Intimate Ecology in Gold Coast, Queensland | Medical and health
Intimate Ecology
Locality: Gold Coast, Queensland
Address: 2184 Gold Coast Highway, Miami 4213 Gold Coast, QLD, Australia
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25.01.2022 In the last few weeks I have had a run of clients with relapsing or embedded urinary tract infections. This chronic cycle of symptom flares and remission is associated with embedded bacteria within the urothelium, immune response activation, disordered signalling and tissue inflammation. There are a range of strategies that can be adopted to break the cycle, relieve symptoms and even complement standard treatment protocols. Everyone's case is different and consideration of m...icrobiome dysregulation is important as is the relationship between urinary and vaginal health. I've posted before on the covert pathogenesis theory of microbe interaction, this is one factor in a painful and relapsing UTI history. Microbes like G.vaginalis, commonly found in dysbiotic vaginal environments can reveal embedded E.coli colonies and re-trigger UTI symptoms. One of the reasons I always ask about vaginal health history and make addressing it part of my overall approach to these cases. If you suffer from this relentless cycle you may have been told there is no infection, that your symptoms are interstitial cystitis or that it is hormonally driven. These may all be true, but there may be other factors at play worth considering. Image adapted from Level 2 Intimate Ecology (R) Practitioner training and associated research and resources. #embeddeduti #chronicuti #UTI #vaginalhealth #vaginaldysbiosis #intimateecology #ecoli #e.coli #yonihealth #microbiome #urinarymicrobiomes #covertpathogenesis #femaleecology
25.01.2022 I have had some clients contact me about purchasing one of my Menstrual Cup Sterilisers. If you are having trouble sourcing menstrual hygiene products, looking for ways to save on tampons and pads and want to switch to a cup then having a steriliser is important. Sterilising your cup frequently is a great way to make sure your not adding to your incidences of vaginal infections. It is really simple and discrete with these microwave sterilisers. Whilst I wait to get the links... to this product up on my website I have created an interim sales page. If you want an easy way to sterilise and store your menstrual cup check out the link below. Postage is for Within Australia only. any questions let me know.
23.01.2022 These are some of the microbes associated with Bacterial Vaginosis (BV)...a lot more than just Gardnerella vaginalis. BV is known as a polymicrobial infection: Poly (many), microbial (microbes). Not just one infectious pathogen but many. Some work together, creating an environment that makes others thrive, increasing the frequency and severity of infection episodes. Different microbes are also responsible for the variation in symptoms that can be experienced by BV sufferers.... Not everyone has the same presentation and sometimes the BV may seem like it is quite mild (smell, watery discharge, dryness), other times clients tell me that the smell gets into everything and the discharge soaks through their clothes. Microbe type can also impact resolution, with some microbes being more likely to be associated with resistant or recurrent infections. Atopobium (I've talked about this microbe before) is often seen in resistant (not responsive to antibiotics like metronidazole) infections and can be tricky to get on top of. It is important to remember that not all BV is the same, that just because a microbe doesn't culture doesn't mean there isn't one, especially if there is a pH shift, clue cells and microscopy that supports a BV diagnosis. Resistant BV may need a slightly different approach, one that considers microbiome balance not just killing a problematic microbe. Lifestyle and predisposing and imbalancing factors also need to be modified for restoration of balance to occur. These are the types of infections I like working with, little puzzles based on symptom presentation, timing and response to therapy. I love finding solutions and strategies that support vaginal health and balance. DM me for more information on booking an appointment. #bv #bacterialvaginosis #vaginaldysbiosis #vaginalhealth #pH #lactobacilli #dysbiosis #vaginalmicrobiome #yonihealth #naturopathic #holisticcare #intimateecology
23.01.2022 Did you know that recurrent thrush infections can be a sign of diabetes or poor metabolic control? High blood glucose levels can predispose to recurrent vaginitis infections, providing fuel for fungal microbes. The same issue can increase urinary tract infections. Diabetics also have a higher tendency to carry resistant and non albicans Candida species like C.glabrata which often dont respond to common over the counter treatments. ... Not everyone that experiences Recurrent vulvovaginal candidiasis has diabetes, but if it hasn't been investigated it beeds to be. A majority of RVVC cases are idiopathic (no known cause) but if a metabolic issue is driving the recurrence (secondary RVVC) then blood sugar control is an important component of treatment. It is also particularly important to test for blood glucose issues when menopausal or post menopausal people experience recurrent thrush. The lower levels of estrogen in this sub group would normally mean that fungal infection tendency decreases (unless HRT is being used, local or oral). So asking about diabetic symptoms when you are screening an RVVC patient is an important step in understanding what is going on. #rvvc #diabetesweek #diabetes #vaginalhealth #intimateecology #candida #vaginalinfection #menopausalvagina #UTI
21.01.2022 Hello everyone! Sorry I haven't posted much lately. Life seems to have accelerated, I am back on campus prepping for my clinical trial, clinic is busy and I have some new and exciting education releases coming out soon. Today, I stopped and made sure my nervous, gastrointestinal, microbiomes and immune system were taken care of by making myself some custom herbal and compounded nutritional medicines. I covered the areas that suffer when I get busy and stressed. Preventing my...self from crashing. I am of course teaming this with nutritious food and some down time. Naturopathic medicine isn't all about fixing issues after they have happened, it may also prevent illness too. Could you do with some customised naturopathic medicine? #intimateecology #preventativemedicine #vaginalhealth #naturopathicsupport #herbalmedicine #microbiomesupport #vaginalmicrobiome
19.01.2022 Fresh Sample Urine Microscopy Some exciting mail for me today. It doesn't look like much but these little items will help identify non typical, embedded and relapsing UTI via a microscopy technique which counts leucocytes and epithelial cells in urine. I'm still learning the technique but keen to get practicing. Thanks to @haemanalysis for the wonderful package and support. I'll be spending some time next week setting up my microscope up and getting some slides set up. #uti #intimateecology #embeddeduti #recurrentuti #vaginalhealth #dysbiosis #urinarypathogens #microbiome #polymicrobialinfection
19.01.2022 Today I'm working on a new resource to aid clinical differentiation of common vaginal presentations. This resource will be finished and available for participants in both my upcoming Case Study and test interpretation webinar (April 20th) and the 6 week Level 1 Intimate Ecology Practitioner training (Starts May 11th). If you are keen to find out more you can email [email protected] or check out the information in the Intimate Ecology Group (facebook). #av #bv #vvc #intimateecology #vaginalmicrobiome #holistichealth #cytolyticvaginosis #bacterialvaginosis #thrush #aeribicvaginitis #naturopathic
17.01.2022 Stay safe everyone. Enjoy the break provided by the Easter long weekend. Perhaps the eggs you received are intended for places other than your mouth? Using a yoni egg consists of inserting a crystal egg into the vagina. Sometimes the insertion is brief, sometimes the insertion lasts for a more prolonged period, all aimed at a deep emotional and physical healing within the vagina and the sexuality of its owner. I acknowledge that healing can take place in many ways, and love... hearing about profound shifts and self reconnection reported by some and their yoni egg practice. . I have however noticed that in an environment that has a tendency for infection that a yoni egg practice can act as a disruptor to the environment. There are several things to consider which may impact microbial balance in a negative way: *The porous surface of some crystal types may act as crevices for microbial contamination *Cleaning practices: may not be thorough or complete. Storage of the egg when not in use may also need to be considered . *Crystal quality: may not be guaranteed. By definition crystals are composites of minerals and as such some crystals have higher heavy metal profiles. *Length of time inserted: which may allow microbial multiplication *micro trauma from insertion and removal (if not birthed). Yoni eggs are an inserted device, and the research tells us that inserted devices of any type have a tendency to allow biofilmed microbial populations to grow on their surface. Just because yoni eggs are natural does not mean they are immune to this microbial habit. I believe they should be sanitized and treated like any sex toy or intimacy aid. They should also be inspected for surface defects and abandoned if any are found. I also recommend that they aren't used while rebalancing and restoring the vaginal microbiome for those who experience recurrent infection. I prefer to use other techniques to address these psychoemotional aspects of healing first. #intimateecology #intimatehealth #yonihealth #BV #thrush #vaginalinfection #naturopathiccare See more
07.01.2022 The human body is AMAZING. Our understanding of the many human microbiome sites is expanding all the time. Have you considered the ones in this picture? So many interconnections, fluctuations, functions, protections and possible risks associated with how these microscopic critters behave and survive inside and on their host (that is you)!. This week I am finalising a lecture on the microbiomes of the genitourinary system, I can't wait to present it later this year. Each m...icrobiome site functions independent of the other as well as in conjunction. Imbalance in one will influence the other. Microbes tapping into bodily rhythms and cycles to maintain their survival. Hormonal fluctuations, stage of life, diet, lifestyle, stress, immune status and specific health conditions can shift and change the microbes in these important sites. Understanding the influences on a menstrual period (or lack of), stressors, habits and specific symptoms can help me understand what these microbes might be and what they are doing. Truly amazing when you start to see the patterns. Did you know there were so many microbiome sites outside of the GIT and associated with reproductive and genitourinary health? There are also microbiomes of semen, penises, eyes, ears, nose, get the picture :) #endometrium #microbiome #lichensclerosis #menopause #chronicuti #embeddedUTI #vaginalhealth #intimateecology #vaginaldysbiosis #genitourinaryhealth #breastfeeding #vulvalhealth #cervicalhealing #BV #thrush #candidiasis #lichenplanus #recurrentUTI #recurrentthrush #recurrentBV #mastitis #naturopathichealth #holisticapproach #probiotics #prebiotics #microbiomehealth #femecologix See more
07.01.2022 NOT ALL MICROBES ARE TO BE FEARED: As the world is being held to ransom by a microbe I wanted to highlight that not all microbes are bad. If the COVID situation teaches us anything (and no doubt there are magnitudes of lessons to be learnt) it should remind us just how important, powerful and impactful microbes can be. The image here is a colourful selection of Lactobacilli and Bifidobacterium. Each important in its own right in human health and ecology.... In vaginal and urinary health Lactobacilli bacteria are responsible for the production of acids, bacteriocins (capable of inhibiting harmful microbes of fungal, bacterial and viral origin) and a variety of other beneficial metabolites. Lactobacilli have been shown to reduce the incidence of STI transmission via the vagina. A fact that is often discussed when looking at statistics of HIV, Chlamydia and Gonorrhoea. As humans we disturb our microbial ecology on a daily basis with poor dietary decisions, stressors, some medications and lifestyle habits. In most of us the microbial colonies adapt and change and hopefully maintain a balance. They offer immune defences and interact with our physiology to our benefit. The ability to do this is limited. If we damage the ecology beyond recovery we loose the benefits these microbes confer, immune defences are compromised and less beneficial and often harmful microbes proliferate. A lesson that we see echoed in the global ecology and ecosystems. So, as we spend our day to day worrying about a single microbe and its potential to change the world, make sure you are caring for the microbes that are working for you and your immune system. Rest, turn off the TV, eat well, drink water, exercise, breathe and experience some joy. Stay safe everyone x Moira #notallmicrobesarebad #lactobacilli #vaginalhealth #vaginalecology #intimateecology #COVID #restandbreathe #immunehealth #naturopathic #vaginaldysbiosis #bifidobacterium See more
07.01.2022 This year a range of changes were made to the naming of bacterial species in the Lactobacillus class. The International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology (IJSEM) released on Wednesday 15 April 2020 a new classification scattering the species of the Lactobacillaceae family under Lactobacillus, Paralactobacillus, Pediococcus and 23 novel genera (Zheng et al., 2020) Much like Prince and his transition to being known by a Symbol, it means that a world of confusi...on for you the consumer may ensue from the changes. You may start to see new names pop up on probiotic products, reports, or references to new bacterial names in papers and literature. For example: Lactobacilli reuteri is now Limosilactobacillus reuteri Lactobacilli fermentum is now: Limosilactobacillus fermentum Of a total of over 200 bacteria only a small amount retained their original names. Its not the first time bacteria have undergone a name change but this was a particularly large amount at once. So dont be worried if your favourite vaginal product suddenly has different ingredients. The website is a quick way to look up your favourite species and see their new name. #lactobacillusnamechange #lactobacilli #vaginalhealth #vagina #dysbiosis #yonihealth #intimateecology #newname
06.01.2022 The current guidelines of social distancing and hygiene mean that I have transitioned all consults to online telehealth consults. I have also moved my clinic resources to my home. This allows me to isolate with my family and continue to support you in your health. Today I spent some time trying to fit my herbal and nutritional dispensary onto what was my bookshelf. Many loved books have been packed away for an indefinite period of time. I know this is a challenging time for ...many and as we focus on the one big health issue permeating and interrupting our lives. It is easy to forget about our everyday health. Keeping well in all aspects of your life is important right now. Reach out if you need support If you need an appointment you can book online at or email [email protected] x Moira
05.01.2022 New upcoming education with Invivo. #vaginalhealth #vaginaldysbiosis #vaginalmicribiome #multimicrobiome #savingonevaginaatatime #intimateecology #Repost @invivohealthcare... Join Naturopath and vaginal health expert Moira Bradfield as she introduces you to the amazing and important world of the vaginal microbiome. In this foundational introductory webinar you will learn about microbial homeostasis within the vagina and the many implications and health associations of a balanced and unbalanced vaginal ecology. Not only does the vaginal microbiome hold an important role in genitourinary health it also cross talks with other microbiome sites. By the end of this webinar you will have a better understanding of vaginal microbial profiles and when further exploration could aid your clinical approach. General concepts of intervention and support will be discussed. This webinar is the perfect introduction to the Female Ecology Mastercourse. Join us live on the 28th July at 10.30am UK GMT. 1 hour webinar (1 CPD BANT, ANP) 20.00 Recorded & yours to keep Practitioners only Enrol via the link in Invivo healthcare bio and below
04.01.2022 Hello there! Its been a while since I introduced myself so here I am. My name is Moira, I'm a busy naturopath and educator. I am passionate about genitourinary health. I run an online naturopathic clinic supporting people with vaginal, vulval and urinary health issues in addition to educating and mentoring practitioners on the rapidly evolving world of vaginal microbes and health. I am also a PhD student studying a vaginal intervention for Recurrent Vulvovaginal Candidiasis (...RVVC) in addition to looking closely at the bacterial and fungal changes in the participant group. I am ME. I am a mother, a wife, a keeper of daschunds (and a cat) and a crafter. I also have a weird love of vampire fiction movies and TV ( I may have re-watched all of the Vampire diaries and Originals in isolation...oops). My feed is primarily aimed at practitioners as I believe that educating the clinicians and healers will have the most impact on global vaginal health (and that is my mission). If you are a member of the public you are of course welcome to learn, reflect and ask questions. Thanks for the support! X Moira #vaginalhealth #naturopathichealth #herbalmedicine #vaginaldysbiosis #intimateecology #RVVC #CVVC #BV #aerobicvaginitis #mentoringwithmoira
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