Into the Roots in Bena, Victoria, Australia | Agriculture
Into the Roots
Locality: Bena, Victoria, Australia
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25.01.2022 Every farm needs a farmdog, right? This is Bena - named after the area where she felt so at home after being rescued by Jay’s family. She turns 9 in September, doesn’t listen very well (actually - at all), couldn’t care less about food but has the biggest heart and endless love for anyone that will pause for a cuddle.
25.01.2022 Sometimes, on days like today, I doubt myself and feel like I don’t have a clue what I’m doing or know nearly enough. Starting your own business / farm in these insecure times where the world seems so unpredictable? It seems crazy, and maybe it is. But then I take a step back, take a breath and realise I’m here to serve for a purpose bigger than myself and that there is no way that can happen without bumps on the road. I read an affirmation the other day that stuck with me: It’s okay to cry when there’s too much on your mind, the clouds rain too when things get heavy and I think everyone could take that to heart.
24.01.2022 Progress. These 3 photos show a few of the stages our greenhouse tunnel has been in the past 2 weeks, and we can assure you that our minds have been in quite a few stages too. Not completely finished yet, but we’re happy with what we’ve accomplished and grateful for the new skills we got to take in. (No we’re definitely not builders.)
24.01.2022 content /kntnt/ - in a state of peaceful happiness, a state of satisfaction
23.01.2022 On the first day of Spring the mantra today was: ‘be aware of our snakes’. We’ve taken all of our tarps off and where we got surprised last year (read: a five hour journey to relocate two very annoyed awoken snakes..) we were way more conscious of our surroundings this year and even had a little moment of nostalgia seeing our small old flower beds.
23.01.2022 Put your hands up in the air if you also can’t wait for garlic oil, garlic bread and just using an excessive amount of it in your cooking?
21.01.2022 These little octopuses are our Calla Lilly tubers! After we dug all of them up in May, we dried them in our makeshift drying room (.. our gardenshed) for 4-6 weeks. Today we started the cleaning process - we take off all the dried foilage and old roots so the tuber is prepped and ready to push out new shoots coming Spring.
21.01.2022 Today marks the end of a beautiful chapter and the fold over to a new one. Jay had his last day at Mossy Willow Farm, where he / we learned so much, made amazing friends and experienced moments that have changed our lives. We are forever grateful for the lessons we got to learn and are excited to take on our own adventure now. This is not goodbye.
20.01.2022 Today is the 50th anniverary of celebrating Earth Day and we are ever so grateful for Mother Nature to allow us to work with and for her.
19.01.2022 Being a morning person, getting up early to go to a farmers market is one of my favourite things to do. Fresh and healthy produce, sunshine, happy people and ending up with an empty wallet. What more can you ask for on the last day of Autumn?
19.01.2022 Thoroughly enjoying this autumn abundance before the days get shorter and we slow down (a bit)
18.01.2022 ‘Wanting to be a farmer’, is what Jay wrote on his cool MySpace page back in the day. And here we are, 13 years later.
16.01.2022 It took a while (and almost endless discussion, gotta love being two com-pletely different people) but hey, we’ve got a logo! Sometimes you just have to take a step back, wait and let good things cross your path - that’s where Diane Turner came in. Thank you so much for connecting with us, our values and turning it into something beautiful. I’m still pinching myself.
15.01.2022 The nursery is evolving every day. Our tables should be arriving today after being lost in transit twice, but to be honest - nothing wrong with some good old milk crates. Very excited to transform the second part of this space into a tomato tunnel.
15.01.2022 Looks like we’re part of the cool kids now with our own official Instagram! Follow us if you wanna see banter, beautiful produce and.. bees? @intotherootsfarm
14.01.2022 The blue sky and radiating sun today are certainly deceiving and make me forget that we’re actually in the weekend of winter solstice here in Australia. Less daylight and longer nights, but here I am daydreaming about the hot summer afternoons where picking flowers barefoot was the norm..
14.01.2022 We just got to harvest our baby beetroots before we covered the whole area with tarps for winter. Filled with amazing immune boosting nutrients and perfect for a roast on a cold night..
13.01.2022 September 2020 vs February 2021 - we have been so busy that I constantly forget that we haven’t even been in production for half a year (we had our first farmers market at the end of November). I can think of a lot of things to say but to be honest, it’s just mind-blowing, humbling and motivating
12.01.2022 Our farm is located on Bunurong land, in the town of Bena (an Aboriginal name for the beautiful lyrebird), South Gippsland. This area used to be a temperate rainforest, until the settlers came around 1879 and cleared most of the area for agriculture, dairying in particular. We are planning to plant a forest (or two) so we can honour the land and give back to the earth.
11.01.2022 At the moment our plot is covered in tarps to prepare the soil during winter for the upcoming season, while we’re preparing ourselves behind the scenes.
11.01.2022 After quite a few dark and rainy winter days, I found myself being very attracted to colour around me today. And to be fair, this little purple-sprouting broccoli stole the show.
10.01.2022 SOLD OUT - We need your help! Due to the new Victorian lockdown both of our farmers markets this weekend have been cancelled. We don’t want our beautiful produce to go to waste, so we’ll be selling veggie boxes and bunches of flowers (it’s Valentines Day on Sunday after all..) Here’s how it works: - The veggie boxes are $50 and will contain the following: bunch of carrots... chard or kale tub of microgreens bag of salad mix bag of spinach 2-3 zucchinis 3-4 capsicums 3-4 tomatoes punnet of cherry tomatoes bunch of rhubarb - You can add a bunch of flowers for $20 or order a bunch on its own (colours will vary) - We’ll take orders until Saturday 12 pm (midday) and delivery will be on Sunday between 10-4 - Areas of delivery: Korumburra, Leongatha, Inverloch, Wonthaggi AND Cranbourne area - While stocks last - If you live anywhere outside of these areas and are keen, message us and we’ll try to work something out Just message us to place an order! Stay safe, healthy & happy!
10.01.2022 You know how new parents only seem to have photos of their baby on their phones? That has been me with flowers - and now the nights and mornings are slowly getting colder I’m not sure if I’m ready to let go of these little ones yet
09.01.2022 Where we were worried about money or knowledge setting up the farm, Jay’s granny (89) brought us right down to earth. Yes sounds great, but, will you grow radishes? French breakfast are my favourite. They would go so well with one of my soups.
09.01.2022 Hey, now we can ‘chill’ out, he says as he guards the delivery. From an ice-cream truck to a sheep shearer to.. our farm! This little (just take a look at Jay for size reference) coolroom needs some love and care but is absolutely perfect for us.
09.01.2022 Meet Adrian and Debi, very committed rainbow chard pickers and completely coincidentally also Jay’s parents. So grateful to have the support from both our families in this big adventure.
08.01.2022 Autumn is in full swing! Time to layer up, get the fire going and appreciate all the earthy colours.
06.01.2022 A sweaty and soothing Spring day.
03.01.2022 Slightly jealous of the angle of life birds get to experience but mostly just blown away by these amazing drone shots
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