Inverell Meals on Wheels in Inverell, New South Wales | Community
Inverell Meals on Wheels
Locality: Inverell, New South Wales
Phone: +61 2 6722 1951
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24.01.2022 Eating Well as You Age As you get older, eating well can help improve your mental sharpness, boost your energy levels, and increase your resistance to illness. These senior diet and nutrition tips can help. read more here -
22.01.2022 To all our volunteers, newly joined or long-term, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts Your support is priceless
21.01.2022 Every day a friendly smile, a chat about the weather, a nutritious meal and knowing someone will drop by to say hello, changes the lives of many Australians and it's not just the clients who value this contact. #morethanjustameal #mownsw #mealsonwheelsnsw #volunteering #smiles
18.01.2022 Have you ever considered how beneficial a cup of tea can truly be? Here are a few examples of how different varieties can benefit you: 1. Green tea - has a high content of flavonoids, or antioxidants, and it's in a group called catechins, which are known to have more beneficial properties than vitamins C and E. This makes them more useful in reducing disease and illness. It also has a reputation for aiding weight loss and increasing energy levels.... 2. Black tea - much like green tea, black tea is loaded with antioxidants that contribute to its medicinal value. 3. Chamomile tea - due to its abundance of flavanoids and antioxidants, chamomile tea can strengthen the immune system, provide relief for symptoms of menstruation, reduce stress and can help you fall asleep at night. 4. Peppermint tea - is also loaded with antioxidants that can boost the immune system and decrease your chance of experiencing flu and cold symptoms. 5. Ginger tea - this tea's soothing and anti-inflammatory properties can provide great relief for nausea and an upset stomach caused by motion sickness. Ginger also works like a stimulator, so it can increase your energy when steeped into tea.
18.01.2022 All volunteers and staff are following our standard food safety procedures, good hand hygiene, and as an extra precaution are using hand sanitising gel between each home they visit. We have also asked our volunteers social distancing recommendations (where possible) when delivering meals. If you are a client and able to come to the door, we will deliver your meal either onto a tray or place on a chair or table just inside your door. We will make arrangements if you cannot e...asily get to the door to receive your meal. If you are unwell, have recently returned from an overseas trip, or have been told that you have been in contact with a person known to have the coronavirus please let us know by calling your local service in advance. We will make arrangements to ensure that you can still receive your home delivered meals, with some extra steps to keep our volunteers safe and well. COVID-19 has been tough for everyone. We thank our staff and volunteers for their hard work and patience during this period.
17.01.2022 It is Dementia Action Week. 21 27 September 2020 Dementia. A little support makes a lot of difference.... Dementia affects close to half a million Australians. That number is set double in the next 25 years. Many Australians will start experiencing the impact of dementia amongst their own family and friends in the coming years. Visit for more information and resources.
16.01.2022 Tea & Scones go together, like, well.... Tea & Scones, making them the perfect match for a morning or afternoon tea treat. This recipe is so quick and easy, it can be put together and on the table in no time at all. Ingredients 500g Self Raising Flour 500g Thickened Cream... Your choice of toppings such as: Jam & Cream, Golden Syrup, Maple Syrup or Lemon Butter just to name a few. Instructions 1. Preheat oven to 200 degrees C 2. In a large bowl combine flour & cream. 3. Once combined tip out onto a lightly floured surface and flatten dough out ever so lightly to about a 4cm thickness (Over working the dough will result in tough scones). 4. Using a scone cutter, cut them out and place on a baking tray lined with baking paper. 5. Place tray on middle shelf of oven and bake for approx. 12 - 15min until just golden on top and cooked through. Best served warm with your favourite toppings.
15.01.2022 We provide meal support to anybody who needs it, whether it’s a temporary arrangement as you recover from an illness or injury, or on a more permanent basis. We offer a range of meals to suit a client's personal requirements and can accommodate special dietary needs, cultural and taste preferences. You are eligible to receive meals if:... You're 65 years or older, Are registered for My Aged Care, Are registered with the Commonwealth Home Support Program (CHSP), or Are younger with a disability and registered under National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) To arrange meals for yourself or a loved one Phone: (02) 6722 1951
15.01.2022 To Father's young and old, past and present - today is for you. Happy Father's Day. #fathersday #morethanjustameal #mownsw #mealsonwheelsnsw
15.01.2022 We are looking for sewing superstars to help us make masks for our 35,000 volunteers across the state. If you have access to a sewing machine or know somebody w...ho does, please support this initiative and know that your sewing skills are making a difference to our cause. For more information, or to register your interest, please visit our website Thank you to organisations such as Crisis App for continuing to make masks for us. Please support their mask-making efforts as this still benefits our community.
14.01.2022 Jodie has been with Meals on Wheels Inverell for 8 years now, starting back in August of 2012. Born and bred in Inverell, she enjoys the relaxed country lifestyle and community spirit that Inverell offers. Her main role in our service is in Administration and making sure everything runs smoothly on a day to day basis. COVID has seen her workload double since March this year with new protocols that have been put in place, such as, training and re-educating staff and volunteers... on safe work practices, duty of care and contactless delivery practices. Jodie has also worked in Meal Service, individualising meal plans for our clients. This is one aspect of the job that she loves, being able to provide individual programs for each and every client while meeting their needs, wishes, wants and preferences when it comes to their meals. She also enjoys seeing happy faces when she is able to deliver meals and engage in a friendly chat with our clients and provide a friendly check to ensure they are in good health & spirit. She has been completely overwhelmed by the support of the community during the COVID 19 pandemic. Seeing about 60 new faces through the door wanting to volunteer and help out in whatever capacity needed has been a very humbling experience and one that makes you proud to be part of this wonderful town. It was also heartbreaking to have to turn away many of our older volunteers, some that have been with us for many years due to Government restrictions, as they fell into the vulnerable age bracket and were no longer able to assist us. We are all hoping that restrictions are lifted soon so that we can invite you all back.
13.01.2022 Beach or bush, freeway or dirt road, Meals on Wheels volunteers will always find their way to your door. #mealsonwheelsnsw #mownsw #morethanjustameal
13.01.2022 If you look hard enough, there really are some good and uplifting stories to come out of the COVID 19 pandemic, and the partnership between Joblink Plus and Inverell Meals on Wheels is just one of them. Joblink Plus is an organisation providing employment services and vocational training. They also support communities through direct contributions, social enterprise, and grass roots volunteering. Partnering with a diverse range of organisations with shared values, including sporting teams, arts events, health initiatives as well as various youth and Indigenous programs. Jack, one of Joblink Plus employees, joined our team in April this year volunteering his time along with the Joblink Plus bus to pick up meals from McLean where they are prepared, cooked and packaged by our wonderful chefs and our coordination staff. Our processes had to change due to COVID when our volunteers were not able to access McLean to pick up meals ready for delivery unless we could provide a flu vaccination certificate for every volunteer. Jack transports these meals down to the office ready for collection by our incredible team of volunteers who then deliver on to our clientele. The support from Jack and the team at Joblink Plus has been an absolute bonus for us and something we are very grateful and thankful for.
13.01.2022 Thank you to our many volunteers who assist us daily. Anthony helped us with deliveries today & was the first to make use of our new car magnets for the volunteers cars
13.01.2022 Whats your favourite chocolate? #mealsonwheelsnsw #mownsw #morethanjustameal
13.01.2022 PERMANENT WATER CONSERVATION MEASURES The below permanent water conservation measures are now in place. These measures apply during Daylight Saving Time. Spr...inklers, micro sprays and fixed hoses are only permitted 6pm 8am; Water efficient drip irrigation only permitted 6pm 8am; Hand held hoses are permitted if fitted with a water efficient nozzle; Buckets and cans for watering garden are permitted; Washing cars with a bucket is permitted; High pressure cleaners (limited to 9 litres / minute) are permitted for outdoor cleaning; Private swimming pools filling and topping up is permitted. To find out more about the water conservation measures in Inverell Shire, visit See more
12.01.2022 Please leave us a recommendation on Facebook. Follow this link Click yes, to recommend us and leave a comment too if you like. Thank you
11.01.2022 Our meals aren't just convenient, they help fuel all your goals. No matter how big, small or challenging they may be. To locate your nearest Meals on Wheels ser...vice and find out more, visit our website: #mealsonwheelsnsw #morethanjustameal #mownsw
11.01.2022 Can you help us make safe, washable and reusable masks for our Volunteers? If you have access to a sewing machine, or know somebody who does, please support this initiative and know that your sewing skills are making a difference to our cause. Meals on Wheels NSW has developed a pattern for reusable masks based on the NSW Department of Health's guidelines.... For more information and pattern please go to -
10.01.2022 Inverell Meals on Wheels provides a variety of fresh cooked meals daily. Frozen meals are available for weekends, public holidays & out of town clients. Clients choose how often they would like to receive meals & select from at least 3 different meal options each day. Hot meals are delivered Monday to Friday between 11:15am and 12:30pm. Flexible daily or weekly deliveries.... Give Beck a call on (02) 6722 1951
09.01.2022 NDIS Clients Inverell Meals on Wheels offer our tasty healthy & affordable meals to members of the community who have an NDIS plan. To enable us to provide your meals, MEALS need to be included on your NDIS plan.... Please contact the NDIS on 1800 800 110 to arrange this if you have not already done so. A charge is made against your plan for the preparation and delivery of your meal. The client is still responsible for the actual meal cost as the NDIS does not cover this. If delivered meals are considered reasonable and necessary in your plan, the NDIS will cover the cost of the meal preparation and delivery. The ingredient costs are the client's responsibility to pay. Our meals are delivered by our friendly volunteers daily. Frozen meals are available for weekends, public holidays & out of town clients. We offer a range of meal choices to suit differing needs, catering for special dietary requirements including vegetarian, gluten free, diabetic and pureed meals. Clients are required to be home to accept their meal delivery. Our client’s value seeing the friendly faces of our volunteers and take comfort in knowing someone will be dropping by to say hello and check on their wellbeing. To arrange your healthy, home-cooked meal, please contact Beck Phone: (02) 6722 1951 or Email: [email protected]
06.01.2022 Happy Birthday Kerrie We hope you have a wonderful day. Lovely flowers sent by Ben, Sarah, Adam & Grace
04.01.2022 This week is Dementia Action Week. Did you know that Dementia is the second leading cause of death in Australia? Visit Dementia Australia for more information.
03.01.2022 Today marks Remembrance Day. Each year at 11am on the 11th of the 11th, we stop to reflect on the lives lost fighting for the freedom and peace we have here in Australia today. #lestweforget #rememberanceday #mownsw
02.01.2022 It's R U OK?Day, a reminder that every day is a day to start a conversation that could change a life. Today we're calling on Australians to learn what to say af...ter R U OK? so they can keep the conversation going when someone says they're not OK. There's more to say after R U OK? Learn what to say when listening with an open mind Learn what to say when encouraging action Learn what to say when checking in Learn how to continue a conversation that could change a life. When we know what to say next we can help someone open up and find pathways to support long before they're in crisis. Learn what to say next and help us move closer to our vision of a world where we're all connected and are protected from suicide. Head to
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