positive vibes in these strange and hectic times we are experiencing. I'll be at the Lotus Health and Well-being centre tomorrow or I'm more than happy to Skype with you at the comfort of your home. I can assist to alleviate anxiety and learn to move away from any fear reactions, encouraging self care and calmness with strength and positivity.. Call me on 0409717385 to make an appointment. Everything will be okay... For the Month of March ...I am offering 20% off all my bookings at Lotus. I am here for you. Much Love Catherine #healing #nofear #seeonlylove #wollongong #lotus #tarot #love #guidance #selflove #grateful #gratitude #appreciation #blessings #trustbelievereceive #everythingwillbeokay #illawarra

18.01.2022 "After a while you learn the subtle difference Between holding a hand and chaining a soul, And you learn that love doesn’t mean leaning And company doesn’t mean... security. And you begin to learn that kisses aren’t contracts And presents aren’t promises, And you begin to accept your defeats With your head up and your eyes open With the grace of a woman, not the grief of a child, And you learn to build all your roads on today Because tomorrow’s ground is too uncertain for plans And futures have a way of falling down in mid-flight. After a while you learn That even sunshine burns if you get too much. So you plant your garden and decorate your own soul,* Instead of waiting for someone to bring you flowers. And you learn that you really can endure That you really are strong And you really do have worth And you learn and learn With every good-bye you learn. Veronica Shoffstall Gustave Moreau tag

15.01.2022 SHE WAS BEAUTIFUL.... .... but she didn't know what that meant. When she was a little girl ... they told her she was beautiful but it had no meaning in her world of bicycles and pigtails and adventures in make-believe. Later, she hoped she was beautiful as boys started taking notice of her friends and phones rang for Saturday night dates. She felt beautiful on her wedding day, hopeful with her new life partner by her side but, later, when her children called her beautiful, she was often exhausted, her hair messily tied back, no make up, wide in the waist where it used to be narrow; she just couldn't take it in. Over the years, as she tried, in fits and starts, to look beautiful, she found other things to take priority, like bills and meals, as she and her life partner worked hard to make a family, to make ends meet, to make children into adults, to make a life. Now, she sat. Alone. Her children grown, her partner flown, and she couldn't remember the last time she was called beautiful. But she was. It was in every line on her face, in the strength of her arthritic hands, the ampleness that had a million hugs imprinted on its very skin, and in the jiggly thighs and thickened ankles that had run her race for her. She had lived her life with a loving and generous heart, had wrapped her arms around so many to to give them comfort and peace. Her ears had heard both terrible news and lovely songs, and her eyes had brimmed with, oh, so many tears, they were now bright even as they dimmed. She had lived and she was. And because she was, she was made beautiful. ~ Suzanne Reynolds, 2019 Photo credit: Nina Djerff Model: Marit Rannveig Haslestad

15.01.2022 Artists are not ok right now. Broadway is closed until 2021, Cirque du Soleil is filing for bankruptcy, Feld laid off 90% of its workforce permanently, cruise ...ship performers are out of work, theme park performers have no idea when they will be recalled. Gig artists are losing a year of income. Performing arts organizations of all kinds..choirs, theaters, orchestras, dance companies are all trying to figure out on a daily basis how to keep going and employ anyone they can in the field. Not just performing artists but also, writers, directors, stage managers, set designers, all kinds of tech people that make the magic happen. If you know anyone in the arts industry reach out to them and tell them they matter. Give them a virtual hug and make sure they are taken care of. Donate to arts organizations and keep arts alive. Our hearts and souls need it NOW more than ever. *Copied from another page. ARTISTS ARE ESSENTIAL.

15.01.2022 Just a gentle reminder that I'm at Lotus today at 50 Crown Street Wollongong. I can also Skype you in the comfort of you own home. Please call me on 0409717385 I'm here for you. Catherine

15.01.2022 Divinity of the Feminine

14.01.2022 Please watch friends and family. " I am who I am.. you are who you are.. that's enough.. I accept you completely... Walk in the light... get a sense of oneness.. we are so far beyond this material world...."

12.01.2022 If you have fear, anxiety or any kind of mental health challenge this video is very important to watch. Sharing with love

12.01.2022 New Age False Light Luciferian Bullshit The false light New Age movement is a widespread luciferian infiltration into the spiritual community and was created to keep the majority of spiritual people stuck in a trap literally training them like in a military mind control training camp for the last 20 years to be unleashed upon truth speakers during these times with false light programms like if you fight evil you havent integrated your shadow yet bullshit, we should just send all evil people love and light otherwise we are just as evil crap. Or even that evil does not exist at all, because only love is real and only what feels good is true. Or that focusing on evil creates more evil by law of attraction, attract evil into our lives or even makes us evil ourselves. Or that humanity is directly responsible for all evil on the planet as its own dark shadow or even that there are no victims they either attracted it via Law of Attraction, they signed up for because they wanted to experience this or its a karmic consequence of them having been evil themselves in past lives so they deserve it. Or the favorite that its all just an internal projection/ mirror of our own shadow and our willingness to fight for what is right and our anger against evil is aggressive and not in alignment with inner peace and unspiritual. Or that there isn’t one truth and we should accept all distortions of truth and embrace them all equally because of equality, peace and unity, because love means having no boundaries or rejecting anything because that would be mean, to be kind we must have compassion and embrace everything that exist as good, cause we have to look at everything positive, right? Truth is singular but there are countless inversions and distortions, just as there is an organic true divine structure of creation, the organic tree of life, divine natural law, one true god of living light but many parasitic impostors mimicking and tricking with distortions to gain false power and feed off life force. Unfortunately there is not only love and light, evil does exist on this planet, child sex trafficking, rape, pedophilia, torture, blackmail and corruption, black magic satanic rituals including child sacrifice unfortunately exist and are much more widespread than fathomable to us, innocent beings are being exploited, tortured and killed, humanity enslaved. And no amount of closing our eyes from the truth, wishful thinking, positivity, saging, fake love and light, calling it a conspiracy or eating large amounts of kale has the power to stop this from happening, except waking up to truth and removing our consent, fiercely rejecting this evil. The devils greatest trick is to make people believe it doesn’t exist. And the truth about the history of humanity and our planet would shock most unawakened people. Earth has been hijacked by malevolent forces thousands of years ago, our DNA fucked with and we hold countless distorted templates from the trauma, until from our own free will to return home to god/ truth we dismantle them one by one by facing them and fully restore our dIamond sun DNA and reactivate our dormant blueprints. Love without Truth is false light. True Heaven on Earth cannot be founded on the existing system of corruption and can only be founded on the divine principle of truth. Love is not scared of truth and can fearlessly stare evil in the eye with clear awareness of what it is, clear discernment and strong boundaries/ fierce protection of what is sacred. The New Age movement was specifically created for these times, creating chaoes and confusion within the spiritual community during the most important choicepoint of humanity to stop people from clearly seeing truth, discerning, standing up against evil and protecting what is truly sacred, and ultimately from serving god and returning home. There is a war on information because there is a war on consciousness, on gaining souls either in service to the one true god of living light returning home to heaven on earth or being enslaved by a dark force that rejected god mimicking source intelligence of living light with artificial intelligence designed to fully enslave humanity, whoever gives their consent either knowingly or unknowingly to the mark of the beast, DNA altering vaccines featuring 5G interacting nanotech. Every soul has to make there own choice, but many are not aware of whats going on and are being deceived. They infiltrated the spiritual community cleverly creating the new age for these times to use as weapons against truth speakers of god with all the different arguments of gaslighting, the distortions go back much further thousands of years to ancient co-opted inverted religions infiltrated with inversions of truth designed to keep people stuck, enslaved, looping, disempowered, fighting about their distortions. Many prominent but corrupted new age leaders have been promoting luciferian False Light doctrine laced into their teachings, taking parts of truth and inverting it. So many if not all of us have fallen into most of these traps during our awakening. No shame, but now is the time to wake up from yet another form of mind control that allows us to be used as unconscious weapons to dismantle the truth and gaslighting truth speakers unaware they are working for a dark force The dark tyrannical force loves using shaming and gaslighting and even weaponizes some of us to use it against eachother by simply spewing out the false light new age programms at eachother Its been a cleverly planned move to dismantle the truth from within the spiritual community and to let whoever falls for those traps gain power as the false prophets within the shiny enticing New World Order luciferian beast system that will embrace people rejecting truth in the name of peace love and light unity and tempted and rewarded by abundance feeding their ego desires wildest dreams New Age false luciferian doctrine leads people into the false 5D reversal realm, designed to keep them stuck in false ascension, false positivity, love light peace fundamentally founded on untruth/ distortions/ disconnected from true source / but feeding dark entities that can feed off their loosh/ suffering Do we stand for truth and hold pure devotion to serve or do we stand for what is comfortable and prioritize feeding our own base desires and enjoy gaining power to satisfy our ego? Some will be more susceptible than others The only way out of the trap is true incorruptible devotion to Truth and true service to the divine above anything else. When we actually anchor in god into our body we can hold and embody truth clearly without feeling uncentered fearful, with god comes protection, guidance, strength, clarity, courage and the ability to stand for truth fearlessly Opposed to people stuck in mental spirituality that are easily susceptible to false light doctrine as it provides a comfortable excuse to not do the real inner work but instead repeat and spew distorted false light teachings onto others that help nobody instead entrapping them in endless loops without real breakthrough Truth is threatening to all unawakened that are traumabonded to this corrupt matrix, defending the very system that has been enslaving humanity for thousands of years due to stockholm syndrome. Waking up to the Truth to what has been going on this planet is uncomfortable but necessary. I have compassion for the pain that people are scared to face with awakening and releasing all false beliefs and lenses that they have been brainwashed with their entire life through mainstream media going back generations. But calling truth speakers conspiracy theorists that are traumatized and spreading false information to bypass rheir fear of reality of a pandemic without having done deep research first on these issues is the actual form of bypassing the pain and fear of awakening to truth. The Truth will set you free but first it will piss you off. A growing number of Humanity is waking up, because its choicepoint for all souls, consent to the nanotech DNA altering vaccine and mark of the beast, sell their soul eternally to the dark force that created the corrupt fallen matrix rapidly heading towards transhuman AI chipped robots in smart 5G cities in the false light beast system acceptance of all love and light peace even tempted and lured in by abundance and debt forgiveness but paying the price of being fundamentally disconnected from true source/ our soul and truth and literally eternally selling our soul to the dark forces OR Incorruptibly Stand for Truth, Reject the corrupt system and build the true kingdom of Heaven on Earth founded upon Truth, and the divine organic natural laws of creation in service to the divine. Timelines have split. Every soul has to make there own choice, but many are not aware of whats going on and are being deceived Standing for truth, using discernment, fiercely rejecting evil and protecting what is truly sacred, our bodies, souls, hearts, children, the earth, humanity, our freedom etc. is absolutely necessary

10.01.2022 A Future To Believe In a book by Alan Clements "This transformational treasure is more relevant now than ever before, and perhaps the most important book av...ailable to face the global crisis head on and transform our lives and the planet for the better. Please join the revolution, and share word of this masterpiece of 'mindful intelligence' and compassion with the world." Marcia Jacobs - Psychotherapist specializing in work with victims of war, rape and trauma. A senior staff member of the UN and other humanitarian agencies from 1993 - 2005, working with refugees and other war-traumatized populations. We live in times that spread greed, violence, fear and hopelessness. We live in times when consumerism enslaves us while offering pseudo-freedom. Alan Clements' labor of love, "A Future to Believe In: A Guide to Revolution, Environmental Sanity, and the Universal Right to Be Free, brings us reflections that inspire us to be free and fearless. ~ Dr. Vandana Shiva, Author of, Oneness vs the 1 percent, Earth Democracy; Soil, Not Oil, and Staying Alive. A Future To Believe In, is a treasure, not a mere book." ~ Paul Hawken, author of Blessed Unrest. This book is the music of wisdom, a dance with the finest places of the human heart. You will want to keep this timeless treasure within reach, so you can open it to any page, and let a paragraph or a line ignite you again to the truth of your own being. ~ Joanna Macy, Author of World as Lover, World As Self and Pass it On: Five Stories that Can Change the World "This book should be made mandatory world-wide for all heads of state." ~ Lissa Wolsak, author of In Defense of Being This culture is killing the planet. If we are to have any future at all, we must unlearn everything this culture has taught us and begin to listen to the planet, to listen to life the core intelligence of nature and the human heart. This book not only helps us with that unlearning process the greatest challenge humankind has every faced it provides the essential wisdom, the spiritual intelligence, to open ourselves to finally start to hear. ~ Derrick Jensen, Author of Endgame and Deep Green Resistance "A Future To Believe In is a message the world needs to hear now!" ~ Bill McKibben, author of Earth: Making Life On a Tough New Planet Alan Clements has put together an enchanting treasury of dharma jewels inspired reflections and compassionate insights on life and freedom in the cosmos, on Earth, in human society and above all in the human heart. This book will be cherished and savored for its soul-stirring beauty. ~ Ralph Metzner, Ph.D., Author of MindSpace and TimeStream In this radiant book is an orchard trees of wise ripe fruits, where you may stroll, gathering such fulfilled thoughts and savor each’ flavor, aroma, ambience to then contemplate within this luxuriant garden a new consciousness and, thereby, chose, pick strike forth and act with such sure support to shape a future to believe in. ~ Lowry Burgess, Artist and professor at Carnegie Mellon creator of the first official Non-Scientific Art Payload taken into outer space by NASA in 1989; also author of the 2001 Toronto Manifesto, The Right to Human Memory This brilliant almanac of wisdom for everyday life is a must-read for anyone seeking inspiration, and spiritual know-how, in these challenging times. I’ve never read anything quite like A Future To Believe In. Absolutely wonderful. ~ Mark Matousek, Author of Ethical Wisdom: What Makes Us Good and When You’re Falling, Dive: Lessons in the Art of Living Distilling the essence of world religions, cultures, politics, and spiritual traditions, Alan Clements’ magnificent, timely book provides a courageous and intelligent compass personifying our aspirations for freedom and wisdom, and in so doing, offers insights on how to actively shape a future that gives life hope. With our planet in peril, it is imperative that we act now to provide a secure future for our children and future generations; make this book your guide, mentor and friend. ~ Dr Helen Caldicott, Author of Nuclear Power is Not the Answer and If you Love this Planet; Founding President Physicians for Social Responsibility. Amazon worldwide

09.01.2022 This crazy, wild and momentous occasion!

08.01.2022 May this reach to all that need it the most..

08.01.2022 I am no longer waiting for a special occasion; I burn the best candles on ordinary days. I am no longer waiting for the house to be clean; I fill it with people... who understand that even dust is Sacred. I am no longer waiting for everyone to understand me; It’s just not their task I am no longer waiting for the perfect children; my children have their own names that burn as brightly as any star. I am no longer waiting for the other shoe to drop; It already did, and I survived. I am no longer waiting for the time to be right; the time is always now. I am no longer waiting for the mate who will complete me; I am grateful to be so warmly, tenderly held. I am no longer waiting for a quiet moment; my heart can be stilled whenever it is called. I am no longer waiting for the world to be at peace; I unclench my grasp and breathe peace in and out. I am no longer waiting to do something great; being awake to carry my grain of sand is enough. I am no longer waiting to be recognized; I know that I dance in a holy circle. I am no longer waiting for Forgiveness. I believe, I Believe. -Mary Anne Perrone ~~~ I this... Photo by: Philippe Vogelenzang Photography

06.01.2022 "It was not witches who burned. It was women. Women who were seen as Too beautiful Too outspoken... Had too much water in the well (yes, seriously) Who had a birthmark Women who were too skilled with herbal medicine Too loud Too quiet Too much red in her hair Women who had a strong nature connection Women who danced Women who sung or anything else, really. ANY WOMAN WAS AT RISK BURNING IN THE SIXTEEN HUNDREDS Sisters testified and turned on each other when their babies were held under ice. Children were tortured to confess their experiences with witches by being fake executed in ovens. Women were held under water and if they float, they were guilty and executed. If they sunk and drowned they were innocent. Women were thrown off cliffs. Women were put in deep holes in the ground. The start of this madness was years of famine, war between religions and lots of fear. The churches said that witches, demons and the devil did exist and women were nothing but trouble. As we see even today, there is often a scapegoat created, and the chaos escalated in Sweden when the Bible became law and everything that did not line up with what the church said became lethal. The Bible fanaticism killed thousands of women. Everything connected to a women became feared, especially her sexuality. It became labeled as dark and dangerous and was the core of the witch trials through out the world. Why do I write this? Because I think the usage of words are important, especially when we are doing the work to pull these murky, repressed and forgotten about stories to the surface. Because knowing our history is important when we are building the new world. When we are doing the healing work of our lineages and as women. To give the women who were slaughtered a voice, to give them redress and a chance of peace. It was not witches who burned. It was women."~ ~Fia Forsström

06.01.2022 it’s ok to not be ok

05.01.2022 10+11 October 2020 - Angelic Reiki 1st & 2nd Degree Practitioner Workshop in Wollongong. Event details:

04.01.2022 Recently I have been busy setting up an online store, moving all of the retail from Lotus Wellbeing Centre, to Blessings and Light, a Wiccan based store an...d info platform. Watch out for the launch of my website - due for launch on 2nd August which is the Wiccan celebration, Imbolc. This is a celebration of the coming spring, the rebirth of the sun. We celebrate the new and the young, the fresh ideas and new beginnings. Follow me on Blessings & Light Count your blessings and follow your light See more

04.01.2022 Wow...I thought the end was so clever! -Liam (Credit: Aryasb Feiz)

01.01.2022 You’re allowed to leave any story you don’t find yourself in. You’re allowed to leave any story you don’t love yourself in. You’re allowed to leave a city that ...has dimmed your light instead of making you shine brighter, you’re allowed to pack all your bags and start over somewhere else and you’re allowed to redefine the meaning of your life. You’re allowed to quit the job you hate even if the world tells you not to and you’re allowed to search for something that makes you look forward to tomorrow and to the rest of your life. You’re allowed to leave someone you love if they’re treating you poorly, you’re allowed to put yourself first if you’re settling and you’re allowed to walk away when you’ve tried over and over again but nothing has changed. You’re allowed to let toxic friends go, you’re allowed to surround yourself with love, and people who encourage and nurture you. You’re allowed to pick the kind of energy you need in your life. You’re allowed to forgive yourself for your biggest and smallest mistakes and you’re allowed to be kind to yourself, you’re allowed to look in the mirror and actually like the person you see. You’re allowed to set yourself free from your own expectations. We sometimes look at leaving as a bad thing or associate it with giving up or quitting, but sometimes leaving is the best thing you can do for yourself. Leaving allows you to change directions, to start over, to rediscover yourself and the world. Leaving sometimes saves you from staying stuck in the wrong place with the wrong people. Leaving opens a new door for change, growth, opportunities and redemption. You always have the choice to leave until you find where you belong and what makes you happy. You’re even allowed to leave the old you behind and reinvent yourself.~ ~Rania Naim art: Jaime Ibarra

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