Intuitive Money in Perth, Western Australia | Personal coach
Intuitive Money
Locality: Perth, Western Australia
Phone: +61 418 713 582
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25.01.2022 If you haven’t reviewed your insurance policy for a while, make sure you put it on your to-do list. Health insurance providers frequently update and roll out plans, so if you haven’t shopped around for a while now, you’ll probably save big bucks by checking in and making some changes! Consider also reviewing your phone and internet plans, car, home and contents insurance, pet insurance and similar. It all adds up!
25.01.2022 Are you relying on sheer willpower to stick to your budget? Consider automating your bank account this year! Imagine if your pay came in and all the bills and payments you usually have to think about were automatically ticked off. And your savings, your investments, your retirement fund.... You can set this all up easily in your online banking. Label each of your accounts according to your budget eg. School fees, long-term savings etc. and set the day and the amount you want to transfer to each account from your transaction account that your pay comes into. If you have recurring bills and other payments to make, you can set these to automatically go out too.
24.01.2022 Our second financial New Years resolution for you is to start keeping track - or if you already are, take it up a notch! There are so many free or very low-cost resources to help you keep track of your income and outgoings. You can of course use pen and paper, but an app will do most of the work for you. The very minimum we should all know:... - The amount of money that comes in per week (if you have numerous income streams, list each one) - The amount of money that goes out each week (weekly expenses that dont change) - Less frequent expenses (averaged over months or the year, then broken down into a weekly average) - Funds for the future (how much are you saving?) - Where your money is going (after your usual expenses, where does the rest go?) See more
24.01.2022 Need some gifting inspiration? Become a better gift-giver (not just for the recipient but for yourself too) with this free eBook by The Financial Planning Association of Australia. Did you know, Australia is a generous generation and spends nearly $20 billion a year on gifts? That's about $1,200 per person per year or equivalent to buying a $4 coffee every weekday! Discover interesting insights around Australians and their spending habits as well as attitudes towards giving ...and receiving gifts. You'll also receive useful tips to help you become a better gifter. Inside the eBook: - Interesting insights on Australia's gift spending habits and trends. - 3 tips to set a sustainable budget. - Tips to give gifts for kids' birthdays, weddings and Christmas based on your gift-giver personality. Download here:
23.01.2022 Weve found the perfect gift! We may be biased... but the research isnt! 81% of Gen Z and 76% of Gen Y wish to receive the gift of time with a financial planner. Overall, 57% of Australians would like to receive the gift of time with a financial planner who would help them to create a plan for achieving their financial goals, life goals, and give them peace of mind that their financials are on the right track. Who wouldnt, right?!... Give the gift of financial planning this Christmas! (Data collected by the FPA)
22.01.2022 Are you preparing to host a Christmas party? Hosting Christmas get togethers is a huge undertaking financially and often physically and emotionally too. Finder estimated from their research that hosts would spend over $120 per guest on food and over $130 per guest on alcohol. Now thats not taking into account the decorations, the seating, the cooking and serving of the meal and drinks etc.... If youre planning to go all out, thats awesome! But be mindful of staying within your financial limits. Many of the items you might be considering buying can be borrowed. Tables and chairs, decorations, cooking and serving dishes, dinnerware, glassware and cutlery... ask around and avoid blowing your budget. Its your Christmas to celebrate and enjoy too!
22.01.2022 We have another New Years resolution for you! Its time to address your financial wellbeing. Did you spend 2019 feeling financial stress? Maybe you were dealing with debt, struggling to make ends meet, juggling a new loan or mortgage, or simply finding money in general difficult to deal with?... More than half of Australians feel financially stressed and lose sleep over their financials. Financial stress also affects other aspects of our health and our relationships in a huge way. Address your financial wellbeing this year and put the steps in place to make it better.
22.01.2022 Our second tip to help you save big is to create a budget. Once you’ve laid out all of your essential expenditure (eg. rent, car registration, electricity) you can start playing around with the numbers and come up with a budget that you’re willing to commit to. To make it sustainable, take the time to really understand where your money is currently going and where you can make cuts. There are plenty of apps to help you track your spending habits.... If you have a partner, make sure they’re included in the budgeting process so that you’re on the same page and will continue to work together to stick to it. Ps. Scroll back to last week’s post on automating your budget to make it all easier!
21.01.2022 If you havent been openly communicating about money, make it a priority for 2020! Communication is key to all relationships - and that includes communicating with your partner and family about finances. At first it may feel like a chore. Even just the idea of talking about money with your partner might feel daunting. If thats the case, it means its even more important to open the conversation.... Start with a simple 5 minute chat. Next, sit down together and go a little deeper. Talk about your current financial situation, talk about your future goals and ideas. Explain what youd like to do differently, lay your own flaws out, and just talk. If it becomes heated, take a little break and go back to it! Find your way to being on the same page and youll go so much further together.
21.01.2022 Mental health problems contribute to financial problems and vice versa. If youre experiencing difficulties with mental illness, you may already be aware of the impact it can have on different areas of your life - but have you considered your finances? The Mental Health First Aid guidelines include the following examples:... Debt incurred to support a drug or alcohol problem Increased medical expenses Gambling problems Overspending when in a manic or depressed state Job instability associated with episodic mental illness Poor money management due to paranoid thoughts, e.g. withdrawing money from the bank to keep it safe There may also be more subtle patterns such as: Additional fees or other penalties and stress incurred from paying bills late due to lack of motivation or forgetfulness Making poor financial decisions or avoiding financial decisions Avoiding appointments or services that would be of help The sooner you seek help, the sooner you will feel better and gain financial stability. Please reach out.
20.01.2022 What if this year Christmas was about counting smiles and laughter instead of gifts? What if it was about the quality of time you spent with the most important people instead of the amount of people you spent time with? Fancy gifts, food, places and outfits are not what make Christmas special. Think back to when you were a child. Remember that toy you really really wanted when you were 7? Did you get it for Christmas? You probably dont remember. But we remember the feeling w...e had on Christmas morning. The scent of gingerbread, sitting together for dinner, the candle light. Its the things that cost very little or no money at all that make the festive season a truly special time.
20.01.2022 Merry Christmas! Our final tip for Christmas: Enjoy it! We hope you have an amazing Christmas with the most important people in your life. Enjoy the celebrations!
20.01.2022 Many Australians opt out of Christmas for a stress-free trip away by hitting the road or flying overseas. With the average spend per person at Christmas time sitting around $1325, who can blame them? Thats definitely holiday money material! Heres an article on the pros, cons and financials to keep in mind when deciding between an overseas or domestic Christmas holiday.
20.01.2022 Half of Australians are dealing with financial stress. It’s a staggering number isn’t it?! The Financial Fitness Whitepaper, a report commissioned by Mortgage Choice and undertaken by CoreData, explored behaviours and attitudes around finance. The paper revealed that Australians are being negatively impacted by financial stress to varying degrees, with 40 per cent of respondents feeling embarrassed by their debt and almost 85 per cent of respondents stating that they believe...d their wellbeing was being impaired by financial tensions. Read the article below or click here to get in touch and we’ll sort all your financial problems out together!
19.01.2022 We have another New Year’s resolution for you! It’s time to address your financial wellbeing. Did you spend 2019 feeling financial stress? Maybe you were dealing with debt, struggling to make ends meet, juggling a new loan or mortgage, or simply finding money in general difficult to deal with?... More than half of Australians feel financially stressed and lose sleep over their financials. Financial stress also affects other aspects of our health and our relationships in a huge way. Address your financial wellbeing this year and put the steps in place to make it better.
19.01.2022 A financial resolution everyone should make for the year is to put more effort into planning ahead. Financially preparing for your future is vital both in the short and long term. Plan ahead for the week, fortnight or month but also prepare for the next decade and retirement! Slow and steady always wins the financial race so start taking the little steps now if you havent already. Set yourself up to comfortably make it through each week and enjoy your retirement down the track. Your future self will thank you.
18.01.2022 Giving gifts as a group can mean the gift is better and you spend much less money on it! Teachers gifts are a great example. You can spend $10 or $20 on a cheap bottle of wine or candle. Or you can get all the parents in the class to put in $5 and youll have $100-$150 to purchase a much more desirable gift that the teacher will appreciate and use. Group gifting can also work well for family members. If you have siblings for example, you can put money together for a bigger gi...ft for your parents. Are you giving a group Christmas gift to someone this year?
16.01.2022 Goal setting is a powerful tool when it comes to money. A lot of people can picture what they want their financial situation to look like but dont actually have the goals set to get there. Find your goals and create a clear outlook for the year and beyond. Your goals will help you to stay motivated and give you clarity when it comes to financial decisions.... Sit down and write a list of: - Three short-term goals (for the next month or two) - Three mid-term goals (for the year) - Three long-term goals (for the decade and beyond) If you have a partner or others who are a part of your financials, make sure you do these together. Keep your list in a place where you can find it and check back in.
15.01.2022 Manage debt better in 2020! Allocate some time to really go through your debts and find the best solutions for managing them. A few hours of input may save you thousands and thousands of dollars. If youre carrying multiple debts you may wish to consider debt consolidation - merging all of your monthly debt repayments into a single low interest rate loan.... If you have a mortgage or car loan etc., look into alternative providers for a lower interest rate. If you would like to discuss your options for managing your loans, feel free to get in touch here or head to
15.01.2022 Mental health problems contribute to financial problems and vice versa. If you’re experiencing difficulties with mental illness, you may already be aware of the impact it can have on different areas of your life - but have you considered your finances? The Mental Health First Aid guidelines include the following examples:... Debt incurred to support a drug or alcohol problem Increased medical expenses Gambling problems Overspending when in a manic or depressed state Job instability associated with episodic mental illness Poor money management due to paranoid thoughts, e.g. withdrawing money from the bank to keep it ‘safe’ There may also be more subtle patterns such as: Additional fees or other penalties and stress incurred from paying bills late due to lack of motivation or forgetfulness Making poor financial decisions or avoiding financial decisions Avoiding appointments or services that would be of help The sooner you seek help, the sooner you will feel better and gain financial stability. Please reach out.
15.01.2022 Have you made any financial resolutions for 2020? Our first resolution for you is to add fun into your budget this year. This will make your budget easier to stick to and also actually make it all the money management feel so much more worthwhile! This budget should include things like going to the cinema, out for dinner, hobbies or similar activities and costs that bring you joy.... Now youll get to enjoy these things without worrying about the cost!
14.01.2022 What if this year the usual family/friends Christmas get-together took place at a nice restaurant or winery instead of hosting it at home? No need to clean. No need to shop. No need to plan and organise and stay up late and cook and shop again and decorate and clean again and stress. Simple!... At a fraction of the cost and time-investment, youll be surrounded by the same people, having a wonderful Christmas. One that even the host gets to enjoy!
14.01.2022 If you haven’t started investing your money yet, put it on your list for this year! Investing is a great way to increase your money without too much effort. There are countless ways to invest your money and grow it in the short or long term. There are also many different strategies depending on your investment amount, goals, timeframe and circumstances. From shares to property, there are options for everyone.... If you’re not comfortable investing by yourself or you want the best current and reliable advice, we’re here to help. Build your wealth in 2020!
13.01.2022 Re-gifting or buying second-hand gifts will save money as well as the environment! You know that candle and box of chocolates you just received from a colleague? Well, it would make the perfect gift for the host when you head over for Christmas dinner. No need to go out and spend money or consume any more resources. Another option for saving a gift from landfill is to shop second-hand. Opshops, Gumtree, eBay and Facebook Marketplace are great places to find items that your friends and family may really appreciate at a small fraction of their retail price.
13.01.2022 As we near the end of 2019, its the perfect opportunity to be honest with ourselves, pinpoint the things we got right and the mistakes we made. Did you try setting a budget? Did it fail? Did you try again? Did it fail again? Why? What could you do differently? Did you invest your money? Did it go well? Did it go wrong? Did your retirement fund grow? Did you save money? Did you save as much as you wanted to? How? Why not?... Did you spend money on the things you wanted to? Did you go on that holiday or do that renovation? Ask yourself the big financial questions and if mistakes were made, learn from them for the New Year. Gain the clarity to allow your money to work for you in 2020!
11.01.2022 Ribbons, cards, gift wrap... they may seem inexpensive, but the little costs add up for your wallet and the environment too! This Christmas, why not try Furoshiki? Furoshiki is the Japanese art of wrapping gifts with reusable cloth materials.... Here are some ideas for materials you could use: - fabric or scarfs from op-shops - cut up old sheets or bedding - ask friends who sew for unwanted fabrics leftover from sewing projects - old tea towels, scarfs or bandanas Heres a quick demo: Have you gifted in reusable wrapping before? Will you try it this year? Let me know in the comments. Image from pinterest
11.01.2022 If you havent started investing your money yet, put it on your list for this year! Investing is a great way to increase your money without too much effort. There are countless ways to invest your money and grow it in the short or long term. There are also many different strategies depending on your investment amount, goals, timeframe and circumstances. From shares to property, there are options for everyone.... If youre not comfortable investing by yourself or you want the best current and reliable advice, were here to help. Build your wealth in 2020!
10.01.2022 HURRY!! THIS OFFER WONT LAST!! 50% OFF! ITS PRACTICALLY FREE! MAY ASWELL BUY TWO!! OOOOH AND THAT OTHER THING WHILE WERE HERE! Okay. Everybody stop. After Black Friday sales came Cyber Monday sales and after Christmas sales there will be more sales. Should we spend all our money each time things we dont need cost less money than usual?... The lead up to Christmas sees so many people in debt and Boxing Day Sales can exacerbate things even further. Plus theres the mentality of well, were already over budget, may as well. Slow down. If you need a certain item and have the money for it right now, here are three tips for the sales: 1. Make a list of the things you NEED. 2. Take the right amount of cash. 3. Dont browse.
10.01.2022 Are you ready to save big? Saving money is hard. Because at the end of the day, it’s not about how much money you earn - it’s about what you do with the money you earn. Whether you want to save for a dream holiday, a house deposit, a renovation or retirement, you won’t want to miss our tips for saving a lot more money.... Let me know what you want to save for in the comments and I’ll see you back here on Monday for tip number 1!
10.01.2022 We’re sharing tips to help you save more money this week! Our first piece of advice is to begin by clearing any existing debts. If you’re paying the minimum monthly repayments on your debt, you’re going to end up paying a lot more than the amount you borrowed. Compound interest ads up to a lot of unnecessary outgoings over time. Prioritise paying off any money owing and clear the slate for all the saving you’ll be able to do once the financial and emotional burden of debt is ...gone! There are many options for managing your debt. Feel free to get in touch for advice here:
10.01.2022 If you went over your budget for Christmas, its time to write it out and address it. Sitting down and actually going through your budget, accounts, receipts, bills etc. can seem like the worlds most boring task but once youre on a roll, youll be fine! Promise. The problem is that if you dont address your spending it will catch up with you and financial stress will linger around for a lot longer than need be.... Be proactive and youll get back on track! If you need a hand Im just a message away, or book an appointment through my website
10.01.2022 We have another financial New Year’s resolution for you! Focus on increasing your retirement fund. If you don’t have a superannuation account or retirement plan yet, make it a priority for 2020. If you’re already set up and on track, put more money into it. Increasing your super by even just 1% of your income can go an incredibly long way in a decade or two!... If you’re in the position to make extra deposits, deposit away. You’ll thank yourself later. If you would like a hand with planning for your retirement, feel free to get in touch. The sooner we start putting your plan together, the better!
09.01.2022 Were sharing tips to help you save more money this week! Our first piece of advice is to begin by clearing any existing debts. If youre paying the minimum monthly repayments on your debt, youre going to end up paying a lot more than the amount you borrowed. Compound interest ads up to a lot of unnecessary outgoings over time. Prioritise paying off any money owing and clear the slate for all the saving youll be able to do once the financial and emotional burden of debt is ...gone! There are many options for managing your debt. Feel free to get in touch for advice here:
09.01.2022 If youre hoping to increase your earnings this year, set your goals, make a plan and follow through. You may wish to consider a second source of income. Ideally, this could be a passive income stream from investing or a side-business. Here are some other ideas for increasing your income in 2020:... - Rent out unused rooms in your home, your holiday house, caravan etc. for accommodation - Rent out land or your carport for travellers accommodation - Apply for a second job that sits well outside of your current work or responsibilities - Turn a hobby into a small business - Declutter and sell items you no longer need - Offer freelance services eg. Babysitting, cleaning, gardening - Become a tour guide or turn another expertise into an income (eg. offer ceramics classes on AirBnB Experiences) Do you have more ideas? Pop them in the comments!
07.01.2022 A great way to ensure you have your bills and essentials taken care of after your Christmas expenses is to pay them early! The rent or mortgage payment going out the day after Christmas... that speeding fine thats due the following week... the electricity bill... If you have bills due in the coming 2-3 weeks, now is the time to get onto them.... This way youll definitely have them covered and better yet, youll get to enjoy your Christmas without stressing about financials!
07.01.2022 The little plastic toys for the kids, the milkshake with the plastic straw, the takeaway meals, the new handbag, dress or shoes... This year, make an effort to ditch the unnecessary spending for your wallet and for the environment! When considering a purchase, ask yourself:... - Do I really need this? Or can I make do without it? - What impact will this purchase have on my financials? - What impact will this purchase have on the people who made it and on our planet? See more
06.01.2022 We have another financial New Years resolution for you! Focus on increasing your retirement fund. If you dont have a superannuation account or retirement plan yet, make it a priority for 2020. If youre already set up and on track, put more money into it. Increasing your super by even just 1% of your income can go an incredibly long way in a decade or two!... If youre in the position to make extra deposits, deposit away. Youll thank yourself later. If you would like a hand with planning for your retirement, feel free to get in touch. The sooner we start putting your plan together, the better!
04.01.2022 If you havent reviewed your insurance policy for a while, make sure you put it on your to-do list. Health insurance providers frequently update and roll out plans, so if you havent shopped around for a while now, youll probably save big bucks by checking in and making some changes! Consider also reviewing your phone and internet plans, car, home and contents insurance, pet insurance and similar. It all adds up!
02.01.2022 If you’re hoping to increase your earnings this year, set your goals, make a plan and follow through. You may wish to consider a second source of income. Ideally, this could be a passive income stream from investing or a ‘side-business’. Here are some other ideas for increasing your income in 2020:... - Rent out unused rooms in your home, your holiday house, caravan etc. for accommodation - Rent out land or your carport for travellers’ accommodation - Apply for a second job that sits well outside of your current work or responsibilities - Turn a hobby into a small business - Declutter and sell items you no longer need - Offer freelance services eg. Babysitting, cleaning, gardening - Become a tour guide or turn another expertise into an income (eg. offer ceramics classes on AirBnB Experiences) Do you have more ideas? Pop them in the comments!
02.01.2022 Happy New Year! Its a fresh new decade and the opportunities are endless. Choose your goals for 2020 and put the steps in place to make them happen! Im here to help you make your financial goals become your reality. Book an appointment through my website
02.01.2022 Have you ever found yourself in a tricky situation and needed access to a large sum of money urgently? Losing a job, finding out about a serious health problem, the death of a relative or friend, accidents and natural disasters... These situations can be terribly hard on their own, without the financial stress. But add a lack of money into the mix and it gets a whole lot worse. If you havent already, do yourself a favour and financially prepare for the worst. If you already have an emergency fund, add to it.
01.01.2022 Are you ready to save big? Saving money is hard. Because at the end of the day, its not about how much money you earn - its about what you do with the money you earn. Whether you want to save for a dream holiday, a house deposit, a renovation or retirement, you wont want to miss our tips for saving a lot more money.... Let me know what you want to save for in the comments and Ill see you back here on Monday for tip number 1!
01.01.2022 Half of Australians are dealing with financial stress. Its a staggering number isnt it?! The Financial Fitness Whitepaper, a report commissioned by Mortgage Choice and undertaken by CoreData, explored behaviours and attitudes around finance. The paper revealed that Australians are being negatively impacted by financial stress to varying degrees, with 40 per cent of respondents feeling embarrassed by their debt and almost 85 per cent of respondents stating that they believe...d their wellbeing was being impaired by financial tensions. Read the article below or click here to get in touch and well sort all your financial problems out together!
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